Esempio n. 1
func (w *DefaultWrapper) Unwrap(nw *NotificationWrap) (Notification, error) {
	var v Notification

	// Create struct depending on the type
	switch nw.Type {
	case "NewVulnerabilityNotification":
		v = &NewVulnerabilityNotification{}
	case "VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification":
		v = &VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification{}
	case "VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification":
		v = &VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification{}
		log.Warningf("could not unwrap notification [Type: %s]: unknown type for DefaultWrapper", nw.Type)
		return nil, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not unwrap notification")

	// Unmarshal notification
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(nw.Data), v)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("could not unmarshal notification with DefaultWrapper [Type: %s]: %s", nw.Type, err)
		return nil, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not unmarshal notification")

	return v, nil
Esempio n. 2
// Process detects the OS of a layer, the packages it installs/removes, and
// then stores everything in the database.
func Process(ID, parentID, path string) error {
	if ID == "" {
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not process a layer which does not have ID")
	if path == "" {
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not process a layer which does not have a path")

	log.Debugf("layer %s: processing (Location: %s, Engine version: %d, Parent: %s)", ID, utils.CleanURL(path), Version, parentID)

	// Check to see if the layer is already in the database.
	layer, err := database.FindOneLayerByID(ID, []string{database.FieldLayerEngineVersion})
	if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
		return err

	var parent *database.Layer

	if layer != nil {
		// The layer is already in the database, check if we need to update it.
		if layer.EngineVersion >= Version {
			log.Debugf("layer %s: layer content has already been processed in the past with engine %d. Current engine is %d. skipping analysis", ID, layer.EngineVersion, Version)
			return nil

		log.Debugf("layer %s: layer content has been analyzed in the past with engine %d. Current engine is %d. analyzing again", ID, layer.EngineVersion, Version)
	} else {
		// The layer is a new one, create a base struct that we will fill.
		layer = &database.Layer{ID: ID, EngineVersion: Version}

		// Check to make sure that the parent's layer has already been processed.
		if parentID != "" {
			parent, err = database.FindOneLayerByID(parentID, []string{database.FieldLayerOS, database.FieldLayerPackages, database.FieldLayerPackages})
			if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
				return err
			if parent == nil {
				log.Warningf("layer %s: the parent layer (%s) is unknown. it must be processed first", ID, parentID)
				return ErrParentUnknown
			layer.ParentNode = parent.GetNode()

	// Analyze the content.
	layer.OS, layer.InstalledPackagesNodes, layer.RemovedPackagesNodes, err = detectContent(ID, path, parent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return database.InsertLayer(layer)
Esempio n. 3
// GETLayersVulnerabilities returns the complete list of vulnerabilities that
// a layer has if it exists.
func GETLayersVulnerabilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
	// Get minumum priority parameter.
	minimumPriority := types.Priority(r.URL.Query().Get("minimumPriority"))
	if minimumPriority == "" {
		minimumPriority = "High" // Set default priority to High
	} else if !minimumPriority.IsValid() {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("invalid priority"))

	// Find layer
	layer, err := database.FindOneLayerByID(p.ByName("id"), []string{database.FieldLayerParent, database.FieldLayerPackages})
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Find layer's packages.
	packagesNodes, err := layer.AllPackages()
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Find vulnerabilities.
	vulnerabilities, err := getVulnerabilitiesFromLayerPackagesNodes(packagesNodes, minimumPriority, []string{database.FieldVulnerabilityID, database.FieldVulnerabilityLink, database.FieldVulnerabilityPriority, database.FieldVulnerabilityDescription})
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	jsonhttp.Render(w, http.StatusOK, struct{ Vulnerabilities []*database.Vulnerability }{Vulnerabilities: vulnerabilities})
Esempio n. 4
// UpdateFlag creates a flag or update an existing flag's value
func UpdateFlag(name, value string) error {
	if name == "" || value == "" {
		log.Warning("could not insert a flag which has an empty name or value")
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert a flag which has an empty name or value")

	// Initialize transaction
	t := cayley.NewTransaction()

	// Get current flag value
	currentValue, err := GetFlagValue(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Build transaction
	name = "flag:" + name
	if currentValue != "" {
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "value", currentValue, ""))
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(name, "value", value, ""))

	// Apply transaction
	if err = store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed transaction (UpdateFlag): %s", err)
		return ErrTransaction

	// Return
	return nil
Esempio n. 5
// InsertLayer insert a single layer in the database
// ID, and EngineVersion fields are required.
// ParentNode, OS, InstalledPackagesNodes and RemovedPackagesNodes are optional,
// SuccessorsNodes is unnecessary.
// The ID MUST be unique for two different layers.
// If the Layer already exists, nothing is done, except if the provided engine
// version is higher than the existing one, in which case, the OS,
// InstalledPackagesNodes and RemovedPackagesNodes fields will be replaced.
// The layer should only contains the newly installed/removed packages
// There is no safeguard that prevents from marking a package as newly installed
// while it has already been installed in one of its parent.
func InsertLayer(layer *Layer) error {
	// Verify parameters
	if layer.ID == "" {
		log.Warning("could not insert a layer which has an empty ID")
		return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert a layer which has an empty ID")

	// Create required data structures
	t := cayley.NewTransaction()
	layer.Node = layer.GetNode()

	// Try to find an existing layer
	existingLayer, err := FindOneLayerByNode(layer.Node, FieldLayerAll)
	if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
		return err

	if existingLayer != nil && existingLayer.EngineVersion >= layer.EngineVersion {
		// The layer exists and has an equal or higher engine verison, do nothing
		return nil

	if existingLayer == nil {
		// Create case: add permanent nodes
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldIs, FieldLayerIsValue, ""))
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerID, layer.ID, ""))
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerParent, layer.ParentNode, ""))
	} else {
		// Update case: remove everything before we add updated data
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerOS, existingLayer.OS, ""))
		for _, pkg := range existingLayer.InstalledPackagesNodes {
			t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerInstalledPackages, pkg, ""))
		for _, pkg := range existingLayer.RemovedPackagesNodes {
			t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerRemovedPackages, pkg, ""))
		t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerEngineVersion, strconv.Itoa(existingLayer.EngineVersion), ""))

	// Add OS/Packages
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerOS, layer.OS, ""))
	for _, pkg := range layer.InstalledPackagesNodes {
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerInstalledPackages, pkg, ""))
	for _, pkg := range layer.RemovedPackagesNodes {
		t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerRemovedPackages, pkg, ""))
	t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(layer.Node, FieldLayerEngineVersion, strconv.Itoa(layer.EngineVersion), ""))

	// Apply transaction
	if err = store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed transaction (InsertLayer): %s", err)
		return ErrTransaction

	return nil
Esempio n. 6
func (w *DefaultWrapper) Wrap(n Notification) (*NotificationWrap, error) {
	data, err := json.Marshal(n)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("could not marshal notification [ID: %s, Type: %s]: %s", n.GetName(), n.GetType(), err)
		return nil, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not marshal notification with DefaultWrapper")

	return &NotificationWrap{Type: n.GetType(), Data: string(data)}, nil
Esempio n. 7
// NewHTTPNotifier initializes a new HTTPNotifier
func NewHTTPNotifier(URL string) (*HTTPNotifier, error) {
	if _, err := url.Parse(URL); err != nil {
		return nil, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not create a notifier with an invalid URL")

	notifier := &HTTPNotifier{url: URL}
	health.RegisterHealthchecker("notifier", notifier.Healthcheck)

	return notifier, nil
Esempio n. 8
// POSTBatchLayersVulnerabilities returns the complete list of vulnerabilities
// that the provided layers have, if they all exist.
func POSTBatchLayersVulnerabilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
	// Parse body
	var parameters POSTBatchLayersVulnerabilitiesParameters
	if s, err := jsonhttp.ParseBody(r, &parameters); err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, s, err)
	if len(parameters.LayersIDs) == 0 {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("at least one LayerID query parameter must be provided"))

	// Get minumum priority parameter.
	minimumPriority := types.Priority(r.URL.Query().Get("minimumPriority"))
	if minimumPriority == "" {
		minimumPriority = "High" // Set default priority to High
	} else if !minimumPriority.IsValid() {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("invalid priority"))

	response := make(map[string]interface{})
	// For each LayerID parameter
	for _, layerID := range parameters.LayersIDs {
		// Find layer
		layer, err := database.FindOneLayerByID(layerID, []string{database.FieldLayerParent, database.FieldLayerPackages})
		if err != nil {
			jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

		// Find layer's packages.
		packagesNodes, err := layer.AllPackages()
		if err != nil {
			jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

		// Find vulnerabilities.
		vulnerabilities, err := getVulnerabilitiesFromLayerPackagesNodes(packagesNodes, minimumPriority, []string{database.FieldVulnerabilityID, database.FieldVulnerabilityLink, database.FieldVulnerabilityPriority, database.FieldVulnerabilityDescription})
		if err != nil {
			jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

		response[layerID] = struct{ Vulnerabilities []*database.Vulnerability }{Vulnerabilities: vulnerabilities}

	jsonhttp.Render(w, http.StatusOK, response)
Esempio n. 9
// POSTVulnerabilities manually inserts a vulnerability into the database if it
// does not exist yet.
func POSTVulnerabilities(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
	var parameters *database.AbstractVulnerability
	if s, err := jsonhttp.ParseBody(r, &parameters); err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, s, err)

	// Ensure that the vulnerability does not exist.
	vulnerability, err := database.FindOneVulnerability(parameters.ID, []string{})
	if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)
	if vulnerability != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("vulnerability already exists"))

	// Insert packages.
	packages := database.AbstractPackagesToPackages(parameters.AffectedPackages)
	err = database.InsertPackages(packages)
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)
	var pkgNodes []string
	for _, p := range packages {
		pkgNodes = append(pkgNodes, p.Node)

	// Insert vulnerability.
	notifications, err := database.InsertVulnerabilities([]*database.Vulnerability{parameters.ToVulnerability(pkgNodes)})
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Insert notifications.
	err = database.InsertNotifications(notifications, database.GetDefaultNotificationWrapper())
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	jsonhttp.Render(w, http.StatusCreated, nil)
Esempio n. 10
// GETLayersVulnerabilitiesDiff returns the list of vulnerabilities that a layer
// adds and removes if it exists.
func GETLayersVulnerabilitiesDiff(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
	// Get minumum priority parameter.
	minimumPriority := types.Priority(r.URL.Query().Get("minimumPriority"))
	if minimumPriority == "" {
		minimumPriority = "High" // Set default priority to High
	} else if !minimumPriority.IsValid() {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("invalid priority"))

	// Find layer.
	layer, err := database.FindOneLayerByID(p.ByName("id"), []string{database.FieldLayerPackages})
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Selected fields for vulnerabilities.
	selectedFields := []string{database.FieldVulnerabilityID, database.FieldVulnerabilityLink, database.FieldVulnerabilityPriority, database.FieldVulnerabilityDescription}

	// Find vulnerabilities for installed packages.
	addedVulnerabilities, err := getVulnerabilitiesFromLayerPackagesNodes(layer.InstalledPackagesNodes, minimumPriority, selectedFields)
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Find vulnerabilities for removed packages.
	removedVulnerabilities, err := getVulnerabilitiesFromLayerPackagesNodes(layer.RemovedPackagesNodes, minimumPriority, selectedFields)
	if err != nil {
		jsonhttp.RenderError(w, 0, err)

	// Remove vulnerabilities which appears both in added and removed lists (eg. case of updated packages but still vulnerable).
	for ia, a := range addedVulnerabilities {
		for ir, r := range removedVulnerabilities {
			if a.ID == r.ID {
				addedVulnerabilities = append(addedVulnerabilities[:ia], addedVulnerabilities[ia+1:]...)
				removedVulnerabilities = append(removedVulnerabilities[:ir], removedVulnerabilities[ir+1:]...)

	jsonhttp.Render(w, http.StatusOK, struct{ Adds, Removes []*database.Vulnerability }{Adds: addedVulnerabilities, Removes: removedVulnerabilities})
Esempio n. 11
// InsertPackages inserts several packages in the database in one transaction
// Packages are stored in linked lists, one per Branch. Each linked list has a start package and an end package defined with types.MinVersion/types.MaxVersion versions
// OS, Name and Version fields have to be specified.
// If the insertion is successfull, the Node field is filled and represents the graph node identifier.
func InsertPackages(packageParameters []*Package) error {
	if len(packageParameters) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Verify parameters
	for _, pkg := range packageParameters {
		if pkg.OS == "" || pkg.Name == "" || pkg.Version.String() == "" {
			log.Warningf("could not insert an incomplete package [OS: %s, Name: %s, Version: %s]", pkg.OS, pkg.Name, pkg.Version)
			return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert an incomplete package")

	// Create required data structures
	t := cayley.NewTransaction()
	packagesInTransaction := 0
	cachedPackagesByBranch := make(map[string]map[string]*Package)

	// Iterate over all the packages we need to insert
	for _, packageParameter := range packageParameters {
		branch := packageParameter.Branch()

		// Is the package already existing ?
		if _, branchExistsLocally := cachedPackagesByBranch[branch]; branchExistsLocally {
			if pkg, _ := cachedPackagesByBranch[branch][packageParameter.Key()]; pkg != nil {
				packageParameter.Node = pkg.Node
		} else {
			cachedPackagesByBranch[branch] = make(map[string]*Package)
		pkg, err := FindOnePackage(packageParameter.OS, packageParameter.Name, packageParameter.Version, []string{})
		if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
			return err
		if pkg != nil {
			packageParameter.Node = pkg.Node

		// Get all packages of the same branch (both from local cache and database)
		branchPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByBranch(packageParameter.OS, packageParameter.Name, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion, FieldPackageNextVersion})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, p := range cachedPackagesByBranch[branch] {
			branchPackages = append(branchPackages, p)

		if len(branchPackages) == 0 {
			// The branch does not exist yet
			insertingStartPackage := packageParameter.Version == types.MinVersion
			insertingEndPackage := packageParameter.Version == types.MaxVersion

			// Create and insert a end package
			endPackage := &Package{
				OS:      packageParameter.OS,
				Name:    packageParameter.Name,
				Version: types.MaxVersion,
			endPackage.Node = endPackage.GetNode()
			cachedPackagesByBranch[branch][endPackage.Key()] = endPackage

			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(endPackage.Node, FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(endPackage.Node, FieldPackageOS, endPackage.OS, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(endPackage.Node, FieldPackageName, endPackage.Name, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(endPackage.Node, FieldPackageVersion, endPackage.Version.String(), ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(endPackage.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, "", ""))

			// Create the inserted package if it is different than a start/end package
			var newPackage *Package
			if !insertingStartPackage && !insertingEndPackage {
				newPackage = &Package{
					OS:      packageParameter.OS,
					Name:    packageParameter.Name,
					Version: packageParameter.Version,
				newPackage.Node = newPackage.GetNode()
				cachedPackagesByBranch[branch][newPackage.Key()] = newPackage

				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue, ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageOS, newPackage.OS, ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageName, newPackage.Name, ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageVersion, newPackage.Version.String(), ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, endPackage.Node, ""))

				packageParameter.Node = newPackage.Node

			// Create and insert a start package
			startPackage := &Package{
				OS:      packageParameter.OS,
				Name:    packageParameter.Name,
				Version: types.MinVersion,
			startPackage.Node = startPackage.GetNode()
			cachedPackagesByBranch[branch][startPackage.Key()] = startPackage

			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldPackageOS, startPackage.OS, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldPackageName, startPackage.Name, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldPackageVersion, startPackage.Version.String(), ""))
			if !insertingStartPackage && !insertingEndPackage {
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, newPackage.Node, ""))
			} else {
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(startPackage.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, endPackage.Node, ""))

			// Set package node
			if insertingEndPackage {
				packageParameter.Node = endPackage.Node
			} else if insertingStartPackage {
				packageParameter.Node = startPackage.Node
		} else {
			// The branch already exists

			// Create the package
			newPackage := &Package{OS: packageParameter.OS, Name: packageParameter.Name, Version: packageParameter.Version}
			newPackage.Node = "package:" + utils.Hash(newPackage.Key())
			cachedPackagesByBranch[branch][newPackage.Key()] = newPackage
			packageParameter.Node = newPackage.Node

			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldIs, FieldPackageIsValue, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageOS, newPackage.OS, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageName, newPackage.Name, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageVersion, newPackage.Version.String(), ""))

			// Sort branchPackages by version (including the new package)
			branchPackages = append(branchPackages, newPackage)

			// Find my prec/succ GraphID in the sorted slice now
			newPackageKey := newPackage.Key()
			var pred, succ *Package
			var found bool
			for _, p := range branchPackages {
				equal := p.Key() == newPackageKey
				if !equal && !found {
					pred = p
				} else if found {
					succ = p
				} else if equal {
					found = true
			if pred == nil || succ == nil {
				log.Warningf("could not find any package predecessor/successor of: [OS: %s, Name: %s, Version: %s].", packageParameter.OS, packageParameter.Name, packageParameter.Version)
				return cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not find package predecessor/successor")

			// Link the new packages with the branch
			t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(pred.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, succ.Node, ""))

			pred.NextVersionNode = newPackage.Node
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(pred.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, newPackage.Node, ""))

			newPackage.NextVersionNode = succ.Node
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(newPackage.Node, FieldPackageNextVersion, succ.Node, ""))

		packagesInTransaction = packagesInTransaction + 1

		// Apply transaction
		if packagesInTransaction >= insertPackagesBatchSize {
			if err := store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("failed transaction (InsertPackages): %s", err)
				return ErrTransaction

			t = cayley.NewTransaction()
			cachedPackagesByBranch = make(map[string]map[string]*Package)
			packagesInTransaction = 0

	// Apply transaction
	if packagesInTransaction > 0 {
		if err := store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed transaction (InsertPackages): %s", err)
			return ErrTransaction

	// Return
	return nil
Esempio n. 12
// InsertVulnerabilities inserts or updates several vulnerabilities in the database in one transaction
// It ensures that a vulnerability can't be fixed by two packages belonging the same Branch.
// During an update, if the vulnerability was previously fixed by a version in a branch and a new package of that branch is specified, the previous one is deleted
// Otherwise, it simply adds the defined packages, there is currently no way to delete affected packages.
// ID, Link, Priority and FixedInNodes fields have to be specified. Description is optionnal.
func InsertVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities []*Vulnerability) ([]Notification, error) {
	if len(vulnerabilities) == 0 {
		return []Notification{}, nil

	// Create required data structure
	var err error
	t := cayley.NewTransaction()
	cachedVulnerabilities := make(map[string]*Vulnerability)
	newVulnerabilityNotifications := make(map[string]*NewVulnerabilityNotification)
	vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications := make(map[string]*VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification)
	vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications := make(map[string]*VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification)

	// Iterate over all the vulnerabilities we need to insert/update
	for _, vulnerability := range vulnerabilities {
		// Is the vulnerability already existing ?
		existingVulnerability, _ := cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID]
		if existingVulnerability == nil {
			existingVulnerability, err = FindOneVulnerability(vulnerability.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
			if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
				return []Notification{}, err
			if existingVulnerability != nil {
				cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID] = existingVulnerability

		// Don't allow inserting/updating a vulnerability which is fixed in two packages of the same branch
		if len(vulnerability.FixedInNodes) > 0 {
			fixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(vulnerability.FixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName})
			if err != nil {
				return []Notification{}, err
			fixedInBranches := make(map[string]struct{})
			for _, fixedInPackage := range fixedInPackages {
				branch := fixedInPackage.Branch()
				if _, branchExists := fixedInBranches[branch]; branchExists {
					log.Warningf("could not insert vulnerability %s because it is fixed in two packages of the same branch", vulnerability.ID)
					return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert a vulnerability which is fixed in two packages of the same branch")
				fixedInBranches[branch] = struct{}{}

		// Insert/Update vulnerability
		if existingVulnerability == nil {
			// The vulnerability does not exist, create it

			// Verify parameters
			if vulnerability.ID == "" || vulnerability.Link == "" || vulnerability.Priority == "" {
				log.Warningf("could not insert an incomplete vulnerability [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority)
				return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not insert an incomplete vulnerability")
			if !vulnerability.Priority.IsValid() {
				log.Warningf("could not insert a vulnerability which has an invalid priority [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]. Valid priorities are: %v.", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority, types.Priorities)
				return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not insert a vulnerability which has an invalid priority")
			if len(vulnerability.FixedInNodes) == 0 {
				log.Warningf("could not insert a vulnerability which doesn't affect any package [ID: %s].", vulnerability.ID)
				return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert a vulnerability which doesn't affect any package")

			// Insert it
			vulnerability.Node = vulnerability.GetNode()
			cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID] = vulnerability

			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldIs, FieldVulnerabilityIsValue, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityID, vulnerability.ID, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, vulnerability.Link, ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(vulnerability.Priority), ""))
			t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, vulnerability.Description, ""))
			for _, p := range vulnerability.FixedInNodes {
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, p, ""))

			// Add a notification
			newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = &NewVulnerabilityNotification{VulnerabilityID: vulnerability.ID}
		} else {
			// The vulnerability already exists, update it
			if vulnerability.Link != "" && existingVulnerability.Link != vulnerability.Link {
				t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, existingVulnerability.Link, ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, vulnerability.Link, ""))
				existingVulnerability.Link = vulnerability.Link
			if vulnerability.Priority != "" && vulnerability.Priority != types.Unknown && existingVulnerability.Priority != vulnerability.Priority {
				if !vulnerability.Priority.IsValid() {
					log.Warningf("could not update a vulnerability which has an invalid priority [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]. Valid priorities are: %v.", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority, types.Priorities)
					return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not update a vulnerability which has an invalid priority")

				// Add a notification about the priority change if the new priority is higher and the vulnerability is not new
				if vulnerability.Priority.Compare(existingVulnerability.Priority) > 0 {
					if _, newVulnerabilityNotificationExists := newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; !newVulnerabilityNotificationExists {
						// Any priorityChangeNotification already ?
						if existingPriorityNotification, _ := vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; existingPriorityNotification != nil {
							// There is a priority change notification, replace it but keep the old priority field
							vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = &VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification{OldPriority: existingPriorityNotification.OldPriority, NewPriority: vulnerability.Priority, VulnerabilityID: existingVulnerability.ID}
						} else {
							// No previous notification, just add a new one
							vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = &VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification{OldPriority: existingVulnerability.Priority, NewPriority: vulnerability.Priority, VulnerabilityID: existingVulnerability.ID}

				t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(existingVulnerability.Priority), ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(vulnerability.Priority), ""))
				existingVulnerability.Priority = vulnerability.Priority
			if vulnerability.Description != "" && existingVulnerability.Description != vulnerability.Description {
				t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, existingVulnerability.Description, ""))
				t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, vulnerability.Description, ""))
				existingVulnerability.Description = vulnerability.Description
			if len(vulnerability.FixedInNodes) > 0 && len(utils.CompareStringLists(vulnerability.FixedInNodes, existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes)) != 0 {
				var removedNodes []string
				var addedNodes []string

				existingVulnerabilityFixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion})
				if err != nil {
					return []Notification{}, err
				vulnerabilityFixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(vulnerability.FixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion})
				if err != nil {
					return []Notification{}, err

				for _, p := range vulnerabilityFixedInPackages {
					// Any already existing link ?
					fixedInLinkAlreadyExists := false
					for _, ep := range existingVulnerabilityFixedInPackages {
						if *p == *ep {
							// This exact link already exists, we won't insert it again
							fixedInLinkAlreadyExists = true
						} else if p.Branch() == ep.Branch() {
							// A link to this package branch already exist and is not the same version, we will delete it
							t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, ep.Node, ""))

							var index int
							for i, n := range existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes {
								if n == ep.Node {
									index = i
							existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes = append(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes[index:], existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes[index+1:]...)
							removedNodes = append(removedNodes, ep.Node)

					if fixedInLinkAlreadyExists == false {
						t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, p.Node, ""))
						existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes = append(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes, p.Node)
						addedNodes = append(addedNodes, p.Node)

				// Add notification about the FixedIn modification if the vulnerability is not new
				if len(removedNodes) > 0 || len(addedNodes) > 0 {
					if _, newVulnerabilityNotificationExists := newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; !newVulnerabilityNotificationExists {
						// Any VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification already ?
						if existingPackageNotification, _ := vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; existingPackageNotification != nil {
							// There is a priority change notification, add the packages modifications to it
							existingPackageNotification.AddedFixedInNodes = append(existingPackageNotification.AddedFixedInNodes, addedNodes...)
							existingPackageNotification.RemovedFixedInNodes = append(existingPackageNotification.RemovedFixedInNodes, removedNodes...)
						} else {
							// No previous notification, just add a new one
							vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = &VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification{VulnerabilityID: vulnerability.ID, AddedFixedInNodes: addedNodes, RemovedFixedInNodes: removedNodes}

	// Apply transaction
	if err = store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failed transaction (InsertVulnerabilities): %s", err)
		return []Notification{}, ErrTransaction

	// Group all notifications
	var allNotifications []Notification
	for _, notification := range newVulnerabilityNotifications {
		allNotifications = append(allNotifications, notification)
	for _, notification := range vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications {
		allNotifications = append(allNotifications, notification)
	for _, notification := range vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications {
		allNotifications = append(allNotifications, notification)

	return allNotifications, nil