Esempio n. 1
func CreateStats(statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result, toData todata.TOData, crStates peer.Crstates, lastStats LastStats, now time.Time) (Stats, LastStats, error) {
	start := time.Now()
	dsStats := NewStats()
	for deliveryService, _ := range toData.DeliveryServiceServers {
		if deliveryService == "" {
			log.Errorf("EMPTY CreateStats deliveryService")
		dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)] = *dsdata.NewStat()
	dsStats = setStaticData(dsStats, toData.DeliveryServiceServers)
	var err error
	dsStats, err = addAvailableData(dsStats, crStates, toData.ServerCachegroups, toData.ServerDeliveryServices, toData.ServerTypes, statHistory) // TODO move after stat summarisation
	if err != nil {
		return dsStats, lastStats, fmt.Errorf("Error getting Cache availability data: %v", err)

	for server, history := range statHistory {
		if len(history) < 1 {
			continue // TODO warn?
		cachegroup, ok := toData.ServerCachegroups[server]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("server %s has no cachegroup, skipping\n", server)
		serverType, ok := toData.ServerTypes[enum.CacheName(server)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("server %s not in CRConfig, skipping\n", server)
		result := history[len(history)-1]

		// TODO check result.PrecomputedData.Errors
		for ds, resultStat := range result.PrecomputedData.DeliveryServiceStats {
			if ds == "" {
				log.Errorf("EMPTY precomputed delivery service")

			if _, ok := dsStats.DeliveryService[ds]; !ok {
				dsStats.DeliveryService[ds] = resultStat
			httpDsStat := dsStats.DeliveryService[ds]
			httpDsStat.TotalStats = httpDsStat.TotalStats.Sum(resultStat.TotalStats)
			httpDsStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup] = httpDsStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup].Sum(resultStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup])
			httpDsStat.Types[serverType] = httpDsStat.Types[serverType].Sum(resultStat.Types[serverType])
			httpDsStat.Caches[server] = httpDsStat.Caches[server].Sum(resultStat.Caches[server])
			httpDsStat.CachesTimeReceived[server] = resultStat.CachesTimeReceived[server]
			httpDsStat.CommonStats = dsStats.DeliveryService[ds].CommonStats
			dsStats.DeliveryService[ds] = httpDsStat // TODO determine if necessary

	perSecStats, lastStats := addPerSecStats(statHistory, dsStats, lastStats, now, toData.ServerCachegroups, toData.ServerTypes)
	log.Infof("CreateStats took %v\n", time.Since(start))
	return perSecStats, lastStats, nil
// TODO precompute, move to TOData; call when we get new delivery services, instead of every time we create new stats
func createRegexes(dsToRegex map[string][]string) (Regexes, error) {
	dsRegexes := Regexes{
		DirectMatches:                      map[string]enum.DeliveryServiceName{},
		DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar: map[string]enum.DeliveryServiceName{},
		RegexMatch:                         map[*regexp.Regexp]enum.DeliveryServiceName{},

	for dsStr, regexStrs := range dsToRegex {
		ds := enum.DeliveryServiceName(dsStr)
		for _, regexStr := range regexStrs {
			prefix := `.*\.`
			suffix := `\..*`
			if strings.HasPrefix(regexStr, prefix) && strings.HasSuffix(regexStr, suffix) {
				matchStr := regexStr[len(prefix) : len(regexStr)-len(suffix)]
				if otherDs, ok := dsRegexes.DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar[matchStr]; ok {
					return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("duplicate regex %s (%s) in %s and %s", regexStr, matchStr, ds, otherDs)
				dsRegexes.DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar[matchStr] = ds
			if !strings.ContainsAny(regexStr, `[]^\:{}()|?+*,=%@<>!'`) {
				if otherDs, ok := dsRegexes.DirectMatches[regexStr]; ok {
					return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("duplicate Regex %s in %s and %s", regexStr, ds, otherDs)
				dsRegexes.DirectMatches[regexStr] = ds
			// TODO warn? regex matches are unusual
			r, err := regexp.Compile(regexStr)
			if err != nil {
				return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("regex %s failed to compile: %v", regexStr, err)
			dsRegexes.RegexMatch[r] = ds
	return dsRegexes, nil
Esempio n. 3
func addAvailableData(dsStats Stats, crStates peer.Crstates, serverCachegroups map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheGroupName, serverDs map[enum.CacheName][]enum.DeliveryServiceName, serverTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType, statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result) (Stats, error) {
	for cache, available := range crStates.Caches {
		cacheGroup, ok := serverCachegroups[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Cachegroups\n", cache)
		deliveryServices, ok := serverDs[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in DeliveryServices\n", cache)
		cacheType, ok := serverTypes[enum.CacheName(cache)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Server Types\n", cache)

		for _, deliveryService := range deliveryServices {
			if deliveryService == "" {
				log.Errorf("EMPTY addAvailableData DS") // various bugs in other functions can cause this - this will help identify and debug them.

			stat, ok := dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)]
			if !ok {
				log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Stats\n", cache)
				continue // TODO log warning? Error?

			if available.IsAvailable {
				// c.IsAvailable.Value
				stat.CommonStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				cacheGroupStats := stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)]
				cacheGroupStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)] = cacheGroupStats
				stat.TotalStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				typeStats := stat.Types[cacheType]
				typeStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.Types[cacheType] = typeStats

			// TODO fix nested ifs
			if results, ok := statHistory[enum.CacheName(cache)]; ok {
				if len(results) < 1 {
					log.Warnf("no results %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
				} else {
					result := results[0]
					if result.PrecomputedData.Reporting {
						stat.CommonStats.CachesReporting[enum.CacheName(cache)] = true
					} else {
						log.Debugf("no reporting %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("no result for %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)

			dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)] = stat // TODO Necessary? Remove?
	return dsStats, nil
// NewDSStatFilter takes the HTTP query parameters and creates a cache.Filter, filtering according to the query parameters passed.
// Query parameters used are `hc`, `stats`, `wildcard`, `type`, and `deliveryservices`.
// If `hc` is 0, all history is returned. If `hc` is empty, 1 history is returned.
// If `stats` is empty, all stats are returned.
// If `wildcard` is empty, `stats` is considered exact.
// If `type` is empty, all types are returned.
func NewDSStatFilter(params url.Values, dsTypes map[enum.DeliveryServiceName]enum.DSType) (dsdata.Filter, error) {
	validParams := map[string]struct{}{"hc": struct{}{}, "stats": struct{}{}, "wildcard": struct{}{}, "type": struct{}{}, "deliveryservices": struct{}{}}
	if len(params) > len(validParams) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid query parameters")
	for param, _ := range params {
		if _, ok := validParams[param]; !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid query parameter '%v'", param)

	historyCount := 1
	if paramHc, exists := params["hc"]; exists && len(paramHc) > 0 {
		v, err := strconv.Atoi(paramHc[0])
		if err == nil {
			historyCount = v

	statsToUse := map[string]struct{}{}
	if paramStats, exists := params["stats"]; exists && len(paramStats) > 0 {
		commaStats := strings.Split(paramStats[0], ",")
		for _, stat := range commaStats {
			statsToUse[stat] = struct{}{}

	wildcard := false
	if paramWildcard, exists := params["wildcard"]; exists && len(paramWildcard) > 0 {
		wildcard, _ = strconv.ParseBool(paramWildcard[0]) // ignore errors, error => false

	dsType := enum.DSTypeInvalid
	if paramType, exists := params["type"]; exists && len(paramType) > 0 {
		dsType = enum.DSTypeFromString(paramType[0])
		if dsType == enum.DSTypeInvalid {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid query parameter type '%v' - valid types are: {http, dns}", paramType[0])

	deliveryServices := map[enum.DeliveryServiceName]struct{}{}
	// TODO rename 'hosts' to 'names' for consistency
	if paramNames, exists := params["deliveryservices"]; exists && len(paramNames) > 0 {
		commaNames := strings.Split(paramNames[0], ",")
		for _, name := range commaNames {
			deliveryServices[enum.DeliveryServiceName(name)] = struct{}{}
	// parameters without values are considered names, e.g. `?my-cache-0` or `?my-delivery-service`
	for maybeName, val := range params {
		if len(val) == 0 || (len(val) == 1 && val[0] == "") {
			deliveryServices[enum.DeliveryServiceName(maybeName)] = struct{}{}

	return &DSStatFilter{
		historyCount:     historyCount,
		statsToUse:       statsToUse,
		wildcard:         wildcard,
		dsType:           dsType,
		deliveryServices: deliveryServices,
		dsTypes:          dsTypes,
	}, nil
// TODO timing, and determine if the case, or its internal `for`, should be put in a goroutine
// TODO determine if subscribers take action on change, and change to mutexed objects if not.
func monitorConfigListen(monitorConfigTS TrafficMonitorConfigMapThreadsafe, monitorConfigPollChan <-chan to.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, statUrlSubscriber chan<- poller.HttpPollerConfig, healthUrlSubscriber chan<- poller.HttpPollerConfig, peerUrlSubscriber chan<- poller.HttpPollerConfig, cfg config.Config, staticAppData StaticAppData) {
	for {
		select {
		case monitorConfig := <-monitorConfigPollChan:
			healthUrls := map[string]string{}
			statUrls := map[string]string{}
			peerUrls := map[string]string{}
			caches := map[string]string{}

			for _, srv := range monitorConfig.TrafficServer {
				caches[srv.HostName] = srv.Status

				cacheName := enum.CacheName(srv.HostName)

				if srv.Status == "ONLINE" {
					localStates.SetCache(cacheName, peer.IsAvailable{IsAvailable: true})
				if srv.Status == "OFFLINE" {
					localStates.SetCache(cacheName, peer.IsAvailable{IsAvailable: false})
				// seed states with available = false until our polling cycle picks up a result
				if _, exists := localStates.Get().Caches[cacheName]; !exists {
					localStates.SetCache(cacheName, peer.IsAvailable{IsAvailable: false})

				url := monitorConfig.Profile[srv.Profile].Parameters.HealthPollingURL
				r := strings.NewReplacer(
					"${hostname}", srv.FQDN,
					"${interface_name}", srv.InterfaceName,
					"application=system", "application=plugin.remap",
					"application=", "application=plugin.remap",
				url = r.Replace(url)
				healthUrls[srv.HostName] = url
				r = strings.NewReplacer("application=plugin.remap", "application=")
				url = r.Replace(url)
				statUrls[srv.HostName] = url

			for _, srv := range monitorConfig.TrafficMonitor {
				if srv.HostName == staticAppData.Hostname {
				if srv.Status != "ONLINE" {
				// TODO: the URL should be config driven. -jse
				url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/publish/CrStates?raw", srv.IP, srv.Port)
				peerUrls[srv.HostName] = url

			statUrlSubscriber <- poller.HttpPollerConfig{Urls: statUrls, Interval: cfg.CacheStatPollingInterval}
			healthUrlSubscriber <- poller.HttpPollerConfig{Urls: healthUrls, Interval: cfg.CacheHealthPollingInterval}
			peerUrlSubscriber <- poller.HttpPollerConfig{Urls: peerUrls, Interval: cfg.PeerPollingInterval}

			for cacheName := range localStates.GetCaches() {
				if _, exists := monitorConfig.TrafficServer[string(cacheName)]; !exists {
					log.Warnf("Removing %s from localStates", cacheName)

			// TODO because there are multiple writers to localStates.DeliveryService, there is a race condition, where MonitorConfig (this func) and HealthResultManager could write at the same time, and the HealthResultManager could overwrite a delivery service addition or deletion here. Probably the simplest and most performant fix would be a lock-free algorithm using atomic compare-and-swaps.
			for _, ds := range monitorConfig.DeliveryService {
				// since caches default to unavailable, also default DS false
				if _, exists := localStates.Get().Deliveryservice[enum.DeliveryServiceName(ds.XMLID)]; !exists {
					localStates.SetDeliveryService(enum.DeliveryServiceName(ds.XMLID), peer.Deliveryservice{IsAvailable: false, DisabledLocations: []enum.CacheName{}}) // important to initialize DisabledLocations, so JSON is `[]` not `null`
			for ds, _ := range localStates.Get().Deliveryservice {
				if _, exists := monitorConfig.DeliveryService[string(ds)]; !exists {