Esempio n. 1
// Range returns a key range encompassing all the keys in the Batch.
func Range(ba roachpb.BatchRequest) (roachpb.RSpan, error) {
	from := roachpb.RKeyMax
	to := roachpb.RKeyMin
	for _, arg := range ba.Requests {
		req := arg.GetInner()
		if _, ok := req.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok {
		h := req.Header()
		if !roachpb.IsRange(req) && len(h.EndKey) != 0 {
			return roachpb.RSpan{}, errors.Errorf("end key specified for non-range operation: %s", req)

		key, err := Addr(h.Key)
		if err != nil {
			return roachpb.RSpan{}, err
		if key.Less(from) {
			// Key is smaller than `from`.
			from = key
		if !key.Less(to) {
			// Key.Next() is larger than `to`.
			if bytes.Compare(key, roachpb.RKeyMax) > 0 {
				return roachpb.RSpan{}, errors.Errorf("%s must be less than KeyMax", key)
			to = key.Next()

		if len(h.EndKey) == 0 {
		endKey, err := AddrUpperBound(h.EndKey)
		if err != nil {
			return roachpb.RSpan{}, err
		if bytes.Compare(roachpb.RKeyMax, endKey) < 0 {
			return roachpb.RSpan{}, errors.Errorf("%s must be less than or equal to KeyMax", endKey)
		if to.Less(endKey) {
			// EndKey is larger than `to`.
			to = endKey
	return roachpb.RSpan{Key: from, EndKey: to}, nil
Esempio n. 2
func TestKVDBInternalMethods(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{})
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()

	testCases := []roachpb.Request{

			InternalCommitTrigger: &roachpb.InternalCommitTrigger{},
	// Verify internal methods experience bad request errors.
	db := createTestClient(t, s)
	for i, args := range testCases {
			header := args.Header()
			header.Key = roachpb.Key("a")
		if roachpb.IsRange(args) {
			header := args.Header()
			header.EndKey = args.Header().Key.Next()
		b := &client.Batch{}
		err := db.Run(context.TODO(), b)
		if !testutils.IsError(err, "contains an internal request|contains commit trigger") {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error for %s: %v", i, args.Method(), err)
Esempio n. 3
// truncate restricts all contained requests to the given key range
// and returns a new BatchRequest.
// All requests contained in that batch are "truncated" to the given
// span, inserting NoopRequest appropriately to replace requests which
// are left without a key range to operate on. The number of non-noop
// requests after truncation is returned.
func truncate(ba roachpb.BatchRequest, rs roachpb.RSpan) (roachpb.BatchRequest, int, error) {
	truncateOne := func(args roachpb.Request) (bool, roachpb.Span, error) {
		if _, ok := args.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok {
			return true, emptySpan, nil
		header := args.Header()
		if !roachpb.IsRange(args) {
			// This is a point request.
			if len(header.EndKey) > 0 {
				return false, emptySpan, errors.Errorf("%T is not a range command, but EndKey is set", args)
			keyAddr, err := keys.Addr(header.Key)
			if err != nil {
				return false, emptySpan, err
			if !rs.ContainsKey(keyAddr) {
				return false, emptySpan, nil
			return true, header, nil
		// We're dealing with a range-spanning request.
		local := false
		keyAddr, err := keys.Addr(header.Key)
		if err != nil {
			return false, emptySpan, err
		endKeyAddr, err := keys.Addr(header.EndKey)
		if err != nil {
			return false, emptySpan, err
		if l, r := !keyAddr.Equal(header.Key), !endKeyAddr.Equal(header.EndKey); l || r {
			if !l || !r {
				return false, emptySpan, errors.Errorf("local key mixed with global key in range")
			local = true
		if keyAddr.Less(rs.Key) {
			// rs.Key can't be local because it contains range split points, which
			// are never local.
			if !local {
				header.Key = rs.Key.AsRawKey()
			} else {
				// The local start key should be truncated to the boundary of local keys which
				// address to rs.Key.
				header.Key = keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(rs.Key)
		if !endKeyAddr.Less(rs.EndKey) {
			// rs.EndKey can't be local because it contains range split points, which
			// are never local.
			if !local {
				header.EndKey = rs.EndKey.AsRawKey()
			} else {
				// The local end key should be truncated to the boundary of local keys which
				// address to rs.EndKey.
				header.EndKey = keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(rs.EndKey)
		// Check whether the truncation has left any keys in the range. If not,
		// we need to cut it out of the request.
		if header.Key.Compare(header.EndKey) >= 0 {
			return false, emptySpan, nil
		return true, header, nil

	var numNoop int
	truncBA := ba
	truncBA.Requests = make([]roachpb.RequestUnion, len(ba.Requests))
	for pos, arg := range ba.Requests {
		hasRequest, newHeader, err := truncateOne(arg.GetInner())
		if !hasRequest {
			// We omit this one, i.e. replace it with a Noop.
			union := roachpb.RequestUnion{}
			truncBA.Requests[pos] = union
		} else {
			// Keep the old one. If we must adjust the header, must copy.
			if inner := ba.Requests[pos].GetInner(); newHeader.Equal(inner.Header()) {
				truncBA.Requests[pos] = ba.Requests[pos]
			} else {
				shallowCopy := inner.ShallowCopy()
				union := &truncBA.Requests[pos] // avoid operating on copy
		if err != nil {
			return roachpb.BatchRequest{}, 0, err
	return truncBA, len(ba.Requests) - numNoop, nil
Esempio n. 4
// fillSkippedResponses after meeting the batch key max limit for range
// requests.
func fillSkippedResponses(ba roachpb.BatchRequest, br *roachpb.BatchResponse, nextKey roachpb.RKey) {
	// Some requests might have NoopResponses; we must replace them with empty
	// responses of the proper type.
	for i, req := range ba.Requests {
		if _, ok := br.Responses[i].GetInner().(*roachpb.NoopResponse); !ok {
		var reply roachpb.Response
		switch t := req.GetInner().(type) {
		case *roachpb.ScanRequest:
			reply = &roachpb.ScanResponse{}

		case *roachpb.ReverseScanRequest:
			reply = &roachpb.ReverseScanResponse{}

		case *roachpb.DeleteRangeRequest:
			reply = &roachpb.DeleteRangeResponse{}

		case *roachpb.BeginTransactionRequest, *roachpb.EndTransactionRequest:

			panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad type %T", t))
		union := roachpb.ResponseUnion{}
		br.Responses[i] = union
	// Set the ResumeSpan for future batch requests.
	isReverse := ba.IsReverse()
	for i, resp := range br.Responses {
		req := ba.Requests[i].GetInner()
		if !roachpb.IsRange(req) {
		hdr := resp.GetInner().Header()
		origSpan := req.Header()
		if isReverse {
			if hdr.ResumeSpan != nil {
				// The ResumeSpan.Key might be set to the StartKey of a range;
				// correctly set it to the Key of the original request span.
				hdr.ResumeSpan.Key = origSpan.Key
			} else if roachpb.RKey(origSpan.Key).Less(nextKey) {
				// Some keys have yet to be processed.
				hdr.ResumeSpan = &origSpan
				if nextKey.Less(roachpb.RKey(origSpan.EndKey)) {
					// The original span has been partially processed.
					hdr.ResumeSpan.EndKey = nextKey.AsRawKey()
		} else {
			if hdr.ResumeSpan != nil {
				// The ResumeSpan.EndKey might be set to the EndKey of a
				// range; correctly set it to the EndKey of the original
				// request span.
				hdr.ResumeSpan.EndKey = origSpan.EndKey
			} else if nextKey.Less(roachpb.RKey(origSpan.EndKey)) {
				// Some keys have yet to be processed.
				hdr.ResumeSpan = &origSpan
				if roachpb.RKey(origSpan.Key).Less(nextKey) {
					// The original span has been partially processed.
					hdr.ResumeSpan.Key = nextKey.AsRawKey()