Esempio n. 1
// verifyHost will anaylze the systempacket information and verify the signature
// It will return a ACK properly initialized with the right codes in it.
func verifyHost(pubKeyFile string) (net.Conn, Ack) {
	//  get the right public key
	pub, host, err := cliutils.ReadPubKey(suite, pubKeyFile)
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read the public key from the file:", err)
	dbg.Lvl1("Public key file read")

	// Then get a connection
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", host)
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error when getting the connection to the host:", err)

	dbg.Lvl1("Verifier connected to the host. Validation in progress...")
	// Get the system packet message
	var sys SystemPacket
	if err = suite.Read(conn, &sys); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error when reading the system packet message from host:", err)
	// Get the signature length first
	var length int
	if err := suite.Read(conn, &length); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read length of the signature ...")
	// Get the signature
	sig := make([]byte, length)
	if err := suite.Read(conn, &sig); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading the signature:", err)

	// First, encode the sys packet
	var b bytes.Buffer
	if err := suite.Write(&b, sys); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error when encoding the syspacket to be verified:", err)
	X := make([]abstract.Point, 1)
	X[0] = pub

	// Verify signature
	var ack Ack
	ack.Type = TYPE_SYS
	ack.Code = SYS_EXIT
	if _, err := anon.Verify(suite, b.Bytes(), anon.Set(X), nil, sig); err != nil {
		// Wrong signature
		ack.Code = SYS_WRONG_SIG
		dbg.Lvl1("WARNING: signature provided is wrong.")
	} else {
		// verfiy SystemPacket itself
		ack.Code = SYS_OK
		dbg.Lvl1("Host's signature verified and system seems healty. OK")

	return conn, ack
Esempio n. 2
// readKeyPair will read both private and public files
// and returns a keypair containing the respective private and public keys
func readKeyFile(keyFile string) (config.KeyPair, string) {
	sec, err := cliutils.ReadPrivKey(suite, namePriv(keyFile))
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read private key:", err)
	pub, addr, err := cliutils.ReadPubKey(suite, namePub(keyFile))
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read public key:", err)
	return config.KeyPair{
		Suite:  suite,
		Secret: sec,
		Public: pub,
	}, addr
Esempio n. 3
func createPeer(conf *app.ConfigConode, id int) *conode.Peer {
	// Read the private / public keys + binded address
	keybase := "testdata/key" + strconv.Itoa(id)
	address := ""
	if sec, err := cliutils.ReadPrivKey(suite, keybase+".priv"); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading private key file  :", err)
	} else {
		conf.Secret = sec
	if pub, addr, err := cliutils.ReadPubKey(suite, keybase+".pub"); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading public key file :", err)
	} else {
		conf.Public = pub
		address = addr
	return conode.NewPeer(address, conf)
Esempio n. 4
// Run will launch the conode server. It takes a config file and a key file
// First parse the key + config file and then run the actual server
func Run(configFile, key string) {
	var address string
	// Read the global config
	conf := &app.ConfigConode{}
	if err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, configFile); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read toml config:", err)
	dbg.Lvl1("Configuration file read")
	// Read the private / public keys + binded address
	if sec, err := cliutils.ReadPrivKey(suite, namePriv(key)); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading private key file:", err)
	} else {
		conf.Secret = sec
	if pub, addr, err := cliutils.ReadPubKey(suite, namePub(key)); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading public key file:", err)
	} else {
		conf.Public = pub
		address = addr
	peer := conode.NewPeer(address, conf)
	peer.LoopRounds(RoundStatsType, maxRounds)