Esempio n. 1
func main() {
	statsdHost := flag.String("statsd", "", "Statsd host to record load test metrics")

	stats, err := statsd.NewClient(*statsdHost, "hystrix.loadtest.service")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not initialize statsd client: %v", err)

	c, err := plugins.InitializeStatsdCollector(&plugins.StatsdCollectorConfig{
		StatsdAddr: *statsdHost,
		Prefix:     "hystrix.loadtest.circuits",
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not initialize statsd client: %v", err)

	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("test", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout: 50,

	go rotateDelay()

	http.HandleFunc("/", timedHandler(handle, stats))
	log.Print("starting server")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8888", nil))
Esempio n. 2
func TestUpstreamTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

	server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(handler))
	defer server.Close()

	upstream := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", server.Listener.Addr())
	url, _ := url.Parse(upstream)
	h := NewTokenInfoProxyHandler(url, 0, 0)

	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=foo", nil)

	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("proxy", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:                1,
		MaxConcurrentRequests:  hystrix.DefaultMaxConcurrent,
		RequestVolumeThreshold: hystrix.DefaultVolumeThreshold,
		SleepWindow:            hystrix.DefaultSleepWindow,
		ErrorPercentThreshold:  hystrix.DefaultErrorPercentThreshold,
	h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	if w.Code != http.StatusGatewayTimeout {
		t.Errorf("Response code should be 504 Gateway Timeout but was %d %s instead", w.Code, http.StatusText(w.Code))
Esempio n. 3
func StartWebServer() error {
	conf, err := config.GetConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var hystrixTimeout time.Duration
	conf.Hystrix.Timeout = strings.TrimSpace(conf.Hystrix.Timeout)
	if conf.Hystrix.Timeout != "" {
		hystrixTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(conf.Hystrix.Timeout)
		if err != nil || hystrixTimeout < time.Millisecond {
			hystrixTimeout = time.Second
			log15.Error("Use default time", "module", "hystrix", "timeout", hystrixTimeout)

	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("waitFor", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:                int(int64(hystrixTimeout) / int64(time.Millisecond)), // converted into Millisecond.
		MaxConcurrentRequests:  conf.Hystrix.MaxConcurrentRequests,
		ErrorPercentThreshold:  conf.Hystrix.ErrorPercentThreshold,
		RequestVolumeThreshold: conf.Hystrix.RequestVolumeThreshold,
		SleepWindow:            conf.Hystrix.SleepWindow,

	e := echo.New()
	e.Post("/api/v1/tweet", createTweetV1)
	e.Get("/api/v1/tweets/:id", getAllTweetForV1)
	e.Get("/api/v1/wait/:timeout", waitFor)
	e.Get("/api/v1/wait_protected/:timeout", waitForProtected)
	e.Static("/", "www/static/")
	logsrv := log15.New("pid", os.Getpid(), "addr", conf.Web.Address)
	return listenAndServer(logsrv, conf.Web.Address, handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, handlers.CompressHandler(e.Router())))
Esempio n. 4
func (m *Builder) Run() error {
	var err error
	cfg := nsq.NewConfig()
	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	cfg.Set("user_agent", fmt.Sprintf("metric_processor/%s", hostname))
	cfg.Set("snappy", true)
	cfg.Set("max_in_flight", m.MaxInFlight)
	m.consumer, err = nsq.NewConsumer(m.Topic, m.Channel, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println(m.Topic, err)
		return err
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("InsetInfluxdb", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               1000,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 1000,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,
	go m.writeLoop()
	m.consumer.AddConcurrentHandlers(m, m.MaxInFlight)
	err = m.consumer.ConnectToNSQLookupds(m.LookupdAddresses)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return err
Esempio n. 5
func (m *LogTask) WriteLoop(exitchan chan int) {
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("NSQWriter", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               1000,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 1000,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,
	for {
		select {
		case <-m.exitChan:
		case <-exitchan:
		case msg := <-m.msgChan:
			resultChan := make(chan int, 1)
			var err error
			errChan := hystrix.Go("NSQWriter", func() error {
				err = m.Writer.MultiPublish(msg.topic, msg.body)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				resultChan <- 1
				return nil
			}, nil)
			select {
			case <-resultChan:
			case err = <-errChan:
				log.Println("writeNSQ Error", err)
			msg.ResultChan <- err
Esempio n. 6
func (m *MetricDeliver) Run() error {
	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cfg := nsq.NewConfig()
	cfg.Set("user_agent", fmt.Sprintf("metric_processor-%s/%s", VERSION, hostname))
	cfg.Set("snappy", true)
	cfg.Set("max_in_flight", m.MaxInFlight)
	m.consumer, err = nsq.NewConsumer(m.MetricTopic, m.MetricChannel, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	m.consumer.AddConcurrentHandlers(m, m.MaxInFlight)
	err = m.consumer.ConnectToNSQLookupds(m.LookupdAddresses)
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("InsetInfluxdb", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               1000,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 1000,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for i := 0; i < m.MaxInFlight; i++ {
		go m.writeLoop()
	return err
Esempio n. 7
func TestHystrix(t *testing.T) {

	const (
		commandName   = "my-endpoint"
		errorPercent  = 5
		maxConcurrent = 1000
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand(commandName, hystrix.CommandConfig{
		ErrorPercentThreshold: errorPercent,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: maxConcurrent,

	var (
		breaker          = circuitbreaker.Hystrix(commandName)
		primeWith        = hystrix.DefaultVolumeThreshold * 2
		shouldPass       = func(n int) bool { return (float64(n) / float64(primeWith+n)) <= (float64(errorPercent-1) / 100.0) }
		openCircuitError = hystrix.ErrCircuitOpen.Error()

	// hystrix-go uses buffered channels to receive reports on request success/failure,
	// and so is basically impossible to test deterministically. We have to make sure
	// the report buffer is emptied, by injecting a sleep between each invocation.
	requestDelay := 5 * time.Millisecond

	testFailingEndpoint(t, breaker, primeWith, shouldPass, requestDelay, openCircuitError)
Esempio n. 8
func (c Client) FromPlace(place string) (Location, error) {
	output := make(chan Location, 1)
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("geocodeFromPlace", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               c.Timeout,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,
	errs := hystrix.Go("geocodeFromPlace", func() error {
		geoLoc, err := c.GCli.Get(place)

		if err != nil {
			return err

		output <- geoLoc
		return nil
	}, nil)

	select {
	case out := <-output:
		return out, nil
	case err := <-errs:
		return Location{}, err
Esempio n. 9
// Creates a KafkaLogger for a given kafka cluster. We identify ourselves with clientId.
func NewKafkaLogger(clientId string, brokers []string) (request_handler.SpadeEdgeLogger, error) {
	c, err := sarama.NewClient(clientId, brokers, sarama.NewClientConfig())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	config := sarama.NewProducerConfig()
	config.Partitioner = sarama.NewRoundRobinPartitioner
	config.FlushFrequency = 500 * time.Millisecond
	config.FlushMsgCount = 1000
	// Might want to try out compression
	config.Compression = sarama.CompressionNone
	config.AckSuccesses = true

	p, err := NewProducer(c, GetTopic(), config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	k := &KafkaLogger{
		Producer: p,
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand(hystrixCommandName, hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               1000,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: hystrixConcurrencyLevel,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 10,
	return k, nil
Esempio n. 10
// ConfigureCommand applies settings for a circuit
func HystrixConfigureCommand(configName string, config hystrix.CommandConfig) {
	defer hystrixMutex.Unlock()

	hc := NewHystrixConfig(configName)
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand(hc.Name, config)
	hystrixConfigs[hc.Name] = hc
Esempio n. 11
File: main.go Progetto: keevol/muxy
func main() {
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("call_backend", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               1500,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,

	goji.Get("/*", ping)
Esempio n. 12
func configureHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	name := r.URL.Query().Get("name")
	timeoutStr := r.URL.Query().Get("timeout")
	maxConcurrentRequestsStr := r.URL.Query().Get("maxConcurrentRequests")
	errorPercentThresholdStr := r.URL.Query().Get("errorPercentThreshold")

	if (len(name) == 0) || (len(timeoutStr) == 0) || (len(maxConcurrentRequestsStr) == 0) || (len(errorPercentThresholdStr) == 0) {
		w.Write(([]byte)("Missing or empty parameter\n"))

	timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(timeoutStr)
	if err != nil {
		w.Write(([]byte)("timeout parameter not ' int' "))

	maxConcurrentRequests, err := strconv.Atoi(maxConcurrentRequestsStr)
	if err != nil {
		w.Write(([]byte)("maxConcurrentRequests parameter not ' int' "))

	errorPercentThreshold, err := strconv.Atoi(errorPercentThresholdStr)
	if err != nil {
		w.Write(([]byte)("errorPercentThreshold parameter not ' int' "))

	hystrix.ConfigureCommand(name, hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               timeout,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: maxConcurrentRequests,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: errorPercentThreshold,

	w.Write(([]byte)("Configuration done.\n"))

Esempio n. 13
func TestHystrix(t *testing.T) {
	logger := kitlog.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr)

	const (
		commandName   = "my-endpoint"
		errorPercent  = 5
		maxConcurrent = 1000
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand(commandName, hystrix.CommandConfig{
		ErrorPercentThreshold: errorPercent,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: maxConcurrent,

	var (
		breaker          = circuitbreaker.Hystrix(commandName)
		primeWith        = hystrix.DefaultVolumeThreshold * 2
		shouldPass       = func(n int) bool { return (float64(n) / float64(primeWith+n)) <= (float64(errorPercent-1) / 100.0) }
		openCircuitError = hystrix.ErrCircuitOpen.Error()
	testFailingEndpoint(t, breaker, primeWith, shouldPass, openCircuitError)
Esempio n. 14
func (c Client) FromIP(ip string) (Location, error) {
	output := make(chan Location, 1)

	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("geocodeFromIP", hystrix.CommandConfig{
		Timeout:               c.Timeout,
		MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
		ErrorPercentThreshold: 25,

	errs := hystrix.Go("geocodeFromIP", func() error {
		ipLoc, err := c.IPCli.Get(ip)

		if err != nil {
			return err

		combined := Location{
			IP:        ip,
			City:      ipLoc.City,
			Region:    ipLoc.Region,
			Latitude:  ipLoc.Latitude,
			Longitude: ipLoc.Longitude,

		output <- combined
		return nil

	}, nil)

	select {
	case out := <-output:
		return out, nil
	case err := <-errs:
		return Location{}, err
Esempio n. 15
func HandleCrossCompile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method != "GET" {
		log.Printf("[INFO] invalid method: %s", r.Method)
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid method: %s\n", r.Method)

	// Handle root request, show project page
	if r.URL.Path == "/" {
		http.Redirect(w, r, "", 301)

	// Check correct request comes
	repoComponent := strings.Split(strings.Trim(r.URL.Path, "/"), "/")
	if len(repoComponent) != 2 {
		log.Printf("[INFO] faild to parse as repository name: %s", r.URL.Path)
		w.Write([]byte("Invalid request: request must be format\n"))

	// Detect platform from user agent
	targetOS, targetArch := guessPlatform(r.UserAgent())

	// Set hystrix configuration
	hystrix.ConfigureCommand("gox", goxHystrixConfig)

	// Run
	resultCh := make(chan string, 1)
	errCh := hystrix.Go("gox", func() error {

		// Get source code from github
		if err := goGet(repoComponent[0], repoComponent[1]); err != nil {
			return nil

		// Run gox and generate binary
		output, err := gox(repoComponent[0], repoComponent[1], targetOS, targetArch)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

		resultCh <- output
		return nil
	}, nil)

	select {

	case output := <-resultCh:
		log.Printf("[INFO] cross compile is done: %s", output)
		http.ServeFile(w, r, output)

	case err := <-errCh:
		log.Printf("[ERROR] failed to cross compiling: %s", err)
		switch err {
		case hystrix.ErrTimeout:
			w.Write([]byte("Timeout: gox-server can't handle build which takes more than 120s.\n"))
		case hystrix.ErrMaxConcurrency:
			w.Write([]byte("Too many access: gox-server can't handle more than 100 requests at one time.\n"))
		case hystrix.ErrCircuitOpen:
			w.Write([]byte("Too many errors: gox-server is unavailable now because of too many errors.\n"))
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Build failed: %s\n", err.Error())