Esempio n. 1
func TestShadowerPush(t *testing.T) {
	//base.LogKeys["Shadow"] = true
	bucket := makeExternalBucket()
	defer bucket.Close()

	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)

	var err error
	db.Shadower, err = NewShadower(db.DatabaseContext, bucket, nil)
	assertNoError(t, err, "NewShadower")

	key1rev1, err := db.Put("key1", Body{"aaa": "bbb"})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Put")
	_, err = db.Put("key2", Body{"ccc": "ddd"})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Put")

	base.Log("Waiting for shadower to catch up...")
	var doc1, doc2 Body
	waitFor(t, func() bool {
		return bucket.Get("key1", &doc1) == nil && bucket.Get("key2", &doc2) == nil
	assert.DeepEquals(t, doc1, Body{"aaa": "bbb"})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, doc2, Body{"ccc": "ddd"})

	base.Log("Deleting local doc")
	db.DeleteDoc("key1", key1rev1)

	waitFor(t, func() bool {
		err = bucket.Get("key1", &doc1)
		return err != nil
	assert.True(t, base.IsDocNotFoundError(err))
Esempio n. 2
// Looks up a User by email address.
func (auth *Authenticator) GetUserByEmail(email string) (User, error) {
	var info userByEmailInfo
	err := auth.bucket.Get(docIDForUserEmail(email), &info)
	if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
		return nil, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return auth.GetUser(info.Username)
Esempio n. 3
// Gets the body of a revision's nearest ancestor, as raw JSON (without _id or _rev.)
// If no ancestor has any JSON, returns nil but no error.
func (db *Database) getAncestorJSON(doc *document, revid string) ([]byte, error) {
	for {
		if revid = doc.History.getParent(revid); revid == "" {
			return nil, nil
		} else if body, err := db.getRevisionJSON(doc, revid); body != nil {
			return body, nil
		} else if !base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			return nil, err
Esempio n. 4
// Looks up the information for a user.
// If the username is "" it will return the default (guest) User object, not nil.
// By default the guest User has access to everything, i.e. Admin Party! This can
// be changed by altering its list of channels and saving the changes via SetUser.
func (auth *Authenticator) GetUser(username string) (*User, error) {
	var user *User
	err := auth.bucket.Get(docIDForUser(username), &user)
	if err != nil && !base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
		return nil, err
	if user == nil && username == "" {
		user = &User{Name: username, Channels: []string{"*"}}
	return user, nil
Esempio n. 5
func (db *Database) getOldRevisionJSON(docid string, revid string) ([]byte, error) {
	data, err := db.Bucket.GetRaw(oldRevisionKey(docid, revid))
	if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
		base.LogTo("CRUD+", "No old revision %q / %q", docid, revid)
		err = nil
	if data != nil {
		base.LogTo("CRUD+", "Got old revision %q / %q --> %d bytes", docid, revid, len(data))
	return data, err
Esempio n. 6
// Calls the JS sync function to assign the doc to channels, grant users
// access to channels, and reject invalid documents.
func (db *Database) getChannelsAndAccess(doc *document, body Body, parentRevID string) (result base.Set, access channels.AccessMap, roles channels.AccessMap, err error) {
	base.LogTo("CRUD+", "Invoking sync on doc %q rev %s", doc.ID, body["_rev"])

	// Get the parent revision, to pass to the sync function:
	var oldJson string
	if parentRevID != "" {
		var oldJsonBytes []byte
		oldJsonBytes, err = db.getRevisionJSON(doc, parentRevID)
		if err != nil {
			if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
				err = nil
		oldJson = string(oldJsonBytes)

	if db.ChannelMapper != nil {
		// Call the ChannelMapper:
		var output *channels.ChannelMapperOutput
		output, err = db.ChannelMapper.MapToChannelsAndAccess(body, oldJson,
		if err == nil {
			result = output.Channels
			access = output.Access
			roles = output.Roles
			err = output.Rejection
			if err != nil {
				base.Log("Sync fn rejected: new=%+v  old=%s --> %s", body, oldJson, err)
			} else if !validateAccessMap(access) || !validateRoleAccessMap(roles) {
				err = base.HTTPErrorf(500, "Error in JS sync function")

		} else {
			base.Warn("Sync fn exception: %+v; doc = %s", err, body)
			err = base.HTTPErrorf(500, "Exception in JS sync function")

	} else {
		// No ChannelMapper so by default use the "channels" property:
		value, _ := body["channels"].([]interface{})
		if value != nil {
			array := make([]string, 0, len(value))
			for _, channel := range value {
				channelStr, ok := channel.(string)
				if ok && len(channelStr) > 0 {
					array = append(array, channelStr)
			result, err = channels.SetFromArray(array, channels.KeepStar)
Esempio n. 7
// HTTP handler for a PUT of an attachment
func (h *handler) handlePutAttachment() error {
	docid := h.PathVar("docid")
	attachmentName := h.PathVar("attach")
	attachmentContentType := h.rq.Header.Get("Content-Type")
	if attachmentContentType == "" {
		attachmentContentType = "application/octet-stream"
	revid := h.getQuery("rev")
	if revid == "" {
		revid = h.rq.Header.Get("If-Match")
	attachmentData, err := h.readBody()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	body, err := h.db.GetRev(docid, revid, false, nil)
	if err != nil && base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
		// couchdb creates empty body on attachment PUT
		// for non-existant doc id
		body = db.Body{}
		body["_rev"] = revid
	} else if err != nil {
		return err
	} else if body != nil {
		body["_rev"] = revid

	// find attachment (if it existed)
	attachments := db.BodyAttachments(body)
	if attachments == nil {
		attachments = make(map[string]interface{})

	// create new attachment
	attachment := make(map[string]interface{})
	attachment["data"] = attachmentData
	attachment["content_type"] = attachmentContentType

	//attach it
	attachments[attachmentName] = attachment
	body["_attachments"] = attachments

	newRev, err := h.db.Put(docid, body)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	h.setHeader("Etag", newRev)

	h.writeJSONStatus(http.StatusCreated, db.Body{"ok": true, "id": docid, "rev": newRev})
	return nil
Esempio n. 8
// Loads a channel's log from the database and returns it.
func (db *Database) GetChangeLog(channelName string, afterSeq uint64) (*channels.ChangeLog, error) {
	if raw, err := db.Bucket.GetRaw(channelLogDocID(channelName)); err == nil {
		log, err := decodeChannelLog(raw)
		if err == nil {
		return log, err
	} else {
		if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			err = nil
		return nil, err
Esempio n. 9
// Given a document ID and a set of revision IDs, looks up which ones are not known.
func (db *Database) RevDiff(docid string, revids []string) (missing, possible []string) {
	if strings.HasPrefix(docid, "_design/") && db.user != nil {
		return // Users can't upload design docs, so ignore them
	doc, err := db.GetDoc(docid)
	if err != nil {
		if !base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			base.Warn("RevDiff(%q) --> %T %v", docid, err, err)
			// If something goes wrong getting the doc, treat it as though it's nonexistent.
		missing = revids
	revmap := doc.History
	found := make(map[string]bool)
	maxMissingGen := 0
	for _, revid := range revids {
		if revmap.contains(revid) {
			found[revid] = true
		} else {
			if missing == nil {
				missing = make([]string, 0, 5)
			gen, _ := parseRevID(revid)
			if gen > 0 {
				missing = append(missing, revid)
				if gen > maxMissingGen {
					maxMissingGen = gen
	if missing != nil {
		possible = make([]string, 0, 5)
		for revid, _ := range revmap {
			gen, _ := parseRevID(revid)
			if !found[revid] && gen < maxMissingGen {
				possible = append(possible, revid)
		if len(possible) == 0 {
			possible = nil
Esempio n. 10
func (auth *Authenticator) AuthenticateCookie(rq *http.Request) (*User, error) {
	cookie, _ := rq.Cookie(CookieName)
	if cookie == nil {
		return nil, nil

	var session LoginSession
	err := auth.bucket.Get(docIDForSession(cookie.Value), &session)
	if err != nil {
		if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			err = nil
		return nil, err
	// Don't need to check session.Expiration, because Couchbase will have nuked the document.
	return auth.GetUser(session.Username)
Esempio n. 11
// Sets the database context's sync function based on the JS code from config.
// If the function is different from the prior one, all documents are run through it again to
// update their channel assignments and the access privileges they assign to users and roles.
// If importExistingDocs is true, documents in the bucket that are not known to Sync Gateway will
// be imported (have _sync data added) and run through the sync function.
func (context *DatabaseContext) ApplySyncFun(syncFun string, importExistingDocs bool) error {
	var err error
	if syncFun == "" {
		context.ChannelMapper = nil
	} else if context.ChannelMapper != nil {
		_, err = context.ChannelMapper.SetFunction(syncFun)
	} else {
		context.ChannelMapper = channels.NewChannelMapper(syncFun)
	if err != nil {
		base.Warn("Error setting sync function: %s", err)
		return err

	// Check whether the sync function is different from the previous one:
	var syncData struct {
		Sync string
	err = context.Bucket.Get(kSyncDataKey, &syncData)
	syncDataMissing := base.IsDocNotFoundError(err)
	if err != nil && !syncDataMissing {
		return err
	} else if syncFun == syncData.Sync {
		// Sync function hasn't changed. But if importing, scan imported docs anyway:
		if importExistingDocs {
			db := &Database{context, nil}
			return db.UpdateAllDocChannels(false, importExistingDocs)
		return nil
	} else {
		if !syncDataMissing {
			// It's changed, so re-run it on all docs:
			db := &Database{context, nil}
			if err = db.UpdateAllDocChannels(true, importExistingDocs); err != nil {
				return err

		// Finally save the new function source:
		syncData.Sync = syncFun
		return context.Bucket.Set(kSyncDataKey, 0, syncData)
Esempio n. 12
// Loads a channel's log from the database and returns it.
func (c *changesWriter) getChangeLog(channelName string, afterSeq uint64) (*channels.ChangeLog, error) {
	raw, err := c.bucket.GetRaw(channelLogDocID(channelName))
	if err != nil {
		if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			err = nil
		return nil, err

	log := channels.DecodeChangeLog(bytes.NewReader(raw), afterSeq)
	if log == nil {
		// Log is corrupt, so delete it; caller will regenerate it.
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Corrupt log")
	base.LogTo("ChannelLog", "Read %q -- %d bytes, %d entries (since=%d) after #%d",
		channelName, len(raw), len(log.Entries), log.Since, afterSeq)
	return log, nil
Esempio n. 13
// Loads a channel's log from the database and returns it.
func (c *channelLogWriter) getChangeLog(afterSeq uint64) (*channels.ChangeLog, error) {
	cachedLog := c.cachedLog

	// Read from cache if available:
	entries := cachedLog.EntriesAfter(afterSeq)
	if entries == nil && afterSeq > cachedLog.Since {
		entries = cachedLog.Entries
	if entries != nil {
		log := &channels.ChangeLog{Since: afterSeq, Entries: entries}
		if log.HasEmptyEntries() {
			log = log.CopyRemovingEmptyEntries()
		base.LogTo("Changes", "Using cached entries for afterSeq=%d (returning %d)",
			afterSeq, len(log.Entries))
		dbExpvars.Add("channelLogCacheHits", 1)
		return log, nil

	raw, err := c.bucket.GetRaw(channelLogDocID(c.channelName))
	if err != nil {
		if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			err = nil
		return nil, err

	dbExpvars.Add("channelLogCacheMisses", 1)
	log := channels.DecodeChangeLog(bytes.NewReader(raw), afterSeq, nil)
	if log == nil {
		// Log is corrupt, so delete it; caller will regenerate it.
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Corrupt log")
	log = log.CopyRemovingEmptyEntries()
	base.LogTo("ChannelLog", "Read %q -- %d bytes, %d entries (since=%d) after #%d",
		c.channelName, len(raw), len(log.Entries), log.Since, afterSeq)
	return log, nil
Esempio n. 14
func (auth *Authenticator) AuthenticateCookie(rq *http.Request, response http.ResponseWriter) (User, error) {
	cookie, _ := rq.Cookie(CookieName)
	if cookie == nil {
		return nil, nil

	var session LoginSession
	err := auth.bucket.Get(docIDForSession(cookie.Value), &session)
	if err != nil {
		if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			err = nil
		return nil, err
	// Don't need to check session.Expiration, because Couchbase will have nuked the document.
	//update the session Expiration if 10% or more of the current expiration time has elapsed
	//if the session does not contain a Ttl (probably created prior to upgrading SG), use
	//default value of 24Hours
	if session.Ttl == 0 {
		session.Ttl = kDefaultSessionTTL
	duration := session.Ttl
	sessionTimeElapsed := int((time.Now().Add(duration).Sub(session.Expiration)).Seconds())
	tenPercentOfTtl := int(duration.Seconds()) / 10
	if sessionTimeElapsed > tenPercentOfTtl {
		session.Expiration = time.Now().Add(duration)
		ttlSec := int(duration.Seconds())
		if err = auth.bucket.Set(docIDForSession(session.ID), ttlSec, session); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		cookie.Expires = session.Expiration
		http.SetCookie(response, cookie)
	user, err := auth.GetUser(session.Username)
	if user != nil && user.Disabled() {
		user = nil
	return user, err
Esempio n. 15
// Writes new changes to my channel log document.
func (c *channelLogWriter) addToChangeLog_(entries []*changeEntry) {
	var err error
	dbExpvars.Add("channelLogAdds", 1)
	logDocID := channelLogDocID(c.channelName)

	// A fraction of the time we will do a full update and clean stuff out.
	fullUpdate := AlwaysCompactChangeLog || len(entries) > MaxChangeLogLength/2 || rand.Intn(MaxChangeLogLength/len(entries)) == 0
	if !fullUpdate {
		// Non-full update; just append the new entries:
		w := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 100*len(entries)))
		for _, entry := range entries {
			entry.logEntry.Encode(w, entry.parentRevID)
		data := w.Bytes()
		err = c.bucket.Append(logDocID, data)
		if err == nil {
			base.LogTo("ChannelLog", "Appended %d sequence(s) to %q", len(entries), c.channelName)
			dbExpvars.Add("channelLogAppends", 1)
		} else if base.IsDocNotFoundError(err) {
			// Append failed due to doc not existing, so fall back to full update
			err = nil
			fullUpdate = true
		} else {
			base.Warn("Error appending to %q -- %v", len(entries), c.channelName, err)

	if fullUpdate {
		// Full update: do a CAS-based read+write:
		fullUpdateAttempts := 0
		var oldChangeLogCount, newChangeLogCount int
		err = c.bucket.WriteUpdate(logDocID, 0, func(currentValue []byte) ([]byte, walrus.WriteOptions, error) {
			numToKeep := MaxChangeLogLength - len(entries)
			if len(currentValue) == 0 || numToKeep <= 0 {
				// If log was missing or empty, or will be entirely overwritten, create a new one:
				entriesToWrite := entries
				if numToKeep < 0 {
					entriesToWrite = entries[-numToKeep:]
				channelLog := channels.ChangeLog{}
				for _, entry := range entriesToWrite {
				newChangeLogCount = len(entriesToWrite)
				oldChangeLogCount = newChangeLogCount
				return encodeChannelLog(&channelLog), walrus.Raw, nil
			} else {
				// Append to an already existing change log:
				var newValue bytes.Buffer
				var nRemoved int
				nRemoved, newChangeLogCount = channels.TruncateEncodedChangeLog(
					bytes.NewReader(currentValue), numToKeep, numToKeep/2, &newValue)
				for _, entry := range entries {
					entry.logEntry.Encode(&newValue, entry.parentRevID)
				oldChangeLogCount = nRemoved + newChangeLogCount
				newChangeLogCount += len(entries)
				return newValue.Bytes(), walrus.Raw, nil
		if err == nil {
			dbExpvars.Add("channelLogRewrites", 1)
			dbExpvars.Add("channelLogRewriteCollisions", int64(fullUpdateAttempts-1))
			base.LogTo("ChannelLog", "Wrote %d sequences (was %d now %d) to %q in %d attempts",
				len(entries), oldChangeLogCount, newChangeLogCount, c.channelName, fullUpdateAttempts)
		} else {
			base.Warn("Error writing %d sequence(s) to %q -- %v", len(entries), c.channelName, err)