Esempio n. 1
func TestLinearKernelOneDXShouldFail3(t *testing.T) {
	// create the channel of errors
	errors := make(chan error)

	model := NewKernelPerceptron(base.LinearKernel())

	go model.OnlineLearn(errors, nil, func(supportVector [][]float64) {})

	for {
		err, more := <-errors

		if more {
			assert.NotNil(t, err, "Learning error should not be nil")
		} else {
Esempio n. 2
func TestLinearKernelOneDXShouldFail1(t *testing.T) {
	// create the channel of data and errors
	stream := make(chan base.Datapoint, 1000)
	errors := make(chan error)

	model := NewKernelPerceptron(base.LinearKernel())

	go model.OnlineLearn(errors, stream, func(supportVector [][]float64) {})

	// give invalid data when it should be -1
	for i := -500.0; abs(i) > 1; i *= -0.2 {
		if (i-20)/2+10 > 0 {
			stream <- base.Datapoint{
				X: []float64{i - 20},
				Y: []float64{1.0},
		} else {
			stream <- base.Datapoint{
				X: []float64{i - 20, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
				Y: []float64{-1.0},

	// close the dataset

	for {
		err, more := <-errors

		if more {
			assert.NotNil(t, err, "Learning error should not be nil")
		} else {
Esempio n. 3
func TestLinearKernelTwoDXNormalizedShouldPass1(t *testing.T) {
	// create the channel of data and errors
	stream := make(chan base.Datapoint, 100)
	errors := make(chan error)

	model := NewKernelPerceptron(base.LinearKernel())

	go model.OnlineLearn(errors, stream, func(supportVector [][]float64) {}, true)

	for i := -200.0; abs(i) > 1; i *= -0.57 {
		for j := -200.0; abs(j) > 1; j *= -0.57 {
			x := []float64{i, j}

			if 5*x[0]+10*x[1]-4 > 0 {
				stream <- base.Datapoint{
					X: x,
					Y: []float64{1.0},
			} else {
				stream <- base.Datapoint{
					X: x,
					Y: []float64{-1.0},

	// close the dataset

	for {
		err, more := <-errors
		assert.False(t, more, "There should not be any errors!")

		if more {
			assert.Nil(t, err, "Learning error should be nil")
		} else {

	var count int
	var incorrect int

	for i := -200.0; abs(i) > 1; i *= -0.53 {
		for j := -200.0; abs(j) > 1; j *= -0.53 {
			x := []float64{i, j}

			guess, err := model.Predict([]float64{i, j}, true)
			assert.Nil(t, err, "Prediction error should be nil")
			assert.Len(t, guess, 1, "Guess should have length 1")

			if 5*x[0]+10*x[1]-4 > 0 && guess[0] != 1.0 {
			} else if 5*x[0]+10*x[1]-4 <= 0 && guess[0] != -1.0 {


	fmt.Printf("Predictions: %v\n\tIncorrect: %v\n\tAccuracy Rate: %v percent\n", count, incorrect, 100*(1.0-float64(incorrect)/float64(count)))
	assert.True(t, float64(incorrect)/float64(count) < 0.14, "Accuracy should be greater than 86%")
Esempio n. 4
func TestLinearKernelOneDXShouldPass1(t *testing.T) {
	// create the channel of data and errors
	stream := make(chan base.Datapoint, 100)
	errors := make(chan error)

	model := NewKernelPerceptron(base.LinearKernel())

	go model.OnlineLearn(errors, stream, func(supportVector [][]float64) {})

	// start passing data to our datastream
	// we could have data already in our channel
	// when we instantiated the Perceptron, though
	var points int
	for i := -20.1; abs(i) > 1; i *= -0.996 {
		if (i-20)/2 > 0 {
			stream <- base.Datapoint{
				X: []float64{i - 20},
				Y: []float64{1.0},
		} else {
			stream <- base.Datapoint{
				X: []float64{i - 20},
				Y: []float64{0},

	fmt.Printf("%v Data Points Pushed\n", points)

	// close the dataset

	err, more := <-errors

	assert.Nil(t, err, "Learning error should be nil")
	assert.False(t, more, "There should be no errors returned")

	// test a larger dataset now
	count := 0
	wrong := 0
	for i := -500.0; i < 500; i += 10 {
		guess, err := model.Predict([]float64{i})
		assert.Nil(t, err, "Prediction error should be nil")
		assert.Len(t, guess, 1, "Guess should have length 1")

		if i/2 > 0 {
			if guess[0] != 1.0 {
			assert.Equal(t, 1.0, guess[0], "Guess should be 1")
		} else {
			if guess[0] != -1.0 {
			assert.Equal(t, -1.0, guess[0], "Guess should be -1")
	fmt.Printf("Accuracy: %v\n\tPoints Tested: %v\n\tMisclassifications: %v\n", 100*(1-float64(wrong)/float64(count)), count, wrong)
Esempio n. 5
func TestLinearKernelFourDXShouldPass1(t *testing.T) {
	// create the channel of data and errors
	stream := make(chan base.Datapoint, 100)
	errors := make(chan error)

	var updates int

	model := NewKernelPerceptron(base.LinearKernel())

	go model.OnlineLearn(errors, stream, func(supportVector [][]float64) {

	var count int
	for i := -200.0; abs(i) > 1; i *= -0.7 {
		for j := -200.0; abs(j) > 1; j *= -0.7 {
			for k := -200.0; abs(k) > 1; k *= -0.7 {
				for l := -200.0; abs(l) > 1; l *= -0.7 {
					if i/2+2*k-4*j+2*l+3 > 0 {
						stream <- base.Datapoint{
							X: []float64{i, j, k, l},
							Y: []float64{1.0},
					} else {
						stream <- base.Datapoint{
							X: []float64{i, j, k, l},
							Y: []float64{-1.0},


	fmt.Printf("%v Training Examples Pushed\n", count)

	// close the dataset

	err, more := <-errors
	assert.Nil(t, err, "Learning error should be nil")
	assert.False(t, more, "There should be no errors returned")

	assert.True(t, updates > 100, "There should be more than 100 updates of theta")

	count = 0
	wrong := 0

	for i := -200.0; i < 200; i += 99.9 {
		for j := -200.0; j < 200; j += 99.9 {
			for k := -200.0; k < 200; k += 99.9 {
				for l := -200.0; l < 200; l += 99.9 {
					guess, err := model.Predict([]float64{i, j, k, l})
					assert.Nil(t, err, "Prediction error should be nil")
					assert.Len(t, guess, 1, "Guess should have length 1")


					if i/2+2*k-4*j+2*l+3 > 0 {
						if guess[0] != 1.0 {
					} else {
						if guess[0] != -1.0 {

	accuracy := 100 * (1 - float64(wrong)/float64(count))

	assert.True(t, accuracy > 97, "There should be greater than 97 percent accuracy (currently %v)", accuracy)
	fmt.Printf("Accuracy: %v\n\tPoints Tested: %v\n\tMisclassifications: %v\n", accuracy, count, wrong)