Esempio n. 1
// phpConfig checks the value of a PHP configuration variable
func phpConfig(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	// getPHPVariable returns the value of a PHP configuration value as a string
	// or just "" if it doesn't exist
	getPHPVariable := func(name string) (val string) {
		quote := func(str string) string {
			return "\"" + str + "\""
		// php -r 'echo get_cfg_var("default_mimetype");
		echo := fmt.Sprintf("echo get_cfg_var(%s);", quote(name))
		cmd := exec.Command("php", "-r", echo)
		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
		if err != nil {
			wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, string(out), err)
		return string(out)
	name := parameters[0]
	value := parameters[1]
	actualValue := getPHPVariable(name)
	if actualValue == value {
		return 0, ""
	} else if actualValue == "" {
		msg := "PHP configuration variable not set"
		return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, value, []string{actualValue})
	msg := "PHP variable did not match expected value"
	return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, value, []string{actualValue})
Esempio n. 2
// command runs a shell command, and collapses its error code to 0 or 1.
// It outputs stderr and stdout if the command has error code != 0.
func command(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	toExec := parameters[0]
	cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", toExec)
	err := cmd.Start()
	if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not found in $PATH") {
		return 1, "Executable not found: " + toExec
	} else if err != nil {
		wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, "", err)
	if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
		// this is convoluted, but should work on Windows & Unix
		if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			if status, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
				exitCode = status.ExitStatus()
		// dummy, in case the above failed. We know it's not zero!
		if exitCode == 0 {
			exitCode = 1
		out, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput() // don't care if this fails
		exitMessage += "Command exited with non-zero exit code:"
		exitMessage += "\n\tCommand: " + toExec
		exitMessage += "\n\tExit code: " + fmt.Sprint(exitCode)
		exitMessage += "\n\tOutput: " + string(out)
		return 1, exitMessage
	return 0, ""
Esempio n. 3
// commandOutputMatches checks to see if a command's combined output matches a
// given regexp
func commandOutputMatches(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	toExec := parameters[0]
	re := wrkutils.ParseUserRegex(parameters[1])
	cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", toExec)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, string(out), err)
	if re.Match(out) {
		return 0, ""
	msg := "Command output did not match regexp"
	return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, re.String(), []string{string(out)})
Esempio n. 4
// temp parses the output of lm_sensors and determines if Core 0 (all cores) are
// over a certain threshold as specified in the JSON.
func temp(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	// TODO: check for negative, outrageously high temperatures
	// allCoreTemps returns the temperature of each core
	allCoreTemps := func() (temps []int) {
		cmd := exec.Command("sensors")
		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
		outstr := string(out)
		wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, outstr, err)
		restr := `Core\s\d+:\s+[\+\-](?P<temp>\d+)\.*\d*°C`
		re := regexp.MustCompile(restr)
		for _, line := range regexp.MustCompile(`\n+`).Split(outstr, -1) {
			if re.MatchString(line) {
				// submatch captures only the integer part of the temperature
				matchDict := wrkutils.SubmatchMap(re, line)
				if _, ok := matchDict["temp"]; !ok {
						"regexp":    re.String(),
						"matchDict": matchDict,
						"output":    outstr,
					}).Fatal("Couldn't find any temperatures in `sensors` output")
				tempInt64, err := strconv.ParseInt(matchDict["temp"], 10, 64)
				if err != nil {
						"regexp":    re.String(),
						"matchDict": matchDict,
						"output":    outstr,
						"error":     err.Error(),
					}).Fatal("Couldn't parse integer from `sensors` output")
				temps = append(temps, int(tempInt64))
		return temps
	// getCoreTemp returns an integer temperature for a certain core
	getCoreTemp := func(core int) (temp int) {
		temps := allCoreTemps()
		wrkutils.IndexError("No such core available", core, temps)
		return temps[core]
	max := wrkutils.ParseMyInt(parameters[0])
	temp := getCoreTemp(0)
	if temp < max {
		return 0, ""
	msg := "Core temp exceeds defined maximum"
	return wrkutils.GenericError(msg, max, []string{fmt.Sprint(temp)})
Esempio n. 5
// getTimers returns of all the timers under the UNIT column of
// `systemctl list-timers`
func getTimers(all bool) []string {
	cmd := exec.Command("systemctl", "list-timers")
	if all {
		cmd = exec.Command("systemctl", "list-timers", "--all")
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	outstr := string(out)
	wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, outstr, err)
	// last three lines are junk
	lines := tabular.Lines(outstr)
	msg := fmt.Sprint(cmd.Args) + " didn't output enough lines"
	wrkutils.IndexError(msg, 3, lines)
	table := tabular.SeparateOnAlignment(tabular.Unlines(lines[:len(lines)-3]))
	column := tabular.GetColumnByHeader("UNIT", table)
	return column
Esempio n. 6
// kernelParameter checks to see if a kernel parameter was set
func kernelParameter(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	// parameterValue returns the value of a kernel parameter
	parameterSet := func(name string) bool {
		cmd := exec.Command("/sbin/sysctl", "-q", "-n", name)
		out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
		// failed on incorrect module name
		if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "255") {
			return false
		} else if err != nil {
			wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, string(out), err)
		return true
	name := parameters[0]
	if parameterSet(name) {
		return 0, ""
	return 1, "Kernel parameter not set: " + name
Esempio n. 7
// installed detects whether the OS is using dpkg, rpm, or pacman, queries
// a package accoringly, and returns an error if it is not installed.
func installed(parameters []string) (exitCode int, exitMessage string) {
	pkg := parameters[0]
	name := getManager()
	options := managers[name]
	cmd := exec.Command(name, options, pkg)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	outstr := string(out)
	if strings.Contains(outstr, pkg) {
		return 0, ""
	} else if outstr != "" && err != nil {
		// pacman - outstr == "", and exit code of 1 if it can't find the pkg
		wrkutils.ExecError(cmd, outstr, err)
	msg := "Package was not found:"
	msg += "\n\tPackage name: " + pkg
	msg += "\n\tPackage manager: " + name
	msg += "\n\tCommand output: " + outstr
	return 1, msg