Esempio n. 1
func exportAll(fileName string) error {
	exportedData := &ExportData{MajorVersion: ExportMajorVersion, MinorVersion: ExportMinorVersion, CreatedTime: time.Now()}
	exportedData.Data = make(map[string][]interface{})
	// ... and march through everything.
	exportedData.Data["client"] = client.ExportAllClients()
	exportedData.Data["cookbook"] = exportTransformSlice(cookbook.AllCookbooks())
	exportedData.Data["databag"] = exportTransformSlice(databag.AllDataBags())
	exportedData.Data["environment"] = exportTransformSlice(environment.AllEnvironments())
	exportedData.Data["filestore"] = exportTransformSlice(filestore.AllFilestores())
	exportedData.Data["loginfo"] = exportTransformSlice(loginfo.AllLogInfos())
	exportedData.Data["node"] = exportTransformSlice(node.AllNodes())
	exportedData.Data["report"] = exportTransformSlice(report.AllReports())
	exportedData.Data["role"] = exportTransformSlice(role.AllRoles())
	exportedData.Data["sandbox"] = exportTransformSlice(sandbox.AllSandboxes())
	exportedData.Data["user"] = user.ExportAllUsers()

	fp, err := os.Create(fileName)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	enc := json.NewEncoder(fp)
	if err = enc.Encode(&exportedData); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func (e *ChefEnvironment) cookbookList() []*cookbook.Cookbook {
	return cookbook.AllCookbooks()
Esempio n. 3
func cookbookHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	pathArray := splitPath(r.URL.Path)
	cookbookResponse := make(map[string]interface{})

	opUser, oerr := actor.GetReqUser(r.Header.Get("X-OPS-USERID"))
	if oerr != nil {
		jsonErrorReport(w, r, oerr.Error(), oerr.Status())

	var numResults string
	if nrs, found := r.Form["num_versions"]; found {
		if len(nrs) < 0 {
			jsonErrorReport(w, r, "invalid num_versions", http.StatusBadRequest)
		numResults = nrs[0]
		err := util.ValidateNumVersions(numResults)
		if err != nil {
			jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
	force := ""
	if f, fok := r.Form["force"]; fok {
		if len(f) > 0 {
			force = f[0]

	pathArrayLen := len(pathArray)

	/* 1 and 2 length path arrays only support GET */
	if pathArrayLen < 3 && r.Method != "GET" {
		jsonErrorReport(w, r, "Bad request.", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	} else if pathArrayLen < 3 && opUser.IsValidator() {
		jsonErrorReport(w, r, "You are not allowed to perform this action", http.StatusForbidden)

	/* chef-pedant is happier when checking if a validator can do something
	 * surprisingly late in the game. It wants the perm checks to be
	 * checked after the method for the end point is checked out as
	 * something it's going to handle, so, for instance, issuing a DELETE
	 * against an endpoint where that isn't allowed should respond with a
	 * 405, rather than a 403, which also makes sense in areas where
	 * validators shouldn't be able to do anything. *shrugs*

	if pathArrayLen == 1 {
		/* list all cookbooks */
		for _, cb := range cookbook.AllCookbooks() {
			cookbookResponse[cb.Name] = cb.InfoHash(numResults)
	} else if pathArrayLen == 2 {
		/* info about a cookbook and all its versions */
		cookbookName := pathArray[1]
		/* Undocumented behavior - a cookbook name of _latest gets a
		 * list of the latest versions of all the cookbooks, and _recipe
		 * gets the recipes of the latest cookbooks. */
		rlist := make([]string, 0)
		if cookbookName == "_latest" || cookbookName == "_recipes" {
			for _, cb := range cookbook.AllCookbooks() {
				if cookbookName == "_latest" {
					cookbookResponse[cb.Name] = util.CustomObjURL(cb, cb.LatestVersion().Version)
				} else {
					/* Damn it, this sends back an array of
					 * all the recipes. Fill it in, and send
					 * back the JSON ourselves. */
					rlistTmp, err := cb.LatestVersion().RecipeList()
					if err != nil {
						jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
					rlist = append(rlist, rlistTmp...)
			if cookbookName == "_recipes" {
				enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
				if err := enc.Encode(&rlist); err != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		} else {
			cb, err := cookbook.Get(cookbookName)
			if err != nil {
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
			/* Strange thing here. The API docs say if num_versions
			 * is not specified to return one cookbook, yet the
			 * spec indicates that if it's not set that all
			 * cookbooks should be returned. Most places *except
			 * here* that's the case, so it can't be changed in
			 * infoHashBase. Explicitly set numResults to all
			 * here. */
			if numResults == "" {
				numResults = "all"
			cookbookResponse[cookbookName] = cb.InfoHash(numResults)
	} else if pathArrayLen == 3 {
		/* get information about or manipulate a specific cookbook
		 * version */
		cookbookName := pathArray[1]
		var cookbookVersion string
		var vererr util.Gerror
		opUser, oerr := actor.GetReqUser(r.Header.Get("X-OPS-USERID"))
		if oerr != nil {
			jsonErrorReport(w, r, oerr.Error(), oerr.Status())
		if r.Method == "GET" && pathArray[2] == "_latest" { // might be other special vers
			cookbookVersion = pathArray[2]
		} else {
			cookbookVersion, vererr = util.ValidateAsVersion(pathArray[2])
			if vererr != nil {
				vererr := util.Errorf("Invalid cookbook version '%s'.", pathArray[2])
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, vererr.Error(), vererr.Status())
		switch r.Method {
		case "DELETE", "GET":
			if opUser.IsValidator() {
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, "You are not allowed to perform this action", http.StatusForbidden)
			cb, err := cookbook.Get(cookbookName)
			if err != nil {
				if err.Status() == http.StatusNotFound {
					msg := fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find a cookbook named %s with version %s", cookbookName, cookbookVersion)
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, msg, err.Status())
				} else {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
			cbv, err := cb.GetVersion(cookbookVersion)
			if err != nil {
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)
			if r.Method == "DELETE" {
				if !opUser.IsAdmin() {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, "You are not allowed to take this action.", http.StatusForbidden)
				err := cb.DeleteVersion(cookbookVersion)
				if err != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
				if lerr := loginfo.LogEvent(opUser, cbv, "delete"); lerr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, lerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
				/* If all versions are gone, remove the
				 * cookbook - seems to be the desired
				 * behavior. */
				if cb.NumVersions() == 0 {
					if cerr := cb.Delete(); cerr != nil {
						jsonErrorReport(w, r, cerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			} else {
				/* Special JSON rendition of the
				 * cookbook with some but not all of
				 * the fields. */
				cookbookResponse = cbv.ToJSON(r.Method)
				/* Sometimes, but not always, chef needs
				 * empty slices of maps for these
				 * values. Arrrgh. */
				/* Doing it this way is absolutely
				 * insane. However, webui really wants
				 * this information, while chef-pedant
				 * absolutely does NOT want it there.
				 * knife seems happy without it as well.
				 * Until such time that this gets
				 * resolved in a non-crazy manner, for
				 * this only send that info back if it's
				 * a webui request. */
				if rs := r.Header.Get("X-Ops-Request-Source"); rs == "web" {
					chkDiv := []string{"definitions", "libraries", "attributes", "providers", "resources", "templates", "root_files", "files"}
					for _, cd := range chkDiv {
						if cookbookResponse[cd] == nil {
							cookbookResponse[cd] = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
		case "PUT":
			if !opUser.IsAdmin() {
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, "You are not allowed to perform this action", http.StatusForbidden)
			cbvData, jerr := parseObjJSON(r.Body)
			if jerr != nil {
				jsonErrorReport(w, r, jerr.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
			/* First, see if the cookbook already exists, &
			 * if not create it. Second, see if this
			 * specific version of the cookbook exists. If
			 * so, update it, otherwise, create it and set
			 * the latest version as needed. */
			cb, err := cookbook.Get(cookbookName)
			if err != nil {
				cb, err = cookbook.New(cookbookName)
				if err != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
				/* save it so we get the id with mysql
				 * for creating versions & such */
				serr := cb.Save()
				if serr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, serr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
				if lerr := loginfo.LogEvent(opUser, cb, "create"); lerr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, lerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			cbv, err := cb.GetVersion(cookbookVersion)

			/* Does the cookbook_name in the URL and what's
			 * in the body match? */
			switch t := cbvData["cookbook_name"].(type) {
			case string:
				/* Only send this particular
				 * error if the cookbook version
				 * hasn't been created yet.
				 * Instead we want a slightly
				 * different version later. */
				if t != cookbookName && cbv == nil {
					terr := util.Errorf("Field 'name' invalid")
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, terr.Error(), terr.Status())
				// rather unlikely, I think, to
				// be able to get here past the
				// cookbook get. Punk out and
				// don't do anything

			if err != nil {
				var nerr util.Gerror
				cbv, nerr = cb.NewVersion(cookbookVersion, cbvData)
				if nerr != nil {
					// If the new version failed to
					// take, and there aren't any
					// other versions of the cookbook
					// it needs to be deleted.
					if cb.NumVersions() == 0 {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, nerr.Error(), nerr.Status())
				if lerr := loginfo.LogEvent(opUser, cbv, "create"); lerr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, lerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			} else {
				err := cbv.UpdateVersion(cbvData, force)
				if err != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), err.Status())
				gerr := cb.Save()
				if gerr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, gerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
				if lerr := loginfo.LogEvent(opUser, cbv, "modify"); lerr != nil {
					jsonErrorReport(w, r, lerr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			/* API docs are wrong. The docs claim that this
			 * should have no response body, but in fact it
			 * wants some (not all) of the cookbook version
			 * data. */
			cookbookResponse = cbv.ToJSON(r.Method)
			jsonErrorReport(w, r, "Unrecognized method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	} else {
		/* Say what? Bad request. */
		jsonErrorReport(w, r, "Bad request", http.StatusBadRequest)

	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
	if err := enc.Encode(&cookbookResponse); err != nil {
		jsonErrorReport(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)