It("Describes what it is doing to the user", func() {
				[]string{"Binding", "security-group-name", "as", "my-user"},
				[]string{"TIP: Changes will not apply to existing running applications until they are restarted."},

		It("binds the group to the running group set", func() {

		Context("when binding the security group to the running set fails", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				fakeRunningSecurityGroupRepo.BindToRunningSetReturns(errors.New("WOAH. I know kung fu"))

			It("fails and describes the failure to the user", func() {
					[]string{"WOAH. I know kung fu"},

		Context("when the security group with the given name cannot be found", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				fakeSecurityGroupRepo.ReadReturns(models.SecurityGroup{}, errors.New("Crème insufficiently brûlée'd"))