Esempio n. 1
// TestGCQueueProcess creates test data in the range over various time
// scales and verifies that scan queue process properly GCs test data.
func TestGCQueueProcess(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	tc := testContext{}
	defer tc.Stop()

	const now int64 = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1E9 // 2d past the epoch

	ts1 := makeTS(now-2*24*60*60*1E9+1, 0)                     // 2d old (add one nanosecond so we're not using zero timestamp)
	ts2 := makeTS(now-25*60*60*1E9, 0)                         // GC will occur at time=25 hours
	ts2m1 := ts2.Prev()                                        // ts2 - 1 so we have something not right at the GC time
	ts3 := makeTS(now-intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds(), 0)     // 2h old
	ts4 := makeTS(now-(intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()-1), 0) // 2h-1ns old
	ts5 := makeTS(now-1E9, 0)                                  // 1s old
	key1 := roachpb.Key("a")
	key2 := roachpb.Key("b")
	key3 := roachpb.Key("c")
	key4 := roachpb.Key("d")
	key5 := roachpb.Key("e")
	key6 := roachpb.Key("f")
	key7 := roachpb.Key("g")
	key8 := roachpb.Key("h")
	key9 := roachpb.Key("i")
	key10 := roachpb.Key("j")
	key11 := roachpb.Key("k")

	data := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  hlc.Timestamp
		del bool
		txn bool
		// For key1, we expect first value to GC.
		{key1, ts1, false, false},
		{key1, ts2, false, false},
		{key1, ts5, false, false},
		// For key2, we expect values to GC, even though most recent is deletion.
		{key2, ts1, false, false},
		{key2, ts2m1, false, false}, // use a value < the GC time to verify it's kept
		{key2, ts5, true, false},
		// For key3, we expect just ts1 to GC, because most recent deletion is intent.
		{key3, ts1, false, false},
		{key3, ts2, false, false},
		{key3, ts5, true, true},
		// For key4, expect oldest value to GC.
		{key4, ts1, false, false},
		{key4, ts2, false, false},
		// For key5, expect all values to GC (most recent value deleted).
		{key5, ts1, false, false},
		{key5, ts2, true, false}, // deleted, so GC
		// For key6, expect no values to GC because most recent value is intent.
		{key6, ts1, false, false},
		{key6, ts5, false, true},
		// For key7, expect no values to GC because intent is exactly 2h old.
		{key7, ts2, false, false},
		{key7, ts4, false, true},
		// For key8, expect most recent value to resolve by aborting, which will clean it up.
		{key8, ts2, false, false},
		{key8, ts3, true, true},
		// For key9, resolve naked intent with no remaining values.
		{key9, ts3, false, true},
		// For key10, GC ts1 because it's a delete but not ts3 because it's above the threshold.
		{key10, ts1, true, false},
		{key10, ts3, true, false},
		{key10, ts4, false, false},
		{key10, ts5, false, false},
		// For key11, we can't GC anything because ts1 isn't a delete.
		{key11, ts1, false, false},
		{key11, ts3, true, false},
		{key11, ts4, true, false},
		{key11, ts5, true, false},

	for i, datum := range data {
		if datum.del {
			dArgs := deleteArgs(datum.key)
			var txn *roachpb.Transaction
			if datum.txn {
				txn = newTransaction("test", datum.key, 1, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE, tc.clock)
				txn.OrigTimestamp = datum.ts
				txn.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if _, err := tc.SendWrappedWith(roachpb.Header{
				Timestamp: datum.ts,
				Txn:       txn,
			}, &dArgs); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%d: could not delete data: %s", i, err)
		} else {
			pArgs := putArgs(datum.key, []byte("value"))
			var txn *roachpb.Transaction
			if datum.txn {
				txn = newTransaction("test", datum.key, 1, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE, tc.clock)
				txn.OrigTimestamp = datum.ts
				txn.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if _, err := tc.SendWrappedWith(roachpb.Header{
				Timestamp: datum.ts,
				Txn:       txn,
			}, &pArgs); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%d: could not put data: %s", i, err)

	cfg, ok := tc.gossip.GetSystemConfig()
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("config not set")

	// Process through a scan queue.
	gcQ := newGCQueue(tc.gossip)
	if err := gcQ.process(tc.clock.Now(), tc.rng, cfg); err != nil {

	expKVs := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		ts  hlc.Timestamp
		{key1, ts5},
		{key1, ts2},
		{key2, ts5},
		{key2, ts2m1},
		{key3, hlc.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key3, ts5},
		{key3, ts2},
		{key4, ts2},
		{key6, hlc.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key6, ts5},
		{key6, ts1},
		{key7, hlc.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key7, ts4},
		{key7, ts2},
		{key8, ts2},
		{key10, ts5},
		{key10, ts4},
		{key10, ts3},
		{key11, ts5},
		{key11, ts4},
		{key11, ts3},
		{key11, ts1},
	// Read data directly from engine to avoid intent errors from MVCC.
	kvs, err := engine.Scan(, engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key1),
		engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(keys.MaxKey), 0)
	if err != nil {
	for i, kv := range kvs {
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("%d: %s", i, kv.Key)
	if len(kvs) != len(expKVs) {
		t.Fatalf("expected length %d; got %d", len(expKVs), len(kvs))
	for i, kv := range kvs {
		if !kv.Key.Key.Equal(expKVs[i].key) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected key %q; got %q", i, expKVs[i].key, kv.Key.Key)
		if !kv.Key.Timestamp.Equal(expKVs[i].ts) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected ts=%s; got %s", i, expKVs[i].ts, kv.Key.Timestamp)
		if log.V(1) {
			log.Infof("%d: %s", i, kv.Key)

	// Verify that the last verification timestamp was updated as whole range was scanned.
	if _, err := tc.rng.getLastVerificationTimestamp(); err != nil {
Esempio n. 2
// TestGCQueueProcess creates test data in the range over various time
// scales and verifies that scan queue process properly GCs test data.
func TestGCQueueProcess(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	tc := testContext{}
	defer tc.Stop()

	const now int64 = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1E9 // 2d past the epoch

	ts1 := makeTS(now-2*24*60*60*1E9+1, 0)                     // 2d old (add one nanosecond so we're not using zero timestamp)
	ts2 := makeTS(now-25*60*60*1E9, 0)                         // GC will occur at time=25 hours
	ts3 := makeTS(now-(intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()+1), 0) // 2h+1ns old
	ts4 := makeTS(now-(intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()-1), 0) // 2h-ns old
	ts5 := makeTS(now-1E9, 0)                                  // 1s old
	key1 := proto.Key("a")
	key2 := proto.Key("b")
	key3 := proto.Key("c")
	key4 := proto.Key("d")
	key5 := proto.Key("e")
	key6 := proto.Key("f")
	key7 := proto.Key("g")
	key8 := proto.Key("h")
	key9 := proto.Key("i")

	data := []struct {
		key proto.Key
		ts  proto.Timestamp
		del bool
		txn bool
		// For key1, we expect first two values to GC.
		{key1, ts1, false, false},
		{key1, ts2, false, false},
		{key1, ts5, false, false},
		// For key2, we expect all values to GC, because most recent is deletion.
		{key2, ts1, false, false},
		{key2, ts2, false, false},
		{key2, ts5, true, false},
		// For key3, we expect just ts1 to GC, because most recent deletion is intent.
		{key3, ts1, false, false},
		{key3, ts2, false, false},
		{key3, ts5, true, true},
		// For key4, expect oldest value to GC.
		{key4, ts1, false, false},
		{key4, ts2, false, false},
		// For key5, expect all values to GC (most recent value deleted).
		{key5, ts1, false, false},
		{key5, ts2, true, false},
		// For key6, expect no values to GC because most recent value is intent.
		{key6, ts1, false, false},
		{key6, ts5, true, true},
		// For key7, expect no values to GC because intent is exactly 2h old.
		{key7, ts2, false, false},
		{key7, ts4, true, true},
		// For key8, expect most recent value to resolve by aborting, which will clean it up.
		{key8, ts2, false, false},
		{key8, ts3, true, true},
		// /For key9, resolve naked intent with no remaining values.
		{key9, ts3, true, false},

	for i, datum := range data {
		if datum.del {
			dArgs, dReply := deleteArgs(datum.key, tc.rng.Desc().RaftID,
			dArgs.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if datum.txn {
				dArgs.Txn = newTransaction("test", datum.key, 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, tc.clock)
				dArgs.Txn.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if err := tc.rng.AddCmd(tc.rng.context(), proto.Call{Args: dArgs, Reply: dReply}); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%d: could not delete data: %s", i, err)
		} else {
			pArgs, pReply := putArgs(datum.key, []byte("value"), tc.rng.Desc().RaftID,
			pArgs.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if datum.txn {
				pArgs.Txn = newTransaction("test", datum.key, 1, proto.SERIALIZABLE, tc.clock)
				pArgs.Txn.Timestamp = datum.ts
			if err := tc.rng.AddCmd(tc.rng.context(), proto.Call{Args: pArgs, Reply: pReply}); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%d: could not put data: %s", i, err)

	// Process through a scan queue.
	gcQ := newGCQueue()
	if err := gcQ.process(tc.clock.Now(), tc.rng); err != nil {

	expKVs := []struct {
		key proto.Key
		ts  proto.Timestamp
		{key1, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key1, ts5},
		{key3, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key3, ts5},
		{key3, ts2},
		{key4, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key4, ts2},
		{key6, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key6, ts5},
		{key6, ts1},
		{key7, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key7, ts4},
		{key7, ts2},
		{key8, proto.ZeroTimestamp},
		{key8, ts2},
	// Read data directly from engine to avoid intent errors from MVCC.
	kvs, err := engine.Scan(, engine.MVCCEncodeKey(key1), engine.MVCCEncodeKey(proto.KeyMax), 0)
	if err != nil {
	for i, kv := range kvs {
		if key, ts, isValue := engine.MVCCDecodeKey(kv.Key); isValue {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("%d: %q, ts=%s", i, key, ts)
		} else {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("%d: %q meta", i, key)
	if len(kvs) != len(expKVs) {
		t.Fatalf("expected length %d; got %d", len(expKVs), len(kvs))
	for i, kv := range kvs {
		key, ts, isValue := engine.MVCCDecodeKey(kv.Key)
		if !key.Equal(expKVs[i].key) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected key %q; got %q", i, expKVs[i].key, key)
		if !ts.Equal(expKVs[i].ts) {
			t.Errorf("%d: expected ts=%s; got %s", i, expKVs[i].ts, ts)
		if isValue {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("%d: %q, ts=%s", i, key, ts)
		} else {
			if log.V(1) {
				log.Infof("%d: %q meta", i, key)

	// Verify the oldest extant intent age.
	gcMeta, err := tc.rng.GetGCMetadata()
	if err != nil {
	if gcMeta.LastScanNanos != now {
		t.Errorf("expected last scan nanos=%d; got %d", now, gcMeta.LastScanNanos)
	if *gcMeta.OldestIntentNanos != ts4.WallTime {
		t.Errorf("expected oldest intent nanos=%d; got %d", ts4.WallTime, gcMeta.OldestIntentNanos)

	// Verify that the last verification timestamp was updated as whole range was scanned.
	ts, err := tc.rng.GetLastVerificationTimestamp()
	if err != nil {
	if gcMeta.LastScanNanos != ts.WallTime {
		t.Errorf("expected walltime nanos %d; got %d", gcMeta.LastScanNanos, ts.WallTime)