Esempio n. 1
func listenForMoveRequests(conn *net.TCPConn) {
	listenServe := make(chan []uint8)
	easynet.TieConnToChannel(conn, listenServe)
	for data := range listenServe {
		r := new(ttypes.BotMoveRequest)
		err := json.Unmarshal(data, r)
		easynet.DieIfError(err, "JSON error")

		if r.Kill {
			fmt.Printf("Bot on %s received kill signal\n", os.Args[0])

		fmt.Printf("Bot at %d, %d received messages: %v\n", r.YourX, r.YourY, r.Messages)
		fmt.Printf("  Sees other bots: %v\n", r.OtherBots)
		//Do something

		response := new(ttypes.BotMoveResponse)
		if r.YourY < 5 {
			response.MoveDirection = "up"
		} else if r.YourY > 5 {
			response.MoveDirection = "down"
		// response.BroadcastMessage = fmt.Sprintf("'I am %v at %d, %d'", os.Args[0], r.YourX, r.YourY)
		responseString, err := json.Marshal(response)
		easynet.DieIfError(err, "JSON marshal error")
Esempio n. 2
// Fork a bot and open a TCP connection to it
func setupBot(conf ttypes.BotConf, portNumber int) *net.TCPConn {
	addrString := "" + strconv.Itoa(portNumber)
	fd := []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr}
	_, err := os.StartProcess(conf.Path, []string{addrString}, nil, "", fd)
	easynet.DieIfError(err, "Error launching bot")

	return easynet.Dial(addrString)
Esempio n. 3
func handleRequest(data []uint8) {
	if processing == false {
		// The game's afoot!
		processing = true
		go processNodes()
	r := new(Request)
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, r)
	easynet.DieIfError(err, "JSON error")
	switch {
	case r.Command == "GetNodes":
		fmt.Printf("%d handle GetNodes from %d\n", config.Identifier, r.Identifier)
		for respondingToRequestsFor < r.Turn {
			fmt.Printf("%d not ready for GetNodes\n", config.Identifier)

		fmt.Printf("%d ready for GetNodes\n", config.Identifier)
		info := new(RespondNodeInfo)
		info.Identifier = config.Identifier
		info.Turn = respondingToRequestsFor
		if lastInfoListCopied == 0 {
			info.BotData = botInfosForNeighbor(r.Identifier)
		} else {
			info.BotData = infoQueue[lastInfoListCopied][0:len(botStates)]
		easynet.SendJson(adjsServe[r.Identifier], info)
		fmt.Printf("%d sent GetNodes response to %d\n", config.Identifier, r.Identifier)
		fmt.Printf("    and it was %v\n", info)

		neighborsLeftUntilUnlock -= 1
		if neighborsLeftUntilUnlock <= 0 {
			fmt.Printf("served all requests for %d\n", lastInfoListCopied)
			lastInfoListCopied += 1
			neighborsLeftUntilUnlock = len(adjsServe)
	case r.Command == "Complete":
		completionsRemaining -= 1
		if completionsRemaining == 0 {
			fmt.Println("All neighbors complete, signaling TCOMPLETE2")
			complete <- true
Esempio n. 4
// Set up incoming and outgoing TCP connections to all adjacent coordinators
func connectToAdjacents(listener *net.TCPListener) chan bool {
	adjsServe = make(CoordMap, len(config.AdjacentCoords))
	adjsRequest = make(CoordMap, len(config.AdjacentCoords))
	listenServe = make(chan []uint8)

	serveFound := make(chan int)
	requestFound := make(chan int)
	allDone := make(chan bool)

	go func() {
		for _, adj := range config.AdjacentCoords {
			go func() {
				adjsRequest[adj.Identifier] = easynet.Dial(adj.Address)
				requestFound <- adj.Identifier
			go func() {
				newConn := easynet.Accept(listener)
				identifier, err := strconv.Atoi(string(easynet.ReceiveFrom(newConn)))
				easynet.DieIfError(err, "String conversion error")
				adjsServe[identifier] = newConn
				easynet.TieConnToChannel(newConn, listenServe)
				serveFound <- identifier

		for i := 0; i < len(config.AdjacentCoords); i++ {

		fmt.Printf("%d is connected to all neighbors\n", config.Identifier)

		allDone <- true

	return allDone