Esempio n. 1
// CountP2SHSigOps returns the number of signature operations for all input
// transactions which are of the pay-to-script-hash type.  This uses the
// precise, signature operation counting mechanism from the script engine which
// requires access to the input transaction scripts.
func CountP2SHSigOps(tx *btcutil.Tx, isCoinBaseTx bool, txStore TxStore) (int, error) {
	// Coinbase transactions have no interesting inputs.
	if isCoinBaseTx {
		return 0, nil

	// Accumulate the number of signature operations in all transaction
	// inputs.
	msgTx := tx.MsgTx()
	totalSigOps := 0
	for _, txIn := range msgTx.TxIn {
		// Ensure the referenced input transaction is available.
		txInHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
		originTx, exists := txStore[*txInHash]
		if !exists || originTx.Err != nil || originTx.Tx == nil {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to find input transaction "+
				"%v referenced from transaction %v", txInHash,
			return 0, ruleError(ErrMissingTx, str)
		originMsgTx := originTx.Tx.MsgTx()

		// Ensure the output index in the referenced transaction is
		// available.
		originTxIndex := txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index
		if originTxIndex >= uint32(len(originMsgTx.TxOut)) {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("out of bounds input index %d in "+
				"transaction %v referenced from transaction %v",
				originTxIndex, txInHash, tx.Sha())
			return 0, ruleError(ErrBadTxInput, str)

		// We're only interested in pay-to-script-hash types, so skip
		// this input if it's not one.
		pkScript := originMsgTx.TxOut[originTxIndex].PkScript
		if !txscript.IsPayToScriptHash(pkScript) {

		// Count the precise number of signature operations in the
		// referenced public key script.
		sigScript := txIn.SignatureScript
		numSigOps := txscript.GetPreciseSigOpCount(sigScript, pkScript,

		// We could potentially overflow the accumulator so check for
		// overflow.
		lastSigOps := totalSigOps
		totalSigOps += numSigOps
		if totalSigOps < lastSigOps {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("the public key script from "+
				"output index %d in transaction %v contains "+
				"too many signature operations - overflow",
				originTxIndex, txInHash)
			return 0, ruleError(ErrTooManySigOps, str)

	return totalSigOps, nil
Esempio n. 2
// TestIsPayToScriptHash ensures the IsPayToScriptHash function returns the
// expected results for all the scripts in scriptClassTests.
func TestIsPayToScriptHash(t *testing.T) {

	for _, test := range scriptClassTests {
		script := mustParseShortForm(test.script)
		shouldBe := (test.class == txscript.ScriptHashTy)
		p2sh := txscript.IsPayToScriptHash(script)
		if p2sh != shouldBe {
			t.Errorf("%s: epxected p2sh %v, got %v",,
				shouldBe, p2sh)