Esempio n. 1
func (ia *idAllocator) start() {
	ia.stopper.RunWorker(func() {
		ctx := ia.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
		defer close(ia.ids)

		for {
			var newValue int64
			for newValue <= int64(ia.minID) {
				var err error
				var res client.KeyValue
				for r := retry.Start(base.DefaultRetryOptions()); r.Next(); {
					idKey := ia.idKey.Load().(roachpb.Key)
					if err := ia.stopper.RunTask(func() {
						res, err = ia.db.Inc(ctx, idKey, int64(ia.blockSize))
					}); err != nil {
						log.Warning(ctx, err)
					if err == nil {
						newValue = res.ValueInt()

					log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to allocate %d ids from %s: %s", ia.blockSize, idKey, err)
				if err != nil {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpectedly exited id allocation retry loop: %s", err))

			end := newValue + 1
			start := end - int64(ia.blockSize)

			if start < int64(ia.minID) {
				start = int64(ia.minID)

			// Add all new ids to the channel for consumption.
			for i := start; i < end; i++ {
				select {
				case ia.ids <- uint32(i):
				case <-ia.stopper.ShouldStop():
func testGossipRestartInner(
	ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, c cluster.Cluster, cfg cluster.TestConfig,
) {
	// This already replicates the first range (in the local setup).
	// The replication of the first range is important: as long as the
	// first range only exists on one node, that node can trivially
	// acquire the range lease. Once the range is replicated, however,
	// nodes must be able to discover each other over gossip before the
	// lease can be acquired.
	num := c.NumNodes()

	deadline := timeutil.Now().Add(cfg.Duration)

	waitTime := longWaitTime
	if cfg.Duration < waitTime {
		waitTime = shortWaitTime

	for timeutil.Now().Before(deadline) {
		log.Infof(ctx, "waiting for initial gossip connections")
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, HasPeers(num))
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, hasClusterID)
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, hasSentinel)

		log.Infof(ctx, "killing all nodes")
		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
			if err := c.Kill(ctx, i); err != nil {

		log.Infof(ctx, "restarting all nodes")
		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
			if err := c.Restart(ctx, i); err != nil {

		log.Infof(ctx, "waiting for gossip to be connected")
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, HasPeers(num))
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, hasClusterID)
		CheckGossip(ctx, t, c, waitTime, hasSentinel)

		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
			db, err := c.NewClient(ctx, i)
			if err != nil {
			if i == 0 {
				if err := db.Del(ctx, "count"); err != nil {
			var kv client.KeyValue
			if err := db.Txn(ctx, func(txn *client.Txn) error {
				var err error
				kv, err = txn.Inc("count", 1)
				return err
			}); err != nil {
			} else if v := kv.ValueInt(); v != int64(i+1) {
				t.Fatalf("unexpected value %d for write #%d (expected %d)", v, i, i+1)