Esempio n. 1
func calculateHash(reference *etree.Element, doc *etree.Document) (string, error) {
	digestMethodElement := reference.SelectElement("DigestMethod")
	if digestMethodElement == nil {
		return "", errors.New("signedxml: unable to find DigestMethod")

	digestMethodURI := digestMethodElement.SelectAttrValue("Algorithm", "")
	if digestMethodURI == "" {
		return "", errors.New("signedxml: unable to find Algorithm in DigestMethod")

	digestAlgo, ok := hashAlgorithms[digestMethodURI]
	if !ok {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("signedxml: unable to find matching hash"+
			"algorithm for %s in hashAlgorithms", digestMethodURI)

	doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalEndTags = true
	doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalText = true
	doc.WriteSettings.CanonicalAttrVal = true

	h := digestAlgo.New()
	docBytes, err := doc.WriteToBytes()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	//ioutil.WriteFile("C:/Temp/SignedXML/Suspect.xml", docBytes, 0644)
	//s, _ := doc.WriteToString()

	d := h.Sum(nil)
	calculatedValue := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(d)

	return calculatedValue, nil