Esempio n. 1
// writeEncodedTextToFile encodes the text in the passed file under the tree
// it was called on, and writes out the encoded bits to the passed file. Is called
// by EncodeText. Returns a non-nil error on failure, nil otherwise.
func (t *huffNode) writeEncodedText(fromFile string,
	toFile *os.File) (err error, length uint64) {
	toEncode, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fromFile)
	if err != nil {
		return err, 0

	bitReps := t.getByteMap()
	bw, err := bitIO.NewWriterOnFile(toFile)
	if err != nil {
		return err, 0

	// Write 'em
	length = 0
	for _, char := range toEncode {
		bitRep := bitReps[char]
		for _, bit := range bitRep {
			err = bw.WriteBit(byte(bit - '0'))
			if err != nil {
				return err, 0

	_, err = bw.CloseAndReturnFile()
	return err, length
Esempio n. 2
// writeToFile writes the tree out to the passed os.File.
// Will be called by EncodeText to write the tree out to the beginning
// of the encoded file.
func (t *huffNode) writeToFile(f *os.File) (err error) {
	// First, get the map of byte->string of 0s and 1s (character->binary representation)
	var bytes map[byte]string = t.getByteMap()

	// Then, write the number of bytes we have in the tree
	err = binary.Write(f, endianness, int8(len(bytes)-1))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Now for each byte, we write:
	//		- The byte
	//		- The length of its binary (as a uint16)
	//		- The binary
	for char, repString := range bytes {
		// First the character
		_, err = f.Write([]byte{char})
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Now the length of the binary
		err = binary.Write(f, endianness, int8(len(repString)))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// And the actual bits
		bw, err := bitIO.NewWriterOnFile(f)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, c := range repString {
			err = bw.WriteBit(byte(c - '0')) // WriteBit() wants a byte, we have runes
			if err != nil {
				return err
		f, err = bw.CloseAndReturnFile()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil