Esempio n. 1
// Deprecated in rc8, replaced by AddAccountActionTriggers
func (self *ApierV1) AddTriggeredAction(attr AttrAddActionTrigger, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attr, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	at := &engine.ActionTrigger{
		ID:             attr.ActionTriggersId,
		ThresholdType:  attr.ThresholdType,
		ThresholdValue: attr.ThresholdValue,
		Balance:        new(engine.BalanceFilter),
		Weight:         attr.Weight,
		ActionsID:      attr.ActionsId,
	if attr.BalanceId != "" {
		at.Balance.ID = utils.StringPointer(attr.BalanceId)
	if attr.BalanceType != "" {
		at.Balance.Type = utils.StringPointer(attr.BalanceType)
	if attr.BalanceDirection != "" {
		at.Balance.Directions = &utils.StringMap{attr.BalanceDirection: true}
	if attr.BalanceDestinationIds != "" {
		dstIDsMp := utils.StringMapFromSlice(strings.Split(attr.BalanceDestinationIds, utils.INFIELD_SEP))
		at.Balance.DestinationIDs = &dstIDsMp
	if attr.BalanceRatingSubject != "" {
		at.Balance.RatingSubject = utils.StringPointer(attr.BalanceRatingSubject)
	if attr.BalanceWeight != 0.0 {
		at.Balance.Weight = utils.Float64Pointer(attr.BalanceWeight)
	if balExpiryTime, err := utils.ParseTimeDetectLayout(attr.BalanceExpiryTime, self.Config.DefaultTimezone); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else {
		at.Balance.ExpirationDate = &balExpiryTime
	if attr.BalanceSharedGroup != "" {
		at.Balance.SharedGroups = &utils.StringMap{attr.BalanceSharedGroup: true}
	acntID := utils.AccountKey(attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		acnt, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(acntID)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		acnt.ActionTriggers = append(acnt.ActionTriggers, at)

		if err = self.AccountDb.SetAccount(acnt); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, acntID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func (attr *AttrSetBalance) SetBalance(b *engine.Balance) {
	if b == nil {
	if attr.Directions != nil {
		b.Directions = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*attr.Directions)
	if attr.Value != nil {
		b.Value = *attr.Value
	if attr.ExpiryTime != nil {
		b.ExpirationDate = attr.expTime
	if attr.RatingSubject != nil {
		b.RatingSubject = *attr.RatingSubject
	if attr.Categories != nil {
		b.Categories = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*attr.Categories)
	if attr.DestinationIDs != nil {
		b.DestinationIds = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*attr.DestinationIDs)
	if attr.SharedGroups != nil {
		b.SharedGroups = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*attr.SharedGroups)
	if attr.TimingIDs != nil {
		b.TimingIDs = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*attr.TimingIDs)
	if attr.Weight != nil {
		b.Weight = *attr.Weight
	if attr.Blocker != nil {
		b.Blocker = *attr.Blocker
	if attr.Disabled != nil {
		b.Disabled = *attr.Disabled
	b.SetDirty() // Mark the balance as dirty since we have modified and it should be checked by action triggers
Esempio n. 3
func (self *DARequestProcessor) loadFromJsonCfg(jsnCfg *DARequestProcessorJsnCfg) error {
	if jsnCfg == nil {
		return nil
	if jsnCfg.Id != nil {
		self.Id = *jsnCfg.Id
	if jsnCfg.Dry_run != nil {
		self.DryRun = *jsnCfg.Dry_run
	if jsnCfg.Publish_event != nil {
		self.PublishEvent = *jsnCfg.Publish_event
	var err error
	if jsnCfg.Request_filter != nil {
		if self.RequestFilter, err = utils.ParseRSRFields(*jsnCfg.Request_filter, utils.INFIELD_SEP); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.Flags != nil {
		self.Flags = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*jsnCfg.Flags)
	if jsnCfg.Continue_on_success != nil {
		self.ContinueOnSuccess = *jsnCfg.Continue_on_success
	if jsnCfg.Append_cca != nil {
		self.AppendCCA = *jsnCfg.Append_cca
	if jsnCfg.CCR_fields != nil {
		if self.CCRFields, err = CfgCdrFieldsFromCdrFieldsJsonCfg(*jsnCfg.CCR_fields); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.CCA_fields != nil {
		if self.CCAFields, err = CfgCdrFieldsFromCdrFieldsJsonCfg(*jsnCfg.CCA_fields); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 4
// Used by SM to get all the prepaid CallDescriptors attached to a session
func (rs *Responder) GetSessionRuns(ev *CDR, sRuns *[]*SessionRun) error {
	if rs.Bal != nil {
		return errors.New("Unsupported method on the balancer")
	cacheKey := utils.GET_SESS_RUNS_CACHE_PREFIX + ev.CGRID
	if item, err := rs.getCache().Get(cacheKey); err == nil && item != nil {
		if item.Value != nil {
			*sRuns = *(item.Value.(*[]*SessionRun))
		return item.Err
	if ev.Subject == "" {
		ev.Subject = ev.Account
	//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("DC before: %+v", ev))
	// replace user profile fields
	if err := LoadUserProfile(ev, utils.EXTRA_FIELDS); err != nil {
		return err
	// replace aliases
	if err := LoadAlias(
			Destination: ev.Destination,
			Direction:   ev.Direction,
			Tenant:      ev.Tenant,
			Category:    ev.Category,
			Account:     ev.Account,
			Subject:     ev.Subject,
			Context:     utils.ALIAS_CONTEXT_RATING,
		}, ev, utils.EXTRA_FIELDS); err != nil && err != utils.ErrNotFound {
		return err

	//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("DC after: %+v", ev))
	attrsDC := &utils.AttrDerivedChargers{Tenant: ev.GetTenant(utils.META_DEFAULT), Category: ev.GetCategory(utils.META_DEFAULT), Direction: ev.GetDirection(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Account: ev.GetAccount(utils.META_DEFAULT), Subject: ev.GetSubject(utils.META_DEFAULT), Destination: ev.GetDestination(utils.META_DEFAULT)}
	//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Derived chargers for: %+v", attrsDC))
	dcs := &utils.DerivedChargers{}
	if err := rs.GetDerivedChargers(attrsDC, dcs); err != nil {
		rs.getCache().Cache(cacheKey, &CacheItem{
			Err: err,
		return err
	dcs, _ = dcs.AppendDefaultRun()
	//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("DCS: %v", len(dcs.Chargers)))
	sesRuns := make([]*SessionRun, 0)
	for _, dc := range dcs.Chargers {
		if !utils.IsSliceMember([]string{utils.META_PREPAID, utils.PREPAID}, ev.GetReqType(dc.RequestTypeField)) {
			continue // We only consider prepaid sessions
		startTime, err := ev.GetAnswerTime(dc.AnswerTimeField, rs.Timezone)
		if err != nil {
			rs.getCache().Cache(cacheKey, &CacheItem{Err: err})
			return errors.New("Error parsing answer event start time")
		endTime, err := ev.GetEndTime("", rs.Timezone)
		if err != nil {
			rs.getCache().Cache(cacheKey, &CacheItem{Err: err})
			return errors.New("Error parsing answer event end time")
		extraFields := ev.GetExtraFields()
		cd := &CallDescriptor{
			CgrID:       ev.GetCgrId(rs.Timezone),
			RunID:       dc.RunID,
			TOR:         ev.ToR,
			Direction:   ev.GetDirection(dc.DirectionField),
			Tenant:      ev.GetTenant(dc.TenantField),
			Category:    ev.GetCategory(dc.CategoryField),
			Subject:     ev.GetSubject(dc.SubjectField),
			Account:     ev.GetAccount(dc.AccountField),
			Destination: ev.GetDestination(dc.DestinationField),
			TimeStart:   startTime,
			TimeEnd:     endTime,
			ExtraFields: extraFields}
		if flagsStr, hasFlags := extraFields[utils.CGRFlags]; hasFlags { // Force duration from extra fields
			flags := utils.StringMapFromSlice(strings.Split(flagsStr, utils.INFIELD_SEP))
			if _, hasFD := flags[utils.FlagForceDuration]; hasFD {
				cd.ForceDuration = true
		sesRuns = append(sesRuns, &SessionRun{DerivedCharger: dc, CallDescriptor: cd})
	//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("RUNS: %v", len(sesRuns)))
	*sRuns = sesRuns
	rs.getCache().Cache(cacheKey, &CacheItem{Value: sRuns})
	return nil
Esempio n. 5
func (self *SmGenericConfig) loadFromJsonCfg(jsnCfg *SmGenericJsonCfg) error {
	if jsnCfg == nil {
		return nil
	var err error
	if jsnCfg.Enabled != nil {
		self.Enabled = *jsnCfg.Enabled
	if jsnCfg.Listen_bijson != nil {
		self.ListenBijson = *jsnCfg.Listen_bijson
	if jsnCfg.Rals_conns != nil {
		self.RALsConns = make([]*HaPoolConfig, len(*jsnCfg.Rals_conns))
		for idx, jsnHaCfg := range *jsnCfg.Rals_conns {
			self.RALsConns[idx] = NewDfltHaPoolConfig()
	if jsnCfg.Cdrs_conns != nil {
		self.CDRsConns = make([]*HaPoolConfig, len(*jsnCfg.Cdrs_conns))
		for idx, jsnHaCfg := range *jsnCfg.Cdrs_conns {
			self.CDRsConns[idx] = NewDfltHaPoolConfig()
	if jsnCfg.Smg_replication_conns != nil {
		self.SMGReplicationConns = make([]*HaPoolConfig, len(*jsnCfg.Smg_replication_conns))
		for idx, jsnHaCfg := range *jsnCfg.Smg_replication_conns {
			self.SMGReplicationConns[idx] = NewDfltHaPoolConfig()
	if jsnCfg.Debit_interval != nil {
		if self.DebitInterval, err = utils.ParseDurationWithSecs(*jsnCfg.Debit_interval); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.Min_call_duration != nil {
		if self.MinCallDuration, err = utils.ParseDurationWithSecs(*jsnCfg.Min_call_duration); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.Max_call_duration != nil {
		if self.MaxCallDuration, err = utils.ParseDurationWithSecs(*jsnCfg.Max_call_duration); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.Session_ttl != nil {
		if self.SessionTTL, err = utils.ParseDurationWithSecs(*jsnCfg.Session_ttl); err != nil {
			return err
	if jsnCfg.Session_ttl_last_used != nil {
		if sessionTTLLastUsed, err := utils.ParseDurationWithSecs(*jsnCfg.Session_ttl_last_used); err != nil {
			return err
		} else {
			self.SessionTTLLastUsed = &sessionTTLLastUsed
	if jsnCfg.Session_indexes != nil {
		self.SessionIndexes = utils.StringMapFromSlice(*jsnCfg.Session_indexes)
	return nil