Esempio n. 1
// CalcBlockSubsidy returns the subsidy amount a block at the provided height
// should have. This is mainly used for determining how much the coinbase for
// newly generated blocks awards as well as validating the coinbase for blocks
// has the expected value.
// Subsidy calculation for exponential reductions:
// 0 for i in range (0, height / ReductionInterval):
// 1     subsidy *= MulSubsidy
// 2     subsidy /= DivSubsidy
// Safe for concurrent access.
func calcBlockSubsidy(height int64, params *chaincfg.Params) int64 {
	// Block height 1 subsidy is 'special' and used to
	// distribute initial tokens, if any.
	if height == 1 {
		return params.BlockOneSubsidy()

	iterations := height / params.ReductionInterval
	subsidy := params.BaseSubsidy

	// You could stick all these values in a LUT for faster access if you
	// wanted to, but this calculation is already really fast until you
	// get very very far into the blockchain. The other method you could
	// use is storing the total subsidy in a block node and do the
	// multiplication and division when needed when adding a block.
	if iterations > 0 {
		for i := int64(0); i < iterations; i++ {
			subsidy *= params.MulSubsidy
			subsidy /= params.DivSubsidy

	return subsidy