Expect(usageText).To(Equal(`Attaches load balancer(s) with a certificate, key, and optional chain

  --type              Load balancer(s) type. Valid options: "concourse" or "cf"
  --cert              Path to SSL certificate
  --key               Path to SSL certificate key
  [--chain]           Path to SSL certificate chain (optional)
  [--skip-if-exists]  Skips creating load balancer(s) if it is already attached (optional)`))

	Describe("Update LBs", func() {
		Describe("Usage", func() {
			It("returns string describing usage", func() {
				command := commands.UpdateLBs{}
				usageText := command.Usage()
				Expect(usageText).To(Equal(`Updates load balancer(s) with the supplied certificate, key, and optional chain

  --cert               Path to SSL certificate
  --key                Path to SSL certificate key
  [--chain]            Path to SSL certificate chain (optional)
  [--skip-if-missing]  Skips updating load balancer(s) if it is not attached (optional)`))

	Describe("Delete LBs", func() {
		Describe("Usage", func() {
			It("returns string describing usage", func() {
				command := commands.DeleteLBs{}
				usageText := command.Usage()