Esempio n. 1
	Opens the filename passed in and reads the reservation data from it. The assumption is
	that records in the file were saved via the write_chkpt() function and are JSON pledges
	or other serializable objects.  We will drop any pledges that expired while 'sitting'
	in the file.
func (inv *Inventory) load_chkpt(fname *string) (err error) {
	var (
		rec   string
		nrecs int = 0
		p     *gizmos.Pledge

	err = nil

	f, err := os.Open(*fname)
	if err != nil {
		rm_sheep.Baa(1, "checkpoint open failed for %s: %s", *fname, err)
	defer f.Close()

	rm_sheep.Baa(1, "loading from checkpoint: %s", *fname)

	added := 0 // counters for end bleat
	queued := 0
	failed := 0

	br := bufio.NewReader(f)
	for err == nil {
		rec, err = br.ReadString('\n')
		if err == nil {

			switch rec[0:5] {
			case "ucap:":
				toks := strings.Split(rec, " ")
				if len(toks) == 3 {
					inv.add_ulcap(&toks[1], &toks[2])

				p, err = gizmos.Json2pledge(&rec) // convert any type of json pledge to Pledge
				if err == nil {
					switch vet_pledge(p) {
					case DS_ADD:
						rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reservaton vetted; added to the cache: %s", *((*p).Get_id()))
						err = inv.Add_res(p) // vet ok, add to reservation cache

					case DS_RETRY:
						rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reservaton had recoverable errors; added to retry list: %s", *((*p).Get_id()))

						rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reservaton expired or had unrecoverable errors; discarded: %s", p)
				} else {
					rm_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: %s", err)
					return // quickk escape
			} // outer switch

	if err == io.EOF {
		err = nil

	rm_sheep.Baa(1, "read %d records from checkpoint file: %s:  %d adds; %d queued for retry; %d dropped", nrecs, *fname, added, queued, failed)
Esempio n. 2
	Opens the filename passed in and reads the reservation data from it. The assumption is
	that records in the file were saved via the write_chkpt() function and are JSON pledges
	or other serializable objects.  We will drop any pledges that expired while 'sitting'
	in the file.
func (i *Inventory) load_chkpt(fname *string) (err error) {
	var (
		rec   string
		nrecs int = 0
		p     *gizmos.Pledge
		my_ch chan *ipc.Chmsg
		req   *ipc.Chmsg

	err = nil
	my_ch = make(chan *ipc.Chmsg)
	defer close(my_ch) // close it on return

	f, err := os.Open(*fname)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	br := bufio.NewReader(f)
	for err == nil {
		rec, err = br.ReadString('\n')
		if err == nil {

			switch rec[0:5] {
			case "ucap:":
				toks := strings.Split(rec, " ")
				if len(toks) == 3 {
					i.add_ulcap(&toks[1], &toks[2])

				p, err = gizmos.Json2pledge(&rec) // convert any type of json pledge to Pledge

				if err == nil {
					if (*p).Is_expired() {
						rm_sheep.Baa(1, "resmgr: ckpt_load: ignored expired pledge: %s", (*p).String())
					} else {
						switch sp := (*p).(type) { // work on specific pledge type, but pass the Pledge interface to add()
						case *gizmos.Pledge_mirror:
							err = i.Add_res(p) // assume we can just add it back in as is

						case *gizmos.Pledge_steer:
							rm_sheep.Baa(0, "did not restore steering reservation from checkpoint; not implemented")

						case *gizmos.Pledge_bwow:
							h1, h2 := sp.Get_hosts() // get the host names, fetch ostack data and update graph
							push_block := h2 == nil
							update_graph(h1, push_block, push_block) // dig h1 info; push to netmgr if h2 isn't known and block on response
							if h2 != nil {
								update_graph(h2, true, true) // dig h2 data and push to netmgr blocking for a netmgr response

							req = ipc.Mk_chmsg() // now safe to ask netmgr to validate the oneway pledge
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_BWOW_RESERVE, sp, nil)
							req = <-my_ch // should be OK, but the underlying network could have changed

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								gate := req.Response_data.(*gizmos.Gate) // expect that network sent us a gate
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "gate allocated for oneway reservation: %s %s %s %s", *(sp.Get_id()), *h1, *h2, *(gate.Get_extip()))
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to reserve for oneway pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", (*p).To_str())

						case *gizmos.Pledge_bw:
							h1, h2 := sp.Get_hosts()       // get the host names, fetch ostack data and update graph
							update_graph(h1, false, false) // don't need to block on this one, nor update fqmgr
							update_graph(h2, true, true)   // wait for netmgr to update graph and then push related data to fqmgr

							req = ipc.Mk_chmsg() // now safe to ask netmgr to find a path for the pledge
							rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reserving path starts")
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_BW_RESERVE, sp, nil)
							req = <-my_ch // should be OK, but the underlying network could have changed

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								rm_sheep.Baa(2, "reserving path finished")
								path_list := req.Response_data.([]*gizmos.Path) // path(s) that were found to be suitable for the reservation
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "path allocated for chkptd reservation: %s %s %s; path length= %d", *(sp.Get_id()), *h1, *h2, len(path_list))
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to reserve for pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", (*p).To_str())

						case *gizmos.Pledge_pass:
							host, _ := sp.Get_hosts()
							update_graph(host, true, true)
							req.Send_req(nw_ch, my_ch, REQ_GETPHOST, host, nil) // need to find the current phost for the vm
							req = <-my_ch

							if req.Response_data != nil {
								phost := req.Response_data.(*string)
								rm_sheep.Baa(1, "passthrou phost found  for chkptd reservation: %s %s %s", *(sp.Get_id()), *host, *phost)
								err = i.Add_res(p)
							} else {
								s := fmt.Errorf("unknown reason")
								if req.State != nil {
									s = req.State
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "ERR: resmgr: ckpt_laod: unable to find phost for passthru pledge: %s	[TGURMG000]", s)
								rm_sheep.Baa(0, "erroring passthru pledge: %s", (*p).To_str())

							rm_sheep.Baa(0, "rmgr/load_ckpt: unrecognised pledge type")

						} // end switch on specific pledge type
				} else {
					rm_sheep.Baa(0, "CRI: %s", err)
					return // quickk escape
			} // outer switch

	if err == io.EOF {
		err = nil

	rm_sheep.Baa(1, "read %d records from checkpoint file: %s", nrecs, *fname)