Esempio n. 1
func TestPreResignRequestExpiredCreds(t *testing.T) {
	provider := &credentials.StaticProvider{Value: credentials.Value{
		AccessKeyID:     "AKID",
		SecretAccessKey: "SECRET",
		SessionToken:    "SESSION",
	creds := credentials.NewCredentials(provider)
	svc := awstesting.NewClient(&aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
	r := svc.NewRequest(
			Name:       "BatchGetItem",
			HTTPMethod: "POST",
			HTTPPath:   "/",
	r.ExpireTime = time.Minute * 10

	querySig := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Signature")

	r.Time = time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 48)

	assert.NotEqual(t, querySig, r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Signature"))
Esempio n. 2
// GetSessions returns the current session from the SessionProvider.
func (dsp *ConfigurableSessionProvider) GetSession() *session.Session {
	defer dsp.sessionMutex.Unlock()

	if dsp._session != nil {
		return dsp._session

	cfgs := []*aws.Config{

	if dsp.ConfigAccessKey != "" {
		cfgs = append(cfgs, aws.NewConfig().WithCredentials(credentials.NewStaticCredentials(
	} else if !dsp.ConfigDisableENVCredentials {
		// NOTE: We may want to init all credential providers in one config, as they might overwrite each other
		cfgs = append(cfgs, aws.NewConfig().WithCredentials(credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.EnvProvider{})))
	} else {
		panic("no valid configuration parameters for aws credentials found.")

	dsp._session = session.New(cfgs...)
	return dsp._session
Esempio n. 3
func TestAfterRetryRefreshCreds(t *testing.T) {
	credProvider := &mockCredsProvider{}

	svc := awstesting.NewClient(&aws.Config{
		Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(credProvider),
		MaxRetries:  aws.Int(1),

	svc.Handlers.ValidateResponse.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) {
		r.Error = awserr.New("UnknownError", "", nil)
		r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{StatusCode: 400, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}))}
	svc.Handlers.UnmarshalError.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) {
		r.Error = awserr.New("ExpiredTokenException", "", nil)

	assert.True(t, svc.Config.Credentials.IsExpired(), "Expect to start out expired")
	assert.False(t, credProvider.retrieveCalled)

	req := svc.NewRequest(&request.Operation{Name: "Operation"}, nil, nil)

	assert.True(t, svc.Config.Credentials.IsExpired())
	assert.False(t, credProvider.retrieveCalled)

	_, err := svc.Config.Credentials.Get()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.True(t, credProvider.retrieveCalled)
Esempio n. 4
// assumeRole uses IAM credentials to assume a role
func (p *VaultProvider) assumeRole(creds credentials.Value, roleArn string) (sts.Credentials, error) {
	client := sts.New(session.New(&aws.Config{
		Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.StaticProvider{Value: creds}),

	input := &sts.AssumeRoleInput{
		RoleArn:         aws.String(roleArn),
		RoleSessionName: aws.String(p.roleSessionName()),
		DurationSeconds: aws.Int64(int64(p.AssumeRoleDuration.Seconds())),

	// if we don't have a session, we need to include MFA token in the AssumeRole call
	if mfa, ok := p.profiles[p.profile]["mfa_serial"]; ok {
		input.SerialNumber = aws.String(mfa)
		if p.MfaToken == "" {
			token, err := p.MfaPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("Enter token for %s: ", mfa))
			if err != nil {
				return sts.Credentials{}, err
			input.TokenCode = aws.String(token)
		} else {
			input.TokenCode = aws.String(p.MfaToken)

	log.Printf("Assuming role %s with iam credentials", roleArn)
	resp, err := client.AssumeRole(input)
	if err != nil {
		return sts.Credentials{}, err

	return *resp.Credentials, nil
Esempio n. 5
// GetAWSCreds returns the appropriate value as the need arises.
// evaluated in the following order
// 1. input variable
// 2. Environment variable
// 3. IAM Role
// "/.aws/credentials" necessary item increased about that, so it isn't used.
func (c *Config) GetAWSCreds() (*credentials.Credentials, error) {
	var creds *credentials.Credentials
	var err error

	err = nil
	// 1. input variable used
	if c.Aws.Accesskey != "" && c.Aws.SecretKey != "" {
		creds = credentials.NewStaticCredentials(c.Aws.Accesskey, c.Aws.SecretKey, "")
		_, err = creds.Get()

	if err != nil {
		// 2. Environment variable used
		creds = credentials.NewEnvCredentials()
		_, err = creds.Get()

		if err != nil {
			// 3. IAM Role used
			creds = credentials.NewCredentials(&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{})
			_, err = creds.Get()

	return creds, err
Esempio n. 6
func (p *VaultProvider) getSessionToken(creds *credentials.Value) (sts.Credentials, error) {
	params := &sts.GetSessionTokenInput{
		DurationSeconds: aws.Int64(int64(p.SessionDuration.Seconds())),

	if mfa, ok := p.profiles[p.profile]["mfa_serial"]; ok {
		params.SerialNumber = aws.String(mfa)
		if p.MfaToken == "" {
			token, err := p.MfaPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("Enter token for %s: ", mfa))
			if err != nil {
				return sts.Credentials{}, err
			params.TokenCode = aws.String(token)
		} else {
			params.TokenCode = aws.String(p.MfaToken)

	client := sts.New(session.New(&aws.Config{
		Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.StaticProvider{
			Value: *creds,

	log.Printf("Getting new session token for profile %s", sourceProfile(p.profile, p.profiles))
	resp, err := client.GetSessionToken(params)
	if err != nil {
		return sts.Credentials{}, err

	return *resp.Credentials, nil
func TestAfterRetryRefreshCreds(t *testing.T) {
	credProvider := &mockCredsProvider{}
	svc := NewService(&Config{Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(credProvider), MaxRetries: 1})

	svc.Handlers.ValidateResponse.PushBack(func(r *Request) {
		r.Error = apierr.New("UnknownError", "", nil)
		r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{StatusCode: 400}
	svc.Handlers.UnmarshalError.PushBack(func(r *Request) {
		r.Error = apierr.New("ExpiredTokenException", "", nil)
	svc.Handlers.AfterRetry.PushBack(func(r *Request) {

	assert.True(t, svc.Config.Credentials.IsExpired(), "Expect to start out expired")
	assert.False(t, credProvider.retreiveCalled)

	req := NewRequest(svc, &Operation{Name: "Operation"}, nil, nil)

	assert.True(t, svc.Config.Credentials.IsExpired())
	assert.False(t, credProvider.retreiveCalled)

	_, err := svc.Config.Credentials.Get()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.True(t, credProvider.retreiveCalled)
// NewCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping the
// AssumeRoleProvider.  The credentials will expire every 15 minutes and the
// role will be named after a nanosecond timestamp of this operation.
// The sts and roleARN parameters are used for building the "AssumeRole" call.
// Pass nil as sts to use the default client.
// Window is the expiry window that will be subtracted from the expiry returned
// by the role credential request. This is done so that the credentials will
// expire sooner than their actual lifespan.
func NewCredentials(client AssumeRoler, roleARN string, window time.Duration) *credentials.Credentials {
	return credentials.NewCredentials(&AssumeRoleProvider{
		Client:       client,
		RoleARN:      roleARN,
		ExpiryWindow: window,
Esempio n. 9
func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg sharedConfig, handlers request.Handlers) {
	// Merge in user provided configuration

	// Region if not already set by user
	if len(aws.StringValue(cfg.Region)) == 0 {
		if len(envCfg.Region) > 0 {
		} else if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig && len(sharedCfg.Region) > 0 {

	// Configure credentials if not already set
	if cfg.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials && userCfg.Credentials == nil {
		if len(envCfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) > 0 {
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
		} else if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig && len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.RoleARN) > 0 && sharedCfg.AssumeRoleSource != nil {
			cfgCp := *cfg
			cfgCp.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
			cfg.Credentials = stscreds.NewCredentials(
					Config:   &cfgCp,
					Handlers: handlers.Copy(),
				func(opt *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
					opt.RoleSessionName = sharedCfg.AssumeRole.RoleSessionName

					if len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID) > 0 {
						opt.ExternalID = aws.String(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID)

					// MFA not supported
		} else if len(sharedCfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) > 0 {
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
		} else {
			// Fallback to default credentials provider, include mock errors
			// for the credential chain so user can identify why credentials
			// failed to be retrieved.
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.ChainProvider{
				VerboseErrors: aws.BoolValue(cfg.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors),
				Providers: []credentials.Provider{
					&credProviderError{Err: awserr.New("EnvAccessKeyNotFound", "failed to find credentials in the environment.", nil)},
					&credProviderError{Err: awserr.New("SharedCredsLoad", fmt.Sprintf("failed to load profile, %s.", envCfg.Profile), nil)},
					defaults.RemoteCredProvider(*cfg, handlers),
Esempio n. 10
File: kms.go Progetto: logan/heim
func (c *KMSCredential) KMS() security.KMS {
	config := aws.NewConfig().WithCredentials(credentials.NewCredentials(c)).WithRegion(c.Region)
	session := session.New(config)
	return &KMS{
		kms:   kms.New(session),
		keyID: c.KeyID,
Esempio n. 11
func NewVaultCredentials(k keyring.Keyring, profile string, opts VaultOptions) (*VaultCredentials, error) {
	provider, err := NewVaultProvider(k, profile, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &VaultCredentials{credentials.NewCredentials(provider), provider}, nil
Esempio n. 12
func connect(profile string) *route53.Route53 {
	return route53.New(&aws.Config{
		Region: aws.String("eu-west-1"),
		Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.SharedCredentialsProvider{
			Profile: profile,
Esempio n. 13
func (dynamoDBSource *DynamoDBSource) Get() (map[string]interface{}, error) {

	config := defaults.Config()

	if dynamoDBSource.AccessKey != "" {
		config = config.WithCredentials(credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.StaticProvider{
			Value: credentials.Value{
				AccessKeyID:     dynamoDBSource.AccessKey,
				SecretAccessKey: dynamoDBSource.SecretKey,

	if dynamoDBSource.Endpoint != "" {
		config = config.WithEndpoint(dynamoDBSource.Endpoint)

	if dynamoDBSource.Region != "" {
		config = config.WithRegion(dynamoDBSource.Region)
	} else {
		config = config.WithRegion("us-west-1")

	client := dynamodb.New(session.New(config))

	tableName := aws.String(dynamoDBSource.Table)

	describeTableInput := &dynamodb.DescribeTableInput{TableName: tableName}

	if _, err := client.DescribeTable(describeTableInput); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := client.WaitUntilTableExists(describeTableInput); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	key := dynamoDBSource.Key

	response, err := client.GetItem(&dynamodb.GetItemInput{
		Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
			"key": {S: aws.String(key)},
		TableName:      tableName,
		ConsistentRead: aws.Bool(true),

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	result := make(map[string]interface{})
	err = dynamodbattribute.ConvertFromMap(response.Item, &result)

	delete(result, key)

	return result, err
Esempio n. 14
func newScheduler(t testing.TB) *ecs.Scheduler {
	creds := &credentials.EnvProvider{}
	if _, err := creds.Retrieve(); err != nil {
		t.Skip("Skipping ECS test because AWS_ environment variables are not present.")

	config := defaults.DefaultConfig.WithCredentials(credentials.NewCredentials(creds))
	return ecs.NewScheduler(config)
Esempio n. 15
// CredChain returns the default credential chain.
// Generally you shouldn't need to use this method directly, but
// is available if you need to reset the credentials of an
// existing service client or session's Config.
func CredChain(cfg *aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) *credentials.Credentials {
	return credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.ChainProvider{
		VerboseErrors: aws.BoolValue(cfg.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors),
		Providers: []credentials.Provider{
			&credentials.SharedCredentialsProvider{Filename: "", Profile: ""},
			RemoteCredProvider(*cfg, handlers),
Esempio n. 16
func (c *KMSCredential) KMS() security.KMS {
	config := &aws.Config{
		Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(c),
		Region:      &c.Region,
	return &KMS{
		kms:   kms.New(config),
		keyID: c.KeyID,
Esempio n. 17
// NewCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping
// the EC2RoleProvider. Takes a ConfigProvider to create a EC2Metadata client.
// The ConfigProvider is satisfied by the session.Session type.
func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, options ...func(*EC2RoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
	p := &EC2RoleProvider{
		Client: ec2metadata.New(c),

	for _, option := range options {

	return credentials.NewCredentials(p)
Esempio n. 18
File: s3.go Progetto: koding/koding
// NewUserBucket creates new bucket value for the given configuration.
func NewUserBucket(cfg *Config) *UserBucket {
	p := NewProvider(cfg)

	return &UserBucket{
		cfg: cfg,
		s3: s3.New(session.New(&aws.Config{
			Credentials: credentials.NewCredentials(p),
			Region:      aws.String(cfg.region()),
Esempio n. 19
// newManagedInstanceCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping
// the managedInstancesRoleProvider.
func newManagedInstanceCredentials() *credentials.Credentials {
	instanceID := managedInstance.InstanceID()
	region := managedInstance.Region()
	privateKey := managedInstance.PrivateKey()
	p := &managedInstancesRoleProvider{
		Client:       rsaauth.NewRsaService(instanceID, region, privateKey),
		ExpiryWindow: EarlyExpiryTimeWindow,

	return credentials.NewCredentials(p)
Esempio n. 20
// NewCredentialsWithClient returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping
// the EC2RoleProvider. Takes a EC2Metadata client to use when connecting to EC2
// metadata service.
func NewCredentialsWithClient(client *ec2metadata.EC2Metadata, options ...func(*EC2RoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
	p := &EC2RoleProvider{
		Client: client,

	for _, option := range options {

	return credentials.NewCredentials(p)
Esempio n. 21
func mergeConfigSrcs(cfg, userCfg *aws.Config, envCfg envConfig, sharedCfg sharedConfig, handlers request.Handlers) {
	// Merge in user provided configuration

	// Region if not already set by user
	if len(aws.StringValue(cfg.Region)) == 0 {
		if len(envCfg.Region) > 0 {
		} else if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig && len(sharedCfg.Region) > 0 {

	// Configure credentials if not already set
	if cfg.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials && userCfg.Credentials == nil {
		if len(envCfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) > 0 {
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
		} else if envCfg.EnableSharedConfig && len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.RoleARN) > 0 && sharedCfg.AssumeRoleSource != nil {
			cfgCp := *cfg
			cfgCp.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
			cfg.Credentials = stscreds.NewCredentials(
					Config:   &cfgCp,
					Handlers: handlers.Copy(),
				func(opt *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
					opt.RoleSessionName = sharedCfg.AssumeRole.RoleSessionName

					if len(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID) > 0 {
						opt.ExternalID = aws.String(sharedCfg.AssumeRole.ExternalID)

					// MFA not supported
		} else if len(sharedCfg.Creds.AccessKeyID) > 0 {
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(
		} else {
			// Fallback to default credentials provider
			cfg.Credentials = credentials.NewCredentials(
				defaults.RemoteCredProvider(*cfg, handlers),
Esempio n. 22
File: aws.go Progetto: dzlab/qbench
func NewS3(filename, profile, region string) *S3 {
	var creds *credentials.Credentials
	if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
		log.Printf("Connecting to AWS using credentials from '%s'", filename)
		creds = credentials.NewSharedCredentials(filename, profile)
	} else {
		log.Printf("AWS credentials file '%s' dosen't exists, I will be using EC2 Role credentials", filename)
		sess := session.New()
		creds = credentials.NewCredentials(&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{Client: ec2metadata.New(sess)})
	sess := session.New(&aws.Config{Credentials: creds, Region: aws.String(region)})
	return &S3{svc: s3.New(sess)}
Esempio n. 23
// NewCredentialsWithClient returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping the
// AssumeRoleProvider. The credentials will expire every 15 minutes and the
// role will be named after a nanosecond timestamp of this operation.
// Takes an AssumeRoler which can be satisfiede by the STS client.
func NewCredentialsWithClient(svc AssumeRoler, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
	p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
		Client:   svc,
		RoleARN:  roleARN,
		Duration: DefaultDuration,

	for _, option := range options {

	return credentials.NewCredentials(p)
Esempio n. 24
// NewCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object wrapping the
// AssumeRoleProvider. The credentials will expire every 15 minutes and the
// role will be named after a nanosecond timestamp of this operation.
// Takes a Config provider to create the STS client. The ConfigProvider is
// satisfied by the session.Session type.
func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
	p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
		Client:   sts.New(c),
		RoleARN:  roleARN,
		Duration: DefaultDuration,

	for _, option := range options {

	return credentials.NewCredentials(p)
Esempio n. 25
func EC2RoleAwsConfig() *aws.Config {
	ec2m := ec2metadata.New(session.New(), &aws.Config{
		HTTPClient: &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
		Endpoint:   aws.String(""),
	cr := credentials.NewCredentials(&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{
		Client: ec2m,

	return &aws.Config{
		Region:      &awsRegion,
		Credentials: cr,
Esempio n. 26
// CredChain returns the default credential chain.
// Generally you shouldn't need to use this method directly, but
// is available if you need to reset the credentials of an
// existing service client or session's Config.
func CredChain(cfg *aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) *credentials.Credentials {
	endpoint, signingRegion := endpoints.EndpointForRegion(ec2metadata.ServiceName, *cfg.Region, true)

	return credentials.NewCredentials(&credentials.ChainProvider{
		VerboseErrors: aws.BoolValue(cfg.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors),
		Providers: []credentials.Provider{
			&credentials.SharedCredentialsProvider{Filename: "", Profile: ""},
				Client:       ec2metadata.NewClient(*cfg, handlers, endpoint, signingRegion),
				ExpiryWindow: 5 * time.Minute,
func (o *S3Behavior) Initialize(connString string) error {
	// bucketName can either be a single value (just the bucket name itself, defaulting to "/var/cb/data/event-forwarder" as the
	// temporary file directory and "us-east-1" for the AWS region), or:
	// if bucketName contains two colons, treat it as follows: (temp-file-directory):(region):(bucket-name)

	parts := strings.SplitN(connString, ":", 2)
	if len(parts) == 1 {
		o.bucketName = connString
		o.region = "us-east-1"
	} else if len(parts) == 2 {
		o.bucketName = parts[1]
		o.region = parts[0]
	} else {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid connection string: '%s' should look like (temp-file-directory):(region):bucket-name",

	awsConfig := &aws.Config{Region: aws.String(o.region)}
	if config.S3CredentialProfileName != nil {
		parts = strings.SplitN(*config.S3CredentialProfileName, ":", 2)
		credentialProvider := credentials.SharedCredentialsProvider{}

		if len(parts) == 2 {
			credentialProvider.Filename = parts[0]
			credentialProvider.Profile = parts[1]
		} else {
			credentialProvider.Profile = parts[0]

		creds := credentials.NewCredentials(&credentialProvider)
		awsConfig.Credentials = creds

	sess := session.New(awsConfig)
	o.out = s3.New(sess)

	_, err := o.out.HeadBucket(&s3.HeadBucketInput{Bucket: &o.bucketName})
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Could not open bucket %s: %s", o.bucketName, err))

	return nil
// Use IAM roles to get credentials
func NewCloudWatchConnection() *CloudWatchConn {
	creds := credentials.NewCredentials(&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{})
	credsValue, _ := creds.Get()

	metadata := ec2metadata.GetMetadata()

	mdAV := *metadata.AvailabilityZone
	region := mdAV[:len(mdAV)-1]

	cw_conn := &CloudWatchConn{cloudwatch.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String(region),
		Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(

	return cw_conn
Esempio n. 29
func assumeRole(roleArn string) {
	client := sts.New(session.New())
	duration := time.Hour * 1
	stsProvider := &stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider{
		Client:          client,
		Duration:        duration,
		RoleARN:         roleArn,
		RoleSessionName: "drone",

	value, err := credentials.NewCredentials(stsProvider).Get()
	if err != nil {
			"error": err,
		}).Fatal("Error assuming role!")
	os.Setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", value.AccessKeyID)
	os.Setenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", value.SecretAccessKey)
	os.Setenv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", value.SessionToken)
Esempio n. 30
func TestPreResignRequestExpiredCreds(t *testing.T) {
	provider := &credentials.StaticProvider{Value: credentials.Value{
		AccessKeyID:     "AKID",
		SecretAccessKey: "SECRET",
		SessionToken:    "SESSION",
	creds := credentials.NewCredentials(provider)
	svc := awstesting.NewClient(&aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
	r := svc.NewRequest(
			Name:       "BatchGetItem",
			HTTPMethod: "POST",
			HTTPPath:   "/",
	r.ExpireTime = time.Minute * 10

	querySig := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Signature")
	signedHeaders := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-SignedHeaders")
	assert.NotEmpty(t, signedHeaders)
	origSignedAt := r.LastSignedAt


	signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(r, func() time.Time {
		// Simulate the request occurred 15 minutes in the past
		return time.Now().Add(-48 * time.Hour)
	assert.NotEqual(t, querySig, r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Signature"))
	resignedHeaders := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-SignedHeaders")
	assert.Equal(t, signedHeaders, resignedHeaders)
	assert.NotContains(t, signedHeaders, "x-amz-signedHeaders")
	assert.NotEqual(t, origSignedAt, r.LastSignedAt)