Esempio n. 1
// TestLogLevelDEV tests the basic functioning of the logger in DEV mode.
func TestLogLevelDEV(t *testing.T) {
	t.Log("Given the need to log DEV and USER messages.")
		t.Log("\tWhen we set the logging level to DEV.")
			log.Init(&logdest, func() int { return log.DEV })
			defer displayLog()

			dt := time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05")

			log1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s log_test.go:81: DEV : context : FuncName : Message 1 no format\n", dt)
			log2 := fmt.Sprintf("%s log_test.go:82: USER : context : FuncName : Message 2 with format: A, B\n", dt)
			log3 := fmt.Sprintf("%s log_test.go:83: ERROR : context : FuncName : An error : Message 3 with format: C, D\n", dt)

			log.Dev("context", "FuncName", "Message 1 no format")
			log.User("context", "FuncName", "Message 2 with format: %s, %s", "A", "B")
			log.Error("context", "FuncName", errors.New("An error"), "Message 3 with format: %s, %s", "C", "D")

			if logdest.String() == log1+log2+log3 {
				t.Logf("\t\t%v : Should log the expected trace line.", succeed)
			} else {
				t.Log("***>", logdest.String())
				t.Log("***>", log1+log2+log3)
				t.Errorf("\t\t%v : Should log the expected trace line.", failed)
Esempio n. 2
// ExampleDev shows how to use the log package.
func ExampleDev(t *testing.T) {
	// Init the log package for stdout. Hardcode the logging level
	// function to use USER level logging.
	log.Init(os.Stdout, func() int { return log.USER })

	// Write a simple log line with no formatting.
	log.User("context", "ExampleDev", "This is a simple line with no formatting")

	// Write a simple log line with formatting.
	log.User("context", "ExampleDev", "This is a simple line with no formatting %d", 10)

	// Write a message error for the user.
	log.Error("context", "ExampleDev", errors.New("A user error"), "testing error")

	// Write a message error for the user with formatting.
	log.Error("context", "ExampleDev", errors.New("A user error"), "testing error %s", "value")

	// Write a message error for the developer only.
	log.Dev("context", "ExampleDev", "Formatting %v", 42)