Esempio n. 1
// newBlockImporter returns a new importer for the provided file reader seeker
// and database.
func newBlockImporter(db database.DB, r io.ReadSeeker) (*blockImporter, error) {
	// Create the various indexes as needed.
	// CAUTION: the txindex needs to be first in the indexes array because
	// the addrindex uses data from the txindex during catchup.  If the
	// addrindex is run first, it may not have the transactions from the
	// current block indexed.
	var indexes []indexers.Indexer
	if cfg.TxIndex || cfg.AddrIndex {
		// Enable transaction index if address index is enabled since it
		// requires it.
		if !cfg.TxIndex {
			log.Infof("Transaction index enabled because it is " +
				"required by the address index")
			cfg.TxIndex = true
		} else {
			log.Info("Transaction index is enabled")
		indexes = append(indexes, indexers.NewTxIndex(db))
	if cfg.AddrIndex {
		log.Info("Address index is enabled")
		indexes = append(indexes, indexers.NewAddrIndex(db, activeNetParams))
	if !cfg.NoExistsAddrIndex {
		log.Info("Exists address index is enabled")
		indexes = append(indexes, indexers.NewExistsAddrIndex(db,

	// Create an index manager if any of the optional indexes are enabled.
	var indexManager blockchain.IndexManager
	if len(indexes) > 0 {
		indexManager = indexers.NewManager(db, indexes, activeNetParams)

	chain, err := blockchain.New(&blockchain.Config{
		DB:           db,
		ChainParams:  activeNetParams,
		TimeSource:   blockchain.NewMedianTime(),
		IndexManager: indexManager,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &blockImporter{
		db:           db,
		r:            r,
		processQueue: make(chan []byte, 2),
		doneChan:     make(chan bool),
		errChan:      make(chan error),
		quit:         make(chan struct{}),
		chain:        chain,
		lastLogTime:  time.Now(),
		startTime:    time.Now(),
	}, nil
Esempio n. 2
// newBlockImporter returns a new importer for the provided file reader seeker
// and database.
func newBlockImporter(db database.Db, r io.ReadSeeker) *blockImporter {
	return &blockImporter{
		db:           db,
		r:            r,
		processQueue: make(chan []byte, 2),
		doneChan:     make(chan bool),
		errChan:      make(chan error),
		quit:         make(chan struct{}),
		chain:        blockchain.New(db, nil, activeNetParams, nil),
		medianTime:   blockchain.NewMedianTime(),
		lastLogTime:  time.Now(),
Esempio n. 3
// This example demonstrates how to create a new chain instance and use
// ProcessBlock to attempt to attempt add a block to the chain.  As the package
// overview documentation describes, this includes all of the Decred consensus
// rules.  This example intentionally attempts to insert a duplicate genesis
// block to illustrate how an invalid block is handled.
func ExampleBlockChain_ProcessBlock() {
	// Create a new database to store the accepted blocks into.  Typically
	// this would be opening an existing database and would not be deleting
	// and creating a new database like this, but it is done here so this is
	// a complete working example and does not leave temporary files laying
	// around.
	dbPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "exampleprocessblock")
	_ = os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
	db, err := database.Create("ffldb", dbPath, chaincfg.MainNetParams.Net)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to create database: %v\n", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
	defer db.Close()

	// Create a new BlockChain instance using the underlying database for
	// the main bitcoin network.  This example does not demonstrate some
	// of the other available configuration options such as specifying a
	// notification callback and signature cache.  Also, the caller would
	// ordinarily keep a reference to the median time source and add time
	// values obtained from other peers on the network so the local time is
	// adjusted to be in agreement with other peers.
	chain, err := blockchain.New(&blockchain.Config{
		DB:          db,
		ChainParams: &chaincfg.MainNetParams,
		TimeSource:  blockchain.NewMedianTime(),
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to create chain instance: %v\n", err)

	// Process a block.  For this example, we are going to intentionally
	// cause an error by trying to process the genesis block which already
	// exists.
	genesisBlock := dcrutil.NewBlock(chaincfg.MainNetParams.GenesisBlock)
	_, isOrphan, err := chain.ProcessBlock(genesisBlock, blockchain.BFNone)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to create chain instance: %v\n", err)
	fmt.Printf("Block accepted. Is it an orphan?: %v", isOrphan)

	// This output is dependent on the genesis block, and needs to be
	// updated if the mainnet genesis block is updated.
	// Output:
	// Failed to process block: already have block 267a53b5ee86c24a48ec37aee4f4e7c0c4004892b7259e695e9f5b321f1ab9d2
Esempio n. 4
// This example demonstrates how to create a new chain instance and use
// ProcessBlock to attempt to attempt add a block to the chain.  As the package
// overview documentation describes, this includes all of the Decred consensus
// rules.  This example intentionally attempts to insert a duplicate genesis
// block to illustrate how an invalid block is handled.
func ExampleBlockChain_ProcessBlock() {
	// Create a new database to store the accepted blocks into.  Typically
	// this would be opening an existing database and would not use memdb
	// which is a memory-only database backend, but we create a new db
	// here so this is a complete working example.
	db, err := database.CreateDB("memdb")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to create database: %v\n", err)
	defer db.Close()

	var tmdb *stake.TicketDB
	// Insert the main network genesis block.  This is part of the initial
	// database setup.  Like above, this typically would not be needed when
	// opening an existing database.
	genesisBlock := dcrutil.NewBlock(chaincfg.MainNetParams.GenesisBlock)
	_, err = db.InsertBlock(genesisBlock)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to insert genesis block: %v\n", err)

	// Create a new BlockChain instance without an initialized signature
	// verification cache, using the underlying database for the main
	// bitcoin network and ignore notifications.
	chain := blockchain.New(db, tmdb, &chaincfg.MainNetParams, nil, nil)

	// Create a new median time source that is required by the upcoming
	// call to ProcessBlock.  Ordinarily this would also add time values
	// obtained from other peers on the network so the local time is
	// adjusted to be in agreement with other peers.
	timeSource := blockchain.NewMedianTime()

	// Process a block.  For this example, we are going to intentionally
	// cause an error by trying to process the genesis block which already
	// exists.
	isOrphan, _, err := chain.ProcessBlock(genesisBlock, timeSource, blockchain.BFNone)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to process block: %v\n", err)
	fmt.Printf("Block accepted. Is it an orphan?: %v", isOrphan)

	// This output is dependent on the genesis block, and needs to be
	// updated if the mainnet genesis block is updated.
	// Output:
	// Failed to process block: already have block 267a53b5ee86c24a48ec37aee4f4e7c0c4004892b7259e695e9f5b321f1ab9d2
Esempio n. 5
// TestMedianTime tests the medianTime implementation.
func TestMedianTime(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		in         []int64
		wantOffset int64
		useDupID   bool
		// Not enough samples must result in an offset of 0.
		{in: []int64{1}, wantOffset: 0},
		{in: []int64{1, 2}, wantOffset: 0},
		{in: []int64{1, 2, 3}, wantOffset: 0},
		{in: []int64{1, 2, 3, 4}, wantOffset: 0},

		// Various number of entries.  The expected offset is only
		// updated on odd number of elements.
		{in: []int64{-13, 57, -4, -23, -12}, wantOffset: -12},
		{in: []int64{55, -13, 61, -52, 39, 55}, wantOffset: 39},
		{in: []int64{-62, -58, -30, -62, 51, -30, 15}, wantOffset: -30},
		{in: []int64{29, -47, 39, 54, 42, 41, 8, -33}, wantOffset: 39},
		{in: []int64{37, 54, 9, -21, -56, -36, 5, -11, -39}, wantOffset: -11},
		{in: []int64{57, -28, 25, -39, 9, 63, -16, 19, -60, 25}, wantOffset: 9},
		{in: []int64{-5, -4, -3, -2, -1}, wantOffset: -3, useDupID: true},

		// The offset stops being updated once the max number of entries
		// has been reached.  This is actually a bug from Bitcoin Core,
		// but since the time is ultimately used as a part of the
		// consensus rules, it must be mirrored.
		{in: []int64{-67, 67, -50, 24, 63, 17, 58, -14, 5, -32, -52}, wantOffset: 17},
		{in: []int64{-67, 67, -50, 24, 63, 17, 58, -14, 5, -32, -52, 45}, wantOffset: 17},
		{in: []int64{-67, 67, -50, 24, 63, 17, 58, -14, 5, -32, -52, 45, 4}, wantOffset: 17},

		// Offsets that are too far away from the local time should
		// be ignored.
		{in: []int64{-4201, 4202, -4203, 4204, -4205}, wantOffset: 0},

		// Excerise the condition where the median offset is greater
		// than the max allowed adjustment, but there is at least one
		// sample that is close enough to the current time to avoid
		// triggering a warning about an invalid local clock.
		{in: []int64{4201, 4202, 4203, 4204, -299}, wantOffset: 0},

	// Modify the max number of allowed median time entries for these tests.
	defer blockchain.TstSetMaxMedianTimeEntries(200)

	for i, test := range tests {
		filter := blockchain.NewMedianTime()
		for j, offset := range {
			id := strconv.Itoa(j)
			now := time.Unix(time.Now().Unix(), 0)
			tOffset := now.Add(time.Duration(offset) * time.Second)
			filter.AddTimeSample(id, tOffset)

			// Ensure the duplicate IDs are ignored.
			if test.useDupID {
				// Modify the offsets to ensure the final median
				// would be different if the duplicate is added.
				tOffset = tOffset.Add(time.Duration(offset) *
				filter.AddTimeSample(id, tOffset)

		// Since it is possible that the time.Now call in AddTimeSample
		// and the time.Now calls here in the tests will be off by one
		// second, allow a fudge factor to compensate.
		gotOffset := filter.Offset()
		wantOffset := time.Duration(test.wantOffset) * time.Second
		wantOffset2 := time.Duration(test.wantOffset-1) * time.Second
		if gotOffset != wantOffset && gotOffset != wantOffset2 {
			t.Errorf("Offset #%d: unexpected offset -- got %v, "+
				"want %v or %v", i, gotOffset, wantOffset,

		// Since it is possible that the time.Now call in AdjustedTime
		// and the time.Now call here in the tests will be off by one
		// second, allow a fudge factor to compensate.
		adjustedTime := filter.AdjustedTime()
		now := time.Unix(time.Now().Unix(), 0)
		wantTime := now.Add(filter.Offset())
		wantTime2 := now.Add(filter.Offset() - time.Second)
		if !adjustedTime.Equal(wantTime) && !adjustedTime.Equal(wantTime2) {
			t.Errorf("AdjustedTime #%d: unexpected result -- got %v, "+
				"want %v or %v", i, adjustedTime, wantTime,
Esempio n. 6
// TestCheckTransactionStandard tests the checkTransactionStandard API.
func TestCheckTransactionStandard(t *testing.T) {
	// Create some dummy, but otherwise standard, data for transactions.
	prevOutHash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr("01")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewShaHashFromStr: unexpected error: %v", err)
	dummyPrevOut := wire.OutPoint{Hash: *prevOutHash, Index: 1, Tree: 0}
	dummySigScript := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00}, 65)
	dummyTxIn := wire.TxIn{
		PreviousOutPoint: dummyPrevOut,
		Sequence:         wire.MaxTxInSequenceNum,
		ValueIn:          0,
		BlockHeight:      0,
		BlockIndex:       0,
		SignatureScript:  dummySigScript,
	addrHash := [20]byte{0x01}
	addr, err := dcrutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(addrHash[:],
		&chaincfg.TestNetParams, chainec.ECTypeSecp256k1)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("NewAddressPubKeyHash: unexpected error: %v", err)
	dummyPkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("PayToAddrScript: unexpected error: %v", err)
	dummyTxOut := wire.TxOut{
		Value:    100000000, // 1 BTC
		Version:  0,
		PkScript: dummyPkScript,

	tests := []struct {
		name       string
		tx         wire.MsgTx
		height     int64
		isStandard bool
		code       wire.RejectCode
			name: "Typical pay-to-pubkey-hash transaction",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version:  1,
				TxIn:     []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut:    []*wire.TxOut{&dummyTxOut},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: true,
			name: "Transaction version too high",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version:  int32(wire.TxVersion + 1),
				TxIn:     []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut:    []*wire.TxOut{&dummyTxOut},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Transaction is not finalized",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn: []*wire.TxIn{{
					PreviousOutPoint: dummyPrevOut,
					SignatureScript:  dummySigScript,
					Sequence:         0,
				TxOut:    []*wire.TxOut{&dummyTxOut},
				LockTime: 300001,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Transaction size is too large",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn:    []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
					Value: 0,
					PkScript: bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Signature script size is too large",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn: []*wire.TxIn{{
					PreviousOutPoint: dummyPrevOut,
					SignatureScript: bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00},
					Sequence: wire.MaxTxInSequenceNum,
				TxOut:    []*wire.TxOut{&dummyTxOut},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Signature script that does more than push data",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn: []*wire.TxIn{{
					PreviousOutPoint: dummyPrevOut,
					SignatureScript: []byte{
					Sequence: wire.MaxTxInSequenceNum,
				TxOut:    []*wire.TxOut{&dummyTxOut},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Valid but non standard public key script",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn:    []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
					Value:    100000000,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_TRUE},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "More than four nulldata outputs",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn:    []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				}, {
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				}, {
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				}, {
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				}, {
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectNonstandard,
			name: "Dust output",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn:    []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: dummyPkScript,
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: false,
			code:       wire.RejectDust,
			name: "One nulldata output with 0 amount (standard)",
			tx: wire.MsgTx{
				Version: 1,
				TxIn:    []*wire.TxIn{&dummyTxIn},
				TxOut: []*wire.TxOut{{
					Value:    0,
					PkScript: []byte{txscript.OP_RETURN},
				LockTime: 0,
			height:     300000,
			isStandard: true,

	timeSource := blockchain.NewMedianTime()
	for _, test := range tests {
		// Ensure standardness is as expected.
		tx := dcrutil.NewTx(&test.tx)
		err := checkTransactionStandard(tx, stake.DetermineTxType(tx),
			test.height, timeSource, defaultMinRelayTxFee)
		if err == nil && test.isStandard {
			// Test passes since function returned standard for a
			// transaction which is intended to be standard.
		if err == nil && !test.isStandard {
			t.Errorf("checkTransactionStandard (%s): standard when "+
				"it should not be",
		if err != nil && test.isStandard {
			t.Errorf("checkTransactionStandard (%s): nonstandard "+
				"when it should not be: %v",, err)

		// Ensure error type is a TxRuleError inside of a RuleError.
		rerr, ok := err.(RuleError)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("checkTransactionStandard (%s): unexpected "+
				"error type - got %T",, err)
		txrerr, ok := rerr.Err.(TxRuleError)
		if !ok {
			t.Errorf("checkTransactionStandard (%s): unexpected "+
				"error type - got %T",, rerr.Err)

		// Ensure the reject code is the expected one.
		if txrerr.RejectCode != test.code {
			t.Errorf("checkTransactionStandard (%s): unexpected "+
				"error code - got %v, want %v",,
				txrerr.RejectCode, test.code)
Esempio n. 7
// TestReorganization loads a set of test blocks which force a chain
// reorganization to test the block chain handling code.
func TestReorganization(t *testing.T) {
	// Create a new database and chain instance to run tests against.
	chain, teardownFunc, err := chainSetup("reorgunittest",
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed to setup chain instance: %v", err)
	defer teardownFunc()

	err = chain.GenerateInitialIndex()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("GenerateInitialIndex: %v", err)

	// The genesis block should fail to connect since it's already
	// inserted.
	genesisBlock := simNetParams.GenesisBlock
	err = chain.CheckConnectBlock(dcrutil.NewBlock(genesisBlock))
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("CheckConnectBlock: Did not receive expected error")

	// Load up the rest of the blocks up to HEAD.
	filename := filepath.Join("testdata/", "reorgto179.bz2")
	fi, err := os.Open(filename)
	bcStream := bzip2.NewReader(fi)
	defer fi.Close()

	// Create a buffer of the read file
	bcBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// Create decoder from the buffer and a map to store the data
	bcDecoder := gob.NewDecoder(bcBuf)
	blockChain := make(map[int64][]byte)

	// Decode the blockchain into the map
	if err := bcDecoder.Decode(&blockChain); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("error decoding test blockchain: %v", err.Error())

	// Load up the short chain
	timeSource := blockchain.NewMedianTime()
	finalIdx1 := 179
	for i := 1; i < finalIdx1+1; i++ {
		bl, err := dcrutil.NewBlockFromBytes(blockChain[int64(i)])
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("NewBlockFromBytes error: %v", err.Error())

		_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(bl, timeSource, blockchain.BFNone)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("ProcessBlock error: %v", err.Error())

	// Load the long chain and begin loading blocks from that too,
	// forcing a reorganization
	// Load up the rest of the blocks up to HEAD.
	filename = filepath.Join("testdata/", "reorgto180.bz2")
	fi, err = os.Open(filename)
	bcStream = bzip2.NewReader(fi)
	defer fi.Close()

	// Create a buffer of the read file
	bcBuf = new(bytes.Buffer)

	// Create decoder from the buffer and a map to store the data
	bcDecoder = gob.NewDecoder(bcBuf)
	blockChain = make(map[int64][]byte)

	// Decode the blockchain into the map
	if err := bcDecoder.Decode(&blockChain); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("error decoding test blockchain: %v", err.Error())

	forkPoint := 131
	finalIdx2 := 180
	for i := forkPoint; i < finalIdx2+1; i++ {
		bl, err := dcrutil.NewBlockFromBytes(blockChain[int64(i)])
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("NewBlockFromBytes error: %v", err.Error())

		_, _, err = chain.ProcessBlock(bl, timeSource, blockchain.BFNone)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("ProcessBlock error: %v", err.Error())

	// Ensure our blockchain is at the correct best tip
	topBlock, _ := chain.GetTopBlock()
	tipHash := topBlock.Sha()
	expected, _ := chainhash.NewHashFromStr("5ab969d0afd8295b6cd1506f2a310d" +
	if *tipHash != *expected {
		t.Errorf("Failed to correctly reorg; expected tip %v, got tip %v",
			expected, tipHash)
	have, err := chain.HaveBlock(expected)
	if !have {
		t.Errorf("missing tip block after reorganization test")
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error testing for presence of new tip block "+
			"after reorg test: %v", err)
Esempio n. 8
// newServer returns a new dcrd server configured to listen on addr for the
// decred network type specified by chainParams.  Use start to begin accepting
// connections from peers.
func newServer(listenAddrs []string,
	database database.Db,
	tmdb *stake.TicketDB,
	chainParams *chaincfg.Params) (*server, error) {

	nonce, err := wire.RandomUint64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	amgr := addrmgr.New(cfg.DataDir, dcrdLookup)

	var listeners []net.Listener
	var nat NAT
	if !cfg.DisableListen {
		ipv4Addrs, ipv6Addrs, wildcard, err :=
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		listeners = make([]net.Listener, 0, len(ipv4Addrs)+len(ipv6Addrs))
		discover := true
		if len(cfg.ExternalIPs) != 0 {
			discover = false
			// if this fails we have real issues.
			port, _ := strconv.ParseUint(
				activeNetParams.DefaultPort, 10, 16)

			for _, sip := range cfg.ExternalIPs {
				eport := uint16(port)
				host, portstr, err := net.SplitHostPort(sip)
				if err != nil {
					// no port, use default.
					host = sip
				} else {
					port, err := strconv.ParseUint(
						portstr, 10, 16)
					if err != nil {
						srvrLog.Warnf("Can not parse "+
							"port from %s for "+
							"externalip: %v", sip,
					eport = uint16(port)
				na, err := amgr.HostToNetAddress(host, eport,
				if err != nil {
					srvrLog.Warnf("Not adding %s as "+
						"externalip: %v", sip, err)

				err = amgr.AddLocalAddress(na, addrmgr.ManualPrio)
				if err != nil {
					amgrLog.Warnf("Skipping specified external IP: %v", err)
		} else if discover && cfg.Upnp {
			nat, err = Discover()
			if err != nil {
				srvrLog.Warnf("Can't discover upnp: %v", err)
			// nil nat here is fine, just means no upnp on network.

		// TODO(oga) nonstandard port...
		if wildcard {
			port, err :=
					10, 16)
			if err != nil {
				// I can't think of a cleaner way to do this...
				goto nowc
			addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
			for _, a := range addrs {
				ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(a.String())
				if err != nil {
				na := wire.NewNetAddressIPPort(ip,
					uint16(port), wire.SFNodeNetwork)
				if discover {
					err = amgr.AddLocalAddress(na, addrmgr.InterfacePrio)
					if err != nil {
						amgrLog.Debugf("Skipping local address: %v", err)

		for _, addr := range ipv4Addrs {
			listener, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
			if err != nil {
				srvrLog.Warnf("Can't listen on %s: %v", addr,
			listeners = append(listeners, listener)

			if discover {
				if na, err := amgr.DeserializeNetAddress(addr); err == nil {
					err = amgr.AddLocalAddress(na, addrmgr.BoundPrio)
					if err != nil {
						amgrLog.Warnf("Skipping bound address: %v", err)

		for _, addr := range ipv6Addrs {
			listener, err := net.Listen("tcp6", addr)
			if err != nil {
				srvrLog.Warnf("Can't listen on %s: %v", addr,
			listeners = append(listeners, listener)
			if discover {
				if na, err := amgr.DeserializeNetAddress(addr); err == nil {
					err = amgr.AddLocalAddress(na, addrmgr.BoundPrio)
					if err != nil {
						amgrLog.Debugf("Skipping bound address: %v", err)

		if len(listeners) == 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("no valid listen address")

	s := server{
		nonce:                nonce,
		listeners:            listeners,
		chainParams:          chainParams,
		addrManager:          amgr,
		newPeers:             make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		donePeers:            make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		banPeers:             make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		wakeup:               make(chan struct{}),
		query:                make(chan interface{}),
		relayInv:             make(chan relayMsg, cfg.MaxPeers),
		broadcast:            make(chan broadcastMsg, cfg.MaxPeers),
		quit:                 make(chan struct{}),
		modifyRebroadcastInv: make(chan interface{}),
		peerHeightsUpdate:    make(chan updatePeerHeightsMsg),
		nat:                  nat,
		db:                   database,
		tmdb:                 tmdb,
		timeSource:           blockchain.NewMedianTime(),
	bm, err := newBlockManager(&s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.blockManager = bm
	s.txMemPool = newTxMemPool(&s)
	s.cpuMiner = newCPUMiner(&s)

	if !cfg.NoAddrIndex {
		ai, err := newAddrIndexer(&s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		s.addrIndexer = ai

	if !cfg.DisableRPC {
		s.rpcServer, err = newRPCServer(cfg.RPCListeners, &s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return &s, nil
Esempio n. 9
// chainSetup is used to create a new db and chain instance with the genesis
// block already inserted.  In addition to the new chain instnce, it returns
// a teardown function the caller should invoke when done testing to clean up.
func chainSetup(dbName string, params *chaincfg.Params) (*blockchain.BlockChain, func(), error) {
	if !isSupportedDbType(testDbType) {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported db type %v", testDbType)

	// Handle memory database specially since it doesn't need the disk
	// specific handling.
	var db database.DB
	var teardown func()
	if testDbType == "memdb" {
		ndb, err := database.Create(testDbType)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating db: %v", err)
		db = ndb

		// Setup a teardown function for cleaning up.  This function is
		// returned to the caller to be invoked when it is done testing.
		teardown = func() {
	} else {
		// Create the root directory for test databases.
		if !fileExists(testDbRoot) {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(testDbRoot, 0700); err != nil {
				err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create test db "+
					"root: %v", err)
				return nil, nil, err

		// Create a new database to store the accepted blocks into.
		dbPath := filepath.Join(testDbRoot, dbName)
		_ = os.RemoveAll(dbPath)
		ndb, err := database.Create(testDbType, dbPath, blockDataNet)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating db: %v", err)
		db = ndb

		// Setup a teardown function for cleaning up.  This function is
		// returned to the caller to be invoked when it is done testing.
		teardown = func() {

	// Create the main chain instance.
	chain, err := blockchain.New(&blockchain.Config{
		DB:          db,
		ChainParams: params,
		TimeSource:  blockchain.NewMedianTime(),

	if err != nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("failed to create chain instance: %v", err)
		return nil, nil, err

	return chain, teardown, nil