Esempio n. 1
var Env = gribble.New([]gribble.Command{





Esempio n. 2
var Env = gribble.New([]gribble.Command{




Esempio n. 3


// A Gribble environment is composed of Go struct types. Since the environment
// does not care about values, zero values of each command struct can be
// used in the gribble.Command slice.
// Note that these may also be specified as pointers.
var env *gribble.Environment = gribble.New([]gribble.Command{

// Add implements the arithmetic '+' operation on integers.
type Add struct {
	// We can override the name of the command to use 'add' instead of 'Add'.
	// If the 'name' field is absent, then the name of the command is the same
	// as the name of type. (In this case, 'Add'.)
	name string `add`
	Op1  int    `param:"1"`
	Op2  int    `param:"2"`

// Run simply adds Op1 and Op2.
func (c Add) Run() gribble.Value {
Esempio n. 4


// A Gribble environment is composed of Go struct types. Since the environment
// does not care about values, zero values of each command struct can be
// used in the gribble.Command slice.
// Note that these may also be specified as non-pointers.
var env *gribble.Environment = gribble.New([]gribble.Command{

// Add implements the arithmetic '+' operation on decimals.
type Add struct {
	// We can override the name of the command to use 'add' instead of 'Add'.
	// If the 'name' field is absent, then the name of the command is the same
	// as the name of type. (In this case, 'Add'.)
	name string `add`

	// In the 'int-calc' example, the operators are defined using a conrete
	// type like 'Op1 int `param:"1"`'. In this case, we want to allow the
	// operators to be either floats or integers. To accomplish this, we
	// make the operators have type gribble.Any (which is just an empty
	// interface), and specify the allowable types using the 'types' struct