Esempio n. 1
// TestListFactors will run unit tests against the List function
func (suite *FactorsTestSuite) TestListFactors() {

	suite.respFactorsList = `<root>
 <Factor site="CETA-GRID" weight="5406"></Factor>
 <Factor site="CFP-IST" weight="1019"></Factor>
 <Factor site="CIEMAT-LCG2" weight="14595"></Factor>

	// Prepare the request object
	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/v2/factors", strings.NewReader(""))
	// add the authentication token which is seeded in testdb
	request.Header.Set("x-api-key", "secret")
	request.Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml")
	// Execute the request in the controller
	response := httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(response, request)
	code := response.Code
	output := response.Body.String()
	suite.Equal(200, code, "Something went wrong")
	suite.Equal(suite.respFactorsList, string(output), "Response body mismatch")

	// Prepare new request object
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/api/v2/factors", strings.NewReader(""))
	// add the authentication token which is seeded in testdb
	request.Header.Set("x-api-key", "wrongkey")
	request.Header.Set("Accept", "application/xml")
	// Execute the request in the controller
	response = httptest.NewRecorder()
	suite.router.ServeHTTP(response, request)
	code = response.Code
	output = response.Body.String()
	suite.Equal(401, code, "Should have gotten return code 401 (Unauthorized)")
	suite.Equal(suite.respUnauthorized, string(output), "Should have gotten reply Unauthorized")

	// Remove the test data from core db not to contaminate other tests
	// Open session to core mongo
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(suite.cfg.MongoDB)
	if err != nil {
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	// Open collection authentication
	c := session.DB(suite.cfg.MongoDB.Db).C("authentication")
	// Remove the specific entries inserted during this test
	c.Remove(bson.M{"name": "John Doe"})

	// Remove the test data from tenant db not to contaminate other tests
	// Open session to tenant mongo
	session, err = mgo.Dial(suite.tenantcfg.Host)
	if err != nil {
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	// Open collection authentication
	c = session.DB(suite.tenantcfg.Db).C("weights")
	// Remove the specific entries inserted during this test
	c.Remove(bson.M{"name": "CIEMAT-LCG2"})
	c.Remove(bson.M{"name": "CFP-IST"})
	c.Remove(bson.M{"name": "CETA-GRID"})
Esempio n. 2
// List returns a list of factors (weights) per endpoint group (i.e. site)
func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	contentType, err = respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)

	if err != nil {
		output = []byte(http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized))
		code = http.StatusUnauthorized //If wrong api key is passed we return UNAUTHORIZED http status
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	results := []FactorsOutput{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "weights", nil, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results, contentType) //Render the results into XML format

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 3
// List returns a list of factors (weights) per endpoint group (i.e. site)
func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	contentType, err = respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	results := []FactorsOutput{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "weights", nil, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results, contentType) //Render the results into XML format

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 4
func Authenticate(h http.Header, cfg config.Config) bool {

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg.MongoDB)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {

	query := bson.M{
		"apiKey": h.Get("x-api-key"),

	results := []Auth{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, cfg.MongoDB.Db, "authentication", query, "apiKey", &results)

	if err != nil {
		return false

	if len(results) > 0 {
		return true
	return false
Esempio n. 5
// AuthenticateTenant is used to find which tenant the user making the requests
// belongs to and return the database configuration for that specific tenant.
// If the api-key in the request is not found in any tenant an empty configuration is
// returned along with an error
func AuthenticateTenant(h http.Header, cfg config.Config) (config.MongoConfig, error) {

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg.MongoDB)
	if err != nil {
		return config.MongoConfig{}, err
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	apiKey := h.Get("x-api-key")
	query := bson.M{"users.api_key": apiKey}
	projection := bson.M{"_id": 0, "name": 1, "db_conf": 1, "users": 1}

	var results []map[string][]config.MongoConfig
	mongo.FindAndProject(session, cfg.MongoDB.Db, "tenants", query, projection, "server", &results)

	if len(results) == 0 {
		return config.MongoConfig{}, errors.New("Unauthorized")
	mongoConf := results[0]["db_conf"][0]
	// mongoConf := config.MongoConfig{
	// 	Host:     conf["server"].(string),
	// 	Port:     conf["port"].(int),
	// 	Db:       conf["database"].(string),
	// 	Username: conf["username"].(string),
	// 	Password: conf["password"].(string),
	// 	Store:    conf["store"].(string),
	// }
	for _, user := range results[0]["users"] {
		if user.ApiKey == apiKey {
			mongoConf.User = user.User
			mongoConf.Email = user.Email
	return mongoConf, nil
Esempio n. 6
// HasResourceRoles returns if a resource has the roles given
func HasResourceRoles(cfg config.Config, resource string, roles []string) bool {

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg.MongoDB)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {

	var results []QRole

	query := bson.M{"resource": resource, "roles": bson.M{"$in": roles}}
	err = mongo.Find(session, cfg.MongoDB.Db, "roles", query, "resource", &results)

	if err != nil {

	if len(results) > 0 {
		return true

	return false

Esempio n. 7
// SetupTest will bootstrap and provide the testing environment
func (suite *FactorsTestSuite) SetupTest() {

	// Connect to mongo coredb
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(suite.cfg.MongoDB)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {

	// Add authentication token to mongo coredb
	seedAuth := bson.M{"name": "TEST",
		"db_conf": []bson.M{bson.M{"server": "", "port": 27017, "database": "AR_test"}},
		"users":   []bson.M{bson.M{"name": "Jack Doe", "email": "*****@*****.**", "api_key": "secret", "roles": []string{"viewer"}}}}
	_ = mongo.Insert(session, suite.cfg.MongoDB.Db, "tenants", seedAuth)

	// Add a few factors in collection
	c := session.DB(suite.tenantcfg.Db).C("weights")
	c.Insert(bson.M{"hepspec": 14595, "name": "CIEMAT-LCG2"})
	c.Insert(bson.M{"hepspec": 1019, "name": "CFP-IST"})
	c.Insert(bson.M{"hepspec": 5406, "name": "CETA-GRID"})

	c = session.DB(suite.cfg.MongoDB.Db).C("roles")
			"resource": "factors.list",
			"roles":    []string{"editor", "viewer"},

Esempio n. 8
// ListOne handles the listing of one specific profile based on its given id
func ListOne(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"


	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	// Open session to tenant database
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	filter := bson.M{"id": vars["ID"]}

	// Retrieve Results from database
	results := []MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "metric_profiles", filter, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Check if nothing found
	if len(results) < 1 {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotFound, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 404
		return code, h, output, err

	// Create view of the results
	output, err = createListView(results, "Success", code) //Render the results into JSON

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 9
// List the existing metric profiles for the tenant making the request
// Also there is an optional url param "name" to filter results by
func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"


	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	urlValues := r.URL.Query()

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	// Open session to tenant database
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Retrieve Results from database

	var filter interface{}
	if len(urlValues["name"]) > 0 {
		filter = bson.M{"name": urlValues["name"][0]}
	} else {
		filter = nil

	results := []MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "metric_profiles", filter, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Create view of the results
	output, err = createListView(results, "Success", code) //Render the results into JSON

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 10
func routeGroup(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Handle response format based on Accept Header
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")

	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantcfg := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantcfg)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		return code, h, output, err

	requestedReport := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantcfg.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &requestedReport)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotFound
		message := "The report with the name " + vars["report_name"] + " does not exist"
		output, err := createErrorMessage(message, code, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	selectedGroupType := requestedReport.DetermineGroupType(vars["group_type"])

	if selectedGroupType == "endpoint" {
		if vars["lgroup_type"] == "" {
			vars["lgroup_type"] = vars["group_type"]
			vars["lgroup_name"] = vars["group_name"]
			vars["group_type"] = ""
			vars["group_name"] = ""
		return ListEndpointGroupResults(r, cfg)
	} else if selectedGroupType == "group" {
		return ListSuperGroupResults(r, cfg)

	code = http.StatusNotFound
	message := "The report " + vars["report_name"] + " does not define any group type: " + vars["group_type"]
	output, err = createErrorMessage(message, code, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err

func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	//Read the search values
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()

	//Searchig is based on name and namespace
	input := AvailabilityProfileSearch{

	results := []AvailabilityProfileOutput{}
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	query := readOne(input)

	if len(input.Name) == 0 {
		query = nil //If no name and namespace is provided then we have to retrieve all profiles thus we send nil into db query

	err = mongo.Find(session, cfg.MongoDB.Db, "aps", query, "_id", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err


	output, err = createView(results) //Render the results into XML format

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 12
//Create a new metric profile
func Create(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {
	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	incoming := MongoInterface{}

	// Try ingest request body
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, cfg.Server.ReqSizeLimit))
	if err != nil {
	if err := r.Body.Close(); err != nil {

	// Parse body json
	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &incoming); err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.BadRequestBadJSON, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	// Generate new id
	incoming.ID = mongo.NewUUID()
	err = mongo.Insert(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "metric_profiles", incoming)

	if err != nil {

	// Create view of the results
	output, err = createRefView(incoming, "Metric Profile successfully created", 201, r) //Render the results into JSON
	code = 201
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 13
// GetMetricResult returns the detailed message from a probe
func GetMetricResult(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	// Parse the request into the input
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()
	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	input := metricResultQuery{
		EndpointName: vars["endpoint_name"],
		MetricName:   vars["metric_name"],
		ExecTime:     urlValues.Get("exec_time"),

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	result := metricResultOutput{}

	metricCol := session.DB(tenantDbConfig.Db).C("status_metrics")

	// Query the detailed metric results
	err = metricCol.Find(prepQuery(input)).One(&result)

	output, err = createMetricResultView(result, contentType)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 14
func routeCheckGroup(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("group check")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "application/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Handle response format based on Accept Header
	// Default is application/xml
	format := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	if strings.EqualFold(format, "application/json") {
		contentType = "application/json"

	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	tenantcfg, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantcfg)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		return code, h, output, err
	result := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantcfg.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &result)

	if err != nil {
		message := "The report with the name " + vars["report_name"] + " does not exist"
		output, err := createMessageOUT(message, format) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	if vars["group_type"] != result.GetEndpointGroupType() {
		message := "The report " + vars["report_name"] + " does not define endpoint group type: " + vars["group_type"]
		output, err := createMessageOUT(message, format) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	return ListEndpointTimelines(r, cfg)

Esempio n. 15
func routeCheckGroup(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("group check")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Handle response format based on Accept Header
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")

	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantcfg := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantcfg)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.InternalServerErrorMessage, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err
	result := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantcfg.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &result)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotFound
		message := "The report with the name " + vars["report_name"] + " does not exist"
		output, err := createMessageOUT(message, code, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	if vars["group_type"] != result.GetEndpointGroupType() {
		code = http.StatusNotFound
		message := "The report " + vars["report_name"] + " does not define endpoint group type: " + vars["group_type"]
		output, err := createMessageOUT(message, code, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	return ListMetricTimelines(r, cfg)

func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	results := []FactorsOutput{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, "AR", "hepspec", nil, "p", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results) //Render the results into XML format

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 17
// AuthenticateAdmin is used to authenticate and administrator of ARGO
// and allow further CRUD ops wrt the argo_core database (i.e. add a new
// tenant, modify another tenant's configuration etc)
func AuthenticateAdmin(h http.Header, cfg config.Config) bool {

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg.MongoDB)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {

	query := bson.M{"api_key": h.Get("x-api-key")}
	projection := bson.M{"_id": 0, "name": 0, "email": 0}

	results := []Auth{}
	err = mongo.FindAndProject(session, cfg.MongoDB.Db, "authentication", query, projection, "api_key", &results)

	if err != nil {
		return false

	if len(results) > 0 {
		return true
	return false
Esempio n. 18
//Create a new metric profile
func Create(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {
	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	contentType, err := respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)

	if err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.UnauthorizedMessage, contentType, "", " ")
		code = http.StatusUnauthorized //If wrong api key is passed we return UNAUTHORIZED http status
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	incoming := OpsProfile{}

	// Try ingest request body
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, cfg.Server.ReqSizeLimit))
	if err != nil {
	if err := r.Body.Close(); err != nil {

	// Parse body json
	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &incoming); err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.BadRequestBadJSON, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	// Validate States
	var errList []string
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateDuplicates()...)
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateStates()...)
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateMentions()...)

	if len(errList) > 0 {
		output, err = createErrView("Validation Error", 422, errList)
		code = 422
		return code, h, output, err

	// Generate new id
	incoming.ID = mongo.NewUUID()
	err = mongo.Insert(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "operations_profiles", incoming)

	if err != nil {

	// Create view of the results
	output, err = createRefView(incoming, "Operations Profile successfully created", 201, r) //Render the results into JSON
	code = 201
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 19
// ListServiceFlavorResults is responsible for handling request to list service flavor results
func ListServiceFlavorResults(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {
	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "application/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"

	contentType, err = respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	// Parse the request into the input
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()
	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		if err.Error() == "Unauthorized" {
			code = http.StatusUnauthorized
			out := respond.UnauthorizedMessage
			output = out.MarshalTo(contentType)
			return code, h, output, err
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	report := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &report)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusBadRequest
		message := "The report with the name " + vars["report_name"] + " does not exist"
		output, err := createErrorMessage(message, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	input := serviceFlavorResultQuery{
		basicQuery: basicQuery{
			Name:        vars["service_type"],
			Granularity: urlValues.Get("granularity"),
			Format:      contentType,
			StartTime:   urlValues.Get("start_time"),
			EndTime:     urlValues.Get("end_time"),
			Report:      report,
			Vars:        vars,
		EndpointGroup: vars["lgroup_name"],

	tenantDB := session.DB(tenantDbConfig.Db)
	errs := input.Validate(tenantDB)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		out := respond.BadRequestSimple
		out.Errors = errs
		output = out.MarshalTo(contentType)
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	if vars["lgroup_type"] != report.GetEndpointGroupType() {
		code = http.StatusBadRequest
		message := "The report " + vars["report_name"] + " does not define endpoint group type: " + vars["lgroup_type"] + ". Try using " + report.GetEndpointGroupType() + " instead."
		output, err := createErrorMessage(message, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	results := []ServiceFlavorInterface{}

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Construct the query to mongodb based on the input
	filter := bson.M{
		"date":   bson.M{"$gte": input.StartTimeInt, "$lte": input.EndTimeInt},
		"report": report.ID,

	if input.Name != "" {
		filter["name"] = input.Name

	if input.EndpointGroup != "" {
		filter["supergroup"] = input.EndpointGroup

	// Select the granularity of the search daily/monthly
	if input.Granularity == "daily" {
		customForm[0] = "20060102"
		customForm[1] = "2006-01-02"
		query := DailyServiceFlavor(filter)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "service_ar", query, &results)
	} else if input.Granularity == "monthly" {
		customForm[0] = "200601"
		customForm[1] = "2006-01"
		query := MonthlyServiceFlavor(filter)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "service_ar", query, &results)

	// mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "endpoint_group_ar", bson.M{}, "_id", &results)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createServiceFlavorResultView(results, report, input.Format)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	return code, h, output, err

Esempio n. 20
// ListSuperGroupResults supergroup availabilities according to the http request
func ListSuperGroupResults(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	// Parse the request into the input
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()
	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	report := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &report)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err
	input := endpointGroupResultQuery{
			Name:        vars["group_name"],
			Granularity: urlValues.Get("granularity"),
			Format:      contentType,
			StartTime:   urlValues.Get("start_time"),
			EndTime:     urlValues.Get("end_time"),
			Report:      report,
			Vars:        vars,
		}, "",

	tenantDB := session.DB(tenantDbConfig.Db)
	errs := input.Validate(tenantDB)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		out := respond.BadRequestSimple
		out.Errors = errs
		output = out.MarshalTo(contentType)
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	results := []SuperGroupInterface{}

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Construct the query to mongodb based on the input
	filter := bson.M{
		"date":   bson.M{"$gte": input.StartTimeInt, "$lte": input.EndTimeInt},
		"report": report.ID,

	if input.Name != "" {
		filter["supergroup"] = input.Name

	// Select the granularity of the search daily/monthly
	if input.Granularity == "daily" {
		customForm[0] = "20060102"
		customForm[1] = "2006-01-02"
		query := DailySuperGroup(filter)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "endpoint_group_ar", query, &results)
	} else if input.Granularity == "monthly" {
		customForm[0] = "200601"
		customForm[1] = "2006-01"
		query := MonthlySuperGroup(filter)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "endpoint_group_ar", query, &results)
	// mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "endpoint_group_ar", bson.M{}, "_id", &results)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	if len(results) == 0 {
		code = http.StatusNotFound
		message := "No results found for given query"
		output, err = createErrorMessage(message, code, contentType)
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createSuperGroupView(results, report, input.Format)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 21
//Update function to update contents of an existing metric profile
func Update(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {
	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	contentType, err := respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)

	if err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.UnauthorizedMessage, contentType, "", " ")
		code = http.StatusUnauthorized //If wrong api key is passed we return UNAUTHORIZED http status
		return code, h, output, err

	incoming := OpsProfile{}

	// ingest body data
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, cfg.Server.ReqSizeLimit))
	if err != nil {
	if err := r.Body.Close(); err != nil {
	// parse body json
	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &incoming); err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.BadRequestBadJSON, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// create filter to retrieve specific profile with id
	filter := bson.M{"id": vars["ID"]}

	incoming.ID = vars["ID"]

	// Retrieve Results from database
	results := []OpsProfile{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "operations_profiles", filter, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {

	// Check if nothing found
	if len(results) < 1 {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotFound, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 404
		return code, h, output, err

	// Validate States
	var errList []string
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateDuplicates()...)
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateStates()...)
	errList = append(errList, incoming.validateMentions()...)

	if len(errList) > 0 {
		output, err = createErrView("Validation Error", 422, errList)
		code = 422
		return code, h, output, err

	// run the update query
	err = mongo.Update(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "operations_profiles", filter, incoming)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Create view for response message
	output, err = createMsgView("Operations Profile successfully updated", 200) //Render the results into JSON
	code = 200
	return code, h, output, err
func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("Hello there!")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"

	//var buffer bytes.Buffer


	urlPath := r.URL.Path
	group := strings.Split(urlPath, "/")[6]

	urlValues := r.URL.Query()

	input := StatusSitesInput{

	// Set default values
	if len(input.profile) == 0 {
		input.profile = ""

	if len(input.group_type) == 0 {
		input.group_type = "site"

	if len(input.vo) == 0 {
		input.vo = "ops"

	// Mongo Session
	results := []StatusSitesOutput{}

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg)

	c := session.DB("AR").C("status_sites")
	err = c.Find(prepQuery(input)).All(&results)


	output, err = createView(results, input) //Render the results into XML format
	//if strings.ToLower(input.format) == "json" {
	//	contentType = "application/json"
	//output = []byte(buffer.String())
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 23
func routeGroup(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {

	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "application/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"

	// Handle response format based on Accept Header
	// Default is application/xml
	format := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	if strings.EqualFold(format, "application/json") {
		contentType = "application/json"

	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	tenantcfg, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)
	if err != nil {
		if err.Error() == "Unauthorized" {
			code = http.StatusUnauthorized
			message := err.Error()
			output, err = createErrorMessage(message, contentType)
			h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
			return code, h, output, err
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantcfg)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		return code, h, output, err

	requestedReport := reports.MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.FindOne(session, tenantcfg.Db, "reports", bson.M{"": vars["report_name"]}, &requestedReport)

	if err != nil {

		code = http.StatusBadRequest
		message := "The report with the name " + vars["report_name"] + " does not exist"
		output, err := createErrorMessage(message, contentType) //Render the response into XML or JSON
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	selectedGroupType := requestedReport.DetermineGroupType(vars["group_type"])

	if selectedGroupType == "endpoint" {
		if vars["lgroup_type"] == "" {
			vars["lgroup_type"] = vars["group_type"]
			vars["lgroup_name"] = vars["group_name"]
			vars["group_type"] = ""
			vars["group_name"] = ""
		return ListEndpointGroupResults(r, cfg)
	} else if selectedGroupType == "group" {
		return ListSuperGroupResults(r, cfg)

	code = http.StatusBadRequest
	message := "The report " + vars["report_name"] + " does not define any group type: " + vars["group_type"]
	output, err = createErrorMessage(message, format) //Render the response into XML or JSON
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", format, charset))
	return code, h, output, err

Esempio n. 24
// ListOne handles the listing of one specific profile based on its given id
func ListOne(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	// Content Negotiation
	contentType, err = respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	// Tenant Authentication
	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)

	if err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.UnauthorizedMessage, contentType, "", " ")
		code = http.StatusUnauthorized //If wrong api key is passed we return UNAUTHORIZED http status
		return code, h, output, err

	// Open session to tenant database
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	filter := bson.M{"id": vars["ID"]}

	// Retrieve Results from database
	results := []OpsProfile{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "operations_profiles", filter, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Check if nothing found
	if len(results) < 1 {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotFound, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 404
		return code, h, output, err

	// Create view of the results
	output, err = createListView(results, "Success", code) //Render the results into JSON

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 25
// SetupTest will bootstrap and provide the testing environment
func (suite *AuthenticationProfileTestSuite) SetupTest() {

	const testConfig = `
    bindip = ""
    port = 8080
    maxprocs = 4
    cache = false
    lrucache = 700000000
    gzip = true
    host = ""
    port = 27017
    db = "argo_core_test_authenticate"

	_ = gcfg.ReadStringInto(&suite.cfg, testConfig)

	suite.respUnauthorized = "Unauthorized"
	suite.tenantdb = "argo_egi_AR_data"
	suite.clientkey = "mysecretcombination"
	suite.tenantpassword = "******"
	suite.tenantusername = "******"
	suite.tenantstorename = "ar"

	// seed mongo
	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(suite.cfg.MongoDB)
	if err != nil {
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	// Seed database with tenants
	//TODO: move tests to
	c := session.DB(suite.cfg.MongoDB.Db).C("tenants")
		bson.M{"name": "Westeros",
			"db_conf": []bson.M{

					"server":   "localhost",
					"port":     27017,
					"database": "argo_Westeros1",
					"server":   "localhost",
					"port":     27017,
					"database": "argo_Westeros2",
			"users": []bson.M{

					"name":    "John Snow",
					"email":   "*****@*****.**",
					"api_key": "wh1t3_w@lk3rs",
					"name":    "King Joffrey",
					"email":   "*****@*****.**",
					"api_key": "sansa <3",
		bson.M{"name": "EGI",
			"db_conf": []bson.M{

					"store":    suite.tenantstorename,
					"server":   "localhost",
					"port":     27017,
					"database": suite.tenantdb,
					"username": suite.tenantusername,
					"password": suite.tenantpassword,
					"server":   "localhost",
					"port":     27017,
					"database": "argo_egi_metric_data",
			"users": []bson.M{

					"name":    "Joe Complex",
					"email":   "*****@*****.**",
					"api_key": suite.clientkey,
					"name":    "Josh Plain",
					"email":   "*****@*****.**",
					"api_key": "itsamysterytoyou",
	c = session.DB(suite.cfg.MongoDB.Db).C("authentication")
			"name":    "Igano Kabamaru",
			"email":   "*****@*****.**",
			"api_key": "makaronada",
			"name":    "Optimus Prime",
			"email":   "*****@*****.**",
			"api_key": "megatron_sucks",
Esempio n. 26
func (suite *RecomputationsProfileTestSuite) TestSubmitRecomputations() {
	submission := IncomingRecomputation{
		StartTime: "2015-01-10T12:00:00Z",
		EndTime:   "2015-01-30T23:00:00Z",
		Reason:    "Ups failure",
		Report:    "EGI_Critical",
		Exclude:   []string{"SITE5", "SITE8"},
	jsonsubmission, _ := json.Marshal(submission)

	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonsubmission))
	request.Header.Set("x-api-key", suite.clientkey)
	request.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
	response := httptest.NewRecorder()

	suite.router.ServeHTTP(response, request)

	code := response.Code
	output := response.Body.String()

	recomputationRequestsJSON := `{
 "status": {
  "message": "Recomputations successfully created",
  "code": "201"
 "data": {
  "id": ".+",
  "links": {
   "self": ""
	// Check that we must have a 200 ok code
	suite.Equal(202, code, "Internal Server Error")
	// Compare the expected and actual xml response
	suite.Regexp(recomputationRequestsJSON, output, "Response body mismatch")

	dbDumpJson := `\[
  "id": "6ac7d684-1f8e-4a02-a502-720e8f11e50a",
  "requester_name": "Arya Stark",
  "requester_email": "*****@*****.**",
  "reason": "power cuts",
  "start_time": "2015-01-10T12:00:00Z",
  "end_time": "2015-01-30T23:00:00Z",
  "report": "EGI_Critical",
  "exclude": \[
  "status": "running",
  "timestamp": "2015-02-01 14:58:40"
  "id": "6ac7d684-1f8e-4a02-a502-720e8f11e50b",
  "requester_name": "John Snow",
  "requester_email": "*****@*****.**",
  "reason": "reasons",
  "start_time": "2015-03-10T12:00:00Z",
  "end_time": "2015-03-30T23:00:00Z",
  "report": "EGI_Critical",
  "exclude": \[
  "status": "pending",
  "timestamp": "2015-04-01 14:58:40"
  "id": ".+-.+-.+-.+-.+",
  "requester_name": "Joe Complex",
  "requester_email": "*****@*****.**",
  "reason": "Ups failure",
  "start_time": "2015-01-10T12:00:00Z",
  "end_time": "2015-01-30T23:00:00Z",
  "report": "EGI_Critical",
  "exclude": \[
  "status": "pending",
  "timestamp": ".*"

	session, _ := mongo.OpenSession(suite.tenantDbConf)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	var results []MongoInterface
	mongo.Find(session, suite.tenantDbConf.Db, recomputationsColl, nil, "timestamp", &results)
	json, _ := json.MarshalIndent(results, "", " ")
	suite.Regexp(dbDumpJson, string(json), "Database contents were not expected")

Esempio n. 27
// ListMetricTimelines returns a list of metric timelines
func ListMetricTimelines(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("List Metric Timelines")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "application/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	contentType, err = respond.ParseAcceptHeader(r)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusNotAcceptable
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotAcceptableContentType, contentType, "", " ")
		return code, h, output, err

	// Parse the request into the input
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()
	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	parsedStart, parsedEnd, errs := respond.ValidateDateRange(urlValues.Get("start_time"), urlValues.Get("end_time"))
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		code = http.StatusBadRequest
		output = respond.CreateFailureResponseMessage("Bad Request", "400", errs).MarshalTo(contentType)

	input := InputParams{

	// Call authenticateTenant to check the api key and retrieve
	// the correct tenant db conf
	tenantDbConfig, err := authentication.AuthenticateTenant(r.Header, cfg)

	if err != nil {
		output = []byte(http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized))
		code = http.StatusUnauthorized //If wrong api key is passed we return UNAUTHORIZED http status
		h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
		return code, h, output, err

	// Mongo Session
	results := []DataOutput{}

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	metricCollection := session.DB(tenantDbConfig.Db).C("status_metrics")

	// Query the detailed metric results
	reportID, err := mongo.GetReportID(session, tenantDbConfig.Db,

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	err = metricCollection.Find(prepareQuery(input, reportID)).All(&results)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results, input) //Render the results into XML format

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 28
// ListMetricTimelines returns a list of metric timelines
func ListServiceTimelines(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("List Service Timelines")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"


	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	// Parse the request into the input
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()
	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	parsedStart, _ := parseZuluDate(urlValues.Get("start_time"))
	parsedEnd, _ := parseZuluDate(urlValues.Get("end_time"))

	input := InputParams{

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	// Mongo Session
	results := []DataOutput{}

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)

	metricCollection := session.DB(tenantDbConfig.Db).C("status_services")

	// Query the detailed metric results
	reportID, err := mongo.GetReportID(session, tenantDbConfig.Db,

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	err = metricCollection.Find(prepareQuery(input, reportID)).All(&results)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results, input) //Render the results into XML format

	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))
	return code, h, output, err
func List(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {


	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	contentType := "text/xml"
	charset := "utf-8"


	// This is the input we will receive from the API
	urlValues := r.URL.Query()

	input := ApiNgiAvailabilityInProfileInput{

	if len(input.Infrastructure) == 0 {
		input.Infrastructure = "Production"

	if len(input.Production) == 0 || input.Production == "true" {
		input.Production = "Y"
	} else {
		input.Production = "N"

	if len(input.Monitored) == 0 || input.Monitored == "true" {
		input.Monitored = "Y"
	} else {
		input.Monitored = "N"

	if len(input.Certification) == 0 {
		input.Certification = "Certified"

	if strings.ToLower(input.format) == "json" {
		contentType = "application/json"

	found, output := caches.HitCache("ngis", input, cfg)
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	if found {
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(cfg)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	results := []ApiNgiAvailabilityInProfileOutput{}

	// Select the granularity of the search daily/monthly
	if len(input.Granularity) == 0 || strings.ToLower(input.Granularity) == "daily" {
		CustomForm[0] = "20060102"
		CustomForm[1] = "2006-01-02"
		query := Daily(input)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, "AR", "sites", query, &results)

	} else if strings.ToLower(input.Granularity) == "monthly" {
		CustomForm[0] = "200601"
		CustomForm[1] = "2006-01"
		query := Monthly(input)
		err = mongo.Pipe(session, "AR", "sites", query, &results)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	output, err = createView(results, input.format)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	if len(results) > 0 {
		caches.WriteCache("ngis", input, output, cfg)


	return code, h, output, err
Esempio n. 30
//Update function to update contents of an existing metric profile
func Update(r *http.Request, cfg config.Config) (int, http.Header, []byte, error) {
	code := http.StatusOK
	h := http.Header{}
	output := []byte("")
	err := error(nil)
	charset := "utf-8"

	vars := mux.Vars(r)

	// Set Content-Type response Header value
	contentType := r.Header.Get("Accept")
	h.Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=%s", contentType, charset))

	// Grab Tenant DB configuration from context
	tenantDbConfig := context.Get(r, "tenant_conf").(config.MongoConfig)

	incoming := MongoInterface{}

	// ingest body data
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, cfg.Server.ReqSizeLimit))
	if err != nil {
	if err := r.Body.Close(); err != nil {
	// parse body json
	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &incoming); err != nil {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.BadRequestBadJSON, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 400
		return code, h, output, err

	session, err := mongo.OpenSession(tenantDbConfig)
	defer mongo.CloseSession(session)
	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err
	// create filter to retrieve specific profile with id
	filter := bson.M{"id": vars["ID"]}

	incoming.ID = vars["ID"]

	// Retrieve Results from database
	results := []MongoInterface{}
	err = mongo.Find(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "metric_profiles", filter, "name", &results)

	if err != nil {

	// Check if nothing found
	if len(results) < 1 {
		output, _ = respond.MarshalContent(respond.NotFound, contentType, "", " ")
		code = 404
		return code, h, output, err

	// run the update query
	err = mongo.Update(session, tenantDbConfig.Db, "metric_profiles", filter, incoming)

	if err != nil {
		code = http.StatusInternalServerError
		return code, h, output, err

	// Create view for response message
	output, err = createMsgView("Metric Profile successfully updated", 200) //Render the results into JSON
	code = 200
	return code, h, output, err