Esempio n. 1
// Flush the spans for a request in zipkin format
func Flush(t gotocol.TraceContextType, trace []*spannotype) {
	var zip zipkinspan
	var ctx string
	n := -1
	for _, a := range trace {
		if ctx != a.Ctx { // new span
			if ctx != "" { // not the first
				zip.Annotations = nil
			zip.Traceid = fmt.Sprintf("%016d", t) // pad id's to 16 characters to keep zipkin happy
			zip.Name = a.Imp
			s := strings.SplitAfter(a.Ctx, "s")                            // tXpYsZ -> [tXpYs, Z]
			p := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.SplitAfter(s[0], "p")[1], "s") // tXpYs -> [tXp, Ys] -> Ys -> Y
			zip.Id = "000000000000000"[0:(16-len(s[1]))] + s[1]            // pad id's to 16 characters to keep zipkin happy
			if p != "0" {
				zip.ParentId = "000000000000000"[0:(16-len(p))] + p // pad id's to 16 characters to keep zipkin happy
			ctx = a.Ctx
		var ann zipkinannotation
		ann.Endpoint.Servicename = a.Host
		ann.Endpoint.Ipv4 = dhcp.Lookup(a.Host)
		ann.Endpoint.Port = 8080
		ann.Timestamp = a.Timestamp / 1000 // convert from UnixNano to Microseconds
		ann.Value = a.Value
		zip.Annotations = append(zip.Annotations, ann)
Esempio n. 2
// WriteNode writes the node to a file given a space separated name and service type
func WriteNode(nameService string, t time.Time) {
	if Enabled == false {
	var node NodeV0r4
	fmt.Sscanf(nameService, "%s%s", &node.Node, &node.Package) // space delimited
	node.Tstamp = t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
	// node id should be unique and service indicates service type
	node.Metadata = fmt.Sprintf("IP/%v", dhcp.Lookup(node.Node))
	nodeJSON, _ := json.Marshal(node)
	Write(fmt.Sprintf("%v    %v", commaNewline(), string(nodeJSON)))