Esempio n. 1
func (c *Controller) ChangeMoneyBackTime() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangeMoneyBackTime"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	orderId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["order_id"]))
	days := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["days"]))

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_money_back_time", "changeMoneyBackTime", &changeMoneyBackTimePage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		OrderId:      orderId,
		Days:         days,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 2
func (c *Controller) EWithdraw() (string, error) {

	if c.SessUserId == 0 {
		return "", errors.New(c.Lang["sign_up_please"])

	currencyId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("currency_id"))
	if !utils.CheckInputData(c.r.FormValue("amount"), "amount") {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("incorrect amount")
	method := c.r.FormValue("method")
	if !utils.CheckInputData(method, "method") {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("incorrect method")
	account := c.r.FormValue("account")
	if !utils.CheckInputData(account, "account") {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("incorrect account")
	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("amount"))

	curTime := utils.Time()

	// нужно проверить, есть ли нужная сумма на счету юзера
	userAmount := utils.EUserAmountAndProfit(c.SessUserId, currencyId)
	if userAmount < amount {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("%s (%f<%f)", c.Lang["not_enough_money"], userAmount, amount)
	if method != "Dcoin" && currencyId < 1000 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("incorrect method")

	err := userLock(c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	err = c.ExecSql(`UPDATE e_wallets SET amount = ?, last_update = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND currency_id = ?`, userAmount-amount, curTime, c.SessUserId, currencyId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	var commission float64
	if method == "Dcoin" {
		commission = utils.StrToFloat64(c.EConfig["dc_commission"])
	} else if method == "Perfect-money" {
		commission = utils.StrToFloat64(c.EConfig["pm_commission"])
	wdAmount := utils.ClearNull(utils.Float64ToStr(amount*(1-commission/100)), 2)

	err = c.ExecSql(`INSERT INTO e_withdraw (open_time, user_id, currency_id, account, amount, wd_amount, method) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, curTime, c.SessUserId, currencyId, account, amount, wdAmount, method)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	return utils.JsonAnswer(c.Lang["request_is_created"], "success").String(), nil
Esempio n. 3
func (c *Controller) ESaveOrder() (string, error) {

	if c.SessUserId == 0 {
		return "", errors.New(c.Lang["sign_up_please"])
	sellCurrencyId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("sell_currency_id"))
	buyCurrencyId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("buy_currency_id"))
	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("amount"))
	sellRate := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("sell_rate"))
	orderType := c.r.FormValue("type")
	// можно ли торговать такими валютами
	checkCurrency, err := c.Single("SELECT count(id) FROM e_currency WHERE id IN (?, ?)", sellCurrencyId, buyCurrencyId).Int64()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if checkCurrency != 2 {
		return "", errors.New("Currency error")
	if orderType != "sell" && orderType != "buy" {
		return "", errors.New("Type error")
	if amount == 0 {
		return "", errors.New(c.Lang["amount_error"])
	if amount < 0.001 && sellCurrencyId < 1000 {
		return "", errors.New(strings.Replace(c.Lang["save_order_min_amount"], "[amount]", "0.001", -1))
	if sellRate < 0.0001 {
		return "", errors.New(strings.Replace(c.Lang["save_order_min_price"], "[price]", "0.0001", -1))
	reductionLock, err := utils.EGetReductionLock()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if reductionLock > 0 {
		return "", errors.New(strings.Replace(c.Lang["creating_orders_unavailable"], "[minutes]", "30", -1))

	// нужно проверить, есть ли нужная сумма на счету юзера
	userAmountAndProfit := utils.EUserAmountAndProfit(c.SessUserId, sellCurrencyId)
	if userAmountAndProfit < amount {
		return "", errors.New(c.Lang["not_enough_money"] + " (" + utils.Float64ToStr(userAmountAndProfit) + "<" + utils.Float64ToStr(amount) + ")" + strings.Replace(c.Lang["add_funds_link"], "[currency]", "USD", -1))

	err = NewForexOrder(c.SessUserId, amount, sellRate, sellCurrencyId, buyCurrencyId, orderType, utils.StrToMoney(c.EConfig["commission"]))
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	} else {
		return utils.JsonAnswer(c.Lang["order_created"], "success").String(), nil

	return ``, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (c *Controller) SaveRaceCountry() (string, error) {

	if c.SessRestricted != 0 {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(errors.New("Permission denied"))

	race := int(utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("race")))
	country := int(utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("country")))
	err := c.ExecSql("UPDATE "+c.MyPrefix+"my_table SET race = ?, country = ?", race, country)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return `{"error":"0"}`, nil
Esempio n. 5
func (c *Controller) EDelOrder() (string, error) {

	orderId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("order_id"))

	// возвращаем сумму ордера на кошелек + возращаем комиссию.
	order, err := utils.DB.OneRow("SELECT amount, sell_currency_id FROM e_orders WHERE id  =  ? AND user_id  =  ? AND del_time  =  0 AND empty_time  =  0", orderId, c.SessUserId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if len(order) == 0 {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo("order_id error")
	sellCurrencyId := utils.StrToInt64(order["sell_currency_id"])
	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(order["amount"])

	amountAndCommission := utils.StrToFloat64(order["amount"]) / (1 - c.ECommission/100)
	// косиссия биржи
	commission := amountAndCommission - amount
	err = userLock(c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// отмечаем, что ордер удален
	err = utils.DB.ExecSql("UPDATE e_orders SET del_time = ? WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?", utils.Time(), orderId, c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	// возвращаем остаток ордера на кошель
	userAmount := utils.EUserAmountAndProfit(c.SessUserId, sellCurrencyId)
	err = utils.DB.ExecSql("UPDATE e_wallets SET amount = ?, last_update = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND currency_id = ?", userAmount+amountAndCommission, utils.Time(), c.SessUserId, sellCurrencyId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	// вычитаем комиссию биржи
	userAmount = utils.EUserAmountAndProfit(1, sellCurrencyId)
	err = utils.DB.ExecSql("UPDATE e_wallets SET amount = ?, last_update = ? WHERE user_id = 1 AND currency_id = ?", userAmount-commission, utils.Time(), sellCurrencyId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)


	return ``, nil
Esempio n. 6
func (c *Controller) DelCfProject() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "DelCfProject"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	delId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["del_id"]))
	projectCurrencyName, err := c.Single("SELECT project_currency_name FROM cf_projects WHERE id =  ?", delId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("del_cf_project", "delCfProject", &DelCfProjectPage{
		Alert:               c.Alert,
		Lang:                c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:        c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:        c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:            fmt.Sprintf(`%d,%d,%d,%d`, txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, delId),
		UserId:              c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:             timeNow,
		TxType:              txType,
		TxTypeId:            txTypeId,
		DelId:               delId,
		ProjectCurrencyName: projectCurrencyName})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 7
func (c *Controller) RepaymentCredit() (string, error) {

	txType := "RepaymentCredit"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	creditId := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["credit_id"]), 0)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("repayment_credit", "repaymentCredit", &repaymentCreditPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		SignData:     "",
		CreditId:     creditId,
		CurrencyList: c.CurrencyList})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 8
func (c *Controller) ChangeCreditor() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangeCreditor"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	creditId := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["credit_id"]), 0)
	log.Debug("creditId", creditId)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_creditor", "changeCreditor", &changeCreditorPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		SignData:     "",
		CreditId:     creditId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 9
func (c *Controller) MoneyBackRequest() (string, error) {

	txType := "MoneyBackRequest"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	orderId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["order_id"]))
	order, err := c.OneRow("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id  =  ?", orderId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("money_back_request", "moneyBackRequest", &moneyBackRequestPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		OrderId:      orderId,
		Order:        order,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 10
func (c *Controller) DelCfFunding() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "DelCfFunding"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	delId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["del_id"]))

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("del_cf_funding", "delCfFunding", &DelCfFundingPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     fmt.Sprintf(`%d,%d,%d,%d`, txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, delId),
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		DelId:        delId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 11
func (c *Controller) MiningPromisedAmount() (string, error) {

	txType := "Mining"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()
	amount := utils.StrToMoney(c.Parameters["amount"])
	amount = math.Floor(amount*100) / 100
	promisedAmountId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"]))
	log.Debug("c.Parameters[promised_amount_id]):", c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"])
	log.Debug("promisedAmountId:", promisedAmountId)
	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("mining_promised_amount", "miningPromisedAmount", &miningPromisedAmountPage{
		Alert:            c.Alert,
		Lang:             c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:     c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:     c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:           c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:          timeNow,
		TxType:           txType,
		TxTypeId:         txTypeId,
		SignData:         fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%v,%v,%v", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, promisedAmountId, amount),
		Amount:           amount,
		PromisedAmountId: promisedAmountId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 12
func (c *Controller) ChangePromisedAmount() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangePromisedAmount"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()
	promisedAmountId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"]))
	amount := c.Parameters["amount"]

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_promised_amount", "changePromisedAmount", &changePromisedAmountPage{
		Alert:            c.Alert,
		Lang:             c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:     c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:     c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:           c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:          timeNow,
		TxType:           txType,
		TxTypeId:         txTypeId,
		SignData:         fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%v,%v,%v", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, promisedAmountId, amount),
		PromisedAmountId: promisedAmountId,
		Amount:           amount})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 13
func (c *Controller) NewPhoto() (string, error) {


	userId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("user_id")))

	data, err := c.OneRow("SELECT photo_block_id, photo_max_miner_id, miners_keepers FROM miners_data WHERE user_id = ?", userId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	// получим ID майнеров, у которых лежат фото нужного нам юзера
	minersIds := utils.GetMinersKeepers(data["photo_block_id"], data["photo_max_miner_id"], data["miners_keepers"], true)

	// берем 1 случайный из 10-и ID майнеров
	k := utils.RandInt(0, len(minersIds))
	minerId := minersIds[k]
	host, err := c.Single("SELECT http_host FROM miners_data WHERE miner_id  =  ?", minerId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	result, err := json.Marshal(map[string]string{"face": host + "public/face_" + utils.Int64ToStr(userId) + ".jpg", "profile": host + "public/profile_" + utils.Int64ToStr(userId) + ".jpg"})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return string(result), nil
Esempio n. 14
func (c *Controller) AddCfProjectData() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "CfProjectData"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	projectId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["projectId"]))
	id := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["id"]))
	cfData := make(map[string]string)
	if id > 0 {
		log.Debug("id:", id)
		cfData, err = c.OneRow("SELECT * FROM cf_projects_data WHERE id = ?", id).String()
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		projectId = utils.StrToInt64(cfData["project_id"])

	cfCurrencyName, err := c.Single("SELECT project_currency_name FROM cf_projects WHERE id  =  ?", projectId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	CfLng, err := c.GetAllCfLng()
	log.Debug("CfData", cfData)
	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("add_cf_project_data", "addCfProjectData", &AddCfProjectDataPage{
		Alert:          c.Alert,
		Lang:           c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:   c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:   c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:         c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:        timeNow,
		TxType:         txType,
		TxTypeId:       txTypeId,
		ProjectId:      projectId,
		Id:             id,
		CfData:         cfData,
		CfCurrencyName: cfCurrencyName,
		CfLng:          CfLng})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 15
func (c *Controller) CfCatalog() (string, error) {

	var err error

	categoryId := utils.Int64ToStr(int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["category_id"])))
	log.Debug("categoryId", categoryId)
	var curCategory string
	addSql := ""
	if categoryId != "0" {
		addSql = `AND category_id = ` + categoryId
		curCategory = c.Lang["cf_category_"+categoryId]

	cfUrl := ""

	projects := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	cfProjects, err := c.GetAll(`
			SELECT, lang_id, blurb_img, country, city, currency_id, end_time, amount
			FROM cf_projects
			LEFT JOIN cf_projects_data ON  cf_projects_data.project_id =
			WHERE del_block_id = 0 AND
						 end_time > ? AND
						 lang_id = ?
			ORDER BY funders DESC
			LIMIT 100
			`, 100, utils.Time(), c.LangInt)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	for _, data := range cfProjects {
		CfProjectData, err := c.GetCfProjectData(utils.StrToInt64(data["id"]), utils.StrToInt64(data["end_time"]), c.LangInt, utils.StrToFloat64(data["amount"]), cfUrl)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		for k, v := range CfProjectData {
			data[k] = v
		projects[data["id"]] = data

	cfCategory := utils.MakeCfCategories(c.Lang)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("cf_catalog", "cfCatalog", &cfCatalogPage{
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CfCategory:   cfCategory,
		CurrencyList: c.CurrencyList,
		CurCategory:  curCategory,
		Projects:     projects,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		CategoryId:   categoryId,
		CfUrl:        cfUrl})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 16
func (c *Controller) EGateIk() (string, error) {

	var ikNames []string
	for name, _ := range c.r.Form {
		if name[:2] == "ik" && name != "ik_sign" {
			ikNames = append(ikNames, name)

	var ikValues []string
	for _, names := range ikNames {
		ikValues = append(ikValues, c.r.FormValue(names))
	ikValues = append(ikValues, c.EConfig["ik_s_key"])
	sign := strings.Join(ikValues, ":")
	sign = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(utils.HexToBin(utils.Md5(sign)))
	if sign != c.r.FormValue("ik_sign") {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect signature")
	currencyId := int64(0)

	if c.r.FormValue("ik_cur") == "USD" {
		currencyId = 1001
	if currencyId == 0 {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect currencyId")

	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("ik_am"))
	pmId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("ik_inv_id"))
	// проверим, не зачисляли ли мы уже это платеж
	existsId, err := c.Single(`SELECT id FROM e_adding_funds_ik WHERE id = ?`, pmId).Int64()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if existsId != 0 {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect ik_inv_id")
	paymentInfo := c.r.FormValue("ik_desc")

	txTime := utils.Time()
	err = EPayment(paymentInfo, currencyId, txTime, amount, pmId, "ik", c.ECommission)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	return ``, nil
Esempio n. 17
func (c *Controller) SaveGeolocation() (string, error) {

	if c.SessRestricted != 0 {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(errors.New("Permission denied"))

	geolocation := c.r.FormValue("geolocation")
	if len(geolocation) > 0 {
		x := strings.Split(geolocation, ", ")
		if len(x) == 2 {
			geolocationLat := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(x[0]), 5)
			geolocationLon := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(x[1]), 5)
			err := c.ExecSql("UPDATE "+c.MyPrefix+"my_table SET geolocation = ?", utils.Float64ToStrGeo(geolocationLat)+", "+utils.Float64ToStrGeo(geolocationLon))
			if err != nil {
				return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return `{"error":"0"}`, nil
Esempio n. 18
func (c *Controller) MoneyBack() (string, error) {

	txType := "MoneyBack"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	orderId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["order_id"]))
	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["amount"])
	arbitrator := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["arbitrator"]))
	var li, redirect string
	if arbitrator > 0 {
		li = `<li><a href="#arbitrationArbitrator">` + c.Lang["i_arbitrator"] + `</a></li>`
		redirect = `arbitrationArbitrator`
	} else {
		li = `<li><a href="#arbitrationArbitrator">` + c.Lang["i_seller"] + `</a></li>`
		redirect = `arbitrationSeller`

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("money_back", "moneyBack", &moneyBackPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		OrderId:      orderId,
		Amount:       amount,
		Arbitrator:   arbitrator,
		Li:           li,
		Redirect:     redirect,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 19
func (c *Controller) EGatePayeer() (string, error) {



	if utils.IPwoPort(c.r.RemoteAddr) != "" {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect RemoteAddr " + utils.IPwoPort(c.r.RemoteAddr))

	if len(c.r.FormValue("m_operation_id")) > 0 && len(c.r.FormValue("m_sign")) > 0 {
		sign := strings.ToUpper(string(utils.Sha256(c.r.FormValue("m_operation_id") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_operation_ps") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_operation_date") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_operation_pay_date") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_shop") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_amount") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_curr") + ":" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(c.r.FormValue("m_desc"))) + ":" + c.r.FormValue("m_status") + ":" + c.EConfig["payeer_s_key"])))
		if c.r.FormValue("m_sign") == sign && c.r.FormValue("m_status") == "success" {

			txTime := utils.Time()

			currencyId := int64(0)

			if c.r.FormValue("m_curr") == "USD" {
				currencyId = 1001
			if currencyId == 0 {
				return c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + "|success", nil

			amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("m_amount"))
			pmId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("m_operation_id"))
			// проверим, не зачисляли ли мы уже это платеж
			existsId, err := c.Single(`SELECT id FROM e_adding_funds_payeer WHERE id = ?`, pmId).Int64()
			if err != nil {
				return c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + "|success", nil
			if existsId != 0 {
				return c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + "|success", nil
			paymentInfo := c.r.FormValue("m_desc")

			EPayment(paymentInfo, currencyId, txTime, amount, pmId, "payeer", c.ECommission)
			return c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + "|success", nil
	return c.r.FormValue("m_orderid") + "|error", nil

Esempio n. 20
func (c *Controller) Profile() (string, error) {


	userId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("user_id")))

	// получаем кол-во TDC на обещанных суммах
	rows, err := c.Query(c.FormatQuery(`
			SELECT from_user_id, time, comment
			FROM abuses
			WHERE user_id = ?
			`), userId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	abuses := ""
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		var from_user_id, abusestime int64
		var comment string
		err = rows.Scan(&from_user_id, &abusestime, &comment)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		t := time.Unix(abusestime, 0)
		abuses += fmt.Sprintf("from_user_id: %d; time: %s; comment: %s<br>", from_user_id, t.Format(c.TimeFormat), comment)
	if len(abuses) == 0 {
		abuses = "No"
	regTime, err := c.Single("SELECT reg_time FROM miners_data WHERE user_id  =  ?", userId).Int64()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	t := time.Unix(regTime, 0)
	result, err := json.Marshal(map[string]string{"abuses": abuses, "reg_time": t.Format(c.TimeFormat)})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	return string(result), nil
Esempio n. 21
func (c *Controller) EGatePm() (string, error) {



	sign := strings.ToUpper(string(utils.Md5(c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_ID") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("PAYEE_ACCOUNT") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_AMOUNT") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_UNITS") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM") + ":" + c.r.FormValue("PAYER_ACCOUNT") + ":" + strings.ToUpper(string(utils.Md5(c.EConfig["pm_s_key"]))) + ":" + c.r.FormValue("TIMESTAMPGMT"))))

	txTime := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("TIMESTAMPGMT"))

	if sign != c.r.FormValue("V2_HASH") {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect signature")

	currencyId := int64(0)

	if c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_UNITS") == "USD" {
		currencyId = 1001
	if currencyId == 0 {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect currencyId")

	amount := utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_AMOUNT"))
	pmId := utils.StrToInt64(c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM"))
	// проверим, не зачисляли ли мы уже это платеж
	existsId, err := c.Single(`SELECT id FROM e_adding_funds_pm WHERE id = ?`, pmId).Int64()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if existsId != 0 {
		return "", errors.New("Incorrect PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM")
	paymentInfo := c.r.FormValue("PAYMENT_ID")

	err = EPayment(paymentInfo, currencyId, txTime, amount, pmId, "pm", c.ECommission)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	return ``, nil
Esempio n. 22
func (c *Controller) GetBlock() (string, error) {


	BlockId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.r.FormValue("id")))
	if BlockId == 0 {
		return `{"error": "nil id"}`, nil

	if len(c.r.FormValue("download")) > 0 {
		c.w.Header().Set("Content-type", "application/octet-stream")
		c.w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+utils.Int64ToStr(BlockId)+".binary\"")

	block, err := c.Single("SELECT data FROM block_chain WHERE id  =  ?", BlockId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return block, nil
Esempio n. 23
func (c *Controller) PoolAdminLogin() (string, error) {

	if !c.PoolAdmin {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(errors.New("access denied"))

	userId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["userId"]))
	publicKey, err := c.GetUserPublicKey(userId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	c.sess.Set("user_id", userId)
	c.sess.Set("public_key", string(utils.BinToHex(publicKey)))

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("pool_admin_login", "poolAdminLogin", &poolAdminPage{})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 24
func (c *Controller) getMyWallets() ([]map[string]string, error) {
	var myWallets []map[string]string
	eCurrency, err := c.GetAll(`SELECT name as currency_name, id FROM e_currency ORDER BY sort_id ASC`, -1)
	if err != nil {
		return myWallets, utils.ErrInfo(err)
	for _, data := range eCurrency {
		wallet, err := c.OneRow("SELECT * FROM e_wallets WHERE user_id  =  ? AND currency_id  =  ?", c.SessUserId, data["id"]).String()
		if err != nil {
			return myWallets, utils.ErrInfo(err)
		if len(wallet) > 0 {
			amount := utils.StrToFloat64(wallet["amount"])
			profit, err := utils.DB.CalcProfitGen(utils.StrToInt64(wallet["currency_id"]), amount, 0, utils.StrToInt64(wallet["last_update"]), utils.Time(), "wallet")
			if err != nil {
				return myWallets, utils.ErrInfo(err)
			myWallets = append(myWallets, map[string]string{"amount": utils.ClearNull(utils.Float64ToStr(amount+profit), 2), "currency_name": data["currency_name"], "last_update": wallet["last_update"]})

	return myWallets, nil
Esempio n. 25
func (c *Controller) CfProjectChangeCategory() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "CfProjectData"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	projectId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["project_id"]))
	data, err := c.OneRow("SELECT category_id, project_currency_name FROM cf_projects WHERE id= ?", projectId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	categoryId := data["category_id"]
	projectCurrencyName := data["project_currency_name"]

	cfCategory := utils.MakeCfCategories(c.Lang)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("cf_project_change_category", "cfProjectChangeCategory", &cfProjectChangeCategoryPage{
		Alert:               c.Alert,
		Lang:                c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:        c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:        c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:            fmt.Sprintf(`%d,%d,%d,%d`, txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, categoryId),
		UserId:              c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:             timeNow,
		TxType:              txType,
		TxTypeId:            txTypeId,
		ProjectId:           projectId,
		CategoryId:          categoryId,
		CfCategory:          cfCategory,
		ProjectCurrencyName: projectCurrencyName})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 26
func (c *Controller) BugReporting() (string, error) {

	txType := "MessageToAdmin"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	if c.SessRestricted != 0 {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(errors.New("Permission denied"))

	// если юзер тыкнул по какой-то ветке сообщений, то тут будет parent_id, т.е. id этой ветки
	parentId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["parent_id"]))
	messages, err := c.GetAll(`
			FROM  `+c.MyPrefix+`my_admin_messages
			WHERE message_type = 0 AND
						 (parent_id = ? OR id = ?)
			`, -1, parentId, parentId)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("bug_reporting", "bugReporting", &bugReportingPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		ParentId:     parentId,
		Messages:     messages,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 27
func (p *Parser) SendDcFront() error {

	err := p.generalCheck()
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	verifyData := map[string]string{"from_user_id": "bigint", "to_user_id": "bigint", "currency_id": "bigint", "amount": "amount", "commission": "amount", "comment": "comment"}
	err = p.CheckInputData(verifyData)
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	if p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"] < 0.01 { // 0.01 - минимальная сумма
		return p.ErrInfo("amount")

	// проверим, существует ли такая валюта в таблиуе DC-валют
	checkCurrency, err := p.CheckCurrency(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"])
	if !checkCurrency {
		// если нет, то проверяем список CF-валют
		checkCurrency, err := p.CheckCurrencyCF(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"])
		if err != nil {
			return p.ErrInfo(err)
		if !checkCurrency {
			return p.ErrInfo("currency_id")

	nodeCommission, err := p.getMyNodeCommission(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"], p.TxUserID, p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"])
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	// проверим, удовлетворяет ли нас комиссия, которую предлагает юзер
	if p.TxMaps.Float64["commission"] < nodeCommission {
		return p.ErrInfo(fmt.Sprintf("commission %v<%v", p.TxMaps.Float64["commission"], nodeCommission))

	if p.BlockData != nil && p.BlockData.BlockId <= consts.ARBITRATION_BLOCK_START {
		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator"+utils.IntToStr(i)+"_commission"] = 0 // для check_sender_money
		forSign := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", p.TxMap["type"], p.TxMap["time"], p.TxMap["user_id"], p.TxMap["to_user_id"], p.TxMap["amount"], p.TxMap["commission"], utils.BinToHex(p.TxMap["comment"]), p.TxMap["currency_id"])
		CheckSignResult, err := utils.CheckSign(p.PublicKeys, forSign, p.TxMap["sign"], false)
		if err != nil {
			return p.ErrInfo(err)
		if !CheckSignResult {
			return p.ErrInfo("incorrect sign")
	} else {
		dupArray := make(map[int64]int64)
		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			arbitrator__commission := "arbitrator" + utils.IntToStr(i) + "_commission"
			arbitrator_ := "arbitrator" + utils.IntToStr(i)
			if !utils.CheckInputData(p.TxMap[arbitrator__commission], "amount") {
				return p.ErrInfo("arbitrator_commission")
			if !utils.CheckInputData(p.TxMap[arbitrator_], "bigint") {
				return p.ErrInfo("arbitrator")
			// если указал ID арбитра, то должна быть комиссия для него
			if p.TxMaps.Int64[arbitrator_] > 0 && p.TxMaps.Float64[arbitrator__commission] < 0.01 {
				return p.ErrInfo("arbitrator_commission")

			// на всяк случай не даем арбитрам возможность быть арбитрами самим себе
			if p.TxMaps.Int64[arbitrator_] == p.TxUserID {
				return p.ErrInfo("arbitrator = user_id")

			if p.TxMaps.Int64[arbitrator_] > 0 {
				if dupArray[utils.BytesToInt64(p.TxMap[arbitrator_])] > 1 {
					return p.ErrInfo("doubles")
			if p.TxMaps.Int64[arbitrator_] > 0 {

				arbitrator := p.TxMap[arbitrator_]
				// проверим, является ли арбитром указанный user_id
				arbitratorConditionsJson, err := p.Single("SELECT conditions FROM arbitrator_conditions WHERE user_id  =  ?", utils.BytesToInt64(arbitrator)).Bytes()
				if err != nil {
					return p.ErrInfo(err)
				arbitratorConditionsMap := make(map[string][5]string)
				err = json.Unmarshal(arbitratorConditionsJson, &arbitratorConditionsMap)
				// арбитр к этому моменту мог передумать и убрать свои условия, уйдя из арбитров для новых сделок поставив [0] что вызовет тут ошибку
				if err != nil {
					log.Debug("arbitratorConditionsJson", arbitratorConditionsJson)
					return p.ErrInfo(err)
				// проверим, работает ли выбранный арбитр с валютой данной сделки
				var checkCurrency int64
				if p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"] > 1000 {
					checkCurrency = 1000
				} else {
					checkCurrency = p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"]
				if len(arbitratorConditionsMap[utils.Int64ToStr(checkCurrency)]) == 0 {
					return p.ErrInfo("len(arbitratorConditionsMap[checkCurrency]) == 0")
				// указан ли этот арбитр в списке доверенных у продавца
				sellerArbitrator, err := p.Single("SELECT user_id FROM arbitration_trust_list WHERE user_id  =  ? AND arbitrator_user_id  =  ?", p.TxMaps.Int64["to_user_id"], utils.BytesToInt64(arbitrator)).Int64()
				if err != nil {
					return p.ErrInfo(err)
				if sellerArbitrator == 0 {
					return p.ErrInfo("sellerArbitrator == 0")
				// указан ли этот арбитр в списке доверенных у покупателя
				buyerArbitrator, err := p.Single("SELECT user_id FROM arbitration_trust_list WHERE user_id  =  ? AND arbitrator_user_id  =  ?", p.TxMaps.Int64["from_user_id"], utils.BytesToInt64(arbitrator)).Int64()
				if err != nil {
					return p.ErrInfo(err)
				if buyerArbitrator == 0 {
					return p.ErrInfo("buyerArbitrator == 0")
				// согласен ли продавец на манибек
				arbitrationDaysRefund, err := p.Single("SELECT arbitration_days_refund FROM users WHERE user_id  =  ?", p.TxMaps.Int64["to_user_id"]).Int64()
				if err != nil {
					return p.ErrInfo(err)
				if arbitrationDaysRefund == 0 {
					return p.ErrInfo("buyerArbitrator == 0")
				// готов ли арбитр рассматривать такую сумму сделки
				currencyIdStr := utils.Int64ToStr(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"])
				if p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"] < utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][0]) ||
					(p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"] > utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][1]) && utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][1]) > 0) {
					return p.ErrInfo("amount")
				// мин. комиссия, на которую согласен арбитр
				minArbitratorCommission := utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][4]) / 100 * p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"]
				if minArbitratorCommission > utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][3]) && utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][3]) > 0 {
					minArbitratorCommission = utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][3])
				if minArbitratorCommission < utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][2]) {
					minArbitratorCommission = utils.StrToFloat64(arbitratorConditionsMap[currencyIdStr][2])
				if utils.BytesToFloat64(p.TxMap[arbitrator__commission]) < minArbitratorCommission {
					return p.ErrInfo(" < minArbitratorCommission")

		forSign := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", p.TxMap["type"], p.TxMap["time"], p.TxMap["user_id"], p.TxMap["to_user_id"], p.TxMap["amount"], p.TxMap["commission"], p.TxMap["arbitrator0"], p.TxMap["arbitrator1"], p.TxMap["arbitrator2"], p.TxMap["arbitrator3"], p.TxMap["arbitrator4"], p.TxMap["arbitrator0_commission"], p.TxMap["arbitrator1_commission"], p.TxMap["arbitrator2_commission"], p.TxMap["arbitrator3_commission"], p.TxMap["arbitrator4_commission"], utils.BinToHex(p.TxMap["comment"]), p.TxMap["currency_id"])
		CheckSignResult, err := utils.CheckSign(p.PublicKeys, forSign, p.TxMap["sign"], false)
		if err != nil {
			return p.ErrInfo(err)
		if !CheckSignResult {
			return p.ErrInfo("incorrect sign")

			wallets_buffer сделан не для защиты от двойной траты, а для того, чтобы нода, которая генерит блок не записала
			двойное списание в свой блок, который будет отправлен другим нодам и будет ими отвергнут.
		   Для тр-ий типа new_forex_order используется простой запрет на запись в блок тр-ии new_forex_order+new_forex_order или
		   new_forex_order+send_dc и пр.
		   защита от двойного списания на основе даннных из блока, полученного из сети заключается в постепенной обработке
		   тр-ий путем проверки front_ и занесения данных в БД (ParseDataFull).
	amountAndCommission, err := p.checkSenderMoney(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"], p.TxMaps.Int64["from_user_id"], p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"], p.TxMaps.Float64["commission"], p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator0_commission"], p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator1_commission"], p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator2_commission"], p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator3_commission"], p.TxMaps.Float64["arbitrator4_commission"])
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	// существует ли юзер-получатель
	err = p.CheckUser(p.TxMaps.Int64["to_user_id"])
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	err = p.checkSpamMoney(p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"], p.TxMaps.Float64["amount"])
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	// вычитаем из wallets_buffer
	// amount_and_commission взято из check_sender_money()
	err = p.updateWalletsBuffer(amountAndCommission, p.TxMaps.Int64["currency_id"])
	if err != nil {
		return p.ErrInfo(err)

	return nil
Esempio n. 28
func (c *Controller) WalletsList() (string, error) {

	var err error

	// валюты
	currencyList := c.CurrencyListCf

	confirmedBlockId := c.ConfirmedBlockId

	var wallets []utils.DCAmounts
	var myDcTransactions []map[string]string
	if c.SessUserId > 0 {
		wallets, err = c.GetBalances(c.SessUserId)
		if c.SessRestricted == 0 {
			myDcTransactions, err = c.GetAll("SELECT * FROM "+c.MyPrefix+"my_dc_transactions ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100", 100)
			if err != nil {
				return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
			for id, data := range myDcTransactions {
				t := time.Unix(utils.StrToInt64(data["time"]), 0)
				timeFormatted := t.Format(c.TimeFormat)
				log.Debug("timeFormatted", utils.StrToInt64(data["time"]), timeFormatted, c.TimeFormat)
				myDcTransactions[id]["timeFormatted"] = timeFormatted
				myDcTransactions[id]["numBlocks"] = "0"
				blockId := utils.StrToInt64(data["block_id"])
				if blockId > 0 {
					myDcTransactions[id]["numBlocks"] = utils.Int64ToStr(confirmedBlockId - blockId)
	userType := "SendDc"
	projectType := "CfSendDc"
	userTypeId := utils.TypeInt(userType)
	projectTypeId := utils.TypeInt(projectType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()
	currentBlockId, err := c.GetBlockId()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	names := make(map[string]string)
	names["cash_request"] = c.Lang["cash"]
	names["from_mining_id"] = c.Lang["from_mining"]
	names["from_repaid"] = c.Lang["from_repaid_mining"]
	names["from_user"] = c.Lang["from_user"]
	names["node_commission"] = c.Lang["node_commission"]
	names["system_commission"] = c.Lang["system_commission"]
	names["referral"] = c.Lang["referral"]
	names["cf_project"] = "Crowd funding"
	names["cf_project_refund"] = "Crowd funding refund"

	minerId, err := c.GetMinerId(c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	// если юзер кликнул по кнопку "профинансировать" со страницы проекта
	//parameters := c.r.FormValue("parameters")
	cfProjectId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["projectId"]))

	last_tx, err := c.GetLastTx(c.SessUserId, utils.TypesToIds([]string{"SendDc"}), 1, c.TimeFormat)
	lastTxFormatted := ""
	if len(last_tx) > 0 {
		lastTxFormatted, _ = utils.MakeLastTx(last_tx, c.Lang)
	arbitrationTrustList_, err := c.GetMap(`
			SELECT arbitrator_user_id,
			FROM arbitration_trust_list
			LEFT JOIN arbitrator_conditions ON arbitrator_conditions.user_id = arbitration_trust_list.arbitrator_user_id
			WHERE arbitration_trust_list.user_id = ?
	`, "arbitrator_user_id", "conditions", c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	arbitrationTrustList := make(map[int64]map[int64][]string)
	var jsonMap map[string][]string
	for arbitrator_user_id, conditions := range arbitrationTrustList_ {
		err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(conditions), &jsonMap)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		uidInt := utils.StrToInt64(arbitrator_user_id)
		arbitrationTrustList[uidInt] = make(map[int64][]string)
		for currenycId, data := range jsonMap {
			arbitrationTrustList[uidInt][utils.StrToInt64(currenycId)] = data
	log.Debug("arbitrationTrustList", arbitrationTrustList)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("wallets_list", "walletsList", &walletsListPage{
		CountSignArr:         c.CountSignArr,
		CfProjectId:          cfProjectId,
		Names:                names,
		UserIdStr:            utils.Int64ToStr(c.SessUserId),
		Alert:                c.Alert,
		Community:            c.Community,
		ConfigCommission:     c.ConfigCommission,
		ProjectType:          projectType,
		UserType:             userType,
		UserId:               c.SessUserId,
		Lang:                 c.Lang,
		CurrencyList:         currencyList,
		Wallets:              wallets,
		MyDcTransactions:     myDcTransactions,
		UserTypeId:           userTypeId,
		ProjectTypeId:        projectTypeId,
		Time:                 timeNow,
		CurrentBlockId:       currentBlockId,
		ConfirmedBlockId:     confirmedBlockId,
		MinerId:              minerId,
		Config:               c.NodeConfig,
		LastTxFormatted:      lastTxFormatted,
		ArbitrationTrustList: arbitrationTrustList,
		ShowSignData:         c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:             ""})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 29
func (c *Controller) MyCfProjects() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "NewCfProject"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	projectsLang := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	projects := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	cfProjects, err := c.GetAll(`
			SELECT id, category_id, project_currency_name, country, city, currency_id, end_time, amount
			FROM cf_projects
			WHERE user_id = ? AND del_block_id = 0
			`, -1, c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	for _, data := range cfProjects {
		CfProjectData, err := c.GetCfProjectData(utils.StrToInt64(data["id"]), utils.StrToInt64(data["end_time"]), c.LangInt, utils.StrToFloat64(data["amount"]), "")
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		for k, v := range CfProjectData {
			data[k] = v
		projects[data["id"]] = data
		lang, err := c.GetMap(`SELECT id, lang_id FROM cf_projects_data WHERE project_id = ?`, "id", "lang_id", data["id"])
		projectsLang[data["id"]] = lang

	cfLng, err := c.GetAllCfLng()

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("my_cf_projects", "myCfProjects", &MyCfProjectsPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		CfLng:        cfLng,
		CurrencyList: c.CurrencyList,
		Projects:     projects,
		ProjectsLang: projectsLang})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 30
func (c *Controller) BlockExplorer() (string, error) {

	var err error

	blockId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["blockId"]))
	start := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["start"]))

	var data, sql string
	if start > 0 || (start == 0 && blockId == 0) {
		if start == 0 && blockId == 0 {
			data += "<h3>Latest Blocks</h3>"
			sql = `	SELECT data,  hash
						FROM block_chain
						ORDER BY id DESC
						LIMIT 15`
		} else {
			sql = `	SELECT data,  hash
						FROM block_chain
						ORDER BY id ASC
						LIMIT ` + utils.Int64ToStr(start-1) + `, 100`
		data += `<table class="table"><tr><th>Block</th><th>Hash</th><th>Time</th><th><nobr>User id</nobr></th><th><nobr>Miner id</nobr></th><th>Level</th><th>Transactions</th></tr>`
		blocksChain, err := c.GetAll(sql, -1)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		for _, blockData := range blocksChain {
			hash := utils.BinToHex([]byte(blockData["hash"]))
			binaryData := []byte(blockData["data"])
			parser := new(dcparser.Parser)
			parser.DCDB = c.DCDB
			parser.BinaryData = binaryData
			err = parser.ParseDataLite()
			parser.BlockData.Sign = utils.BinToHex(parser.BlockData.Sign)
			minerId, err := c.GetMinerId(parser.BlockData.UserId)
			if err != nil {
				return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
			data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><a href="#" onclick="dc_navigate('blockExplorer', {'blockId':%d})">%d</a></td><td>%s</td><td><nobr><span class='unixtime'>%d</span></nobr></td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>`, parser.BlockData.BlockId, parser.BlockData.BlockId, hash, parser.BlockData.Time, parser.BlockData.UserId, minerId, parser.BlockData.Level)
			data += utils.IntToStr(len(parser.TxMapArr))
			data += "</td></tr>"
		data += "</table>"
	} else if blockId > 0 {
		data += `<table class="table">`
		blockChain, err := c.OneRow("SELECT data, hash, cur_0l_miner_id, max_miner_id FROM block_chain WHERE id = ?", blockId).String()
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		binToHexArray := []string{"sign", "public_key", "encrypted_message", "comment", "bin_public_keys"}
		hash := utils.BinToHex([]byte(blockChain["hash"]))
		binaryData := blockChain["data"]
		parser := new(dcparser.Parser)
		parser.DCDB = c.DCDB
		parser.BinaryData = []byte(binaryData)
		err = parser.ParseDataLite()
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		parser.BlockData.Sign = utils.BinToHex(parser.BlockData.Sign)
		previous := parser.BlockData.BlockId - 1
		next := parser.BlockData.BlockId + 1
		levelsRange := utils.GetBlockGeneratorMinerIdRange(utils.StrToInt64(blockChain["cur_0l_miner_id"]), utils.StrToInt64(blockChain["max_miner_id"]))
		minerId, err := c.GetMinerId(parser.BlockData.UserId)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

		_, _, _, CurrentUserId, _, _, _ := c.TestBlock()
		maxMinerId, err := c.Single("SELECT max(miner_id) FROM miners").Int64()
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		currentMinerId, err := c.Single("SELECT miner_id FROM miners_data WHERE user_id = ?", CurrentUserId).Int64()
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		NextBlockLevelsRange := utils.GetBlockGeneratorMinerIdRange(currentMinerId, maxMinerId)

		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Raw&nbsp;data</strong></td><td><a href='ajax?controllerName=getBlock&id=%d&download=1' target='_blank'>Download</a></td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.BlockId)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Block_id</strong></td><td>%d (<a href="#" onclick="dc_navigate('blockExplorer', {'blockId':%d})">Previous</a> / <a href="#" onclick="dc_navigate('blockExplorer', {'blockId':%d})">Next</a> )</td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.BlockId, previous, next)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Hash</strong></td><td>%s</td></tr>`, hash)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Time</strong></td><td><span class='unixtime'>%d</span> / %d</td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.Time, parser.BlockData.Time)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>User_id</strong></td><td>%d</td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.UserId)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Miner_Id</strong></td><td>%d</td></tr>`, minerId)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Level</strong></td><td>%d (%v) next: %v</td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.Level, levelsRange, NextBlockLevelsRange)
		data += fmt.Sprintf(`<tr><td><strong>Sign</strong></td><td>%s</td></tr>`, parser.BlockData.Sign)
		if len(parser.TxMapArr) > 0 {
			data += `<tr><td><strong>Transactions</strong></td><td><div><pre style='width: 700px'>`
			for i := 0; i < len(parser.TxMapArr); i++ {
				for k, data_ := range parser.TxMapArr[i] {
					if utils.InSliceString(k, binToHexArray) {
						parser.TxMapArr[i][k] = utils.BinToHex(data_)
					if k == "file" {
						parser.TxMapArr[i][k] = []byte("file size: " + utils.IntToStr(len(data_)))
					} else if k == "code" {
						parser.TxMapArr[i][k] = utils.DSha256(data_)
					} else if k == "secret" {
						parser.TxMapArr[i][k] = utils.BinToHex(data_)
					data += fmt.Sprintf("%v : %s\n", k, parser.TxMapArr[i][k])
				data += "\n\n"

			data += "</pre></div></td></tr>"
		data += "</table>"

	// пока панель тут
	myNotice := make(map[string]string)
	if c.SessUserId > 0 {
		myNotice, err = c.GetMyNoticeData(c.SessUserId, c.SessUserId, c.MyPrefix, c.Lang)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("block_explorer", "blockExplorer", &BlockExplorerPage{
		Lang:           c.Lang,
		CurrencyList:   c.CurrencyListCf,
		MyNotice:       myNotice,
		Data:           data,
		Start:          start,
		BlockId:        blockId,
		PoolAdmin:      c.PoolAdmin,
		SessRestricted: c.SessRestricted,
		UserId:         c.SessUserId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil