Esempio n. 1
// StartedUp waits for everybody to start by contacting the
// monitor. Argument is total number of peers.
func (f Flags) StartedUp(total int) {
	// Wait for everybody to be ready before going on
	for {
		s, err := monitor.GetReady(f.Logger)
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Lvl1("Couldn't reach monitor")
		} else {
			if s.Ready != total {
				dbg.Lvl4(f.Hostname, "waiting for others to finish", s.Ready, total)
			} else {
	dbg.Lvl3(f.Hostname, "thinks everybody's here")
Esempio n. 2
func main() {

	vpmap := make(map[string]string)
	for i := range deterlab.Virt {
		vpmap[deterlab.Virt[i]] = deterlab.Phys[i]
	// kill old processes
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	re := regexp.MustCompile(" +")
	hosts, err := exec.Command("/usr/testbed/bin/node_list", "-e", deterlab.Project+","+deterlab.Experiment).Output()
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Deterlab experiment", deterlab.Project+"/"+deterlab.Experiment, "seems not to be swapped in. Aborting.")
	hosts_trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(re.ReplaceAllString(string(hosts), " "))
	hostlist := strings.Split(hosts_trimmed, " ")
	doneHosts := make([]bool, len(hostlist))
	dbg.Lvl2("Found the following hosts:", hostlist)
	if kill {
		dbg.Lvl1("Cleaning up", len(hostlist), "hosts.")
	for i, h := range hostlist {
		go func(i int, h string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			if kill {
				dbg.Lvl4("Cleaning up host", h, ".")
				cliutils.SshRun("", h, "sudo killall -9 "+deterlab.App+" logserver forkexec timeclient scp 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
				cliutils.SshRun("", h, "sudo killall -9 "+deterlab.App+" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
				// Also kill all other process that start with "./" and are probably
				// locally started processes
				cliutils.SshRun("", h, "sudo pkill -9 -f '\\./'")
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
				if dbg.DebugVisible > 3 {
					dbg.Lvl4("Cleaning report:")
					cliutils.SshRunStdout("", h, "ps aux")
			} else {
				dbg.Lvl3("Setting the file-limit higher on", h)

				// Copy configuration file to make higher file-limits
				err := cliutils.SshRunStdout("", h, "sudo cp remote/cothority.conf /etc/security/limits.d")
				if err != nil {
					dbg.Fatal("Couldn't copy limit-file:", err)
			doneHosts[i] = true
			dbg.Lvl3("Host", h, "cleaned up")
		}(i, h)

	cleanupChannel := make(chan string)
	go func() {
		dbg.Lvl3("Done waiting")
		cleanupChannel <- "done"
	select {
	case msg := <-cleanupChannel:
		dbg.Lvl3("Received msg from cleanupChannel", msg)
	case <-time.After(time.Second * 20):
		for i, m := range doneHosts {
			if !m {
				dbg.Lvl1("Missing host:", hostlist[i], "- You should run")
				dbg.Lvl1("/usr/testbed/bin/node_reboot", hostlist[i])
		dbg.Fatal("Didn't receive all replies while cleaning up - aborting.")

	if kill {
		dbg.Lvl2("Only cleaning up - returning")

	// ADDITIONS : the monitoring part
	// Proxy will listen on Sink:SinkPort and redirect every packet to
	// RedirectionAddress:RedirectionPort. With remote tunnel forwarding it will
	// be forwarded to the real sink
	dbg.Lvl2("Launching proxy redirecting to", deterlab.ProxyRedirectionAddress, ":", deterlab.ProxyRedirectionPort)
	go monitor.Proxy(deterlab.ProxyRedirectionAddress + ":" + deterlab.ProxyRedirectionPort)

	hostnames := deterlab.Hostnames
	dbg.Lvl4("hostnames:", hostnames)

	// mapping from physical node name to the timestamp servers that are running there
	// essentially a reverse mapping of vpmap except ports are also used
	physToServer := make(map[string][]string)
	for _, virt := range hostnames {
		v, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(virt)
		p := vpmap[v]
		ss := physToServer[p]
		ss = append(ss, virt)
		physToServer[p] = ss

	monitorAddr := deterlab.MonitorAddress + ":" + monitor.SinkPort
	servers := len(physToServer)
	ppm := len(deterlab.Hostnames) / servers
	dbg.Lvl1("starting", servers, "forkexecs with", ppm, "processes each =", servers*ppm)
	totalServers := 0
	for phys, virts := range physToServer {
		if len(virts) == 0 {
		totalServers += len(virts)
		dbg.Lvl2("Launching forkexec for", len(virts), "clients on", phys)
		go func(phys string) {
			//dbg.Lvl4("running on", phys, cmd)
			defer wg.Done()
			dbg.Lvl4("Starting servers on physical machine", phys, "with logger =", deterlab.MonitorAddress+":"+monitor.SinkPort)
			err := cliutils.SshRunStdout("", phys, "cd remote; sudo ./forkexec"+
				" -physaddr="+phys+" -logger="+deterlab.MonitorAddress+":"+monitor.SinkPort)
			if err != nil {
				dbg.Lvl1("Error starting timestamper:", err, phys)
			dbg.Lvl4("Finished with Timestamper", phys)

	if deterlab.App == "stamp" || deterlab.App == "sign" {
		// Every stampserver that started up (mostly waiting for configuration-reading)
		// writes its name in coll_stamp_dir - once everybody is there, the directory
		// is cleaned to flag it's OK to go on.
		start_config := time.Now()
		for {
			s, err := monitor.GetReady(monitorAddr)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatal("Couldn't contact monitor")
			} else {
				dbg.Lvl1("Processes started:", s.Ready, "/", totalServers, "after", time.Since(start_config))
				if s.Ready == totalServers {
					dbg.Lvl2("Everybody ready, starting")
					// 1st second for everybody to see the deleted directory
					// 2nd second for everybody to start up listening
					time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)

	switch deterlab.App {
	case "stamp":
		dbg.Lvl1("starting", len(physToServer), "time clients")
		// start up one timeclient per physical machine
		// it requests timestamps from all the servers on that machine
		amroot := true
		for p, ss := range physToServer {
			if len(ss) == 0 {
				dbg.Lvl3("ss is empty - not starting")
			servers := strings.Join(ss, ",")
			dbg.Lvl3("Starting with ss=", ss)
			go func(p string, a bool) {
				cmdstr := "cd remote; sudo ./" + deterlab.App + " -mode=client " +
					" -name=client@" + p +
					" -server=" + servers +
					" -amroot=" + strconv.FormatBool(a)
				dbg.Lvl3("Users will launch client:", cmdstr)
				err := cliutils.SshRunStdout("", p, cmdstr)
				if err != nil {
					dbg.Lvl4("Deter.go: error for", deterlab.App, err)
				dbg.Lvl4("Deter.go: Finished with", deterlab.App, p)
			}(p, amroot)
			amroot = false
	case "sign_no":
		// TODO: for now it's only a simple startup from the server
		dbg.Lvl1("Starting only one client")

	// wait for the servers to finish before stopping