Esempio n. 1
/* Get the default gateway for a project. Returns the string directly to the channel
	that send the osif the message. Expects to be executed as  a go routine.
go get_os_defgw( msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id )			// do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
func get_os_defgw(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) {
	if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil {
		return // prevent accidents

	msg.Response_data = nil

	if msg.Req_data != nil {
		tokens := strings.Split(*(msg.Req_data.(*string)), "/") // split off /junk if it's there
		if tokens[0] == "!" || tokens[0] == "" {                // nothing to work with; bail now
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project -- bad token[0] --: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
			msg.Response_ch <- msg

		if tokens[0][0:1] == "!" { // first character is a bang, but there is a name/id that follows
			tokens[0] = tokens[0][1:] // ditch the bang and go on

		pid := &tokens[0]
		pname := id2pname[*pid]
		if pname == nil { // it should be an id, but allow for a name/host to be sent in
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project -- no pname --: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
			pname = &tokens[0]
			pid = pname2id[*pname]

		if pid == nil {
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map to a project: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
			msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to a osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
			msg.Response_ch <- msg

		p := os_projs[*pid] // finally we can find the data associated with the project; maybe
		if p == nil {
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw: unable to map project to data: %s", *pid)
			msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to a osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
			msg.Response_ch <- msg

		creds := os_refs[*pname]
		if creds == nil {
			msg.State = fmt.Errorf("defgw: %s could not be mapped to openstack creds ", *pname)
			msg.Response_ch <- msg

		msg.Response_data, _, msg.State = p.Get_default_gw(pid, creds, true)
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get_defgw:  missing data (nil) in request")
	msg.State = fmt.Errorf("defgw: missing data in request")
	msg.Response_ch <- msg // and send it on its merry way

Esempio n. 2
	For a single passthrough pledge, this function sets things up and sends needed requests to the fq-manger to
	create any necessary flow-mods.

	We send the following information to fq_mgr:
		source mac or endpoint	(VM-- the host in the pledge)
		source IP and optionally port and protocol more specific reservations
		switch	(physical host -- compute node)

	Errors are returned to res_mgr via channel, but asycnh; we do not wait for responses to each message
	generated here.

	To_limit is a cap to the expiration time sent when creating a flow-mod.  OVS (and others we assume)
	use an unsigned int32 as a hard timeout value, and thus have an upper limit of just over 18 hours. If
	to_limit is > 0, we'll ensure that the timeout passed on the request to fq-mgr won't exceed  the limit,
 	and we assume that this function is called periodically to update long running reservations.
func pass_push_res(gp *gizmos.Pledge, rname *string, ch chan *ipc.Chmsg, to_limit int64) {
	var (
		msg *ipc.Chmsg

	now := time.Now().Unix()

	p, ok := (*gp).(*gizmos.Pledge_pass) // generic pledge better be a passthrough pledge!
	if !ok {
		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "internal error in pass_push_reservation: pledge isn't a passthrough pledge")
		(*gp).Set_pushed() // prevent looping

	host, _, _, expiry, proto := p.Get_values() // reservation info that we need

	ip := name2ip(host)

	if ip != nil { // good ip addresses so we're good to go
		freq := Mk_fqreq(rname)   // default flow mod request with empty match/actions (for bw requests, we don't need priority or such things)
		freq.Match.Smac = ip      // fq_mgr has conversion map to convert to mac
		freq.Swid = p.Get_phost() // the phyiscal host where the VM lives and where fmods need to be deposited

		freq.Cookie = 0xffff // should be ignored, if we see this out there we've got problems

		if (*p).Is_paused() {
			freq.Expiry = time.Now().Unix() + 15 // if reservation shows paused, then we set the expiration to 15s from now  which should force the flow-mods out
		} else {
			if to_limit > 0 && expiry > now+to_limit {
				freq.Expiry = now + to_limit // expiry must be capped so as not to overflow virtual switch variable size
			} else {
				freq.Expiry = expiry
		freq.Id = rname

		freq.Extip = &empty_str

		// this will change when ported to endpoint branch as the endpoint allows address and port 'in line'
		freq.Match.Ip1 = proto // the proto on the reservation should be [{udp|tcp:}]address[:port]
		freq.Match.Ip2 = nil
		freq.Espq = nil
		dup_str := ""
		freq.Exttyp = &dup_str

		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "pushing passthru reservation: %s", p)
		msg = ipc.Mk_chmsg()
		msg.Send_req(fq_ch, ch, REQ_PT_RESERVE, freq, nil) // queue work with fq-manger to read the struct and send cmd(s) to agent to get it done

		p.Set_pushed() // safe to mark the pledge as having been pushed.
Esempio n. 3
	Gathers the VM information for all VMs in one or more projects. If "_all_proj" is given as the project name then
	all projects  known to Tegu are fetched.

	Expected to execute as a go routine and writes the resulting array to the channel specified in the message.
func get_all_osvm_info(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) {
	if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil {
		return // prevent accidents

	msg.Response_data = nil
	msg.State = nil

	if msg.Req_data == nil {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "osvm_info: request data didn't contain a project name or ID")
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: request data didn't contain a project name or ID")
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	pid := msg.Req_data.(*string)
	if *pid == "_all_proj" {
		ilist := make([]*Net_vm, 0)
		for k := range os_refs {
			if k != "_ref_" {
				nlist, err := get_projvm_info(&k, os_refs, os_projs, id2pname, pname2id) // dig out next project's stuff
				if err == nil {
					llist := make([]*Net_vm, len(ilist)+len(nlist)) // create array large enough
					copy(llist[:], ilist[:])                        // copy contents into new array
					copy(llist[len(ilist):], nlist[:])
					ilist = llist
				} else {
					osif_sheep.Baa(1, "osvm_info: could not dig out VM information for project: %s: %s", k, err)

		msg.Response_data = ilist
		if len(ilist) <= 0 {
			msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: unable to dig any information for all projects")
		} else {
			msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osvm_info: fetched info for all projects: %d elements", len(ilist))
			msg.State = nil
	} else {
		msg.Response_data, msg.State = get_projvm_info(pid, os_refs, os_projs, id2pname, pname2id) // just dig out for the one project

	msg.Response_ch <- msg
Esempio n. 4
	Get openstack host information.
	Given a project-id/host as input, dig out all of the host's information and build a struct
	that can be passed into the network manager as an add host to graph request. This
	expects to run as a go routine and to write the response directly back on the channel
	givn in the message block.
func get_os_hostinfo(msg *ipc.Chmsg, os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projs map[string]*osif_project, id2pname map[string]*string, pname2id map[string]*string) {
	if msg == nil || msg.Response_ch == nil {
		return // prevent accidents

	msg.Response_data = nil

	tokens := strings.Split(*(msg.Req_data.(*string)), "/") // break project/host into bits
	if len(tokens) != 2 || tokens[0] == "" || tokens[1] == "" {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to a project: %s bad tokens", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("invalid project/hostname string: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	if tokens[0] == "!" { // !//ipaddress was given; we've got nothing, so bail now
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to a project: %s lone bang", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	if tokens[0][0:1] == "!" { // first character is a bang, but there is a name/id that follows
		tokens[0] = tokens[0][1:] // ditch it for this

	pid := &tokens[0]
	pname := id2pname[*pid]
	if pname == nil { // it should be an id, but allow for a name/host to be sent in
		pname = &tokens[0]
		pid = pname2id[*pname]

	if pid == nil {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: unable to map to an project (nil pid): %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string))) // might be !project/vm, and so this is ok
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to an osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	p := os_projs[*pid]
	if p == nil {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: %s mapped to a pid; pid did not map to project: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)), *pid)
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to an osif_project", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	creds := os_refs[*pname]
	if creds == nil {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "get hostinfo: %s mapped to a project; did not map to creds: %s", *(msg.Req_data.(*string)), *pname)
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("%s could not be mapped to openstack creds ", *pname)
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	osif_sheep.Baa(2, "lazy update: get host info setup complete for (%s) %s", *pname, *(msg.Req_data.(*string)))

	search := *pid + "/" + tokens[1] // search string must be id/hostname
	name, id, ip4, fip4, mac, gw, phost, gwmap, _, err := p.Get_info(&search, creds, true)
	if err != nil {
		msg.State = fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve host info: %s", err)
		msg.Response_ch <- msg

	osif_sheep.Baa(2, "lazyupdate: Response_data = %s %s %s %s %s %s", safe(name), safe(id), safe(ip4), safe(phost), safe(mac), safe(gw))
	msg.Response_data = Mk_netreq_vm(name, id, ip4, nil, phost, mac, gw, fip4, gwmap) // build the vm data block for network manager
	msg.Response_ch <- msg                                                            // and send it on its merry way

Esempio n. 5
File: res_mgr.go Progetto: att/tegu
	Executes as a goroutine to drive the reservation manager portion of tegu.
func Res_manager( my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg, cookie *string ) {

	var (
		inv	*Inventory
		msg	*ipc.Chmsg
		ckptd	string
		last_qcheck	int64 = 0			// time that the last queue check was made to set window
		last_chkpt	int64 = 0			// time that the last checkpoint was written
		retry_chkpt bool = false		// checkpoint needs to be retried because of a timing issue
		queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_EPQMAP
		alt_table = DEF_ALT_TABLE		// table number where meta marking happens
		all_sys_up	bool = false;		// set when we receive the all_up message; some functions (chkpt) must wait for this
		hto_limit 	int = 3600 * 18		// OVS has a size limit to the hard timeout value, this caps it just under the OVS limit
		res_refresh	int64 = 0			// next time when we must force all reservations to refresh flow-mods (hto_limit nonzero)
		rr_rate		int = 3600			// refresh rate (1 hour)
		favour_v6 bool = true			// favour ipv6 addresses if a host has both defined.

	super_cookie = cookie				// global for all methods

	rm_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater( 0, os.Stderr )		// allocate our bleater and attach it to the master
	rm_sheep.Set_prefix( "res_mgr" )
	tegu_sheep.Add_child( rm_sheep )					// we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too

	p := cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"]				// lives in default b/c used by fq-mgr too
	if p != nil {
		if *p == "endpoint" {
			queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_EPQMAP
		} else {
			queue_gen_type = REQ_GEN_QMAP

	p = cfg_data["default"]["alttable"]				// alt table for meta marking
	if p != nil {
		alt_table = clike.Atoi( *p )

	p = cfg_data["default"]["favour_ipv6"]
	if p != nil {
		favour_v6 = *p == "true"

	if cfg_data["resmgr"] != nil {
		cdp := cfg_data["resmgr"]["chkpt_dir"]
		if cdp == nil {
			ckptd = "/var/lib/tegu/resmgr"							// default directory and prefix
		} else {
			ckptd = *cdp + "/resmgr"							// add prefix to directory in config

		p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["verbose"]
		if p != nil {
			rm_sheep.Set_level(  uint( clike.Atoi( *p ) ) )

		p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["set_vlan"]
		if p != nil {
			set_vlan = *p == "true"

		p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["super_cookie"]
		if p != nil {
			super_cookie = p
			rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "super-cookie was set from config file" )

		p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["hto_limit"]					// if OVS or whatever has a max timeout we can ensure it's not surpassed
		if p != nil {
			hto_limit = clike.Atoi( *p )

		p = cfg_data["resmgr"]["res_refresh"]				// rate that reservations are refreshed if hto_limit is non-zero
		if p != nil {
			rr_rate = clike.Atoi( *p )
			if rr_rate < 900 {
				if rr_rate < 120 {
					rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "NOTICE: reservation refresh rate in config is insanely low (%ds) and was changed to 1800s", rr_rate )
					rr_rate = 1800
				} else {
					rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "NOTICE: reservation refresh rate in config is too low: %ds", rr_rate )

	send_meta_counter := 200;										// send meta f-mods only now and again
	rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "ovs table number %d used for metadata marking", alt_table )

	res_refresh = time.Now().Unix() + int64( rr_rate )				// set first refresh in an hour (ignored if hto_limit not set
	inv = Mk_inventory( )
	inv.chkpt = chkpt.Mk_chkpt( ckptd, 10, 90 )

	last_qcheck = time.Now().Unix()

	tkl_ch := make( chan *ipc.Chmsg, 5 )								// special, short buffer, channel for tickles allows 5 to queue before blocking sender
	tklr.Add_spot( 2, tkl_ch, REQ_PUSH, nil, ipc.FOREVER )				// push reservations to agent just before they go live
	tklr.Add_spot( 1, tkl_ch, REQ_SETQUEUES, nil, ipc.FOREVER )			// drives us to see if queues need to be adjusted
	tklr.Add_spot( 5, tkl_ch, REQ_RTRY_CHKPT, nil, ipc.FOREVER )		// ensures that we retried any missed checkpoints
	tklr.Add_spot( 60, tkl_ch, REQ_VET_RETRY, nil, ipc.FOREVER )		// run the retry queue if it has size

	go rm_lookup( rmgrlu_ch, inv )

	rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "res_mgr is running  %x", my_chan )
	for {
		select {									// select next ready message on either channel
			case msg = <- tkl_ch:					// msg available on tickle channel
				msg.State = nil						// nil state is OK, no error
				my_chan <- msg;						// just pass it through; tkl_ch has a small buffer (blocks quickly) and this prevents filling the main queue w/ tickles if we get busy	

			case msg = <- my_chan:					// process message from the main channel
				rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "processing message: %d", msg.Msg_type )
				switch msg.Msg_type {
					case REQ_NOOP:			// just ignore

					case REQ_ADD:
						msg.State = inv.Add_res( msg.Req_data )			// add will determine the pledge type and do the right thing
						msg.Response_data = nil

					case REQ_ALLUP:			// signals that all initialisation is complete (chkpting etc. can go)
						all_sys_up = true
						// periodic checkpointing turned off with the introduction of tegu_ha
						//tklr.Add_spot( 180, my_chan, REQ_CHKPT, nil, ipc.FOREVER )		// tickle spot to drive us every 180 seconds to checkpoint

					case REQ_RTRY_CHKPT:									// called to attempt to send a queued checkpoint request
						if all_sys_up {
							if retry_chkpt {
								rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "invoking checkpoint (retry)" )
								retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt )

					case REQ_CHKPT:											// external thread has requested checkpoint
						if all_sys_up {
							rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "invoking checkpoint" )
							retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt )

					case REQ_DEL:											// user initiated delete -- requires cookie
						data := msg.Req_data.( []*string )					// assume pointers to name and cookie
						if data[0] != nil  &&  *data[0] == "all" {
							inv.Del_all_res( data[1] )
							msg.State = nil
						} else {
							msg.State = inv.Del_res( data[0], data[1] )

						inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 )			// must force a push to push augmented (shortened) reservations
						msg.Response_data = nil

					case REQ_DUPCHECK:
						if msg.Req_data != nil {
							msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.dup_check(  msg.Req_data.( *gizmos.Pledge ) )

					case REQ_GET:											// user initiated get -- requires cookie
						data := msg.Req_data.( []*string )					// assume pointers to name and cookie
						msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.Get_res( data[0], data[1] )

					case REQ_LIST:											// list reservations	(for a client)
						msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.res2json( )

					case REQ_LOAD:								// load from a checkpoint file
						data := msg.Req_data.( *string )		// assume pointers to name and cookie
						msg.State = inv.load_chkpt( data )
						msg.Response_data = nil
						rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "checkpoint file loaded" )

					case REQ_PAUSE:
						msg.State = nil							// right now this cannot fail in ways we know about
						msg.Response_data = ""
						res_refresh = 0;						// must force a push of everything on next push tickle
						rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "pausing..." )

					case REQ_RESUME:
						msg.State = nil							// right now this cannot fail in ways we know about
						msg.Response_data = ""
						res_refresh = 0;						// must force a push of everything on next push tickle

					case REQ_SETQUEUES:							// driven about every second to reset the queues if a reservation state has changed
						now := time.Now().Unix()
						if now > last_qcheck  &&  inv.any_concluded( now - last_qcheck ) || inv.any_commencing( now - last_qcheck, 0 ) {
							rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "channel states: rm=%d rmlu=%d fq=%d net=%d agent=%d", len( rmgr_ch ), len( rmgrlu_ch ), len( fq_ch ), len( nw_ch ), len( am_ch ) )
							rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "reservation state change detected, requesting queue map from net-mgr" )
							tmsg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( )
							tmsg.Send_req( nw_ch, my_chan, queue_gen_type, time.Now().Unix(), nil )		// get a queue map; when it arrives we'll push to fqmgr and trigger flow-mod push
						last_qcheck = now

					case REQ_PUSH:								// driven every few seconds to check for need to refresh because of switch max timeout setting
						if hto_limit > 0 {						// if reservation flow-mods are capped with a hard timeout limit
							now := time.Now().Unix()
							if now > res_refresh {
								rm_sheep.Baa( 2, "refreshing all reservations" )
								inv.reset_push()							// reset pushed flag on all reservations to cause active ones to be pushed again
								res_refresh = now + int64( rr_rate )		// push everything again in an hour

								inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 )			// force a push of all

					case REQ_PLEDGE_LIST:						// generate a list of pledges that are related to the given VM
						msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.pledge_list(  msg.Req_data.( *string ) )

					case REQ_SETULCAP:							// user link capacity; expect array of two string pointers (name and value)
						data := msg.Req_data.( []*string )
						inv.add_ulcap( data[0], data[1] )
						retry_chkpt, last_chkpt = inv.write_chkpt( last_chkpt )

					// CAUTION: the requests below come back as asynch responses rather than as initial message
					case REQ_IE_RESERVE:						// an IE reservation failed
						msg.Response_ch = nil					// immediately disable to prevent loop
						inv.failed_push( msg )					// suss out the pledge and mark it unpushed

					case REQ_GEN_QMAP:							// response caries the queue map that now should be sent to fq-mgr to drive a queue update

					case REQ_GEN_EPQMAP:
						rm_sheep.Baa( 1, "received queue map from network manager" )

						qlist := msg.Response_data.( []string )							// get the qulist map for our use first
						if send_meta_counter >= 200 {
							send_meta_fmods( qlist, alt_table )								// push meta rules
							send_meta_counter = 0
						} else {

						msg.Response_ch = nil											// immediately disable to prevent loop
						fq_data := make( []interface{}, 1 )
						fq_data[FQ_QLIST] = msg.Response_data
						tmsg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( )
						tmsg.Send_req( fq_ch, nil, REQ_SETQUEUES, fq_data, nil )		// send the queue list to fq manager to deal with

						inv.push_reservations( my_chan, alt_table, int64( hto_limit ), favour_v6 )			// now safe to push reservations if any activated

					case REQ_VET_RETRY:
						if inv != nil && len( inv.retry ) > 0 {
							inv.vet_retries( )

					case REQ_YANK_RES:										// yank a reservation from the inventory returning the pledge and allowing flow-mods to purge
						if msg.Response_ch != nil {
							msg.Response_data, msg.State = inv.yank_res( msg.Req_data.( *string ) )

					/* deprecated -- moved to rm_lookup
					case REQ_GET_MIRRORS:									// user initiated get list of mirrors
						t := inv.Get_mirrorlist()
						msg.Response_data = &t;

						rm_sheep.Baa( 0, "WRN: res_mgr: unknown message: %d [TGURMG001]", msg.Msg_type )
						msg.Response_data = nil
						msg.State = fmt.Errorf( "res_mgr: unknown message (%d)", msg.Msg_type )
						msg.Response_ch = nil				// we don't respond to these.
				}	// end main channel case

		}		// end select

		rm_sheep.Baa( 3, "processing message complete: %d", msg.Msg_type )
		if msg.Response_ch != nil {			// if a response channel was provided
			msg.Response_ch <- msg			// send our result back to the requester
Esempio n. 6
	For a single bandwidth pledge, this function sets things up and sends needed requests to the fq-manger to
	create any necessary flow-mods.   This has changed drastically now that we expect one agent
	onvocation to set up all bandwidth flow-mods for an endpoint switch.

	With the new method of managing queues per reservation on ingress/egress hosts, we now send
	the following information to fq_mgr:
		h1, h2 -- hosts

	Path list will have path(s) in both directions (to support different bandwidth rates).
	The above info is sent for each 'link' in the forward direction path, and then we reverse
	the path and send requests to fq_mgr for each 'link' in the backwards direction.  Errors are
	returned to res_mgr via channel, but asycnh; we do not wait for responses to each message
	generated here.

	To_limit is a cap to the expiration time sent when creating a flow-mod.  OVS (and others we assume)
	use an unsigned int32 as a hard timeout value, and thus have an upper limit of just over 18 hours. If
	to_limit is > 0, we'll ensure that the timeout passed on the request to fq-mgr won't exceed  the limit,
 	and we assume that this function is called periodically to update long running reservations.

	Alt_table is the base alternate table set that we use for meta marking

	If pref_ip6 is true, then if a host has both v4 and v6 addresses we will use the v6 address.
func bw_push_res(gp *gizmos.Pledge, rname *string, ch chan *ipc.Chmsg, to_limit int64, alt_table int, pref_v6 bool) {
	var (
		msg *ipc.Chmsg

	now := time.Now().Unix()

	p, ok := (*gp).(*gizmos.Pledge_bw) // generic pledge better be a bw pledge!
	if !ok {
		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "internal error in push_bw_reservation: pledge isn't a bandwidth pledge")
		(*gp).Set_pushed() // prevent looping

	h1, h2, p1, p2, _, expiry, _, _ := p.Get_values() // hosts, transport (tcp/udp) ports and expiry are all we need
	v1, v2 := p.Get_vlan()                            // vlan match criteria for one/both endpoints

	ip1 := name2ip(h1)
	ip2 := name2ip(h2)

	if ip1 != nil && ip2 != nil { // good ip addresses so we're good to go
		plist := p.Get_path_list() // each path that is a part of the reservation

		timestamp := time.Now().Unix() + 16 // assume this will fall within the first few seconds of the reservation as we use it to find queue in timeslice

		for i := range plist { // for each path, send fmgr requests for each endpoint
			freq := Mk_fqreq(rname) // default flow mod request with empty match/actions (for bw requests, we don't need priority or such things)

			freq.Ipv6 = p.Get_matchv6()             // should we force a match on IPv6 rather than IPv4?
			freq.Cookie = 0xffff                    // should be ignored, if we see this out there we've got problems
			freq.Single_switch = false              // path involves multiple switches by default
			freq.Dscp, freq.Dscp_koe = p.Get_dscp() // reservation supplied dscp value that we're to match and maybe preserve on exit

			if (*p).Is_paused() {
				freq.Expiry = time.Now().Unix() + 15 // if reservation shows paused, then we set the expiration to 15s from now  which should force the flow-mods out
			} else {
				if to_limit > 0 && expiry > now+to_limit {
					freq.Expiry = now + to_limit // expiry must be capped so as not to overflow virtual switch variable size
				} else {
					freq.Expiry = expiry
			freq.Id = rname

			extip := plist[i].Get_extip() // if an external IP address is necessary on the freq get it
			if extip != nil {
				freq.Extip = extip
			} else {
				freq.Extip = &empty_str

			espq1, _ := plist[i].Get_endpoint_spq(rname, timestamp) // end point switch, port, queue information; ep1 nil if single switch
			if espq1 == nil {                                       // if single switch ep1 will be nil
				freq.Single_switch = true

			freq.Match.Ip1 = plist[i].Get_h1().Get_address(pref_v6) // must use path h1/h2 as this could be the reverse with respect to the overall pledge and thus reverse of pledge
			freq.Match.Ip2 = plist[i].Get_h2().Get_address(pref_v6)
			freq.Espq = plist[i].Get_ilink_spq(rname, timestamp) // spq info comes from the first link off of the switch, not the endpoint link back to the VM
			if freq.Single_switch {
				freq.Espq.Queuenum = 1 // same switch always over br-rl queue 1
			freq.Exttyp = plist[i].Get_extflag() // indicates whether the external IP is the source or dest along this path

			tptype_list := p.Get_proto()                          // pick up protocol supplied on the reservation
			if (*p1 != "0" || *p2 != "0") && *tptype_list == "" { // if either port is specified, and no specific proto on reservation
				tpl := "udp tcp" // if port supplied, generate f-mods for both udp and tcp matches on the port
				tptype_list = &tpl
			tptype_toks := strings.Split(*tptype_list, " ")

			for tidx := range tptype_toks { // must have a req for each transport proto type, clone base, add the proto specific changes, & send to fqmgr
				cfreq := freq.Clone() // since we send this off for asynch processing we must make a copy

				cfreq.Tptype = &tptype_toks[tidx] // transport type (tcp, udp or none)

				if *cfreq.Exttyp == "-S" { // indicates that this is a 'reverse' path (h2 sending) and we must invert the Tp port numbers and vland ids
					cfreq.Match.Tpsport = p2
					cfreq.Match.Tpdport = p1
					cfreq.Match.Vlan_id = v2
				} else {
					cfreq.Match.Tpsport = p1
					cfreq.Match.Tpdport = p2
					cfreq.Match.Vlan_id = v1

				rm_sheep.Baa(1, "res_mgr/push_rea: forward endpoint flow-mods for path %d: %s flag=%s tptyp=%s VMs=%s,%s dir=%s->%s tpsport=%s  tpdport=%s  spq=%s/%d/%d ext=%s exp/fm_exp=%d/%d",
					i, *rname, *cfreq.Exttyp, tptype_toks[tidx], *h1, *h2, *cfreq.Match.Ip1, *cfreq.Match.Ip2, *cfreq.Match.Tpsport, *cfreq.Match.Tpdport,
					cfreq.Espq.Switch, cfreq.Espq.Port, cfreq.Espq.Queuenum, *cfreq.Extip, expiry, cfreq.Expiry)

				msg = ipc.Mk_chmsg()
				msg.Send_req(fq_ch, nil, REQ_BW_RESERVE, cfreq, nil) // queue work with fq-manger to send cmds for bandwidth f-mod setup

				// WARNING:  this is q-lite only -- there is no attempt to set up intermediate switches!

		p.Set_pushed() // safe to mark the pledge as having been pushed.
Esempio n. 7
	This builds a fq-mgr request and passes it to the fq-mgr to 'refine' and send along
	to the agent-manager for ultimate execution.  It might be possible to pass it
	directly to the agent manager, but because res-mgr thinks in IP addresses, and
	fq-manager (that might be the only source of IP->Mac translation which flow-mods
	need) is still left in the middle.

	CAUTION: this function is called for both new reservations, _and_ to refresh
		reservations with expiry value further in the future than the switch can
		handle.  It is also invoked when pausing reservations and will cause new
		flow-mods to be sent with a short duration timeout to flush existing flow-mods
		from the switch.
func bwow_push_res(gp *gizmos.Pledge, rname *string, ch chan *ipc.Chmsg, to_limit int64, pref_v6 bool) {
	var (
		msg *ipc.Chmsg

	now := time.Now().Unix()
	p, ok := (*gp).(*gizmos.Pledge_bwow) // generic pledge better be a bw oneway pledge!
	if !ok {
		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "internal mishap in push_bwow_res: pledge isn't a oneway pledge")
		(*gp).Set_pushed() // prevent looping

	src, dest, src_tpport, dest_tpport, _, expiry := p.Get_values() // hosts, transport ports, and expiry time
	vlan := p.Get_vlan()                                            // vlan match criteria for source

	ip_src := name2ip(src)
	ip_dest := name2ip(dest)

	if ip_src != nil && ip_dest != nil { // good ip addresses so we're good to go
		gate := p.Get_gate() // get the gate information that is applied for the oneway
		if gate != nil {     // be parinoid
			//timestamp := time.Now().Unix() + 16				// assume this will fall within the first few seconds of the reservation as we use it to find queue in timeslice
			freq := Mk_fqreq(rname) // default flow mod request no match/actions

			freq.Ipv6 = p.Get_matchv6() // should we force a match on IPv6 rather than IPv4?
			freq.Cookie = 0xffff        // should be ignored, if we see this out there we've got problems
			freq.Single_switch = true   // implied with a oneway, but set it anyway
			freq.Dscp = p.Get_dscp()    // reservation supplied dscp value that we're to match (koe is meaningless in one way)
			freq.Dscp_koe = false       // meaningless for oneway, but ensure it's false so flag isn't accidently set later

			if (*p).Is_paused() {
				freq.Expiry = time.Now().Unix() + 15 // if reservation shows paused, then we set the expiration to 15s from now  which should force existing flow-mods out
			} else {
				if to_limit > 0 && expiry > now+to_limit {
					freq.Expiry = now + to_limit // expiry must be capped so as not to overflow virtual switch variable size
				} else {
					freq.Expiry = expiry
			freq.Id = rname

			freq.Match.Ip1 = gate.Get_src().Get_address(pref_v6) // should match pledge, but gate is the ultimate authority
			freq.Match.Ip2 = gate.Get_dest().Get_address(pref_v6)
			freq.Espq = gate.Get_spq(rname, now+16) // switch port queue
			freq.Extip = gate.Get_extip()           // returns nil if not an external and that's what we need

			tptype_list := p.Get_proto()                                           // pick up protocol supplied on the reservation
			if (*src_tpport != "0" || *dest_tpport != "0") && *tptype_list == "" { // if port supplied we must set proto; default to both if
				tpl := "udp tcp" // user didn't supply one
				tptype_list = &tpl
			tptype_toks := strings.Split(*tptype_list, " ")

			for tidx := range tptype_toks { // must have a req for each transport proto type, clone base, add the proto specific changes, & send to fqmgr
				cfreq := freq.Clone() // since we send this off for asynch processing we must make a copy

				cfreq.Tptype = &tptype_toks[tidx] // transport type (tcp, udp or none)

				cfreq.Match.Tpsport = src_tpport
				cfreq.Match.Tpdport = dest_tpport
				cfreq.Match.Vlan_id = vlan

				ip2_str := ""
				if cfreq.Match.Ip2 != nil {
					ip2_str = *cfreq.Match.Ip2
				rm_sheep.Baa(1, "res_mgr/push_bwow: flag=%s tptyp=%s VMs=%s,%s dir=%s->%s tpsport=%s  tpdport=%s  spq=%s/%d/%d exp/fm_exp=%d/%d",
					*rname, tptype_toks[tidx], *src, *dest, *cfreq.Match.Ip1, ip2_str, *cfreq.Match.Tpsport, *cfreq.Match.Tpdport,
					cfreq.Espq.Switch, cfreq.Espq.Port, cfreq.Espq.Queuenum, expiry, cfreq.Expiry)

				msg = ipc.Mk_chmsg()
				msg.Send_req(fq_ch, nil, REQ_BWOW_RESERVE, cfreq, nil) // queue work with fq-manger to send cmds for bandwidth f-mod setup


		p.Set_pushed() // safe to mark the pledge as having been pushed.
	} else {
		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "oneway not pushed: could not map one/both hosts to an IP address")
Esempio n. 8
File: osif.go Progetto: krjoshi/tegu
	executed as a goroutine this loops waiting for messages from the tickler and takes
	action based on what is needed.
func Osif_mgr(my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg) {

	var (
		msg           *ipc.Chmsg
		os_list       string                    = ""
		os_sects      []string                       // sections in the config file
		os_refs       map[string]*ostack.Ostack      // creds for each project we need to request info from
		os_projects   map[string]*osif_project       // list of project info (maps)
		os_admin      *ostack.Ostack                 // admin creds
		refresh_delay int                       = 15 // config file can override
		id2pname      map[string]*string             // project id/name translation maps
		pname2id      map[string]*string
		req_token     bool    = false // if set to true in config file the token _must_ be present when called to validate
		def_passwd    *string         // defaults and what we assume are the admin creds
		def_usr       *string
		def_url       *string
		def_project   *string
		def_region    *string

	osif_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater(0, os.Stderr) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master
	tegu_sheep.Add_child(osif_sheep) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too

	//ostack.Set_debugging( 0 );

	// ---- pick up configuration file things of interest --------------------------

	if cfg_data["osif"] != nil { // cannot imagine that this section is missing, but don't fail if it is
		def_passwd = cfg_data["osif"]["passwd"] // defaults applied if non-section given in list, or info omitted from the section
		def_usr = cfg_data["osif"]["usr"]
		def_url = cfg_data["osif"]["url"]
		def_project = cfg_data["osif"]["project"]

		p := cfg_data["osif"]["refresh"]
		if p != nil {
			refresh_delay = clike.Atoi(*p)
			if refresh_delay < 15 {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "resresh was too small (%ds), setting to 15", refresh_delay)
				refresh_delay = 15

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["debug"]
		if p != nil {
			v := clike.Atoi(*p)
			if v > -5 {

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["region"]
		if p != nil {
			def_region = p

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["ostack_list"] // preferred placement in osif section
		if p == nil {
			p = cfg_data["default"]["ostack_list"] // originally in default, so backwards compatable
		if p != nil {
			os_list = *p

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["require_token"]
		if p != nil && *p == "true" {
			req_token = true

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["verbose"]
		if p != nil {

	if os_list == " " || os_list == "" || os_list == "off" {
		osif_sheep.Baa(0, "osif disabled: no openstack list (ostack_list) defined in configuration file or setting is 'off'")
	} else {
		// TODO -- investigate getting id2pname maps from each specific set of creds defined if an overarching admin name is not given

		os_admin = get_admin_creds(def_url, def_usr, def_passwd, def_project, def_region) // this will block until we authenticate
		if os_admin != nil {
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "admin creds generated, mapping tenants")
			pname2id, id2pname, _ = os_admin.Map_tenants() // list only projects we belong to
			for k, v := range pname2id {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "project known: %s %s", k, *v) // useful to see in log what projects we can see
		} else {
			id2pname = make(map[string]*string) // empty maps and we'll never generate a translation from project name to tenant ID since there are no default admin creds
			pname2id = make(map[string]*string)
			if def_project != nil {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=%s, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack  [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_project, def_region)
			} else {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=no-project, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack  [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_region) // YES msg ids are duplicated here

		if os_list == "all" {
			os_refs, _ = refresh_creds(os_admin, os_refs, id2pname) // for each project in id2pname get current ostack struct (auth)
			for k := range os_refs {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "inital os_list member: %s", k)
		} else {
			if strings.Index(os_list, ",") > 0 {
				os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, ",")
			} else {
				os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, " ")

			os_refs = make(map[string]*ostack.Ostack, len(os_sects)*2) // length is a guideline, not a hard value
			for i := 0; i < len(os_sects); i++ {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "creating openstack interface for %s", os_sects[i])
				url := def_url
				usr := def_usr
				passwd := def_passwd
				project := &os_sects[i]

				if cfg_data[os_sects[i]] != nil { // section name supplied, override defaults with information from the section
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"] != nil {
						url = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"] != nil {
						usr = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"] != nil {
						passwd = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"] != nil {
						project = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"]
				os_refs[*project] = ostack.Mk_ostack(url, usr, passwd, project)
				os_refs["_ref_"] = os_refs[*project] // a quick access reference when any one will do

		os_projects = make(map[string]*osif_project)
		add2projects(os_projects, os_refs, pname2id, 0) // add refernces to the projects list

	// ---------------- end config parsing ----------------------------------------

	if os_admin != nil { // only if we are using openstack as a database
		//tklr.Add_spot( 3, my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, 1 )						// add tickle spot to drive us once in 3s and then another to drive us based on config refresh rate
		tklr.Add_spot(int64(180), my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, ipc.FOREVER)

	osif_sheep.Baa(2, "osif manager is running  %x", my_chan)
	for {
		msg = <-my_chan // wait for next message from tickler
		msg.State = nil // default to all OK

		osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request: %d", msg.Msg_type)
		switch msg.Msg_type {
		case REQ_GENMAPS: // driven by tickler
			// deprecated with switch to lazy update

		case REQ_GENCREDS: // driven by tickler now and then
			if os_admin != nil {
				os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")

			/* ---- before lite ----
			case REQ_VM2IP:														// driven by tickler; gen a new vm translation map and push to net mgr
				m := mapvm2ip( os_refs )
				if m != nil {
					count := 0;
					msg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( )
					msg.Send_req( nw_ch, nil, REQ_VM2IP, m, nil )					// send new map to network as it is managed there
					osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "VM2IP mapping updated from openstack" )
					for k, v := range m {
						osif_sheep.Baa( 3, "VM mapped: %s ==> %s", k, *v )
					osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "mapped %d VM names/IDs from openstack (verbose 3 for debug list)", count )

		case REQ_IP2MACMAP: // generate an ip to mac map and send to those who need it (fq_mgr at this point)
			freq := ipc.Mk_chmsg() // need a new request to pass to fq_mgr
			data, err := get_ip2mac(os_projects)
			if err == nil {
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "sending ip2mac map to fq_mgr")
				freq.Send_req(fq_ch, nil, REQ_IP2MACMAP, data, nil) // request data forward
				msg.State = nil                                     // response ok back to requestor
			} else {
				msg.State = err // error goes back to requesting process

			if msg.Response_ch != nil { // no sense going off to ostack if no place to send the list
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "starting list host")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = get_hosts(os_refs)
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "finishing list host")
			} else {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no response channel for host list request  [TGUOSI012]")

			/* ======= don't think these are needed but holding ======
			case REQ_PROJNAME2ID:					// translate a project name (tenant) to ID
				if msg.Response_ch != nil {
					pname := msg.Req_data.( *string )
					if s, ok := pname2id[*pname]; ok {			// translate if there, else assume it's in it's "final" form
						msg.Response_data = s
					} else {
						msg.Response_data = pname


		case REQ_VALIDATE_TOKEN: // given token/tenant validate it and translate tenant name to ID if given; returns just ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				s := msg.Req_data.(*string)
				*s += "/"                                 // add trailing slant to simulate "data"
				if !have_project(s, pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(s, os_refs, pname2id, req_token)

		case REQ_GET_HOSTINFO: // dig out all of the bits of host info for a single host from openstack and return in a network update struct
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_os_hostinfo(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                         // prevent early response

			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_all_osvm_info(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                           // prevent response from this function

		case REQ_GET_DEFGW: // dig out the default gateway for a project
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_os_defgw(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                      // prevent early response

		case REQ_VALIDATE_HOST: // validate and translate a [token/]project-name/host  string
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, req_token)

		case REQ_XLATE_HOST: // accepts a [token/][project/]host name and translate project to an ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, false) // same process as validation but token not required

		case REQ_VALIDATE_TEGU_ADMIN: // validate that the token is for the tegu user
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.State = validate_admin_token(os_admin, msg.Req_data.(*string), def_usr)
				msg.Response_data = ""

		case REQ_HAS_ANY_ROLE: // given a token and list of roles, returns true if any role listed is listed by openstack for the token
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				d := msg.Req_data.(*string)
				dtoks := strings.Split(*d, " ") // data assumed to be token <space> role[,role...]
				if len(dtoks) > 1 {
					msg.Response_data, msg.State = has_any_role(os_refs, os_admin, &dtoks[0], &dtoks[1])
				} else {
					msg.State = fmt.Errorf("has_any_role: bad input data")
					msg.Response_data = false


		case REQ_PNAME2ID: // user, project, tenant (what ever) name to ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				msg.Response_data = pname2id[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))]
				if msg.Response_data.(*string) == nil { // maybe it was an ID that came in
					if id2pname[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))] != nil { // if in id map, then return the stirng (the id) they passed (#202)
						msg.Response_data = msg.Req_data.(*string)
					} else {
						msg.Response_data = nil // couldn't translate

			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "unknown request: %d", msg.Msg_type)
			msg.Response_data = nil
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osif: unknown request (%d)", msg.Msg_type)

		if msg != nil { // if msg wasn't passed off to a go routine
			osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request complete: %d", msg.Msg_type)

			if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a reqponse channel was provided
				msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requestor
Esempio n. 9
	Opens the filename passed in and reads the reservation data from it. The assumption is
	that records in the file were saved via the write_chkpt() function and are JSON pledges
	or other serializable objects.  We will drop any pledges that expired while 'sitting'
	in the file.
func (i *Inventory) load_chkpt(fname *string) (err error) {
	var (
		rec   string
		nrecs int = 0
		p     *gizmos.Pledge
		my_ch chan *ipc.Chmsg
		req   *ipc.Chmsg

	err = nil
	my_ch = make(chan *ipc.Chmsg)
	defer close(my_ch) // close it on return

	f, err := os.Open(*fname)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	br := bufio.NewReader(f)
	for err == nil {
		rec, err = br.ReadString('\n')
		if err == nil {

			switch rec[0:5] {
			case "ucap:":
				toks := strings.Split(rec, " ")
				if len(toks) == 3 {
					i.add_ulcap(&toks[1], &toks[2])

				p, err = gizmos.Json2pledge(&rec) // convert any type of json pledge to Pledge

				if err == nil {
					if (*p).Is_expired() {
						rm_sheep.Baa(1, "resmgr: ckpt_load: ignored expired pledge: %s", (*p).String())
					} else {
						switch sp := (*p).(type) { // work on specific pledge type, but pass the Pledge interface to add()
						case *gizmos.Pledge_mirror:
							err = i.Add_res(p) // assume we can just add it back in as is

						case *gizmos.Pledge_steer:
							rm_sheep.Baa(0, "did not restore steering reservation from checkpoint; not implemented")

						case *gizmos.Pledge_bwow:
							h1, h2 := sp.Get_hosts() // get the host names, fetch ostack data and update graph
							push_block := h2 == nil
							update_graph(h1, push_block, push_block) // dig h1 info; push to netmgr if h2 isn't known and block on response
							if h2 != nil {
								update_graph(h2, true, true) // dig h2 data and push to netmgr blocking for a netmgr response

							req = ipc.Mk_chmsg() // now safe to ask netmgr to validate the oneway pledge
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_BWOW_RESERVE, sp, nil)
							req = <-my_ch // should be OK, but the underlying network could have changed

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								gate := req.Response_data.(*gizmos.Gate) // expect that network sent us a gate
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "gate allocated for oneway reservation: %s %s %s %s", *(sp.Get_id()), *h1, *h2, *(gate.Get_extip()))
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to reserve for oneway pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", (*p).To_str())

						case *gizmos.Pledge_bw:
							h1, h2 := sp.Get_hosts()       // get the host names, fetch ostack data and update graph
							update_graph(h1, false, false) // don't need to block on this one, nor update fqmgr
							update_graph(h2, true, true)   // wait for netmgr to update graph and then push related data to fqmgr

							req = ipc.Mk_chmsg() // now safe to ask netmgr to find a path for the pledge
							rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reserving path starts")
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_BW_RESERVE, sp, nil)
							req = <-my_ch // should be OK, but the underlying network could have changed

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reserving path finished")
								path_list := req.Response_data.([]*gizmos.Path) // path(s) that were found to be suitable for the reservation
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "path allocated for chkptd reservation: %s %s %s; path length= %d", *(sp.Get_id()), *h1, *h2, len(path_list))
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to reserve for pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", (*p).To_str())

						case *gizmos.Pledge_pass:
							host, _ := sp.Get_hosts()
							update_graph(host, true, true)
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_GETPHOST, host, nil) // need to find the current phost for the vm
							req = <-my_ch

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								phost := req.Response_data.(*string)
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "passthrou phost found  for chkptd reservation: %s %s %s", *(sp.Get_id()), *host, *phost)
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								s := fmt.Errorf("unknown reason")
								if req.State != nil {
									s = req.State
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to find phost for passthru pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", s)
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "erroring passthru pledge: %s", (*p).To_str())

							rm_sheep.Baa(0, "rmgr/load_ckpt: unrecognised pledge type")

						} // end switch on specific pledge type
				} else {
					rm_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: %s", err)
					return // quickk escape
			} // outer switch

	if err == io.EOF {
		err = nil

	rm_sheep.Baa(1, "read %d records from checkpoint file: %s", nrecs, *fname)
Esempio n. 10
	the main go routine to act on messages sent to our channel. We expect messages from the
	reservation manager, and from a tickler that causes us to evaluate the need to resize
	ovs queues.

	DSCP values:  Dscp values range from 0-64 decimal, but when described on or by
		flow-mods are shifted two bits to the left. The send flow mod function will
		do the needed shifting so all values outside of that one funciton should assume/use
		decimal values in the range of 0-64.

func Fq_mgr(my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg, sdn_host *string) {

	var (
		uri_prefix   string = ""
		msg          *ipc.Chmsg
		data         []interface{}      // generic list of data on some requests
		fdata        *Fq_req            // flow-mod request data
		qcheck_freq  int64              = 5
		hcheck_freq  int64              = 180
		host_list    *string                            // current set of openstack real hosts
		ip2mac       map[string]*string                 // translation from ip address to mac
		switch_hosts *string                            // from config file and overrides openstack list if given (mostly testing)
		ssq_cmd      *string                            // command string used to set switch queues (from config file)
		send_all     bool               = false         // send all flow-mods; false means send just ingress/egress and not intermediate switch f-mods
		alt_table    int                = DEF_ALT_TABLE // meta data marking table
		phost_suffix *string            = nil           // physical host suffix added to each host name in the list from openstack (config)

		//max_link_used	int64 = 0			// the current maximum link utilisation

	fq_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater(0, os.Stderr) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master
	tegu_sheep.Add_child(fq_sheep) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too

	// -------------- pick up config file data if there --------------------------------
	if *sdn_host == "" { // not supplied on command line, pull from config
		if sdn_host = cfg_data["default"]["sdn_host"]; sdn_host == nil { // no default; when not in config, then it's turned off and we send to agent
			sdn_host = &empty_str

	if cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"] != nil {
		if *cfg_data["default"]["queue_type"] == "endpoint" {
			send_all = false
		} else {
			send_all = true
	if p := cfg_data["default"]["alttable"]; p != nil { // this is the base; we use alt_table to alt_table + (n-1) when we need more than 1 table
		alt_table = clike.Atoi(*p)

	if cfg_data["fqmgr"] != nil { // pick up things in our specific setion
		if dp := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["ssq_cmd"]; dp != nil { // set switch queue command
			ssq_cmd = dp

			if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["default_dscp"]; p != nil {		// this is a single value and should not be confused with the dscp list in the default section of the config
				dscp = clike.Atoi( *p )

		if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["queue_check"]; p != nil { // queue check frequency from the control file
			qcheck_freq = clike.Atoi64(*p)
			if qcheck_freq < 5 {
				qcheck_freq = 5

		if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["host_check"]; p != nil { // frequency of checking for new _real_ hosts from openstack
			hcheck_freq = clike.Atoi64(*p)
			if hcheck_freq < 30 {
				hcheck_freq = 30

		if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["switch_hosts"]; p != nil {
			switch_hosts = p

		if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["verbose"]; p != nil {

		if p := cfg_data["fqmgr"]["phost_suffix"]; p != nil { // suffix added to physical host strings for agent commands
			if *p != "" {
				phost_suffix = p
				fq_sheep.Baa(1, "physical host names will be suffixed with: %s", *phost_suffix)
	// ----- end config file munging ---------------------------------------------------

	//tklr.Add_spot( qcheck_freq, my_chan, REQ_SETQUEUES, nil, ipc.FOREVER );  	// tickle us every few seconds to adjust the ovs queues if needed

	if switch_hosts == nil {
		tklr.Add_spot(2, my_chan, REQ_CHOSTLIST, nil, 1)                     // tickle once, very soon after starting, to get a host list
		tklr.Add_spot(hcheck_freq, my_chan, REQ_CHOSTLIST, nil, ipc.FOREVER) // tickles us every once in a while to update host list
		fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list will be requested from openstack every %ds", hcheck_freq)
	} else {
		host_list = switch_hosts
		fq_sheep.Baa(0, "static host list from config used for setting OVS queues: %s", *host_list)

	if sdn_host != nil && *sdn_host != "" {
		uri_prefix = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", *sdn_host)

	fq_sheep.Baa(1, "flowmod-queue manager is running, sdn host: %s", *sdn_host)
	for {
		msg = <-my_chan // wait for next message
		msg.State = nil // default to all OK

		fq_sheep.Baa(3, "processing message: %d", msg.Msg_type)
		switch msg.Msg_type {
		case REQ_GEN_FMOD: // generic fmod; just pass it along w/o any special handling
			if msg.Req_data != nil {
				fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of our expected goodies
				send_gfmod_agent(fdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix)

		case REQ_BWOW_RESERVE: // oneway bandwidth flow-mod generation
			msg.Response_ch = nil          // nothing goes back from this
			fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of the expected goodies
			send_bwow_fmods(fdata, ip2mac, phost_suffix)

		case REQ_BW_RESERVE: // bandwidth endpoint flow-mod creation; single agent script creates all needed fmods
			fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // pointer at struct with all of the expected goodies
			send_bw_fmods(fdata, ip2mac, phost_suffix)
			msg.Response_ch = nil // nothing goes back from this

		case REQ_IE_RESERVE: // proactive ingress/egress reservation flowmod  (this is likely deprecated as of 3/21/2015 -- resmgr invokes the bw_fmods script via agent)
			fdata = msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // user view of what the flow-mod should be

			if uri_prefix != "" { // an sdn controller -- skoogi -- is enabled
				msg.State = gizmos.SK_ie_flowmod(&uri_prefix, *fdata.Match.Ip1, *fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port)

				if msg.State == nil { // no error, no response to requestor
					fq_sheep.Baa(2, "proactive reserve successfully sent: uri=%s h1=%s h2=%s exp=%d qnum=%d swid=%s port=%d dscp=%d",
						uri_prefix, fdata.Match.Ip1, fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port)
					msg.Response_ch = nil
				} else {
					// do we need to suss out the id and mark it failed, or set a timer on it,  so as not to flood reqmgr with errors?
					fq_sheep.Baa(1, "ERR: proactive reserve failed: uri=%s h1=%s h2=%s exp=%d qnum=%d swid=%s port=%d  [TGUFQM008]",
						uri_prefix, fdata.Match.Ip1, fdata.Match.Ip2, fdata.Expiry, fdata.Espq.Queuenum, fdata.Espq.Switch, fdata.Espq.Port)
			} else {
				// q-lite now generates one flowmod  in each direction because of the ITONS requirements
				if send_all || fdata.Espq.Queuenum > 1 { // if sending all fmods, or this has a non-intermediate queue
					cdata := fdata.Clone()       // copy so we can alter w/o affecting sender's copy
					if cdata.Espq.Port == -128 { // we'll assume in this case that the switch given is the host name and we need to set the switch to br-int
						swid := "br-int"
						cdata.Swid = &swid

					if cdata.Resub == nil {
						resub_list := ""                         // resub to alternate table to set a meta mark, then to table 0 to hit openstack junk
						if cdata.Single_switch || fdata.Dir_in { // must use the base table for inbound traffic OR same switch traffic (bug 2015/1/26)
							resub_list = fmt.Sprintf("%d 0", alt_table) // base alt_table is for 'local' traffic (trafic that doesn't go through br-rl
						} else {
							resub_list = fmt.Sprintf("%d 0", alt_table+1) // base+1 is for OUTBOUND only traffic that must go through the rate limiting bridge
						cdata.Resub = &resub_list

					meta := "0x00/0x07" // match-value/mask; match only when meta neither of our two bits, nor the agent bit (0x04) are set
					cdata.Match.Meta = &meta

					if fdata.Dir_in { // inbound to this switch we need to revert dscp from our settings to the 'origianal' settings
						if cdata.Single_switch {
							cdata.Match.Dscp = -1 // there is no match if both on same switch
							send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix)
						} else {
							cdata.Match.Dscp = cdata.Dscp // match the dscp that was added on ingress
							if !cdata.Dscp_koe {          // dropping the value on exit
								cdata.Action.Dscp = 0 // set action to turn it off, otherwise we let it ride (no overt action)

							send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix)
					} else { // outbound from this switch set the dscp value specified on the reservation
						cdata.Match.Dscp = -1 // on outbound there is no dscp match, ensure this is off
						if cdata.Single_switch {
							send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix) // in single switch mode there is no dscp value needed
						} else {
							cdata.Action.Dscp = cdata.Dscp // otherwise set the value and send
							send_gfmod_agent(cdata, ip2mac, host_list, phost_suffix)

				msg.Response_ch = nil

		case REQ_ST_RESERVE: // reservation fmods for traffic steering
			msg.Response_ch = nil // for now, nothing goes back
			if msg.Req_data != nil {
				fq_data := msg.Req_data.(*Fq_req) // request data
				if uri_prefix != "" {             // an sdn controller -- skoogi -- is enabled (not supported)
					fq_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: steering reservations are not supported with skoogi (SDNC); no flow-mods pushed")
				} else {
					send_stfmod_agent(fq_data, ip2mac, host_list)
			} else {
				fq_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: missing data on st-reserve request to fq-mgr")

		case REQ_SK_RESERVE: // send a reservation to skoogi
			data = msg.Req_data.([]interface{}) // msg data expected to be array of interface: h1, h2, expiry, queue h1/2 must be IP addresses
			if uri_prefix != "" {
				fq_sheep.Baa(2, "msg to reserve: %s %s %s %d %d", uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int))
				msg.State = gizmos.SK_reserve(&uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int))
			} else {
				fq_sheep.Baa(1, "reservation not sent, no sdn-host defined:  %s %s %s %d %d", uri_prefix, data[0].(string), data[1].(string), data[2].(int64), data[3].(int))

		case REQ_SETQUEUES: // request from reservation manager which indicates something changed and queues need to be reset
			qlist := msg.Req_data.([]interface{})[0].([]string)
			if ssq_cmd != nil {
				adjust_queues(qlist, ssq_cmd, host_list) // if writing to a file and driving a local script
			} else {
				adjust_queues_agent(qlist, host_list, phost_suffix) // if sending json to an agent

		case REQ_CHOSTLIST: // this is tricky as it comes from tickler as a request, and from osifmgr as a response, be careful!
			msg.Response_ch = nil // regardless of source, we should not reply to this request

			if msg.State != nil || msg.Response_data != nil { // response from ostack if with list or error
				if msg.Response_data.(*string) != nil {
					hls := strings.TrimLeft(*(msg.Response_data.(*string)), " \t") // ditch leading whitespace
					hl := &hls
					if *hl != "" {
						host_list = hl // ok to use it
						if phost_suffix != nil {
							fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list from osif before suffix added: %s", *host_list)
							host_list = add_phost_suffix(host_list, phost_suffix) // in some cases ostack sends foo, but we really need to use foo-suffix (sigh)
						send_hlist_agent(host_list) // send to agent_manager
						fq_sheep.Baa(2, "host list received from osif: %s", *host_list)
					} else {
						fq_sheep.Baa(1, "host list received from osif was discarded: ()")
				} else {
					fq_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no  data from openstack; expected host list string  [TGUFQM009]")
			} else {
				req_hosts(my_chan, fq_sheep) // send requests to osif for data

		case REQ_IP2MACMAP: // a new map from osif
			if msg.Req_data != nil {
				newmap := msg.Req_data.(map[string]*string)
				if len(newmap) > 0 {
					ip2mac = newmap // safe to replace
					fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: %d elements", len(ip2mac))
				} else {
					if ip2mac != nil {
						fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: 0 elements -- kept old table with %d elements", len(ip2mac))
					} else {
						fq_sheep.Baa(2, "ip2mac translation received from osif: 0 elements -- no existing table to keep")
			} else {
				fq_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no  data from osif (nil map); expected ip2mac translation map  [TGUFQM010]")
			msg.State = nil // state is always good

			fq_sheep.Baa(1, "unknown request: %d", msg.Msg_type)
			msg.Response_data = nil
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				msg.State = fmt.Errorf("unknown request (%d)", msg.Msg_type)

		fq_sheep.Baa(3, "processing message complete: %d", msg.Msg_type)
		if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a reqponse channel was provided
			fq_sheep.Baa(3, "sending response: %d", msg.Msg_type)
			msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requestor