Esempio n. 1
// Start fsm and create new pirates
func Start() {
	listener = make(chan gotocol.Message) // listener for fsm
	if archaius.Conf.Population < 2 {
		log.Fatal("fsm: can't create less than 2 pirates")
	// create map of channels and a name index to select randoml nodes from
	noodles = make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, archaius.Conf.Population)
	pnames = make([]string, archaius.Conf.Population) // indexable name list
	log.Println("fsm: population", archaius.Conf.Population, "pirates")
	for i := 1; i <= archaius.Conf.Population; i++ {
		name := names.Make(archaius.Conf.Arch, "atlantic", "bermuda", "blackbeard", "pirate", i)
		noodles[name] = make(chan gotocol.Message)
		go pirate.Start(noodles[name])
	i := 0
	msgcount := 1
	start := time.Now()
	for name, noodle := range noodles {
		pnames[i] = name
		// tell the pirate it's name and how to talk back to it's fsm
		// this must be the first message the pirate sees
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Hello, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}
		if edda.Logchan != nil {
			// tell the pirate to report itself and new edges to the logger
			noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Inform, edda.Logchan, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, ""}
			msgcount = 2
	log.Println("fsm: Talk amongst yourselves for", archaius.Conf.RunDuration)
	for _, name := range pnames {
		// for each pirate tell them about two other random pirates
		noodle := noodles[name] // lookup the channel
		// pick a first random pirate to tell this one about
		talkto := pnames[rand.Intn(len(pnames))]
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.NameDrop, noodles[talkto], time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), talkto}
		// pick a second random pirate to tell this one about
		talkto = pnames[rand.Intn(len(pnames))]
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.NameDrop, noodles[talkto], time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), talkto}
		// anonymously send this pirate a random amount of GoldCoin up to 100
		gold := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Intn(100))
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.GoldCoin, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), gold}
		// tell this pirate to start chatting with friends every 0.1 to 10 secs
		delay := fmt.Sprintf("%dms", 100+rand.Intn(9900))
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Chat, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), delay}
	msgcount += 4
	d := time.Since(start)
	log.Println("fsm: Delivered", msgcount*len(pnames), "messages in", d)
Esempio n. 2
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
	r1 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	r2 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	r3 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	archaius.Conf.Arch = "test"
	Begin(r1, "one")
	Begin(r2, "two")
	Begin(r3, "three")
	Update(r1.NewSpan(), "une")
	Update(r2.NewSpan(), "deux")
	Update(r3.NewSpan(), "trois")
Esempio n. 3
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
	archaius.Conf.Collect = true
	r1 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	r2 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	r3 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	archaius.Conf.Arch = "test"
	Update(r1, "one")
	Update(r2, "two")
	Update(r3, "three")
	Update(r1.NewSpan(), "une")
	Update(r2.NewSpan(), "deux")
	Update(r3.NewSpan(), "trois")
Esempio n. 4
// Delete a single node from the given service
func Delete(noodles *map[string]chan gotocol.Message, service string) {
	if service != "" {
		for node, ch := range *noodles {
			if names.Service(node) == service {
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.Goodbye, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), "chaosmonkey"}.GoSend(ch)
				log.Println("chaosmonkey delete: " + node)
Esempio n. 5
// Reload the network from a file
func Reload(arch string) {
	listener = make(chan gotocol.Message) // listener for fsm
	log.Println("fsm reloading from " + arch + ".json")
	g := graphjson.ReadArch(arch)
	pop := 0
	// count how many nodes there are
	for _, element := range g.Graph {
		if element.Node != "" {
	archaius.Conf.Population = pop
	// create the map of channels
	noodles = make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, archaius.Conf.Population)
	// Start all the services
	for _, element := range g.Graph {
		if element.Node != "" && element.Service != "" {
			name := element.Node
			noodles[name] = make(chan gotocol.Message)
			// start the service and tell it it's name
			switch element.Service {
			case "pirate":
				go pirate.Start(noodles[name])
				noodles[name] <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Hello, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}
				if edda.Logchan != nil {
					// tell the pirate to report itself and new edges to the logger
					noodles[name] <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Inform, edda.Logchan, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, ""}
				log.Println("fsm: unknown service: " + element.Service)
	// Make all the connections
	for _, element := range g.Graph {
		if element.Edge != "" && element.Source != "" && element.Target != "" {
			noodles[element.Source] <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.NameDrop, noodles[element.Target], time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), element.Target}
			log.Println("Link " + element.Source + " > " + element.Target)
	// send money and start the pirates chatting
	for _, noodle := range noodles {
		// same as below for now, but will save and read back from file later
		// anonymously send this pirate a random amount of GoldCoin up to 100
		gold := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Intn(100))
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.GoldCoin, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), gold}
		// tell this pirate to start chatting with friends every 0.1 to 10 secs
		delay := fmt.Sprintf("%dms", 100+rand.Intn(9900))
		noodle <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Chat, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, delay}
Esempio n. 6
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
	archaius.Conf.Collect = true
	archaius.Conf.Arch = "test"
	s1 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	m1 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, time.Now(), s1, "customer1"}
	AnnotateSend(m1, "requestor")
	// pretend there is a subscriber service that got a message from a requestor
	AnnotateReceive(m1, "subscriber", time.Now())
	s2 := m1.Ctx.NewParent()
	// pretend that the names and addresses services were both sent messages by subscriber
	m2 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, time.Now(), s2, m1.Intention}
	AnnotateSend(m2, "subscriber")
	s3 := s2.AddSpan()
	m3 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, time.Now(), s3, m1.Intention}
	AnnotateSend(m3, "subscriber")
	// pretend that names got the message and returned to subscriber
	AnnotateReceive(m2, "names", time.Now())
	m4 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, time.Now(), m2.Ctx, "name:Fred Flintstone"}
	AnnotateSend(m4, "names")
	// pretend that addresses got the message and returned to subscriber
	AnnotateReceive(m3, "addresses", time.Now())
	m5 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, time.Now(), m3.Ctx, "address:Bedrock"}
	AnnotateSend(m5, "addresses")
	// pretend that subscriber got both messages and joined them together
	AnnotateReceive(m4, "subscriber", time.Now())
	AnnotateReceive(m5, "subscriber", time.Now())
	m6 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, time.Now(), s1, "name:Fred Flintstone, address:Bedrock"}
	AnnotateSend(m6, "subscriber")
	// pretend that requestor got the message
	AnnotateReceive(m6, "requestor", time.Now())

	fmt.Println("All flows")
	for _, f := range flowmap {
		for _, a := range f {
	fmt.Println("\nWrite all remaining flows in order to file")
Esempio n. 7
func TestFlow(t *testing.T) {
	archaius.Conf.Collect = true
	archaius.Conf.Arch = "test"
	s1 := gotocol.NewTrace()
	m1 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, time.Now(), s1, "customer1"}
	Annotate(m1, "ss", "requestor", m1.Sent) // BUG can't Annotate(m1...) twice as it overwrites the record
	// pretend there is a subscriber service that got a message from a requestor
	a1 := Annotate(m1, "sr", "subscriber", time.Now())
	s2 := m1.Ctx.NewParent()
	// pretend that the names and addresses services were both sent messages by subscriber
	m2 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, AnnotateSend(a1, s2), s2, m1.Intention}
	s3 := s2.AddSpan()
	m3 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, nil, AnnotateSend(a1, s3), s3, m1.Intention}
	// pretend that names returned to subscriber
	a2 := Annotate(m2, "sr", "names", time.Now())
	s4 := m2.Ctx.NewParent()
	m4 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, AnnotateSend(a2, s4), s4, "name:Fred Flintstone"}
	// pretend that addresses returned to subscriber
	a3 := Annotate(m3, "sr", "addresses", time.Now())
	s5 := m3.Ctx.NewParent()
	m5 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, AnnotateSend(a3, s5), s5, "address:Bedrock"}
	// pretend that subscriber got both messages and joined them together
	Annotate(m4, "sr", "subscriber", time.Now()) // first return doesn't do anything else
	a5 := Annotate(m5, "sr", "subscriber", time.Now())
	s6 := m5.Ctx.NewParent()
	m6 := gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, nil, AnnotateSend(a5, s6), s6, "name:Fred Flintstone, address:Bedrock"}
	// pretend that requestor got the message
	Annotate(m6, "sr", "requestor", time.Now())

	fmt.Println("All flows")
	fmt.Println("\nWalk all remaining flows")
	fmt.Println("\nWalk all remaining flows in order to file")
	Walk(flowmap, 0)
	fmt.Println("\nEnd trace 1")
Esempio n. 8
// Start the pirate, all configuration and state is sent via messages
func Start(listener chan gotocol.Message) {
	dunbar := 10 // starting point for how many buddies to remember
	// remember the channel to talk to named buddies
	buddies := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	// remember who sent GoldCoin and how much, to buy favors
	benefactors := make(map[string]int, dunbar)
	var booty int                   // current GoldCoin balance
	var fsm chan gotocol.Message    // remember how to talk back to creator
	var name string                 // remember my name
	var logger chan gotocol.Message // if set, send updates
	var chatrate time.Duration
	hist := collect.NewHist("")
	chatTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-listener:
			collect.Measure(hist, time.Since(msg.Sent))
			if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
				log.Printf("%v: %v\n", name, msg)
			switch msg.Imposition {
			case gotocol.Hello:
				if name == "" {
					// if I don't have a name yet remember what I've been named
					fsm = msg.ResponseChan // remember how to talk to my namer
					name = msg.Intention   // message body is my name
					hist = collect.NewHist(name)
			case gotocol.Inform:
				// remember where to send updates
				logger = gotocol.InformHandler(msg, name, listener)
			case gotocol.NameDrop:
				// don't remember too many buddies and don't talk to myself
				buddy := msg.Intention // message body is buddy name
				if len(buddies) < dunbar && buddy != name {
					// remember how to talk to this buddy
					buddies[buddy] = msg.ResponseChan // message channel is buddy's listener
					if logger != nil {
						// if it's setup, tell the logger I have a new buddy to talk to
						logger <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.Inform, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name + " " + buddy}
			case gotocol.Chat:
				// setup the ticker to run at the specified rate
				d, e := time.ParseDuration(msg.Intention)
				if e == nil && d >= time.Millisecond && d <= time.Hour {
					chatrate = d
					chatTicker = time.NewTicker(chatrate)
					// assume we got paid before we started chatting
			case gotocol.GoldCoin:
				var coin int
				_, e := fmt.Sscanf(msg.Intention, "%d", &coin)
				if e == nil && coin > 0 {
					booty += coin
					for name, ch := range buddies {
						if ch == msg.ResponseChan {
							benefactors[name] += coin
			case gotocol.Goodbye:
				if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
					log.Printf("%v: Going away with %v gold coins, chatting every %v\n", name, booty, chatrate)
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.Goodbye, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}.GoSend(fsm)
		case <-chatTicker.C:
			if rand.Intn(100) < 50 { // 50% of the time
				// use Namedrop to tell the last buddy about the first
				var firstBuddyName string
				var firstBuddyChan, lastBuddyChan chan gotocol.Message
				if len(buddies) >= 2 {
					for name, ch := range buddies {
						if firstBuddyName == "" {
							firstBuddyName = name
							firstBuddyChan = ch
						} else {
							lastBuddyChan = ch
						gotocol.Message{gotocol.NameDrop, firstBuddyChan, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), firstBuddyName}.GoSend(lastBuddyChan)
			} else {
				// send a buddy some money
				if booty > 0 {
					donation := rand.Intn(booty)
					luckyNumber := rand.Intn(len(buddies))
					if donation > 0 {
						for _, ch := range buddies {
							if luckyNumber == 0 {
								gotocol.Message{gotocol.GoldCoin, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", donation)}.GoSend(ch)
								booty -= donation
							} else {
Esempio n. 9
// Start the denominator, all configuration and state is sent via messages
func Start(listener chan gotocol.Message) {
	dunbar := 6 // starting point for how many nodes to remember
	// remember the channel to talk to microservices
	microservices := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	microindex := make([]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	dependencies := make(map[string]time.Time, dunbar)                       // dependent services and time last updated
	var parent chan gotocol.Message                                          // remember how to talk back to creator
	var name string                                                          // remember my name
	hist := collect.NewHist("")                                              // don't know name yet
	eureka := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, 3*archaius.Conf.Regions) // service registry per zone and region
	var chatrate time.Duration
	ep, _ := time.ParseDuration(archaius.Conf.EurekaPoll)
	eurekaTicker := time.NewTicker(ep)
	chatTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-listener:
			collect.Measure(hist, time.Since(msg.Sent))
			if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
				log.Printf("%v: %v\n", name, msg)
			switch msg.Imposition {
			case gotocol.Hello:
				if name == "" {
					// if I don't have a name yet remember what I've been named
					parent = msg.ResponseChan // remember how to talk to my namer
					name = msg.Intention      // message body is my name
					hist = collect.NewHist(name)
			case gotocol.Inform:
				eureka[msg.Intention] = gotocol.InformHandler(msg, name, listener)
			case gotocol.NameDrop:
				gotocol.NameDropHandler(&dependencies, &microservices, msg, name, listener, eureka)
			case gotocol.Forget:
				// forget a buddy
				gotocol.ForgetHandler(&dependencies, &microservices, msg)
			case gotocol.Chat:
				// setup the ticker to run at the specified rate
				d, e := time.ParseDuration(msg.Intention)
				if e == nil && d >= time.Millisecond && d <= time.Hour {
					chatrate = d
					chatTicker = time.NewTicker(chatrate)
			case gotocol.GetResponse:
				// return path from a request, terminate and log
			case gotocol.Goodbye:
				if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
					log.Printf("%v: Going away, was chatting every %v\n", name, chatrate)
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.Goodbye, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}.GoSend(parent)
		case <-eurekaTicker.C: // check to see if any new dependencies have appeared
			for dep, _ := range dependencies {
				for _, ch := range eureka {
					ch <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, dep}
		case <-chatTicker.C:
			if len(microservices) > 0 {
				// build index if needed
				if len(microindex) != len(microservices) {
					i := 0
					for _, ch := range microservices {
						microindex[i] = ch
				m := rand.Intn(len(microservices))
				// start a request to a random member of this denominator
				ctx := gotocol.NewTrace()
				flow.Begin(ctx, name)
				if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
					gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), ctx, "why?"}.GoSend(microindex[m])
				} else {
					gotocol.Message{gotocol.Put, listener, time.Now(), ctx, "remember me"}.GoSend(microindex[m])
Esempio n. 10
// Start monolith, all configuration and state is sent via messages
func Start(listener chan gotocol.Message) {
	dunbar := 30 // starting point for how many nodes to remember
	// remember the channel to talk to microservices
	microservices := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	microindex := make([]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	dependencies := make(map[string]time.Time, dunbar) // dependent services and time last updated
	var netflixoss, requestor chan gotocol.Message     // remember creator and how to talk back to incoming requests
	var name string                                    // remember my name
	eureka := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, 1) // service registry
	var chatrate time.Duration
	hist := collect.NewHist("")
	ep, _ := time.ParseDuration(archaius.Conf.EurekaPoll)
	eurekaTicker := time.NewTicker(ep)
	chatTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-listener:
			collect.Measure(hist, time.Since(msg.Sent))
			if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
				log.Printf("%v: %v\n", name, msg)
			switch msg.Imposition {
			case gotocol.Hello:
				if name == "" {
					// if I don't have a name yet remember what I've been named
					netflixoss = msg.ResponseChan // remember how to talk to my namer
					name = msg.Intention          // message body is my name
					hist = collect.NewHist(name)
			case gotocol.Inform:
				eureka[msg.Intention] = gotocol.InformHandler(msg, name, listener)
			case gotocol.NameDrop: // monolith talks cross zones, only difference from karyon
				gotocol.NameDropHandler(&dependencies, &microservices, msg, name, listener, eureka, true)
			case gotocol.Forget:
				// forget a buddy
				gotocol.ForgetHandler(&dependencies, &microservices, msg)
			case gotocol.Chat:
				// setup the ticker to run at the specified rate
				d, e := time.ParseDuration(msg.Intention)
				if e == nil && d >= time.Millisecond && d <= time.Hour {
					chatrate = d
					chatTicker = time.NewTicker(chatrate)
			case gotocol.GetRequest:
				// route the request on to microservices
				requestor = msg.ResponseChan
				// Intention body indicates which service to route to or which key to get
				// need to lookup service by type rather than randomly call one day
				if len(microservices) > 0 {
					if len(microindex) != len(microservices) {
						// rebuild index
						i := 0
						for _, ch := range microservices {
							microindex[i] = ch
					m := rand.Intn(len(microservices))
					// start a request to a random service
					gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), msg.Ctx.NewSpan(), msg.Intention}.GoSend(microindex[m])
			case gotocol.GetResponse:
				// return path from a request, send payload back up
				if requestor != nil {
					gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetResponse, listener, time.Now(), msg.Ctx.NewSpan(), msg.Intention}.GoSend(requestor)
			case gotocol.Put:
				// route the request on to a random dependency
				if len(microservices) > 0 {
					if len(microindex) != len(microservices) {
						// rebuild index
						i := 0
						for _, ch := range microservices {
							microindex[i] = ch
					m := rand.Intn(len(microservices))
					// pass on request to a random service
					gotocol.Message{gotocol.Put, listener, time.Now(), msg.Ctx.NewSpan(), msg.Intention}.GoSend(microindex[m])
			case gotocol.Goodbye:
				if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
					log.Printf("%v: Going away\n", name)
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.Goodbye, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}.GoSend(netflixoss)
		case <-eurekaTicker.C: // check to see if any new dependencies have appeared
			for dep, _ := range dependencies {
				for _, ch := range eureka {
					ch <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, dep}
		case <-chatTicker.C:
			if len(microservices) > 0 {
				if len(microservices) != len(microindex) {
					// rebuild index
					i := 0
					for _, ch := range microservices {
						microindex[i] = ch
				m := rand.Intn(len(microservices))
				// start a request to a random member of this elb
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NewTrace(), name}.GoSend(microindex[m])
Esempio n. 11
// Start the denominator, all configuration and state is sent via messages
func Start(listener chan gotocol.Message) {
	dunbar := 6 // starting point for how many nodes to remember
	// remember the channel to talk to microservices
	microservices := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	microindex := make([]chan gotocol.Message, dunbar)
	dependencies := make(map[string]time.Time, dunbar)                       // dependent services and time last updated
	var parent chan gotocol.Message                                          // remember how to talk back to creator
	var name string                                                          // remember my name
	hist := collect.NewHist("")                                              // don't know name yet
	eureka := make(map[string]chan gotocol.Message, 3*archaius.Conf.Regions) // service registry per zone and region
	var chatrate time.Duration
	ep, _ := time.ParseDuration(archaius.Conf.EurekaPoll)
	eurekaTicker := time.NewTicker(ep)
	chatTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
	w := 1 // counter for random messages
	for {
		select {
		case msg := <-listener:
			flow.Instrument(msg, name, hist)
			switch msg.Imposition {
			case gotocol.Hello:
				if name == "" {
					// if I don't have a name yet remember what I've been named
					parent = msg.ResponseChan // remember how to talk to my namer
					name = msg.Intention      // message body is my name
					hist = collect.NewHist(name)
			case gotocol.Inform:
				eureka[msg.Intention] = handlers.Inform(msg, name, listener)
			case gotocol.NameDrop:
				handlers.NameDrop(&dependencies, &microservices, msg, name, listener, eureka)
			case gotocol.Forget:
				// forget a buddy
				handlers.Forget(&dependencies, &microservices, msg)
			case gotocol.Chat:
				// setup the ticker to run at the specified rate
				d, e := time.ParseDuration(msg.Intention)
				if e == nil && d >= time.Millisecond && d <= time.Hour {
					chatrate = d
					chatTicker = time.NewTicker(chatrate)
			case gotocol.GetResponse:
				// return path from a request, terminate and log
			case gotocol.Goodbye:
				if archaius.Conf.Msglog {
					log.Printf("%v: Going away, was chatting every %v\n", name, chatrate)
				gotocol.Message{gotocol.Goodbye, nil, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, name}.GoSend(parent)
		case <-eurekaTicker.C: // check to see if any new dependencies have appeared
			for dep, _ := range dependencies {
				for _, ch := range eureka {
					ch <- gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, time.Now(), gotocol.NilContext, dep}
		case <-chatTicker.C:
			if len(microservices) > 0 {
				// build index if needed
				if len(microindex) != len(microservices) {
					i := 0
					for _, ch := range microservices {
						microindex[i] = ch
				m := rand.Intn(len(microservices))
				// start a request to a random member of this denominator
				ctx := gotocol.NewTrace()
				now := time.Now()
				var sm gotocol.Message
				switch rand.Intn(3) {
				case 0:
					sm = gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, now, ctx, "why?"}
				case 1:
					q := rand.Intn(w) // pick a random key that has already been put
					sm = gotocol.Message{gotocol.GetRequest, listener, now, ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Why%v%v", q, q*q)}
				case 2:
					sm = gotocol.Message{gotocol.Put, listener, now, ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Why%v%v me", w, w*w)}
					w++ // put a new key each time
				flow.AnnotateSend(sm, name) // service send logs creation time for this flow