Esempio n. 1
func Init(config core_config.ReadWriter, detector detection.Detector) go_i18n.TranslateFunc {
	var T go_i18n.TranslateFunc
	var err error

	locale := config.Locale()
	if locale != "" {
		err = loadFromAsset(locale)
		if err == nil {
			T, err = go_i18n.Tfunc(config.Locale(), DEFAULT_LOCALE)
	} else {
		var userLocale string
		userLocale, err = initWithUserLocale(detector)
		if err != nil {
			userLocale = mustLoadDefaultLocale()

		T, err = go_i18n.Tfunc(userLocale, DEFAULT_LOCALE)

	if err != nil {

	return T
func NewRepositoryLocator(config core_config.ReadWriter, gatewaysByName map[string]net.Gateway) (loc RepositoryLocator) {
	strategy := strategy.NewEndpointStrategy(config.ApiVersion())

	cloudControllerGateway := gatewaysByName["cloud-controller"]
	routingApiGateway := gatewaysByName["routing-api"]
	uaaGateway := gatewaysByName["uaa"]
	loc.authRepo = authentication.NewUAAAuthenticationRepository(uaaGateway, config)

	// ensure gateway refreshers are set before passing them by value to repositories

	tlsConfig := net.NewTLSConfig([]tls.Certificate{}, config.IsSSLDisabled())
	loggregatorConsumer := consumer.New(config.LoggregatorEndpoint(), tlsConfig, http.ProxyFromEnvironment)

	noaaLib := noaa.NewConsumer(config.DopplerEndpoint(), tlsConfig, http.ProxyFromEnvironment)
	logNoaaConsumer := NewNoaaConsumer(noaaLib)

	loc.appBitsRepo = application_bits.NewCloudControllerApplicationBitsRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.appEventsRepo = app_events.NewCloudControllerAppEventsRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway, strategy)
	loc.appFilesRepo = api_app_files.NewCloudControllerAppFilesRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.appRepo = applications.NewCloudControllerApplicationRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.appSummaryRepo = NewCloudControllerAppSummaryRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.appInstancesRepo = app_instances.NewCloudControllerAppInstancesRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.authTokenRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceAuthTokenRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.curlRepo = NewCloudControllerCurlRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.domainRepo = NewCloudControllerDomainRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway, strategy)
	loc.endpointRepo = NewEndpointRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.logsNoaaRepo = NewLogsNoaaRepository(config, logNoaaConsumer, loc.authRepo)
	loc.oldLogsRepo = NewLoggregatorLogsRepository(config, loggregatorConsumer, loc.authRepo)
	loc.organizationRepo = organizations.NewCloudControllerOrganizationRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.passwordRepo = password.NewCloudControllerPasswordRepository(config, uaaGateway)
	loc.quotaRepo = quotas.NewCloudControllerQuotaRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.routeRepo = NewCloudControllerRouteRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.routingApiRepo = NewRoutingApiRepository(config, routingApiGateway)
	loc.stackRepo = stacks.NewCloudControllerStackRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.serviceRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.serviceKeyRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceKeyRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.serviceBindingRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceBindingRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.serviceBrokerRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceBrokerRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.servicePlanRepo = NewCloudControllerServicePlanRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.servicePlanVisibilityRepo = NewCloudControllerServicePlanVisibilityRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.serviceSummaryRepo = NewCloudControllerServiceSummaryRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.spaceRepo = spaces.NewCloudControllerSpaceRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.userProvidedServiceInstanceRepo = NewCCUserProvidedServiceInstanceRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.userRepo = NewCloudControllerUserRepository(config, uaaGateway, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.buildpackRepo = NewCloudControllerBuildpackRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.buildpackBitsRepo = NewCloudControllerBuildpackBitsRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway, app_files.ApplicationZipper{})
	loc.securityGroupRepo = security_groups.NewSecurityGroupRepo(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.stagingSecurityGroupRepo = staging.NewStagingSecurityGroupsRepo(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.runningSecurityGroupRepo = running.NewRunningSecurityGroupsRepo(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.securityGroupSpaceBinder = securitygroupspaces.NewSecurityGroupSpaceBinder(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.spaceQuotaRepo = space_quotas.NewCloudControllerSpaceQuotaRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.featureFlagRepo = feature_flags.NewCloudControllerFeatureFlagRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.environmentVariableGroupRepo = environment_variable_groups.NewCloudControllerEnvironmentVariableGroupsRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
	loc.copyAppSourceRepo = copy_application_source.NewCloudControllerCopyApplicationSourceRepository(config, cloudControllerGateway)
Esempio n. 3

	testconfig ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("UserRepository", func() {
	var (
		client api.UserRepository

		config     core_config.ReadWriter
		ccServer   *ghttp.Server
		uaaServer  *ghttp.Server
		ccGateway  net.Gateway
		uaaGateway net.Gateway

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ccServer = ghttp.NewServer()
		uaaServer = ghttp.NewServer()

		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		ccGateway = net.NewCloudControllerGateway(config, time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		uaaGateway = net.NewUAAGateway(config, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		client = api.NewCloudControllerUserRepository(config, uaaGateway, ccGateway)
Esempio n. 4
	. ""

	testconfig ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("NotifyUpdateIfNeeded", func() {

	var (
		ui     *testterm.FakeUI
		config core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()

	It("Prints a notification to user if current version < min cli version", func() {
		cf.Version = "5.0.0"
		NotifyUpdateIfNeeded(ui, config)

		Ω(ui.Outputs).To(ContainSubstrings([]string{"Cloud Foundry API version",
	testconfig ""
	noaa_errors ""


	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("loggregator logs repository", func() {
	var (
		fakeConsumer       *testapi.FakeLoggregatorConsumer
		logsRepo           OldLogsRepository
		configRepo         core_config.ReadWriter
		fakeTokenRefresher *testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		BufferTime = 1 * time.Millisecond
		fakeConsumer = testapi.NewFakeLoggregatorConsumer()
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		fakeTokenRefresher = &testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository{}

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		logsRepo = NewLoggregatorLogsRepository(configRepo, fakeConsumer, fakeTokenRefresher)
Esempio n. 6
	testapi ""
	testconfig ""
	noaa_errors ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("logs with noaa repository", func() {
	var (
		fakeNoaaConsumer   *testapi.FakeNoaaConsumer
		config             core_config.ReadWriter
		fakeTokenRefresher *testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository
		repo               api.LogsNoaaRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		fakeNoaaConsumer = &testapi.FakeNoaaConsumer{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		fakeTokenRefresher = &testapi.FakeAuthenticationRepository{}
		repo = api.NewLogsNoaaRepository(config, fakeNoaaConsumer, fakeTokenRefresher)

	Describe("RecentLogsFor", func() {
Esempio n. 7
	. ""
	. ""

	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("target command", func() {
	var (
		orgRepo             *fake_org.FakeOrganizationRepository
		spaceRepo           *testapi.FakeSpaceRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		orgRepo = new(fake_org.FakeOrganizationRepository)
		spaceRepo = new(testapi.FakeSpaceRepository)
		requirementsFactory = new(testreq.FakeReqFactory)
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		requirementsFactory.ApiEndpointSuccess = true

	var callTarget = func(args []string) bool {
		cmd := NewTarget(ui, config, orgRepo, spaceRepo)
Esempio n. 8
  "name": "vcap",
  "build": "2222",
  "support": "",
  "version": 2,
  "description": "Cloud Foundry sponsored by Pivotal",
  "authorization_endpoint": "",
  "api_version": "42.0.0"

var _ = Describe("Endpoints Repository", func() {
	var (
		config       core_config.ReadWriter
		gateway      net.Gateway
		testServer   *httptest.Server
		repo         EndpointRepository
		testServerFn func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

	BeforeEach(func() {
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		testServer = httptest.NewTLSServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			testServerFn(w, r)
		gateway = net.NewCloudControllerGateway((config), time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		repo = NewEndpointRepository(config, gateway)

	AfterEach(func() {
Esempio n. 9
import (

	testconfig ""

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("i18n.Init() function", func() {
	var (
		configRepo core_config.ReadWriter
		detector   *fakes.FakeDetector

	BeforeEach(func() {
		i18n.Resources_path = filepath.Join("cf", "i18n", "test_fixtures")
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		detector = &fakes.FakeDetector{}

	Describe("When a user has a locale configuration set", func() {
		Context("creates a valid T function", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {

			It("returns a usable T function for simple strings", func() {
Esempio n. 10
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("stop command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		app                 models.Application
		appRepo             *testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		config              core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		appRepo = &testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}

	runCommand := func(args ...string) bool {
		return testcmd.RunCommand(NewStop(ui, config, appRepo), args, requirementsFactory)
Esempio n. 11
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("config command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}

	runCommand := func(args ...string) {
		cmd := NewConfig(ui, configRepo)
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)
	It("fails requirements when no flags are provided", func() {
Esempio n. 12
	testconfig ""
	testnet ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("User Repository", func() {
	var (
		ccServer   *httptest.Server
		ccHandler  *testnet.TestHandler
		uaaServer  *httptest.Server
		uaaHandler *testnet.TestHandler
		repo       UserRepository
		config     core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		ccGateway := net.NewCloudControllerGateway((config), time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		uaaGateway := net.NewUAAGateway(config, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		repo = NewCloudControllerUserRepository(config, uaaGateway, ccGateway)

	AfterEach(func() {
		if uaaServer != nil {
Esempio n. 13
	testconfig ""
	testnet ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("AuthenticationRepository", func() {
	var (
		gateway    net.Gateway
		testServer *httptest.Server
		handler    *testnet.TestHandler
		config     core_config.ReadWriter
		auth       AuthenticationRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		gateway = net.NewUAAGateway(config, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		auth = NewUAAAuthenticationRepository(gateway, config)

	AfterEach(func() {

	var setupTestServer = func(request testnet.TestRequest) {

	testconfig ""
	testterm ""


	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("RouteServiceBindingsRepository", func() {
	var (
		ccServer                *ghttp.Server
		configRepo              core_config.ReadWriter
		routeServiceBindingRepo api.CloudControllerRouteServiceBindingRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ccServer = ghttp.NewServer()
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

		gateway := net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		routeServiceBindingRepo = api.NewCloudControllerRouteServiceBindingRepository(configRepo, gateway)

	AfterEach(func() {
Esempio n. 15
	. ""
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("Create user command", func() {
	var (
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		userRepo            *testapi.FakeUserRepository
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true}
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		userRepo = &testapi.FakeUserRepository{}
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		accessToken, _ := testconfig.EncodeAccessToken(core_config.TokenInfo{
			Username: "******",

	runCommand := func(args ...string) bool {
Esempio n. 16
import (
	. ""
	testassert ""
	testconfig ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("TargetedSpaceRequirement", func() {
	var (
		ui     *testterm.FakeUI
		config core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

	Context("when the user has targeted a space", func() {
		It("succeeds", func() {
			req := NewTargetedSpaceRequirement(ui, config)

	Context("when the user does not have a space targeted", func() {
Esempio n. 17
import (
	testapi ""
	. ""
	testassert ""
	testconfig ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("DomainRequirement", func() {
	var config core_config.ReadWriter
	var ui *testterm.FakeUI

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()
		config.SetOrganizationFields(models.OrganizationFields{Guid: "the-org-guid"})

	It("succeeds when the domain is found", func() {
		domain := models.DomainFields{Name: "", Guid: "domain-guid"}
		domainRepo := &testapi.FakeDomainRepository{FindByNameInOrgDomain: []models.DomainFields{domain}}
		domainReq := NewDomainRequirement("", ui, config, domainRepo)
		success := domainReq.Execute()

Esempio n. 18
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Install", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		pluginConfig        *testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration
		fakePluginRepo      *fakes.FakePluginRepo
		fakeChecksum        *testChecksum.FakeSha1Checksum

		coreCmds   map[string]command.Command
		pluginFile *os.File
		homeDir    string
		pluginDir  string
		curDir     string

		test_1                    string
		test_2                    string
		test_curDir               string
		test_with_help            string
		test_with_push            string
		test_with_push_short_name string
		aliasConflicts            string

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}
		pluginConfig = &testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration{}
Esempio n. 19
	testconfig ""
	testnet ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Service Plan Repository", func() {
	var (
		testServer  *httptest.Server
		testHandler *testnet.TestHandler
		configRepo  core_config.ReadWriter
		repo        CloudControllerServicePlanRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		gateway := net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		repo = NewCloudControllerServicePlanRepository(configRepo, gateway)

	AfterEach(func() {

	setupTestServer := func(reqs ...testnet.TestRequest) {
		testServer, testHandler = testnet.NewServer(reqs)
Esempio n. 20
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-space command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		space               models.Space
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		spaceRepo           *testapi.FakeSpaceRepository
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	runCommand := func(args ...string) bool {
		cmd := NewDeleteSpace(ui, config, spaceRepo)
		return testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		spaceRepo = &testapi.FakeSpaceRepository{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

		space = maker.NewSpace(maker.Overrides{
Esempio n. 21
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("delete-org command", func() {
	var (
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		orgRepo             *test_org.FakeOrganizationRepository
		org                 models.Organization

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{
			Inputs: []string{"y"},
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}

		org = models.Organization{}
		org.Name = "org-to-delete"
		org.Guid = "org-to-delete-guid"
		orgRepo = &test_org.FakeOrganizationRepository{}
Esempio n. 22
	testconfig ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

	. ""

var _ = Describe("scale command", func() {
	var (
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		restarter           *testcmd.FakeApplicationRestarter
		appRepo             *testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		cmd                 *Scale
		app                 models.Application

	BeforeEach(func() {
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true, TargetedSpaceSuccess: true}
		restarter = &testcmd.FakeApplicationRestarter{}
		appRepo = &testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository{}
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		cmd = NewScale(ui, config, restarter, appRepo)

	Describe("requirements", func() {
Esempio n. 23
	testconfig ""
	testnet ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Gateway", func() {
	var (
		ccServer    *ghttp.Server
		ccGateway   Gateway
		uaaGateway  Gateway
		config      core_config.ReadWriter
		authRepo    authentication.AuthenticationRepository
		currentTime time.Time
		clock       func() time.Time

		client *fakes.FakeHttpClientInterface

	BeforeEach(func() {
		currentTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
		clock = func() time.Time { return currentTime }
		config = testconfig.NewRepository()

		ccGateway = NewCloudControllerGateway(config, clock, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		ccGateway.PollingThrottle = 3 * time.Millisecond
		uaaGateway = NewUAAGateway(config, &testterm.FakeUI{})
	testreq ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("delte-plugin-repo", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		config              core_config.ReadWriter
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

	var callRemovePluginRepo = func(args ...string) bool {
		cmd := NewRemovePluginRepo(ui, config)
		return testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

	Context("When repo name is valid", func() {
Esempio n. 25
	testcmd ""
	testconfig ""
	. ""
	testreq ""
	testterm ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("restage command", func() {
	var (
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		app                 models.Application
		appRepo             *testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository
		configRepo          core_config.ReadWriter
		requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
		stagingWatcher      *fakeStagingWatcher

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}

		app = models.Application{}
		app.Name = "my-app"
		app.PackageState = "STAGED"
		appRepo = &testApplication.FakeApplicationRepository{}
		appRepo.ReadReturns.App = app

		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true, TargetedSpaceSuccess: true}
Esempio n. 26

	testassert ""
	testconfig ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("TargetedOrganizationRequirement", func() {
	var (
		ui     *testterm.FakeUI
		config core_config.ReadWriter

	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()

	Context("when the user has an org targeted", func() {
		It("succeeds", func() {
			req := NewTargetedOrgRequirement(ui, config)
			success := req.Execute()
Esempio n. 27
	testnet ""
	testterm ""

	. ""
	. ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("AuthenticationRepository", func() {
	Describe("legacy tests", func() {
		var (
			gateway    net.Gateway
			testServer *httptest.Server
			handler    *testnet.TestHandler
			config     core_config.ReadWriter
			auth       AuthenticationRepository

		BeforeEach(func() {
			config = testconfig.NewRepository()
			gateway = net.NewUAAGateway(config, &testterm.FakeUI{})
			auth = NewUAAAuthenticationRepository(gateway, config)

		AfterEach(func() {

		var setupTestServer = func(request testnet.TestRequest) {
Esempio n. 28
			config = testconfig.NewRepository()

		It("prompts the user to login", func() {
			output := io_helpers.CaptureOutput(func() {
				ui := NewUI(os.Stdin, NewTeePrinter())

			Expect(output).ToNot(ContainSubstrings([]string{"API endpoint:"}))
			Expect(output).To(ContainSubstrings([]string{"Not logged in", "Use", "log in"}))

	Context("when an api endpoint is set and the user logged in", func() {
		var config core_config.ReadWriter

		BeforeEach(func() {
			accessToken := core_config.TokenInfo{
				UserGuid: "my-user-guid",
				Username: "******",
				Email:    "my-user-email",
			config = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithAccessToken(accessToken)

		Describe("tells the user what is set in the config", func() {
			var output []string
Esempio n. 29

	. ""

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Service Keys Repo", func() {
	var (
		ccServer   *ghttp.Server
		configRepo core_config.ReadWriter
		repo       ServiceKeyRepository

	BeforeEach(func() {
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		configRepo.SetAccessToken("BEARER my_access_token")

		ccServer = ghttp.NewServer()

		gateway := net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{})
		repo = NewCloudControllerServiceKeyRepository(configRepo, gateway)

	AfterEach(func() {
Esempio n. 30
	testconfig ""
	go_i18n ""

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("i18n.Init() function", func() {
	var (
		oldResourcesPath string
		configRepo       core_config.ReadWriter
		detector         detection.Detector

		T go_i18n.TranslateFunc

	BeforeEach(func() {
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		oldResourcesPath = i18n.GetResourcesPath()
		i18n.Resources_path = filepath.Join("cf", "i18n", "test_fixtures")
		detector = &detection.JibberJabberDetector{}

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		T = i18n.Init(configRepo, detector)