Esempio n. 1
// Top-level handler call. It's passed a pointer to the specific method to run.
func (h *handler) invoke(method handlerMethod) error {
	restExpvars.Add("requests_total", 1)
	restExpvars.Add("requests_active", 1)
	defer restExpvars.Add("requests_active", -1)

	var err error
	if h.server.config.CompressResponses == nil || *h.server.config.CompressResponses {
		if encoded := NewEncodedResponseWriter(h.response, h.rq); encoded != nil {
			h.response = encoded
			defer encoded.Close()

	switch h.rq.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") {
	case "":
		h.requestBody = h.rq.Body
	case "gzip":
		if h.requestBody, err = gzip.NewReader(h.rq.Body); err != nil {
			return err
		h.rq.Header.Del("Content-Encoding") // to prevent double decoding later on
		return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, "Unsupported Content-Encoding; use gzip")

	h.setHeader("Server", VersionString)

	// If there is a "db" path variable, look up the database context:
	var dbContext *db.DatabaseContext
	if dbname := h.PathVar("db"); dbname != "" {
		if dbContext, err = h.server.GetDatabase(dbname); err != nil {
			return err

	// Authenticate, if not on admin port:
	if h.privs != adminPrivs {
		if err = h.checkAuth(dbContext); err != nil {
			return err


	// Now set the request's Database (i.e. context + user)
	if dbContext != nil {
		h.db, err = db.GetDatabase(dbContext, h.user)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return method(h) // Call the actual handler code
Esempio n. 2
func collectAccessRelatedWarnings(config *DbConfig, context *db.DatabaseContext) []string {

	currentDb, err := db.GetDatabase(context, nil)
	if err != nil {
		base.Warn("Could not get database, skipping access related warnings")

	numUsersInDb := 0

	// If no users defined in config, and no users were returned from the view, add warning.
	// NOTE: currently ignoring the fact that the config could contain only disabled=true users.
	if len(config.Users) == 0 {

		// There are no users in the config, but there might be users in the db.  Find out
		// by querying the "view principals" view which will return users and roles.  We only want to
		// find out if there is at least one user (or role) defined, so set limit == 1 to minimize
		// performance hit of query.
		viewOptions := db.Body{
			"stale": false,
			"limit": 1,
		vres, err := currentDb.Bucket.View(db.DesignDocSyncGateway, db.ViewPrincipals, viewOptions)
		if err != nil {
			base.Warn("Error trying to query ViewPrincipals: %v", err)
			return []string{}

		numUsersInDb = len(vres.Rows)

		if len(vres.Rows) == 0 {
			noUsersWarning := fmt.Sprintf("No users have been defined in the '%v' database, which means that you will not be able to get useful data out of the sync gateway over the standard port.  FIX: define users in the configuration json or via the REST API on the admin port, and grant users to channels via the admin_channels parameter.", currentDb.Name)

			return []string{noUsersWarning}



	// If the GUEST user is the *only* user defined, but it is disabled or has no access to channels, add warning
	guestUser, ok := config.Users[base.GuestUsername]
	if ok == true {
		// Do we have any other users?  If so, we're done.
		if len(config.Users) > 1 || numUsersInDb > 1 {
			return []string{}
		if guestUser.Disabled == true || len(guestUser.ExplicitChannels) == 0 {
			noGuestChannelsWarning := fmt.Sprintf("The GUEST user is the only user defined in the '%v' database, but is either disabled or has no access to any channels.  This means that you will not be able to get useful data out of the sync gateway over the standard port.  FIX: enable and/or grant access to the GUEST user to channels via the admin_channels parameter.", currentDb.Name)
			return []string{noGuestChannelsWarning}

	return []string{}

Esempio n. 3
// Top-level handler call. It's passed a pointer to the specific method to run.
func (h *handler) invoke(method handlerMethod) error {
	base.StatsExpvars.Add("requests_total", 1)
	base.StatsExpvars.Add("requests_active", 1)
	defer base.StatsExpvars.Add("requests_active", -1)

	var err error
	if h.server.config.CompressResponses == nil || *h.server.config.CompressResponses {
		if encoded := NewEncodedResponseWriter(h.response, h.rq); encoded != nil {
			h.response = encoded
			defer encoded.Close()

	switch h.rq.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") {
	case "":
		h.requestBody = h.rq.Body
	case "gzip":
		if h.requestBody, err = gzip.NewReader(h.rq.Body); err != nil {
			return err
		h.rq.Header.Del("Content-Encoding") // to prevent double decoding later on
		return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, "Unsupported Content-Encoding; use gzip")

	h.setHeader("Server", VersionString)

	// If there is a "db" path variable, look up the database context:
	var dbContext *db.DatabaseContext
	if dbname := h.PathVar("db"); dbname != "" {
		if dbContext, err = h.server.GetDatabase(dbname); err != nil {
			return err

	// If this call is in the context of a DB make sure the DB is in a valid state
	if dbContext != nil {
		if !h.runOffline {

			//get a read lock on the dbContext
			//When the lock is returned we know that the db state will not be changed by
			//any other call

			//defer releasing the dbContext until after the handler method returns
			defer dbContext.AccessLock.RUnlock()

			dbState := atomic.LoadUint32(&dbContext.State)

			//if dbState == db.DBOnline, continue flow and invoke the handler method
			if dbState == db.DBOffline {
				//DB is offline, only handlers with runOffline true can run in this state
				return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusServiceUnavailable, "DB is currently under maintenance")
			} else if dbState != db.DBOnline {
				//DB is in transition state, no calls will be accepted until it is Online or Offline state
				return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusServiceUnavailable, fmt.Sprintf("DB is %v - try again later", db.RunStateString[dbState]))

	// Authenticate, if not on admin port:
	if h.privs != adminPrivs {
		if err = h.checkAuth(dbContext); err != nil {
			return err


	// Now set the request's Database (i.e. context + user)
	if dbContext != nil {
		h.db, err = db.GetDatabase(dbContext, h.user)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return method(h) // Call the actual handler code
Esempio n. 4
// Adds a database to the ServerContext.  Attempts a read after it gets the write
// lock to see if it's already been added by another process. If so, returns either the
// existing DatabaseContext or an error based on the useExisting flag.
func (sc *ServerContext) _getOrAddDatabaseFromConfig(config *DbConfig, useExisting bool) (*db.DatabaseContext, error) {

	server := "http://localhost:8091"
	pool := "default"
	bucketName := config.Name

	if config.Server != nil {
		server = *config.Server
	if config.Pool != nil {
		pool = *config.Pool
	if config.Bucket != nil {
		bucketName = *config.Bucket
	dbName := config.Name
	if dbName == "" {
		dbName = bucketName

	if sc.databases_[dbName] != nil {
		if useExisting {
			return sc.databases_[dbName], nil
		} else {
			return nil, base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, // what CouchDB returns
				"Duplicate database name %q", dbName)

	base.Logf("Opening db /%s as bucket %q, pool %q, server <%s>",
		dbName, bucketName, pool, server)

	if err := db.ValidateDatabaseName(dbName); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var importDocs, autoImport bool
	switch config.ImportDocs {
	case nil, false:
	case true:
		importDocs = true
	case "continuous":
		importDocs = true
		autoImport = true
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized value for ImportDocs: %#v", config.ImportDocs)

	feedType := strings.ToLower(config.FeedType)

	// Connect to the bucket and add the database:
	spec := base.BucketSpec{
		Server:     server,
		PoolName:   pool,
		BucketName: bucketName,
		FeedType:   feedType,

	// If we are using DCPSHARD feed type, set CbgtContext on bucket spec
	if feedType == strings.ToLower(base.DcpShardFeedType) {
		spec.CbgtContext = sc.CbgtContext

	if config.Username != "" {
		spec.Auth = config

	// Set cache properties, if present
	cacheOptions := db.CacheOptions{}
	if config.CacheConfig != nil {
		if config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CachePendingSeqMaxNum = *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum
		if config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CachePendingSeqMaxWait = time.Duration(*config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait) * time.Millisecond
		if config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait = time.Duration(*config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait) * time.Millisecond
		// set EnableStarChannelLog directly here (instead of via NewDatabaseContext), so that it's set when we create the channels view in ConnectToBucket
		if config.CacheConfig.EnableStarChannel != nil {
			db.EnableStarChannelLog = *config.CacheConfig.EnableStarChannel

		if config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMaxLength != nil && *config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMaxLength > 0 {
			cacheOptions.ChannelCacheMaxLength = *config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMaxLength
		if config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMinLength != nil && *config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMinLength > 0 {
			cacheOptions.ChannelCacheMinLength = *config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheMinLength
		if config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheAge != nil && *config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheAge > 0 {
			cacheOptions.ChannelCacheAge = time.Duration(*config.CacheConfig.ChannelCacheAge) * time.Second


	bucket, err := db.ConnectToBucket(spec, func(bucket string, err error) {
		base.Warn("Lost TAP feed for bucket %s, with error: %v", bucket, err)

		if dc := sc.databases_[dbName]; dc != nil {
			dc.TakeDbOffline("Lost TAP feed")

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Channel index definition, if present
	channelIndexOptions := &db.ChangeIndexOptions{} // TODO: this is confusing!  why is it called both a "change index" and a "channel index"?
	sequenceHashOptions := &db.SequenceHashOptions{}
	if config.ChannelIndex != nil {
		indexServer := "http://localhost:8091"
		indexPool := "default"
		indexBucketName := ""

		if config.ChannelIndex.Server != nil {
			indexServer = *config.ChannelIndex.Server
		if config.ChannelIndex.Pool != nil {
			indexPool = *config.ChannelIndex.Pool
		if config.ChannelIndex.Bucket != nil {
			indexBucketName = *config.ChannelIndex.Bucket
		indexSpec := base.BucketSpec{
			Server:          indexServer,
			PoolName:        indexPool,
			BucketName:      indexBucketName,
			CouchbaseDriver: base.GoCB,
		if config.ChannelIndex.Username != "" {
			indexSpec.Auth = config.ChannelIndex

		if config.ChannelIndex.NumShards != 0 {
			channelIndexOptions.NumShards = config.ChannelIndex.NumShards
		} else {
			channelIndexOptions.NumShards = 64


		channelIndexOptions.Spec = indexSpec
		channelIndexOptions.Writer = config.ChannelIndex.IndexWriter

		// TODO: separate config of hash bucket
		sequenceHashOptions.Bucket, err = base.GetBucket(indexSpec, nil)
		if err != nil {
			base.Logf("Error opening sequence hash bucket %q, pool %q, server <%s>",
				indexBucketName, indexPool, indexServer)
			// TODO: revert to local index?
			return nil, err
		sequenceHashOptions.Size = 32
	} else {
		channelIndexOptions = nil

	var revCacheSize uint32
	if config.RevCacheSize != nil && *config.RevCacheSize > 0 {
		revCacheSize = *config.RevCacheSize
	} else {
		revCacheSize = db.KDefaultRevisionCacheCapacity

	contextOptions := db.DatabaseContextOptions{
		CacheOptions:          &cacheOptions,
		IndexOptions:          channelIndexOptions,
		SequenceHashOptions:   sequenceHashOptions,
		RevisionCacheCapacity: revCacheSize,
		AdminInterface:        sc.config.AdminInterface,

	dbcontext, err := db.NewDatabaseContext(dbName, bucket, autoImport, contextOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	dbcontext.BucketSpec = spec

	syncFn := ""
	if config.Sync != nil {
		syncFn = *config.Sync
	if err := sc.applySyncFunction(dbcontext, syncFn); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if importDocs {
		db, _ := db.GetDatabase(dbcontext, nil)
		if _, err := db.UpdateAllDocChannels(false, true); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if config.RevsLimit != nil && *config.RevsLimit > 0 {
		dbcontext.RevsLimit = *config.RevsLimit

	dbcontext.AllowEmptyPassword = config.AllowEmptyPassword

	if dbcontext.ChannelMapper == nil {
		base.Logf("Using default sync function 'channel(doc.channels)' for database %q", dbName)

	// Create default users & roles:
	if err := sc.installPrincipals(dbcontext, config.Roles, "role"); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if err := sc.installPrincipals(dbcontext, config.Users, "user"); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	emitAccessRelatedWarnings(config, dbcontext)

	// Install bucket-shadower if any:
	if shadow := config.Shadow; shadow != nil {
		if err := sc.startShadowing(dbcontext, shadow); err != nil {
			base.Warn("Database %q: unable to connect to external bucket for shadowing: %v",
				dbName, err)

	// Initialize event handlers
	if err := sc.initEventHandlers(dbcontext, config); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	dbcontext.ExitChanges = make(chan struct{})

	// Register it so HTTP handlers can find it:
	sc.databases_[dbcontext.Name] = dbcontext

	// Save the config
	sc.config.Databases[config.Name] = config

	if config.StartOffline {
		atomic.StoreUint32(&dbcontext.State, db.DBOffline)
		if dbcontext.EventMgr.HasHandlerForEvent(db.DBStateChange) {
			dbcontext.EventMgr.RaiseDBStateChangeEvent(dbName, "offline", "DB loaded from config", *sc.config.AdminInterface)
	} else {
		atomic.StoreUint32(&dbcontext.State, db.DBOnline)
		if dbcontext.EventMgr.HasHandlerForEvent(db.DBStateChange) {
			dbcontext.EventMgr.RaiseDBStateChangeEvent(dbName, "online", "DB loaded from config", *sc.config.AdminInterface)

	return dbcontext, nil
Esempio n. 5
// Adds a database to the ServerContext.  Attempts a read after it gets the write
// lock to see if it's already been added by another process. If so, returns either the
// existing DatabaseContext or an error based on the useExisting flag.
func (sc *ServerContext) getOrAddDatabaseFromConfig(config *DbConfig, useExisting bool) (*db.DatabaseContext, error) {
	// Obtain write lock during add database, to avoid race condition when creating based on ConfigServer
	defer sc.lock.Unlock()

	server := "http://localhost:8091"
	pool := "default"
	bucketName := config.Name

	if config.Server != nil {
		server = *config.Server
	if config.Pool != nil {
		pool = *config.Pool
	if config.Bucket != nil {
		bucketName = *config.Bucket
	dbName := config.Name
	if dbName == "" {
		dbName = bucketName

	if sc.databases_[dbName] != nil {
		if useExisting {
			return sc.databases_[dbName], nil
		} else {
			return nil, base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, // what CouchDB returns
				"Duplicate database name %q", dbName)

	base.Logf("Opening db /%s as bucket %q, pool %q, server <%s>",
		dbName, bucketName, pool, server)

	if err := db.ValidateDatabaseName(dbName); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var importDocs, autoImport bool
	switch config.ImportDocs {
	case nil, false:
	case true:
		importDocs = true
	case "continuous":
		importDocs = true
		autoImport = true
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized value for ImportDocs: %#v", config.ImportDocs)

	feedType := strings.ToLower(config.FeedType)

	// Connect to the bucket and add the database:
	spec := base.BucketSpec{
		Server:     server,
		PoolName:   pool,
		BucketName: bucketName,
		FeedType:   feedType,
	if config.Username != "" {
		spec.Auth = config

	// Set cache properties, if present
	cacheOptions := db.CacheOptions{}
	if config.CacheConfig != nil {
		if config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CachePendingSeqMaxNum = *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxNum
		if config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CachePendingSeqMaxWait = time.Duration(*config.CacheConfig.CachePendingSeqMaxWait) * time.Millisecond
		if config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait != nil && *config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait > 0 {
			cacheOptions.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait = time.Duration(*config.CacheConfig.CacheSkippedSeqMaxWait) * time.Millisecond
		// set EnableStarChannelLog directly here (instead of via NewDatabaseContext), so that it's set when we create the channels view in ConnectToBucket
		if config.CacheConfig.EnableStarChannel != nil {
			db.EnableStarChannelLog = *config.CacheConfig.EnableStarChannel

	bucket, err := db.ConnectToBucket(spec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	dbcontext, err := db.NewDatabaseContext(dbName, bucket, autoImport, cacheOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	syncFn := ""
	if config.Sync != nil {
		syncFn = *config.Sync
	if err := sc.applySyncFunction(dbcontext, syncFn); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if importDocs {
		db, _ := db.GetDatabase(dbcontext, nil)
		if _, err := db.UpdateAllDocChannels(false, true); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if config.RevsLimit != nil && *config.RevsLimit > 0 {
		dbcontext.RevsLimit = *config.RevsLimit

	dbcontext.AllowEmptyPassword = config.AllowEmptyPassword

	if dbcontext.ChannelMapper == nil {
		base.Logf("Using default sync function 'channel(doc.channels)' for database %q", dbName)

	// Create default users & roles:
	if err := sc.installPrincipals(dbcontext, config.Roles, "role"); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if err := sc.installPrincipals(dbcontext, config.Users, "user"); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Install bucket-shadower if any:
	if shadow := config.Shadow; shadow != nil {
		if err := sc.startShadowing(dbcontext, shadow); err != nil {
			base.Warn("Database %q: unable to connect to external bucket for shadowing: %v",
				dbName, err)

	// Initialize event handlers, if any:
	if config.EventHandlers != nil {
		// Process document commit event handlers
		if err = sc.processEventHandlersForEvent(config.EventHandlers.DocumentChanged, db.DocumentChange, dbcontext); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// WaitForProcess uses string, to support both omitempty and zero values
		customWaitTime := int64(-1)
		if config.EventHandlers.WaitForProcess != "" {
			customWaitTime, err = strconv.ParseInt(config.EventHandlers.WaitForProcess, 10, 0)
			if err != nil {
				customWaitTime = -1
				base.Warn("Error parsing wait_for_process from config, using default %s", err)
		dbcontext.EventMgr.Start(config.EventHandlers.MaxEventProc, int(customWaitTime))

	// Register it so HTTP handlers can find it:
	sc.databases_[dbcontext.Name] = dbcontext

	// Save the config
	sc.config.Databases[config.Name] = config
	return dbcontext, nil