Esempio n. 1
func forwardSignals(signals <-chan os.Signal, process ifrit.Process) {
	exit := process.Wait()
	for {
		select {
		case sig := <-signals:
		case <-exit:

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Builder runner", func() {
	var (
		lifecycle        ifrit.Process
		fakeDeamonRunner func(signals <-chan os.Signal, ready chan<- struct{}) error

	BeforeEach(func() {
		builder := main.Builder{
			RepoName:            "ubuntu",
			Tag:                 "latest",
			OutputFilename:      "/tmp/result/result.json",
			DockerDaemonTimeout: 300 * time.Millisecond,
			CacheDockerImage:    true,

		lifecycle = ifrit.Background(grouper.NewParallel(os.Interrupt, grouper.Members{
			{"builder", ifrit.RunFunc(builder.Run)},
			{"fake_docker_daemon", ifrit.RunFunc(fakeDeamonRunner)},
			startedRequestChan <- struct{}{}

	BeforeEach(func() {
		startedRequestChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
		finishRequestChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
		port := 8000 + GinkgoParallelNode()
		address = fmt.Sprintf("", port)
		server = http_server.New(address, handler)

	Describe("Envoke", func() {
		var process ifrit.Process

		Context("when the server starts successfully", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				process = ifrit.Envoke(server)

			AfterEach(func() {

			Context("and a request is in flight", func() {
				type httpResponse struct {
					response *http.Response
					err      error

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Ordered Group", func() {
	var (
		started chan struct{}

		groupRunner  ifrit.Runner
		groupProcess ifrit.Process
		members      grouper.Members

		childRunner1 *fake_runner.TestRunner
		childRunner2 *fake_runner.TestRunner
		childRunner3 *fake_runner.TestRunner

		Δ time.Duration = 10 * time.Millisecond

	Describe("Start", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			childRunner1 = fake_runner.NewTestRunner()
			childRunner2 = fake_runner.NewTestRunner()
			childRunner3 = fake_runner.NewTestRunner()

			members = grouper.Members{
				{"child1", childRunner1},
Esempio n. 5
func Kill(process ifrit.Process, intervals ...interface{}) {
	if process != nil {
		Eventually(process.Wait(), intervals...).Should(Receive(), "killed ginkgomon process failed to exit in time")
Esempio n. 6
func Interrupt(process ifrit.Process, intervals ...interface{}) {
	Eventually(process.Wait(), intervals...).Should(Receive(), "interrupted ginkgomon process failed to exit in time")
package restart_test

import (

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Restart", func() {
	var testRunner *fake_runner.TestRunner
	var restarter restart.Restarter
	var process ifrit.Process

	BeforeEach(func() {
		testRunner = fake_runner.NewTestRunner()
		restarter = restart.Restarter{
			Runner: testRunner,
			Load: func(runner ifrit.Runner, err error) ifrit.Runner {
				return nil

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		process = ifrit.Background(restarter)
package ifrit_test

import (
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Process", func() {
	Context("when a process is envoked", func() {
		var pinger test_helpers.PingChan
		var pingProc ifrit.Process
		var errChan chan error

		BeforeEach(func() {
			pinger = make(test_helpers.PingChan)
			pingProc = ifrit.Envoke(pinger)
			errChan = make(chan error)

		Describe("Wait()", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				go func() {
					errChan <- <-pingProc.Wait()
				go func() {
					errChan <- <-pingProc.Wait()
package proxy_test

import (


	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Proxy", func() {
	var testRunner *fake_runner.TestRunner
	var process ifrit.Process
	var proxySignals chan os.Signal
	var receivedSignals <-chan os.Signal

	BeforeEach(func() {
		proxySignals = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		testRunner = fake_runner.NewTestRunner()
		process = ifrit.Background(proxy.New(proxySignals, testRunner))
		receivedSignals = testRunner.WaitForCall()

	It("sends the proxied signals to the embedded runner", func() {
		proxySignals <- os.Interrupt