Esempio n. 1
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold. The transaction and abort cache records are also
// scanned and old entries evicted. During normal operation, both of these
// records are cleaned up when their respective transaction finishes, so the
// amount of work done here is expected to be small.
// Some care needs to be taken to avoid cyclic recreation of entries during GC:
// * a Push initiated due to an intent may recreate a transaction entry
// * resolving an intent may write a new abort cache entry
// * obtaining the transaction for a abort cache entry requires a Push
// The following order is taken below:
// 1) collect all intents with sufficiently old txn record
// 2) collect these intents' transactions
// 3) scan the transaction table, collecting abandoned or completed txns
// 4) push all of these transactions (possibly recreating entries)
// 5) resolve all intents (unless the txn is still PENDING), which will recreate
//    abort cache entries (but with the txn timestamp; i.e. likely gc'able)
// 6) scan the abort cache table for old entries
// 7) push these transactions (again, recreating txn entries).
// 8) send a GCRequest.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(
	ctx context.Context, now hlc.Timestamp, repl *Replica, sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) error {
	snap :=
	desc := repl.Desc()
	defer snap.Close()

	// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
	zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Errorf("could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)

	gcKeys, info, err := RunGC(ctx, desc, snap, now, zone.GC,
		func(now hlc.Timestamp, txn *roachpb.Transaction, typ roachpb.PushTxnType) {
			pushTxn(ctx,, now, txn, typ)
		func(intents []roachpb.Intent, poison bool, wait bool) error {
			return, intents, poison, wait)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "completed with stats %+v", info)


	var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
	var gcArgs roachpb.GCRequest
	// TODO(tschottdorf): This is one of these instances in which we want
	// to be more careful that the request ends up on the correct Replica,
	// and we might have to worry about mixing range-local and global keys
	// in a batch which might end up spanning Ranges by the time it executes.
	gcArgs.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()
	gcArgs.Keys = gcKeys
	gcArgs.Threshold = info.Threshold
	gcArgs.TxnSpanGCThreshold = info.TxnSpanGCThreshold

	// Technically not needed since we're talking directly to the Range.
	ba.RangeID = desc.RangeID
	ba.Timestamp = now
	if _, pErr := repl.Send(ctx, ba); pErr != nil {
		log.ErrEvent(ctx, pErr.String())
		return pErr.GoError()
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
// sendToReplicas sends one or more RPCs to clients specified by the
// slice of replicas. On success, Send returns the first successful
// reply. If an error occurs which is not specific to a single
// replica, it's returned immediately. Otherwise, when all replicas
// have been tried and failed, returns a send error.
func (ds *DistSender) sendToReplicas(
	opts SendOptions,
	rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
	replicas ReplicaSlice,
	args roachpb.BatchRequest,
	rpcContext *rpc.Context,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {
	if len(replicas) < 1 {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("insufficient replicas (%d) to satisfy send request of %d",
				len(replicas), 1))

	var ambiguousResult bool
	var haveCommit bool
	// We only check for committed txns, not aborts because aborts may
	// be retried without any risk of inconsistencies.
	if etArg, ok := args.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction); ok &&
		etArg.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest).Commit {
		haveCommit = true
	done := make(chan BatchCall, len(replicas))

	transportFactory := opts.transportFactory
	if transportFactory == nil {
		transportFactory = grpcTransportFactory
	transport, err := transportFactory(opts, rpcContext, replicas, args)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer transport.Close()
	if transport.IsExhausted() {
		return nil, roachpb.NewSendError(
			fmt.Sprintf("sending to all %d replicas failed", len(replicas)))

	// Send the first request.
	pending := 1
	log.VEventf(opts.ctx, 2, "sending RPC for batch: %s", args.Summary())

	// Wait for completions. This loop will retry operations that fail
	// with errors that reflect per-replica state and may succeed on
	// other replicas.
	var sendNextTimer timeutil.Timer
	defer sendNextTimer.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-sendNextTimer.C:
			sendNextTimer.Read = true
			// On successive RPC timeouts, send to additional replicas if available.
			if !transport.IsExhausted() {
				log.VEventf(opts.ctx, 2, "timeout, trying next peer")

		case call := <-done:
			err := call.Err
			if err == nil {
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof(opts.ctx, "RPC reply: %s", call.Reply)
				} else if log.V(1) && call.Reply.Error != nil {
					log.Infof(opts.ctx, "application error: %s", call.Reply.Error)

				if call.Reply.Error == nil {
					return call.Reply, nil
				} else if !ds.handlePerReplicaError(opts.ctx, transport, rangeID, call.Reply.Error) {
					// The error received is not specific to this replica, so we
					// should return it instead of trying other replicas. However,
					// if we're trying to commit a transaction and there are
					// still other RPCs outstanding or an ambiguous RPC error
					// was already received, we must return an ambiguous commit
					// error instead of returned error.
					if haveCommit && (pending > 0 || ambiguousResult) {
						return nil, roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError()
					return call.Reply, nil

				// Extract the detail so it can be included in the error
				// message if this is our last replica.
				// TODO(bdarnell): The last error is not necessarily the best
				// one to return; we may want to remember the "best" error
				// we've seen (for example, a NotLeaseHolderError conveys more
				// information than a RangeNotFound).
				err = call.Reply.Error.GoError()
			} else {
				if log.V(1) {
					log.Warningf(opts.ctx, "RPC error: %s", err)
				// All connection errors except for an unavailable node (this
				// is GRPC's fail-fast error), may mean that the request
				// succeeded on the remote server, but we were unable to
				// receive the reply. Set the ambiguous commit flag.
				// We retry ambiguous commit batches to avoid returning the
				// unrecoverable AmbiguousResultError. This is safe because
				// repeating an already-successfully applied batch is
				// guaranteed to return either a TransactionReplayError (in
				// case the replay happens at the original leader), or a
				// TransactionRetryError (in case the replay happens at a new
				// leader). If the original attempt merely timed out or was
				// lost, then the batch will succeed and we can be assured the
				// commit was applied just once.
				// The Unavailable code is used by GRPC to indicate that a
				// request fails fast and is not sent, so we can be sure there
				// is no ambiguity on these errors. Note that these are common
				// if a node is down.
				// See
				// See
				if haveCommit && grpc.Code(err) != codes.Unavailable {
					ambiguousResult = true

			// Send to additional replicas if available.
			if !transport.IsExhausted() {
				log.VEventf(opts.ctx, 2, "error, trying next peer: %s", err)
			if pending == 0 {
				if ambiguousResult {
					err = roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError()
				} else {
					err = roachpb.NewSendError(
						fmt.Sprintf("sending to all %d replicas failed; last error: %v", len(replicas), err),
				if log.V(2) {
					log.ErrEvent(opts.ctx, err.Error())
				return nil, err