Esempio n. 1
// Preprocess takes an SQL string with placeholders and a list of arguments to
// replace them with. It returns a blank string and error if the number of placeholders
// does not match the number of arguments.
func Preprocess(sql string, vals []interface{}) (string, error) {
	// Get the number of arguments to add to this query
	if sql == "" {
		if len(vals) != 0 {
			return "", ErrArgumentMismatch
		return "", nil

	curVal := 0
	var buf = bufferpool.Get()
	defer bufferpool.Put(buf)

	pos := 0
	for pos < len(sql) {
		r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(sql[pos:])
		pos += w

		switch {
		case r == '?':
			if curVal >= len(vals) {
				return "", ErrArgumentMismatch
			if err := interpolate(buf, vals[curVal]); err != nil {
				return "", err
		case r == '`', r == '\'', r == '"':
			p := strings.IndexRune(sql[pos:], r)
			if p == -1 {
				return "", ErrInvalidSyntax
			if r == '"' {
				r = '\''
			buf.WriteString(sql[pos : pos+p])
			pos += p + 1
		case r == '[':
			w := strings.IndexRune(sql[pos:], ']')
			col := sql[pos : pos+w]
			D.EscapeIdent(buf, col)
			pos += w + 1 // size of ']'

	if curVal != len(vals) {
		return "", ErrArgumentMismatch
	return buf.String(), nil
Esempio n. 2
// MapToSql serialized the InsertBuilder to a SQL string
// It goes through the Maps param and combined its keys/values into the SQL query string
// It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments
func (b *InsertBuilder) MapToSql(sql *bytes.Buffer) (string, []interface{}, error) {
	keys := make([]string, len(b.Maps))
	vals := make([]interface{}, len(b.Maps))
	i := 0
	for k, v := range b.Maps {
		keys[i] = k
		if dbVal, ok := v.(driver.Valuer); ok {
			if val, err := dbVal.Value(); err == nil {
				vals[i] = val
			} else {
				return "", nil, errgo.Mask(err)
		} else {
			vals[i] = v
	var args []interface{}
	var placeholder = bufferpool.Get() // Build the placeholder like "(?,?,?)"
	defer bufferpool.Put(placeholder)

	for i, c := range keys {
		if i > 0 {
		Quoter.writeQuotedColumn(c, sql)
	sql.WriteString(") VALUES ")

	for _, row := range vals {
		args = append(args, row)

	return sql.String(), args, nil
Esempio n. 3
// ToSql serialized the DeleteBuilder to a SQL string
// It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments
func (b *DeleteBuilder) ToSql() (string, []interface{}, error) {
	if len(b.From) == 0 {
		return "", nil, ErrMissingTable

	var sql = bufferpool.Get()
	defer bufferpool.Put(sql)
	var args []interface{}

	sql.WriteString("DELETE FROM ")

	// Write WHERE clause if we have any fragments
	if len(b.WhereFragments) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" WHERE ")
		writeWhereFragmentsToSql(b.WhereFragments, sql, &args)

	// Ordering and limiting
	if len(b.OrderBys) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" ORDER BY ")
		for i, s := range b.OrderBys {
			if i > 0 {
				sql.WriteString(", ")

	if b.LimitValid {
		sql.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.LimitCount)

	if b.OffsetValid {
		sql.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.OffsetCount)
	return sql.String(), args, nil
Esempio n. 4
// ToSql serialized the UpdateBuilder to a SQL string
// It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments
func (b *UpdateBuilder) ToSql() (string, []interface{}, error) {
	if b.RawFullSql != "" {
		return b.RawFullSql, b.RawArguments, nil

	if len(b.Table) == 0 {
		return "", nil, ErrMissingTable
	if len(b.SetClauses) == 0 {
		return "", nil, ErrMissingSet

	var sql = bufferpool.Get()
	defer bufferpool.Put(sql)

	var args []interface{}

	sql.WriteString("UPDATE ")
	sql.WriteString(" SET ")

	// Build SET clause SQL with placeholders and add values to args
	for i, c := range b.SetClauses {
		if i > 0 {
			sql.WriteString(", ")
		Quoter.writeQuotedColumn(c.column, sql)
		if e, ok := c.value.(*expr); ok {
			sql.WriteString(" = ")
			args = append(args, e.Values...)
		} else {
			sql.WriteString(" = ?")
			args = append(args, c.value)

	// Write WHERE clause if we have any fragments
	if len(b.WhereFragments) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" WHERE ")
		writeWhereFragmentsToSql(b.WhereFragments, sql, &args)

	// Ordering and limiting
	if len(b.OrderBys) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" ORDER BY ")
		for i, s := range b.OrderBys {
			if i > 0 {
				sql.WriteString(", ")

	if b.LimitValid {
		sql.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.LimitCount)

	if b.OffsetValid {
		sql.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.OffsetCount)

	return sql.String(), args, nil
Esempio n. 5
func interpolate(w QueryWriter, v interface{}) error {
	valuer, ok := v.(driver.Valuer)
	if ok {
		val, err := valuer.Value()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		v = val

	valueOfV := reflect.ValueOf(v)
	kindOfV := valueOfV.Kind()

	switch {
	case v == nil:
	case isInt(kindOfV):
		var ival = valueOfV.Int()

		w.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(ival, 10))
	case isUint(kindOfV):
		var uival = valueOfV.Uint()

		w.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(uival, 10))
	case kindOfV == reflect.String:
		var str = valueOfV.String()

		if !utf8.ValidString(str) {
			return ErrNotUTF8
		D.EscapeString(w, str)
	case isFloat(kindOfV):
		var fval = valueOfV.Float()

		w.WriteString(strconv.FormatFloat(fval, 'f', -1, 64))
	case kindOfV == reflect.Bool:
		D.EscapeBool(w, valueOfV.Bool())
	case kindOfV == reflect.Struct:
		if typeOfV := valueOfV.Type(); typeOfV == typeOfTime {
			t := valueOfV.Interface().(time.Time)
			D.EscapeTime(w, t)
		} else {
			return ErrInvalidValue
	case kindOfV == reflect.Slice:
		typeOfV := reflect.TypeOf(v)
		subtype := typeOfV.Elem()
		kindOfSubtype := subtype.Kind()

		sliceLen := valueOfV.Len()
		stringSlice := make([]string, 0, sliceLen)

		switch {
		case sliceLen == 0:
			return ErrInvalidSliceLength
		case isInt(kindOfSubtype):
			for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ {
				var ival = valueOfV.Index(i).Int()
				stringSlice = append(stringSlice, strconv.FormatInt(ival, 10))
		case isUint(kindOfSubtype):
			for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ {
				var uival = valueOfV.Index(i).Uint()
				stringSlice = append(stringSlice, strconv.FormatUint(uival, 10))
		case kindOfSubtype == reflect.String:
			for i := 0; i < sliceLen; i++ {
				var str = valueOfV.Index(i).String()
				if !utf8.ValidString(str) {
					return ErrNotUTF8
				var buf = bufferpool.Get()
				D.EscapeString(buf, str)
				stringSlice = append(stringSlice, buf.String())
			return ErrInvalidSliceValue
		w.WriteString(strings.Join(stringSlice, ","))
		return ErrInvalidValue
	return nil
Esempio n. 6
// ToSql serialized the SelectBuilder to a SQL string
// It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments
func (b *SelectBuilder) ToSql() (string, []interface{}, error) {
	if b.RawFullSql != "" {
		return b.RawFullSql, b.RawArguments, nil

	if len(b.JoinFragments) > 0 {
		for _, f := range b.JoinFragments {
			if f.columnsAdded == false && len(f.columns) > 0 {
				for _, c := range f.columns {
					if c != "" {
						b.Columns = append(b.Columns, c)
				f.columnsAdded = true

	if len(b.Columns) == 0 {
		panic("no columns specified")
	if len(b.FromTable) == 0 {
		panic("no table specified")

	var sql = bufferpool.Get()
	defer bufferpool.Put(sql)

	var args []interface{}

	sql.WriteString("SELECT ")

	if b.IsDistinct {
		sql.WriteString("DISTINCT ")

	for i, s := range b.Columns {
		if i > 0 {
			sql.WriteString(", ")

	sql.WriteString(" FROM ")

	if len(b.JoinFragments) > 0 {
		for _, f := range b.JoinFragments {
			sql.WriteString(" " + f.joinType + " JOIN " + f.table + " ON ")
			writeWhereFragmentsToSql(f.onConditions, sql, &args)

	if len(b.WhereFragments) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" WHERE ")
		writeWhereFragmentsToSql(b.WhereFragments, sql, &args)

	if len(b.GroupBys) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" GROUP BY ")
		for i, s := range b.GroupBys {
			if i > 0 {
				sql.WriteString(", ")

	if len(b.HavingFragments) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" HAVING ")
		writeWhereFragmentsToSql(b.HavingFragments, sql, &args)

	if len(b.OrderBys) > 0 {
		sql.WriteString(" ORDER BY ")
		for i, s := range b.OrderBys {
			if i > 0 {
				sql.WriteString(", ")

	if b.LimitValid {
		sql.WriteString(" LIMIT ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.LimitCount)

	if b.OffsetValid {
		sql.WriteString(" OFFSET ")
		fmt.Fprint(sql, b.OffsetCount)
	return sql.String(), args, nil
Esempio n. 7
// ToSql serialized the InsertBuilder to a SQL string
// It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments
func (b *InsertBuilder) ToSql() (string, []interface{}, error) {
	if len(b.Into) == 0 {
		return "", nil, ErrMissingTable
	if len(b.Cols) == 0 && len(b.Maps) == 0 {
		panic("no columns or map specified")
	} else if len(b.Maps) == 0 {
		if len(b.Vals) == 0 && len(b.Recs) == 0 {
			panic("no values or records specified")
		if len(b.Cols) == 0 && (len(b.Vals) > 0 || len(b.Recs) > 0) {
			panic("no columns specified")

	var sql = bufferpool.Get()
	defer bufferpool.Put(sql)

	sql.WriteString("INSERT INTO ")
	sql.WriteString(" (")

	if len(b.Maps) != 0 {
		return b.MapToSql(sql)

	var args []interface{}
	var placeholder = bufferpool.Get() // Build the placeholder like "(?,?,?)"
	defer bufferpool.Put(placeholder)

	// Simulataneously write the cols to the sql buffer, and build a placeholder
	for i, c := range b.Cols {
		if i > 0 {
		Quoter.writeQuotedColumn(c, sql)
	sql.WriteString(") VALUES ")
	placeholderStr := placeholder.String()

	// Go thru each value we want to insert. Write the placeholders, and collect args
	for i, row := range b.Vals {
		if i > 0 {

		for _, v := range row {
			args = append(args, v)
	anyVals := len(b.Vals) > 0

	// Go thru the records. Write the placeholders, and do reflection on the records to extract args
	for i, rec := range b.Recs {
		if i > 0 || anyVals {

		ind := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(rec))
		vals, err := b.valuesFor(ind.Type(), ind, b.Cols)
		if err != nil {
		for _, v := range vals {
			args = append(args, v)

	return sql.String(), args, nil