func CreateTestHomeServerConn(dename string, denameClient *client.Client, secretConfig *proto.LocalAccountConfig, t testing.TB) *transport.Conn { profile, err := denameClient.Lookup(dename) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chatProfileBytes, err := client.GetProfileField(profile, PROFILE_FIELD_ID) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chatProfile := new(proto.Profile) if err := chatProfile.Unmarshal(chatProfileBytes); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } addr := chatProfile.ServerAddressTCP port := chatProfile.ServerPortTCP pkTransport := ([32]byte)(chatProfile.ServerTransportPK) pkp := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.UserIDAtServer) oldConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(addr, fmt.Sprint(port))) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } skp := (*[32]byte)(&secretConfig.TransportSecretKeyForServer) conn, _, err := transport.Handshake(oldConn, pkp, skp, &pkTransport, proto.SERVER_MESSAGE_SIZE) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return conn }
func (d *Daemon) sendMessage(msg []byte, theirDename string, msgRatch *ratchet.Ratchet) error { profile := new(dename.Profile) err := persistence.UnmarshalFromFile(d.profilePath(theirDename), profile) if err != nil { return err } chatProfileBytes, err := client.GetProfileField(profile, util.PROFILE_FIELD_ID) if err != nil { return err } chatProfile := new(proto.Profile) if err := chatProfile.Unmarshal(chatProfileBytes); err != nil { return err } addr := chatProfile.ServerAddressTCP port := (int)(chatProfile.ServerPortTCP) pkTransport := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.ServerTransportPK) theirPk := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.UserIDAtServer) if err != nil { return err } theirInBuf := make([]byte, proto.SERVER_MESSAGE_SIZE) encMsg, ratch, err := util.EncryptAuth(msg, msgRatch) if err != nil { return err } theirConn, err :=, addr, port, pkTransport, nil, nil) if err != nil { return err } if err := StoreRatchet(d, theirDename, ratch); err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err } err = util.UploadMessageToUser(theirConn, theirInBuf, theirPk, encMsg) if err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err }, theirConn) return nil }
func GenerateLongTermKeys(secretConfig *proto.LocalAccountConfig, publicProfile *proto.Profile, rand io.Reader) error { if pk, sk, err := box.GenerateKey(rand); err != nil { return err } else { secretConfig.TransportSecretKeyForServer = (proto.Byte32)(*sk) publicProfile.UserIDAtServer = (proto.Byte32)(*pk) } if pk, sk, err := box.GenerateKey(rand); err != nil { return err } else { secretConfig.MessageAuthSecretKey = (proto.Byte32)(*sk) publicProfile.MessageAuthKey = (proto.Byte32)(*pk) } if pk, sk, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand); err != nil { return err } else { secretConfig.KeySigningSecretKey = sk[:] publicProfile.KeySigningKey = (proto.Byte32)(*pk) } return nil }
func CheckAuthWith(prt ProfileRatchet) func([]byte, []byte, []byte, *[32]byte) error { return func(tag, data, msg []byte, ourAuthPrivate *[32]byte) error { var sharedAuthKey [32]byte message := new(proto.Message) unpadMsg := proto.Unpad(msg) err := message.Unmarshal(unpadMsg) if err != nil { return err } profile, err := prt(message.Dename, message.DenameLookup) if err != nil { return err } chatProfileBytes, err := client.GetProfileField(profile, PROFILE_FIELD_ID) if err != nil { return err } chatProfile := new(proto.Profile) if err := chatProfile.Unmarshal(chatProfileBytes); err != nil { return err } theirAuthPublic := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.MessageAuthKey) curve25519.ScalarMult(&sharedAuthKey, ourAuthPrivate, theirAuthPublic) h := hmac.New(sha256.New, sharedAuthKey[:]) h.Write(data) if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(tag, h.Sum(nil)[:len(tag)]) == 0 { return errors.New("Authentication failed: failed to reproduce envelope auth tag using the current auth pubkey from dename") } return nil } }
func (d *Daemon) sendFirstMessage(msg []byte, theirDename string) error { profile, err := d.foreignDenameClient.Lookup(theirDename) if err != nil { return err } if profile == nil { fmt.Errorf("unkown dename on to line: " + theirDename) } if err := d.MarshalToFile(d.profilePath(theirDename), profile); err != nil { return err } chatProfileBytes, err := client.GetProfileField(profile, util.PROFILE_FIELD_ID) if err != nil { return err } chatProfile := new(proto.Profile) if err := chatProfile.Unmarshal(chatProfileBytes); err != nil { return err } addr := chatProfile.ServerAddressTCP pkSig := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.KeySigningKey) port := (int)(chatProfile.ServerPortTCP) pkTransport := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.ServerTransportPK) theirPk := (*[32]byte)(&chatProfile.UserIDAtServer) ourSkAuth := (*[32]byte)(&d.MessageAuthSecretKey) theirConn, err :=, addr, port, pkTransport, nil, nil) if err != nil { return err } theirInBuf := make([]byte, proto.SERVER_MESSAGE_SIZE) theirKey, err := util.GetKey(theirConn, theirInBuf, theirPk, theirDename, pkSig) if err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err } encMsg, ratch, err := util.EncryptAuthFirst(msg, ourSkAuth, theirKey, d.ProfileRatchet) if err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err } if err := StoreRatchet(d, theirDename, ratch); err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err } err = util.UploadMessageToUser(theirConn, theirInBuf, theirPk, encMsg) if err != nil { theirConn.Close() return err }, theirConn) return nil }