Esempio n. 1
// startSession creates a session with ACS and handles requests from ACS
// It also tries to repeatedly connect to ACS when disconnected
func startSession(ctx context.Context, args StartSessionArguments, backoff *utils.SimpleBackoff, acsResources sessionResources) error {
	for {
		acsError := startSessionOnce(ctx, args, backoff, acsResources)
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		if acsError == nil || acsError == io.EOF {
		} else {
			seelog.Infof("Error from acs; backing off, err: %v", acsError)
// startSession creates a session with ACS and handles requests from ACS
// It also tries to repeatedly connect to ACS when disconnected
func startSession(ctx context.Context, args StartSessionArguments, backoff *utils.SimpleBackoff, acsResources sessionResources) error {
	for {
		acsError := startSessionOnce(ctx, args, backoff, acsResources)
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()

		if acsError == nil || acsError == io.EOF {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(acsError.Error(), "InactiveInstanceException:") {
			seelog.Debug("Container instance is deregistered, notifying listeners")
			err := args.DeregisterInstanceEventStream.WriteToEventStream(struct{}{})
			if err != nil {
				seelog.Debugf("Failed to write to deregister container instance event stream, err: %v", err)
		} else {
			seelog.Infof("Error from acs; backing off, err: %v", acsError)
Esempio n. 3
// startACSSession starts a session with ACS. It adds request handlers for various
// kinds of messages expected from ACS. It returns on server disconnection or when
// the context is cancelled
func startACSSession(ctx context.Context, client wsclient.ClientServer, timer ttime.Timer, args StartSessionArguments, backoff *utils.SimpleBackoff, acsSessionState sessionState) error {
	// Any message from the server resets the disconnect timeout
	cfg := args.Config

	refreshCredsHandler := newRefreshCredentialsHandler(ctx, cfg.Cluster, args.ContainerInstanceArn, client, args.CredentialsManager, args.TaskEngine)
	defer refreshCredsHandler.clearAcks()

	// Add request handler for handling payload messages from ACS
	payloadHandler := newPayloadRequestHandler(ctx, args.TaskEngine, args.ECSClient, cfg.Cluster, args.ContainerInstanceArn, client, args.StateManager, refreshCredsHandler, args.CredentialsManager)
	// Clear the acks channel on return because acks of messageids don't have any value across sessions
	defer payloadHandler.clearAcks()

	// Ignore heartbeat messages; anyMessageHandler gets 'em
	client.AddRequestHandler(func(*ecsacs.HeartbeatMessage) {})

	updater.AddAgentUpdateHandlers(client, cfg, args.StateManager, args.TaskEngine)

	err := client.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		seelog.Errorf("Error connecting to ACS: %v", err)
		return err

	backoffResetTimer := args.time().AfterFunc(utils.AddJitter(args.heartbeatTimeout(), args.heartbeatJitter()), func() {
		// If we do not have an error connecting and remain connected for at
		// least 5 or so minutes, reset the backoff. This prevents disconnect
		// errors that only happen infrequently from damaging the
		// reconnectability as significantly.
	defer backoffResetTimer.Stop()

	serveErr := make(chan error, 1)
	go func() {
		serveErr <- client.Serve()

	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			// Stop receiving and sending messages from and to ACS when
			// the context received from the main function is canceled
			return ctx.Err()
		case err := <-serveErr:
			// Stop receiving and sending messages from and to ACS when
			// client.Serve returns an error. This can happen when the
			// the connection is closed by ACS or the agent
			return err