Esempio n. 1
// ExecuteWriter executes a templates and write its results to the out writer
func (e *Engine) ExecuteWriter(out io.Writer, name string, binding interface{}, layout string) error {

	isLayout := false

	renderFilename := name
	if layout != "" {
		isLayout = true
		renderFilename = layout // the render becomes the layout, and the name is the partial.

	if tmpl := e.fromCache(renderFilename); tmpl != nil {
		if isLayout {
			var context map[string]interface{}
			if m, is := binding.(map[string]interface{}); is { //handlebars accepts maps,
				context = m
			} else {
				return fmt.Errorf("Please provide a map[string]interface{} type as the binding instead of the %#v", binding)

			contents, err := e.executeTemplateBuf(name, binding)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if context == nil {
				context = make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
			// I'm implemented the {{ yield }} as with the rest of template engines, so this is not inneed for iris, but the user can do that manually if want
			// there is no performanrce different: raymond.RegisterPartialTemplate(name, tmpl)
			context["yield"] = raymond.SafeString(contents)

		res, err := tmpl.Exec(binding)

		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = fmt.Fprint(out, res)
		return err

	return fmt.Errorf("[IRIS TEMPLATES] Template with name %s[original name = %s] doesn't exists in the dir %s", renderFilename, name, e.Config.Directory)
Esempio n. 2
// BuildTemplates builds the handlebars templates
func (e *Engine) BuildTemplates() error {
	if e.Config.Extensions == nil || len(e.Config.Extensions) == 0 {
		e.Config.Extensions = []string{".html"}

	// register the global helpers
	if e.Config.Handlebars.Helpers != nil {

	// the render works like {{ render "myfile.html" theContext.PartialContext}}
	// instead of the html/template engine which works like {{ render "myfile.html"}} and accepts the parent binding, with handlebars we can't do that because of lack of runtime helpers (dublicate error)
	raymond.RegisterHelper("render", func(partial string, binding interface{}) raymond.SafeString {
		contents, err := e.executeTemplateBuf(partial, binding)
		if err != nil {
			return raymond.SafeString("Template with name: " + partial + " couldn't not be found.")
		return raymond.SafeString(contents)

	var templateErr error

	dir := e.Config.Directory
	filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if info == nil || info.IsDir() {
			return nil

		rel, err := filepath.Rel(dir, path)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ext := ""
		if strings.Index(rel, ".") != -1 {
			ext = filepath.Ext(rel)

		for _, extension := range e.Config.Extensions {
			if ext == extension {

				buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
				contents := string(buf)

				if err != nil {
					templateErr = err

				name := filepath.ToSlash(rel)

				tmpl, err := raymond.Parse(contents)
				if err != nil {
					templateErr = err
				e.templateCache[name] = tmpl

		return nil

	return templateErr

Esempio n. 3
			"blog": func(options *raymond.Options) string {
				return "val is " + options.HashStr("fun")
			"equal": equalHelper,
		"val is true",
		"multiple subexpressions in a hash",
		`{{input aria-label=(t "Name") placeholder=(t "Example User")}}`,
			"input": func(options *raymond.Options) raymond.SafeString {
				return raymond.SafeString(`<input aria-label="` + options.HashStr("aria-label") + `" placeholder="` + options.HashStr("placeholder") + `" />`)
			"t": func(param string) raymond.SafeString {
				return raymond.SafeString(param)
		`<input aria-label="Name" placeholder="Example User" />`,
		"multiple subexpressions in a hash with context",
		`{{input aria-label=(t item.field) placeholder=(t item.placeholder)}}`,
		map[string]map[string]string{"item": {"field": "Name", "placeholder": "Example User"}},
			"input": func(options *raymond.Options) raymond.SafeString {
Esempio n. 4
		map[string]string{"awesome": "&\"'`\\<>"},
		nil, nil, nil,
		"escaping expressions (9)",
		map[string]string{"awesome": "Escaped, <b> looks like: &lt;b&gt;"},
		nil, nil, nil,
		"Escaped, &lt;b&gt; looks like: &amp;lt;b&amp;gt;",
		"functions returning safestrings shouldn't be escaped",
		map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() raymond.SafeString { return raymond.SafeString("&'\\<>") }},
		nil, nil, nil,
		"functions (1)",
		map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func() string { return "Awesome" }},
		nil, nil, nil,
		"functions (2)",
		map[string]interface{}{"awesome": func(options *raymond.Options) string {
			return options.ValueStr("more")