Esempio n. 1
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "NewPct"
	txTime := "1599278817"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 140015
	data := `{"currency":{"1":{"miner_pct":"0.0000000617044","user_pct":"0.0000000435602"},"72":{"miner_pct":"0.0000000760368","user_pct":"0.0000000562834"}},"referral":{"first":30,"second":20,"third":5}}`

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// promised_amount_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(data))

	dataForSign := fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%s,%s", utils.TypeInt(txType), txTime, userId, data)

	err := tests_utils.MakeFrontTest(txSlice, utils.StrToInt64(txTime), dataForSign, txType, utils.BytesToInt64(userId), "", blockId)
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 2
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "ChangeHost"
	txTime := "1399278817"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 1415
	host := ""

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// promised_amount_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(host))

	dataForSign := fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%s,%s", utils.TypeInt(txType), txTime, userId, host)

	err := tests_utils.MakeFrontTest(txSlice, utils.StrToInt64(txTime), dataForSign, txType, utils.BytesToInt64(userId), "", blockId)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 3
func (c *Controller) VotesExchange() (string, error) {

	txType := "VotesExchange"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	eOwner := utils.StrToInt64(c.Parameters["e_owner_id"])
	result := utils.StrToInt64(c.Parameters["result"])

	signData := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, eOwner, result)
	if eOwner == 0 {
		signData = ""
	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("votes_exchange", "votesExchange", &VotesExchangePage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		EOwner:       eOwner,
		Result:       result,
		SignData:     signData})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 4
func (c *Controller) ChangeCreditor() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangeCreditor"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	creditId := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["credit_id"]), 0)
	log.Debug("creditId", creditId)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_creditor", "changeCreditor", &changeCreditorPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		SignData:     "",
		CreditId:     creditId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 5
func (c *Controller) DelCfFunding() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "DelCfFunding"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	delId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["del_id"]))

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("del_cf_funding", "delCfFunding", &DelCfFundingPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     fmt.Sprintf(`%d,%d,%d,%d`, txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, delId),
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		DelId:        delId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "ChangeArbitrationDaysRefund"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("91573"))
	// arbitration_days_refund
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("150"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 7
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "NewUser"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	// public_key
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.HexToBin([]byte("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)")))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))
	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 8
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "Abuses"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	// message
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(`{"1":"fdfdsfdd", "2":"fsdfkj43 43 34"}`))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 9
func (c *Controller) DelCfProject() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "DelCfProject"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	delId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["del_id"]))
	projectCurrencyName, err := c.Single("SELECT project_currency_name FROM cf_projects WHERE id =  ?", delId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("del_cf_project", "delCfProject", &DelCfProjectPage{
		Alert:               c.Alert,
		Lang:                c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:        c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:        c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:            fmt.Sprintf(`%d,%d,%d,%d`, txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, delId),
		UserId:              c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:             timeNow,
		TxType:              txType,
		TxTypeId:            txTypeId,
		DelId:               delId,
		ProjectCurrencyName: projectCurrencyName})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 10
func (c *Controller) MiningPromisedAmount() (string, error) {

	txType := "Mining"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()
	amount := utils.StrToMoney(c.Parameters["amount"])
	amount = math.Floor(amount*100) / 100
	promisedAmountId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"]))
	log.Debug("c.Parameters[promised_amount_id]):", c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"])
	log.Debug("promisedAmountId:", promisedAmountId)
	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("mining_promised_amount", "miningPromisedAmount", &miningPromisedAmountPage{
		Alert:            c.Alert,
		Lang:             c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:     c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:     c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:           c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:          timeNow,
		TxType:           txType,
		TxTypeId:         txTypeId,
		SignData:         fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%v,%v,%v", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, promisedAmountId, amount),
		Amount:           amount,
		PromisedAmountId: promisedAmountId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 11
func (c *Controller) ChangeMoneyBackTime() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangeMoneyBackTime"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	orderId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["order_id"]))
	days := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["days"]))

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_money_back_time", "changeMoneyBackTime", &changeMoneyBackTimePage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		OrderId:      orderId,
		Days:         days,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 12
func (c *Controller) ChangePromisedAmount() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangePromisedAmount"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()
	promisedAmountId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["promised_amount_id"]))
	amount := c.Parameters["amount"]

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_promised_amount", "changePromisedAmount", &changePromisedAmountPage{
		Alert:            c.Alert,
		Lang:             c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:     c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:     c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:           c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:          timeNow,
		TxType:           txType,
		TxTypeId:         txTypeId,
		SignData:         fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%v,%v,%v", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, promisedAmountId, amount),
		PromisedAmountId: promisedAmountId,
		Amount:           amount})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 13
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "NewMaxOtherCurrencies"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	// json data
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(`{"1":"1000", "72":500}`))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 14
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "DelPromisedAmount"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	// promised_amount_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("4"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 15
func (c *Controller) Abuse() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "Abuses"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	var countAbusesArr []int
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		countAbusesArr = append(countAbusesArr, i)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("abuse", "abuse", &AbusePage{
		Alert:          c.Alert,
		Lang:           c.Lang,
		CountAbusesArr: countAbusesArr,
		ShowSignData:   c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:       "",
		UserId:         c.SessUserId,
		CountSignArr:   c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:        timeNow,
		TxType:         txType,
		TxTypeId:       txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 16
func (c *Controller) RepaymentCredit() (string, error) {

	txType := "RepaymentCredit"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	creditId := utils.Round(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["credit_id"]), 0)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("repayment_credit", "repaymentCredit", &repaymentCreditPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		SignData:     "",
		CreditId:     creditId,
		CurrencyList: c.CurrencyList})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 17
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "ChangeKeyActive"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("91573"))
	// secret
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("156516546572676276827"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 18
func (c *Controller) MoneyBackRequest() (string, error) {

	txType := "MoneyBackRequest"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	orderId := int64(utils.StrToFloat64(c.Parameters["order_id"]))
	order, err := c.OneRow("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id  =  ?", orderId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("money_back_request", "moneyBackRequest", &moneyBackRequestPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		SignData:     "",
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		OrderId:      orderId,
		Order:        order,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 19
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "NewMiner."
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("91573"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("55"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("55"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("[[118,275],[241,274],[39,274],[316,276],[180,364],[182,430],[181,490],[93,441],[259,433]]"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("[[289,224],[148,216],[172,304],[123,239],[328,261],[305,349]]"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("face_hash"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("profile_hash"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("youtube"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("video_url_id"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("node_public_key"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 20
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "CfProjectData"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("4"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("45"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("youtube"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("X-_fg47G5yf-_f"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(""))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(`[["http:\/\/\/fnfh1Dg",1,532,234,0],["http:\/\/\/28Fh4h",1355,1344,2222,66]]`))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 21
func (c *Controller) ChangeHost() (string, error) {

	txType := "ChangeHost"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	if !c.PoolAdmin || c.SessRestricted != 0 {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(errors.New("access denied"))

	data, err := c.OneRow("SELECT http_host, tcp_host, host_status FROM " + c.MyPrefix + "my_table").String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	data2, err := c.OneRow("SELECT http_host, tcp_host, e_host FROM miners_data WHERE user_id = ?", c.SessUserId).String()
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	if len(data["http_host"]) == 0 {
		data["http_host"] = data2["http_host"]
	if len(data["tcp_host"]) == 0 {
		data["tcp_host"] = data2["tcp_host"]
	if len(data["e_host"]) == 0 {
		data["e_host"] = data2["e_host"]
	if data["e_host"] == "" {
		data["e_host"] = "0"

	statusArray := map[string]string{"my_pending": c.Lang["local_pending"], "approved": c.Lang["status_approved"]}
	data["host_status"] = statusArray[data["host_status"]]

	limitsText := strings.Replace(c.Lang["change_host_limits_text"], "[limit]", utils.Int64ToStr(c.Variables.Int64["limit_change_host"]), -1)
	limitsText = strings.Replace(limitsText, "[period]", c.Periods[c.Variables.Int64["limit_change_host_period"]], -1)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("change_host", "changeHost", &changeHostPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		Data:         data,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		LimitsText:   limitsText,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		Community:    c.Community,
		SignData:     "",
		Lang:         c.Lang})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 22
func main() {

	f, err := os.OpenFile("dclog.txt", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
	defer f.Close()
	log.SetOutput(io.MultiWriter(f, os.Stdout))
	log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)

	txType := "Mining"
	txTime := "1406545938"
	userId := []byte("105")
	var blockId int64 = 123925
	promised_amount_id := "24"
	amount := "5.69"

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// promised_amount_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(promised_amount_id))
	// amount
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(amount))

	dataForSign := fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%s,%s,%s", utils.TypeInt(txType), txTime, userId, promised_amount_id, amount)

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err = tests_utils.MakeFrontTest(txSlice, utils.StrToInt64(txTime), dataForSign, txType, utils.BytesToInt64(userId), "", blockId)
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 23
func main() {

	f, err := os.OpenFile("dclog.txt", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
	defer f.Close()
	log.SetOutput(io.MultiWriter(f, os.Stdout))
	log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)

	txType := "Mining"
	txTime := "1406545931"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 123924

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// promised_amount_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(`26`))
	// amount
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(`6`))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	dir, err := utils.GetCurrentDir()
	if err != nil {
	configIni_, err := config.NewConfig("ini", dir+"/config.ini")
	if err != nil {
	configIni, err := configIni_.GetSection("default")
	db := utils.DbConnect(configIni)

	// делаем снимок БД в виде хэшей до начала тестов
	hashesStart, err := tests_utils.AllHashes(db)

	err = tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, hashesStart, db, "work")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 24
func main() {
	/*	Currency map[string][]float64 `json:"currency"`
		Referral map[string]int64 `json:"referral"`
		Admin int64 `json:"admin"`
	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "VotesComplex"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008
	newPct := new(vComplex)
	newPct.Currency = make(map[string][]float64)
	newPct.Referral = make(map[string]int64)
	newPct.Currency["1"] = []float64{0.0000000760368, 0.0000000497405, 1000, 55, 10}
	newPct.Currency["33"] = []float64{0.0000000760368, 0.0000000497405, 1000, 55, 10}
	newPct.Currency["2"] = []float64{0.0000000760368, 0.0000000497405, 1000, 55, 10}
	newPct.Referral["first"] = 30
	newPct.Referral["second"] = 0
	newPct.Referral["third"] = 30
	newPct.Admin = 100
	newPctJson, _ := json.Marshal(newPct)

	//err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"currency":{"1":[7.60368e-08,4.97405e-08,1000,55,10],"2":[7.60368e-08,4.97405e-08,1000,55,10],"33":[7.60368e-08,4.97405e-08,1000,55,10]},"referral":{"first":30,"second":0,"third":30},"admin":100}`), &newPct1)

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// newPctJson
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(newPctJson))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 25
func (c *Controller) CurrencyExchangeDelete() (string, error) {

	txType := "DelForexOrder"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	delId := utils.StrToInt64(c.Parameters["del_id"])
	signData := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d,%d", txTypeId, timeNow, c.SessUserId, delId)

	/*data, err := static.Asset("static/templates/currency_exchange_delete.html")
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	signatures, err := static.Asset("static/templates/signatures.html")
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	alert_success, err := static.Asset("static/templates/alert_success.html")
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	t := template.Must(template.New("template").Parse(string(data)))
	t = template.Must(t.Parse(string(alert_success)))
	t = template.Must(t.Parse(string(signatures)))
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	t.ExecuteTemplate(b, "currencyExchangeDelete", &currencyExchangeDeletePage{
		Lang: c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId: c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow: timeNow,
		TxType: txType,
		TxTypeId: txTypeId,
		DelId: delId,
		SignData: signData})
	return b.String(), nil*/

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("currency_exchange_delete", "currencyExchangeDelete", &currencyExchangeDeletePage{
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		DelId:        delId,
		SignData:     signData})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 26
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "VotesComplex"
	txTime := "1499278817"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008
	newPct := new(vComplex)
	newPct.Currency = make(map[string][]float64)
	newPct.Referral = make(map[string]string)
	newPct.Currency["1"] = []float64{0.0000000760368, 0.0000000497405, 1000, 55, 10}
	newPct.Currency["72"] = []float64{0.0000000760368, 0.0000000497405, 1000, 55, 10}
	newPct.Referral["first"] = "30"
	newPct.Referral["second"] = "0"
	newPct.Referral["third"] = "30"
	newPct.Admin = 100
	newPctJson, _ := json.Marshal(newPct)

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// newPctJson
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(newPctJson))

	dataForSign := fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v,%s,%s", utils.TypeInt(txType), txTime, userId, newPctJson)

	err := tests_utils.MakeFrontTest(txSlice, utils.StrToInt64(txTime), dataForSign, txType, utils.BytesToInt64(userId), "", blockId)
	if err != nil {
Esempio n. 27
func (c *Controller) MyCfProjects() (string, error) {

	var err error

	txType := "NewCfProject"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := utils.Time()

	projectsLang := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	projects := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	cfProjects, err := c.GetAll(`
			SELECT id, category_id, project_currency_name, country, city, currency_id, end_time, amount
			FROM cf_projects
			WHERE user_id = ? AND del_block_id = 0
			`, -1, c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	for _, data := range cfProjects {
		CfProjectData, err := c.GetCfProjectData(utils.StrToInt64(data["id"]), utils.StrToInt64(data["end_time"]), c.LangInt, utils.StrToFloat64(data["amount"]), "")
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		for k, v := range CfProjectData {
			data[k] = v
		projects[data["id"]] = data
		lang, err := c.GetMap(`SELECT id, lang_id FROM cf_projects_data WHERE project_id = ?`, "id", "lang_id", data["id"])
		projectsLang[data["id"]] = lang

	cfLng, err := c.GetAllCfLng()

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("my_cf_projects", "myCfProjects", &MyCfProjectsPage{
		Alert:        c.Alert,
		Lang:         c.Lang,
		CountSignArr: c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData: c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:       c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:      timeNow,
		TxType:       txType,
		TxTypeId:     txTypeId,
		CfLng:        cfLng,
		CurrencyList: c.CurrencyList,
		Projects:     projects,
		ProjectsLang: projectsLang})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 28
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "SendDc"
	txTime := "1409288580"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 10000

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("22cb812e53e22ee539af4a1d39b4596d"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, userId)
	// to_user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("2"))
	// currency_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("72"))
	// amount
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("8"))
	// commission
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("0.1"))
	/*	for i:=0; i<5; i++ {
			txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("0"))
		for i:=0; i<5; i++ {
			txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("0"))
	// comment
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111111111111111111111111111"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {

Esempio n. 29
func (c *Controller) AutoPayments() (string, error) {

	txType := "AutoPayments"
	txTypeId := utils.TypeInt(txType)
	timeNow := time.Now().Unix()

	var autoPayments []*autoPayment

	rows, err := c.Query(c.FormatQuery("SELECT id, amount, commission, currency_id, last_payment_time, period, sender, recipient FROM auto_payments WHERE sender = ? AND del_block_id = 0"), c.SessUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		var amount, commission float64
		var id, currency_id, last_payment_time, period, sender, recipient int64
		err = rows.Scan(&id, &amount, &commission, &currency_id, &last_payment_time, &period, &sender, &recipient)
		if err != nil {
			return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
		auto_ := &autoPayment{Id: id, Amount: amount, Commission: commission, Currency_id: currency_id, Last_payment_time: last_payment_time, Period: period, Sender: sender, Recipient: recipient}
		autoPayments = append(autoPayments, auto_)

	last_tx, err := c.GetLastTx(c.SessUserId, utils.TypesToIds([]string{"AutoPayments", "DelAutoPayment", "NewAutoPayment"}), 3, c.TimeFormat)
	lastTxFormatted := ""
	if len(last_tx) > 0 {
		lastTxFormatted, _ = utils.MakeLastTx(last_tx, c.Lang)

	TemplateStr, err := makeTemplate("auto_payments", "AutoPayments", &AutoPaymentsPage{
		Alert:           c.Alert,
		Lang:            c.Lang,
		CountSignArr:    c.CountSignArr,
		ShowSignData:    c.ShowSignData,
		UserId:          c.SessUserId,
		TimeNow:         timeNow,
		TxType:          txType,
		TxTypeId:        txTypeId,
		SignData:        "",
		CurrencyList:    c.CurrencyListCf,
		AutoPayments:    autoPayments,
		LastTxFormatted: lastTxFormatted})
	if err != nil {
		return "", utils.ErrInfo(err)
	return TemplateStr, nil
Esempio n. 30
func main() {

	f := tests_utils.InitLog()
	defer f.Close()

	txType := "NewCfProject"
	txTime := "1427383713"
	userId := []byte("2")
	var blockId int64 = 128008

	var txSlice [][]byte
	// hash
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1111111111"))
	// type
	txSlice = append(txSlice, utils.Int64ToByte(utils.TypeInt(txType)))
	// time
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte(txTime))
	// user_id
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("4"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("72"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("5000"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1427383713"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("39.94801"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("39.94801"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("1"))
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("0VVDDDF"))
	// sign
	txSlice = append(txSlice, []byte("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"))

	blockData := new(utils.BlockData)
	blockData.BlockId = blockId
	blockData.Time = utils.StrToInt64(txTime)
	blockData.UserId = utils.BytesToInt64(userId)

	err := tests_utils.MakeTest(txSlice, blockData, txType, "work_and_rollback")
	if err != nil {
