authCode, _ := shelpers.RequestScopes(userSessionCookie, config)
			Expect(authCode).ToNot(BeNil(), `Failed to request and authorize scopes.`)

			accessToken := shelpers.GetAccessToken(authCode, config)
			Expect(accessToken).ToNot(BeNil(), `Failed to obtain an access token.`)

			// use the access token to perform an operation on the user's behalf
			canManage, httpCode := shelpers.QueryServiceInstancePermissionEndpoint(apiEndpoint, accessToken, serviceInstanceGuid)

			Expect(httpCode).To(Equal(`200`), `The provided access token was not valid.`)

	Context("When a service broker is deleted", func() {
		It("can no longer perform an operation on a user's behalf using sso", func() {


			// perform the OAuth lifecycle to obtain an access token
			userSessionCookie := shelpers.AuthenticateUser(config.AuthorizationEndpoint, context.RegularUserContext().Username, context.RegularUserContext().Password)

			_, httpCode := shelpers.RequestScopes(userSessionCookie, config)

			// there should not be a client in uaa anymore, so the request for scopes should return an unauthorized