Esempio n. 1
// NewPropagationFunc registers a new protocol name with the context c and will
// set f as handler for every new instance of that protocol.
func NewPropagationFunc(c propagationContext, name string, f PropagationStore) (PropagationFunc, error) {
	pid, err := c.ProtocolRegister(name, func(n *onet.TreeNodeInstance) (onet.ProtocolInstance, error) {
		p := &Propagate{
			sd:               &PropagateSendData{[]byte{}, 1000},
			TreeNodeInstance: n,
			received:         0,
			subtreeCount:     n.TreeNode().SubtreeCount(),
			onData:           f,
		for _, h := range []interface{}{&p.ChannelSD, &p.ChannelReply} {
			if err := p.RegisterChannel(h); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		return p, nil
	log.Lvl3("Registering new propagation for", c.ServerIdentity(),
		name, pid)
	return func(el *onet.Roster, msg network.Body, msec int) (int, error) {
		tree := el.GenerateNaryTreeWithRoot(8, c.ServerIdentity())
		log.Lvl3(el.List[0].Address, "Starting to propagate", reflect.TypeOf(msg))
		pi, err := c.CreateProtocolOnet(name, tree)
		if err != nil {
			return -1, err
		return propagateStartAndWait(pi, msg, msec, f)
	}, err
Esempio n. 2
// Dispatch listens for all channels and waits for a timeout in case nothing
// happens for a certain duration
func (p *ProtocolCount) Dispatch() error {
	running := true
	for running {
		log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "waiting for message during", p.Timeout())
		select {
		case pc := <-p.PrepareCountChan:
			log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "received from", pc.TreeNode.ServerIdentity.Address,
		case c := <-p.CountChan:
			running = false
		case _ = <-p.NodeIsUpChan:
			if p.Parent() != nil {
				err := p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &NodeIsUp{})
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(p.Info(), "couldn't send to parent",
						p.Parent().Name(), err)
			} else {
		case <-time.After(time.Duration(p.Timeout()) * time.Millisecond):
			log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "timed out while waiting for", p.Timeout())
			if p.IsRoot() {
				log.Lvl2("Didn't get all children in time:", p.Replies)
				p.Count <- p.Replies
				running = false
	return nil
Esempio n. 3
// handleCommit receives commit messages and signal the end if it received
// enough of it.
func (p *Protocol) handleCommit(com *Commit) {
	if p.state != stateCommit {
		//	log.Lvl3(p.Name(), "STORE handle commit packet")
		p.tempCommitMsg = append(p.tempCommitMsg, com)
	// finish after threshold of Commit msgs
	log.Lvl4(p.Name(), "----------------\nWe got", p.commitMsgCount,
		"COMMIT msgs and threshold is", p.threshold)
	if p.IsRoot() {
		log.Lvl4("Leader got ", p.commitMsgCount)
	if p.commitMsgCount >= p.threshold {
		p.state = stateFinished
		// reset counter
		p.commitMsgCount = 0
		log.Lvl3(p.Name(), "Threshold reached: We are done... CONSENSUS")
		if p.IsRoot() && p.onDoneCB != nil {
			log.Lvl3(p.Name(), "We are root and threshold reached: return to the simulation.")
Esempio n. 4
func runProtocolOnceGo(nbrHosts int, name string, refuseCount int,
	succeed bool) error {
	log.Lvl2("Running BFTCoSi with", nbrHosts, "hosts")
	local := onet.NewLocalTest()
	defer local.CloseAll()
	_, _, tree := local.GenBigTree(nbrHosts, nbrHosts, 2, true)
	log.Lvl3("Tree is:", tree.Dump())

	done := make(chan bool)
	// create the message we want to sign for this round
	msg := []byte("Hello BFTCoSi")

	// Start the protocol
	node, err := local.CreateProtocol(name, tree)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("Couldn't create new node: " + err.Error())

	// Register the function generating the protocol instance
	var root *ProtocolBFTCoSi
	root = node.(*ProtocolBFTCoSi)
	root.Msg = msg
	counter := &Counter{refuseCount: refuseCount}
	root.Data = []byte(strconv.Itoa(counters.size() - 1))
	log.Lvl3("Added counter", counters.size()-1, refuseCount)
	// function that will be called when protocol is finished by the root
	root.RegisterOnDone(func() {
		done <- true
	go node.Start()
	log.Lvl1("Launched protocol")
	// are we done yet?
	wait := time.Second * 60
	select {
	case <-done:
		if counter.veriCount != nbrHosts {
			return errors.New("Each host should have called verification.")
		// if assert refuses we don't care for unlocking (t.Refuse)
		sig := root.Signature()
		err := sig.Verify(root.Suite(), root.Roster().Publics())
		if succeed && err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s Verification of the signature refused: %s - %+v", root.Name(), err.Error(), sig.Sig)
		if !succeed && err == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s: Shouldn't have succeeded for %d hosts, but signed for count: %d",
				root.Name(), nbrHosts, refuseCount)
	case <-time.After(wait):
		log.Lvl1("Going to break because of timeout")
		return errors.New("Waited " + wait.String() + " for BFTCoSi to finish ...")
	return nil
Esempio n. 5
// handleAnnounce receive the announcement from another node
// it reply with an ACK.
func (b *Broadcast) handleContactNodes(msg struct {
}) error {
	log.Lvl3(b.Info(), "Received message from", msg.TreeNode.String())
	if msg.TreeNode.ID == b.Root().ID {
		b.repliesLeft = len(b.Tree().List()) - b.tnIndex - 1
		if b.repliesLeft == 0 {
			log.Lvl3("Won't contact anybody - finishing")
			b.SendTo(b.Root(), &Done{})
			return nil
		log.Lvl3(b.Info(), "Contacting nodes:", b.repliesLeft)
		// Connect to all nodes that are later in the TreeNodeList, but only if
		// the message comes from root
		for _, tn := range b.Tree().List()[b.tnIndex+1:] {
			log.Lvl3("Connecting to", tn.String())
			err := b.SendTo(tn, &ContactNodes{})
			if err != nil {
				return nil
	} else {
		// Tell the caller we're done
		log.Lvl3("Sending back to", msg.TreeNode.ServerIdentity.String())
		b.SendTo(msg.TreeNode, &Done{})
	return nil
Esempio n. 6
// waitResponseVerification waits till the end of the verification and returns
// the BFTCoSiResponse along with the flag:
// true => no exception, the verification is correct
// false => exception, the verification failed
func (bft *ProtocolBFTCoSi) waitResponseVerification() (*Response, bool) {
	log.Lvl3(bft.Name(), "Waiting for response verification:")
	// wait the verification
	verified := <-bft.verifyChan

	resp, err := bft.prepare.Response(bft.tempPrepareResponse)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false

	if !verified {
		// Add our exception
		bft.tempExceptions = append(bft.tempExceptions, Exception{
			Index:      bft.index,
			Commitment: bft.prepare.GetCommitment(),
		// Don't include our response!
		resp = bft.Suite().Scalar().Set(resp).Sub(resp, bft.prepare.GetResponse())
		log.Lvl3(bft.Name(), "Response verification: failed")

	r := &Response{
		TYPE:       RoundPrepare,
		Exceptions: bft.tempExceptions,
		Response:   resp,

	log.Lvl3(bft.Name(), "Response verification:", verified)
	return r, verified
Esempio n. 7
func TestThreshold(t *testing.T) {
	const TestProtocolName = "DummyBFTCoSiThr"

	// Register test protocol using BFTCoSi
	onet.GlobalProtocolRegister(TestProtocolName, func(n *onet.TreeNodeInstance) (onet.ProtocolInstance, error) {
		return NewBFTCoSiProtocol(n, verify)

	local := onet.NewLocalTest()
	defer local.CloseAll()
	tests := []struct{ h, t int }{
		{1, 1},
		{2, 2},
		{3, 2},
		{4, 3},
		{5, 4},
		{6, 4},
	for _, s := range tests {
		hosts, thr := s.h, s.t
		log.Lvl3("Hosts is", hosts)
		_, _, tree := local.GenBigTree(hosts, hosts, 2, true)
		log.Lvl3("Tree is:", tree.Dump())

		// Start the protocol
		node, err := local.CreateProtocol(TestProtocolName, tree)
		bc := node.(*ProtocolBFTCoSi)
		assert.Equal(t, thr, bc.threshold, "hosts was %d", hosts)
Esempio n. 8
// CreateIdentity will register a new SkipChain and add it to our list of
// managed identities.
func (s *Service) CreateIdentity(ai *CreateIdentity) (network.Body, onet.ClientError) {
	log.Lvlf3("%s Creating new identity with config %+v", s, ai.Config)
	ids := &Storage{
		Latest: ai.Config,
	log.Lvl3("Creating Root-skipchain")
	var cerr onet.ClientError
	ids.Root, cerr = s.skipchain.CreateRoster(ai.Roster, 2, 10,
		skipchain.VerifyNone, nil)
	if cerr != nil {
		return nil, cerr
	log.Lvl3("Creating Data-skipchain")
	ids.Root, ids.Data, cerr = s.skipchain.CreateData(ids.Root, 2, 10,
		skipchain.VerifyNone, ai.Config)
	if cerr != nil {
		return nil, cerr

	roster := ids.Root.Roster
	replies, err := s.propagateIdentity(roster, &PropagateIdentity{ids}, propagateTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, onet.NewClientErrorCode(ErrorOnet, err.Error())
	if replies != len(roster.List) {
		log.Warn("Did only get", replies, "out of", len(roster.List))
	log.Lvlf2("New chain is\n%x", []byte(ids.Data.Hash))

	return &CreateIdentityReply{
		Root: ids.Root,
		Data: ids.Data,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 9
// nodeDone is either called by the end of EndProtocol or by the end of the
// response phase of the commit round.
func (bz *ByzCoin) nodeDone() bool {
	log.Lvl3(bz.Name(), "nodeDone()      ----- ")
	bz.doneProcessing <- true
	log.Lvl3(bz.Name(), "nodeDone()      +++++  ", bz.onDoneCallback)
	if bz.onDoneCallback != nil {
	return true
Esempio n. 10
// FuncPrepareClose sends a `PrepareClose`-message down the tree.
func (p *ProtocolCloseAll) FuncPrepareClose(pc PrepareCloseMsg) error {
	log.Lvl3(pc.ServerIdentity.Address, "sent PrepClose to", p.ServerIdentity().Address)
	if !p.IsLeaf() {
		for _, c := range p.Children() {
			err := p.SendTo(c, &PrepareClose{})
			log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity().Address, "sends to", c.ServerIdentity.Address, "(err=", err, ")")
	} else {
	return nil
Esempio n. 11
// Dispatch can handle timeouts
func (p *Propagate) Dispatch() error {
	process := true
	for process {
		timeout := time.Millisecond * time.Duration(
		select {
		case msg := <-p.ChannelSD:
			log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity(), "Got data from", msg.ServerIdentity, "and setting timeout to", msg.Msec) = msg.Msec
			if p.onData != nil {
				_, netMsg, err := network.UnmarshalRegistered(msg.Data)
				if err == nil {
			if !p.IsRoot() {
				log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity(), "Sending to parent")
			if p.IsLeaf() {
				process = false
			} else {
				log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity(), "Sending to children")
		case <-p.ChannelReply:
			log.Lvl4(p.ServerIdentity(), "received:", p.received, p.subtreeCount)
			if !p.IsRoot() {
			if p.received == p.subtreeCount {
				process = false
		case <-time.After(timeout):
			_, a, err := network.UnmarshalRegistered(
			log.Fatalf("Timeout of %s reached. %v %s", timeout, a, err)
			process = false
	if p.IsRoot() {
		if p.onDoneCb != nil {
			p.onDoneCb(p.received + 1)
	return nil
Esempio n. 12
// network will contact all cothorities in the group-file and print
// the status-report of each one.
func network(c *cli.Context) error {
	groupToml := c.GlobalString("g")
	el, err := readGroup(groupToml)
	log.ErrFatal(err, "Couldn't Read File")
	cl := status.NewClient()
	for i := 0; i < len(el.List); i++ {
		sr, _ := cl.Request(el.List[i])
	return nil
Esempio n. 13
// HandleReply is the message going up the tree and holding a counter
// to verify the number of nodes.
func (p *ProtocolExampleHandlers) HandleReply(reply []StructReply) error {
	children := 1
	for _, c := range reply {
		children += c.ChildrenCount
	log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity().Address, "is done with total of", children)
	if !p.IsRoot() {
		log.Lvl3("Sending to parent")
		return p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &Reply{children})
	log.Lvl3("Root-node is done - nbr of children found:", children)
	p.ChildCount <- children
	return nil
Esempio n. 14
// listen will select on the differents channels
func (nt *Ntree) listen() {
	for {
		select {
		// Dispatch the block through the whole tree
		case msg := <-nt.announceChan:
			log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Received Block announcement")
			nt.block = msg.BlockAnnounce.Block
			// verify the block
			go byzcoin.VerifyBlock(nt.block, "", "", nt.verifyBlockChan)
			if nt.IsLeaf() {
			for _, tn := range nt.Children() {
				err := nt.SendTo(tn, &msg.BlockAnnounce)
				if err != nil {
						"couldn't send to", tn.Name(),
			// generate your own signature / exception and pass that up to the
			// root
		case msg := <-nt.blockSignatureChan:
			// Dispatch the signature + expcetion made before through the whole
			// tree
		case msg := <-nt.roundSignatureRequestChan:
			log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), " Signature Request Received")
			go nt.verifySignatureRequest(&msg.RoundSignatureRequest)

			if nt.IsLeaf() {

			for _, tn := range nt.Children() {
				err := nt.SendTo(tn, &msg.RoundSignatureRequest)
				if err != nil {
					log.Error(nt.Name(), "couldn't sent to",
						tn.Name(), err)
			// Decide if we want to sign this or not
		case msg := <-nt.roundSignatureResponseChan:
Esempio n. 15
// Start the last phase : send up the final signature
func (nt *Ntree) startSignatureResponse() {
	log.Lvl3(nt.Name(), "Start Signature Response phase")
	if err := nt.SendTo(nt.Parent(), nt.tempSignatureResponse); err != nil {
Esempio n. 16
// SignatureRequest treats external request to this service.
func (cs *CoSi) SignatureRequest(req *SignatureRequest) (network.Body, onet.ClientError) {
	if req.Roster.ID == onet.RosterID(uuid.Nil) {
		req.Roster.ID = onet.RosterID(uuid.NewV4())
	tree := req.Roster.GenerateBinaryTree()
	tni := cs.NewTreeNodeInstance(tree, tree.Root, cosi.Name)
	pi, err := cosi.NewProtocol(tni)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, onet.NewClientErrorCode(4100, "Couldn't make new protocol: "+err.Error())
	pcosi := pi.(*cosi.CoSi)
	h, err := crypto.HashBytes(network.Suite.Hash(), req.Message)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, onet.NewClientErrorCode(4101, "Couldn't hash message: "+err.Error())
	response := make(chan []byte)
	pcosi.RegisterSignatureHook(func(sig []byte) {
		response <- sig
	log.Lvl3("Cosi Service starting up root protocol")
	go pi.Dispatch()
	go pi.Start()
	sig := <-response
	if log.DebugVisible() > 1 {
		fmt.Printf("%s: Signed a message.\n", time.Now().Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006"))
	return &SignatureResponse{
		Hash:      h,
		Signature: sig,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 17
// startPrepareChallenge create the challenge and send its down the tree
func (bz *ByzCoin) startChallengePrepare() error {
	// make the challenge out of it
	trblock := bz.tempBlock
	marshalled, err := json.Marshal(trblock)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ch, err := bz.prepare.CreateChallenge(marshalled)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	bizChal := &ChallengePrepare{
		TYPE:      RoundPrepare,
		Challenge: ch,
		TrBlock:   trblock,

	go VerifyBlock(bz.tempBlock, bz.lastBlock, bz.lastKeyBlock, bz.verifyBlockChan)
	log.Lvl3(bz.Name(), "ByzCoin Start Challenge PREPARE")
	// send to children
	for _, tn := range bz.Children() {
		err = bz.SendTo(tn, bizChal)
	return err
Esempio n. 18
func (bz *ByzCoin) handleResponsePrepare(bzr *Response) error {
	// check if we have enough
	bz.tempPrepareResponse = append(bz.tempPrepareResponse, bzr.Response)
	if len(bz.tempPrepareResponse) < len(bz.Children()) {
		return nil

	// wait for verification
	bzrReturn, ok := bz.waitResponseVerification()
	if ok {
		// append response
		resp, err := bz.prepare.Response(bz.tempPrepareResponse)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		bzrReturn.Response = resp
	} else {

	log.Lvl3("ByzCoin Handle Response PREPARE")
	// if I'm root, we are finished, let's notify the "commit" round
	if bz.IsRoot() {
		// notify listeners (simulation) we finished
		if bz.onResponsePrepareDone != nil {
		return bz.startChallengeCommit()
	// send up
	return bz.SendTo(bz.Parent(), bzrReturn)
Esempio n. 19
// Start will contact everyone and make the connections
func (b *Broadcast) Start() error {
	n := len(b.Tree().List())
	b.repliesLeft = n * (n - 1) / 2
	log.Lvl3(b.Name(), "Sending announce to", b.repliesLeft, "nodes")
	b.SendTo(b.Root(), &ContactNodes{})
	return nil
Esempio n. 20
// Servers contacts all servers in the entity-list and then makes checks
// on each pair. If server-descriptions are available, it will print them
// along with the IP-address of the server.
// In case a server doesn't reply in time or there is an error in the
// signature, an error is returned.
func Servers(g *config.Group) error {
	success := true
	// First check all servers individually
	for _, e := range g.Roster.List {
		desc := []string{"none", "none"}
		if d := g.GetDescription(e); d != "" {
			desc = []string{d, d}
		el := onet.NewRoster([]*network.ServerIdentity{e})
		success = checkList(el, desc) == nil && success
	if len(g.Roster.List) > 1 {
		// Then check pairs of servers
		for i, first := range g.Roster.List {
			for _, second := range g.Roster.List[i+1:] {
				log.Lvl3("Testing connection between", first, second)
				desc := []string{"none", "none"}
				if d1 := g.GetDescription(first); d1 != "" {
					desc = []string{d1, g.GetDescription(second)}
				es := []*network.ServerIdentity{first, second}
				success = checkList(onet.NewRoster(es), desc) == nil && success
				es[0], es[1] = es[1], es[0]
				desc[0], desc[1] = desc[1], desc[0]
				success = checkList(onet.NewRoster(es), desc) == nil && success

	if !success {
		return errors.New("At least one of the tests failed")
	return nil
Esempio n. 21
// ProposeVote calls the 'accept'-vote on the current propose-configuration
func (i *Identity) ProposeVote(accept bool) onet.ClientError {
	log.Lvl3("Voting proposal")
	if i.Proposed == nil {
		return onet.NewClientErrorCode(ErrorConfigMissing, "No proposed config")
	log.Lvlf3("Voting %t on %s", accept, i.Proposed.Device)
	if !accept {
		return nil
	hash, err := i.Proposed.Hash()
	if err != nil {
		return onet.NewClientErrorCode(ErrorOnet, err.Error())
	sig, err := crypto.SignSchnorr(network.Suite, i.Private, hash)
	if err != nil {
		return onet.NewClientErrorCode(ErrorOnet, err.Error())
	pvr := &ProposeVoteReply{}
	cerr := i.Client.SendProtobuf(i.Cothority.RandomServerIdentity(), &ProposeVote{
		ID:        i.ID,
		Signer:    i.DeviceName,
		Signature: &sig,
	}, pvr)
	if cerr != nil {
		return cerr
	if pvr.Data != nil {
		log.Lvl2("Threshold reached and signed")
		i.Config = i.Proposed
		i.Proposed = nil
	} else {
		log.Lvl2("Threshold not reached")
	return nil
Esempio n. 22
// handleCommitChallenge will verify the signature + check if no more than 1/3
// of participants refused to sign.
func (bz *ByzCoin) handleChallengeCommit(ch *ChallengeCommit) error {
	// marshal the block
	marshalled, err := json.Marshal(bz.tempBlock)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	ch.Challenge = bz.commit.Challenge(ch.Challenge)

	// verify if the signature is correct
	if err := cosi.VerifyCosiSignatureWithException(bz.suite, bz.aggregatedPublic, marshalled, ch.Signature, ch.Exceptions); err != nil {
		log.Error(bz.Name(), "Verification of the signature failed:", err)
		bz.signRefusal = true

	// Verify if we have no more than 1/3 failed nodes

	if len(ch.Exceptions) > int(bz.threshold) {
		log.Errorf("More than 1/3 (%d/%d) refused to sign ! ABORT", len(ch.Exceptions), len(bz.Roster().List))
		bz.signRefusal = true

	// store the exceptions for later usage
	bz.tempExceptions = ch.Exceptions
	log.Lvl3("ByzCoin handle Challenge COMMIT")
	if bz.IsLeaf() {
		return bz.startResponseCommit()

	// send it down
	for _, tn := range bz.Children() {
		err = bz.SendTo(tn, ch)
	return nil
Esempio n. 23
// ProposeSend sends the new proposition of this identity
// ProposeVote
func (i *Identity) ProposeSend(il *Config) onet.ClientError {
	log.Lvl3("Sending proposal", il)
	err := i.Client.SendProtobuf(i.Cothority.RandomServerIdentity(),
		&ProposeSend{i.ID, il}, nil)
	i.Proposed = il
	return err
Esempio n. 24
func (c *CoSimul) getResponse(in []abstract.Scalar) {
	if c.IsLeaf() {
		// This is the leaf-node and we can't verify it

	verify := false
	switch VerifyResponse {
	case NoCheck:
		log.Lvl3("Not checking at all")
	case RootCheck:
		verify = c.IsRoot()
	case AllCheck:
		verify = !c.IsLeaf()

	if verify {
		err := c.VerifyResponses(c.TreeNode().AggregatePublic())
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't verify responses at our level", c.Name(), err.Error())
		} else {
			log.Lvl2("Successfully verified responses at", c.Name())
Esempio n. 25
// proposeSkipBlock sends a proposeSkipBlock to the service. If latest has
// a Nil-Hash, it will be used as a
// - rosterSkipBlock if data is nil, the Roster will be taken from 'el'
// - dataSkipBlock if data is non-nil. Furthermore 'el' will hold the activeRoster
// to send the request to.
func (c *Client) proposeSkipBlock(latest *SkipBlock, el *onet.Roster, d network.Body) (reply *ProposedSkipBlockReply, cerr onet.ClientError) {
	activeRoster := latest.Roster
	hash := latest.Hash
	propose := latest
	if !hash.IsNull() {
		// We have to create a new SkipBlock to propose to the
		// service
		propose = NewSkipBlock()
		if d == nil {
			// This is a RosterSkipBlock
			propose.Roster = el
		} else {
			// DataSkipBlock will be set later, just make sure that
			// there will be a receiver
			activeRoster = el
	if d != nil {
		// Set either a new or a proposed SkipBlock
		b, e := network.MarshalRegisteredType(d)
		if e != nil {
			cerr = onet.NewClientError(e)
		propose.Data = b
	host := activeRoster.RandomServerIdentity()
	reply = &ProposedSkipBlockReply{}
	cerr = c.SendProtobuf(host, &ProposeSkipBlock{hash, propose}, reply)
	if cerr != nil {
Esempio n. 26
// signStatement can be used to sign the contents passed in the io.Reader
// (pass an io.File or use an strings.NewReader for strings)
func signStatement(read io.Reader, el *onet.Roster) (*s.SignatureResponse,
	error) {
	publics := entityListToPublics(el)
	client := s.NewClient()
	msg, _ := crypto.HashStream(network.Suite.Hash(), read)

	pchan := make(chan *s.SignatureResponse)
	var err error
	go func() {
		log.Lvl3("Waiting for the response on SignRequest")
		response, e := client.SignatureRequest(el, msg)
		if e != nil {
			err = e
		pchan <- response

	select {
	case response, ok := <-pchan:
		log.Lvl5("Response:", response)
		if !ok || err != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("received an invalid repsonse")

		err = cosi.VerifySignature(network.Suite, publics, msg, response.Signature)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return response, nil
	case <-time.After(RequestTimeOut):
		return nil, errors.New("timeout on signing request")
Esempio n. 27
// FuncC creates a Count-message that will be received by all parents and
// count the total number of children
func (p *ProtocolCount) FuncC(cc []CountMsg) {
	count := 1
	for _, c := range cc {
		count += c.Count.Children
	if !p.IsRoot() {
		log.Lvl3(p.Info(), "Sends to", p.Parent().ID, p.Parent().ServerIdentity.Address)
		if err := p.SendTo(p.Parent(), &Count{count}); err != nil {
			log.Error(p.Name(), "coouldn't send to parent",
	} else {
		p.Count <- count
	log.Lvl3(p.ServerIdentity().Address, "Done")
Esempio n. 28
// startCommitCommitment send the first commitment up the tree for the
// commitment round.
func (bz *ByzCoin) startCommitmentCommit() error {
	cm := bz.commit.CreateCommitment()

	err := bz.SendTo(bz.Parent(), &Commitment{TYPE: RoundCommit, Commitment: cm})
	log.Lvl3(bz.Name(), "ByzCoin Start Commitment COMMIT", err)
	return err
Esempio n. 29
// signFile will search for the file and sign it
// it always returns nil as an error
func signFile(c *cli.Context) error {
	if c.Args().First() == "" {
		log.Fatal("Please give the file to sign", 1)
	fileName := c.Args().First()
	groupToml := c.String(optionGroup)
	file, err := os.Open(fileName)
	log.ErrFatal(err, "Couldn't read file to be signed:")

	sig, err := sign(file, groupToml)
	log.ErrFatal(err, "Couldn't create signature:")

	var outFile *os.File
	outFileName := c.String("out")
	if outFileName != "" {
		outFile, err = os.Create(outFileName)
		log.ErrFatal(err, "Couldn't create signature file:")
	} else {
		outFile = os.Stdout
	writeSigAsJSON(sig, outFile)
	if outFileName != "" {
		log.Lvl2("Signature written to: %s", outFile.Name())
	} // else keep the Stdout empty
	return nil
Esempio n. 30
// handleAllCommitment relay the commitments up in the tree
// It expects *in* to be the full set of messages from the children.
// The children's commitment must remain constants.
func (c *CoSi) handleCommitment(in *Commitment) error {
	if !c.IsLeaf() {
		// add to temporary
		c.tempCommitment = append(c.tempCommitment, in.Comm)
		// do we have enough ?
		// TODO: exception mechanism will be put into another protocol
		if len(c.tempCommitment) < len(c.Children()) {
			return nil
	log.Lvl3(c.Name(), "aggregated")
	// pass it to the hook
	if c.commitmentHook != nil {
		return c.commitmentHook(c.tempCommitment)

	// go to Commit()
	out := c.cosi.Commit(nil, c.tempCommitment)

	// if we are the root, we need to start the Challenge
	if c.IsRoot() {
		return c.startChallenge()

	// otherwise send it to parent
	outMsg := &Commitment{
		Comm: out,
	return c.SendTo(c.Parent(), outMsg)