Esempio n. 1
// processTask processes the query, accumulates and returns the result.
func processTask(q *task.Query) (*task.Result, error) {
	attr := q.Attr

	useFunc := len(q.SrcFunc) != 0
	var n int
	var tokens []string
	var geoQuery *geo.QueryData
	var err error
	var intersectDest bool
	var ineqValue types.Value
	var ineqValueToken string
	var isGeq, isLeq bool

	if useFunc {
		f := q.SrcFunc[0]
		isGeq = f == "geq"
		isLeq = f == "leq"
		switch {
		case isGeq:
		case isLeq:
			if len(q.SrcFunc) != 2 {
				return nil, x.Errorf("Function requires 2 arguments, but got %d %v",
					len(q.SrcFunc), q.SrcFunc)
			ineqValue, err = getValue(attr, q.SrcFunc[1])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Tokenizing RHS value of inequality.
			ineqTokens, err := posting.IndexTokens(attr, ineqValue)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if len(ineqTokens) != 1 {
				return nil, x.Errorf("Expected only 1 token but got: %v", ineqTokens)
			ineqValueToken = ineqTokens[0]
			// Get tokens geq / leq ineqValueToken.
			tokens, err = getInequalityTokens(attr, ineqValueToken, isGeq)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		case geo.IsGeoFunc(q.SrcFunc[0]):
			// For geo functions, we get extra information used for filtering.
			tokens, geoQuery, err = geo.GetTokens(q.SrcFunc)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			tokens, err = getTokens(q.SrcFunc)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			intersectDest = (strings.ToLower(q.SrcFunc[0]) == "allof")
		n = len(tokens)
	} else {
		n = len(q.Uids)

	var out task.Result
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		var key []byte
		if useFunc {
			key = x.IndexKey(attr, tokens[i])
		} else {
			key = x.DataKey(attr, q.Uids[i])
		// Get or create the posting list for an entity, attribute combination.
		pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		defer decr()

		// If a posting list contains a value, we store that or else we store a nil
		// byte so that processing is consistent later.
		vbytes, vtype, err := pl.Value()

		newValue := &task.Value{ValType: uint32(vtype)}
		if err == nil {
			newValue.Val = vbytes
		} else {
			newValue.Val = x.Nilbyte
		out.Values = append(out.Values, newValue)

		if q.DoCount {
			out.Counts = append(out.Counts, uint32(pl.Length(0)))
			// Add an empty UID list to make later processing consistent
			out.UidMatrix = append(out.UidMatrix, &emptyUIDList)

		// The more usual case: Getting the UIDs.
		opts := posting.ListOptions{
			AfterUID: uint64(q.AfterUid),
		// If we have srcFunc and Uids, it means its a filter. So we intersect.
		if useFunc && len(q.Uids) > 0 {
			opts.Intersect = &task.List{Uids: q.Uids}
		out.UidMatrix = append(out.UidMatrix, pl.Uids(opts))

	if (isGeq || isLeq) && len(tokens) > 0 && ineqValueToken == tokens[0] {
		// Need to evaluate inequality for entries in the first bucket.
		typ := schema.TypeOf(attr)
		if typ == nil || !typ.IsScalar() {
			return nil, x.Errorf("Attribute not scalar: %s %v", attr, typ)
		scalarType := typ.(types.Scalar)

		x.AssertTrue(len(out.UidMatrix) > 0)
		// Filter the first row of UidMatrix. Since ineqValue != nil, we may
		// assume that ineqValue is equal to the first token found in TokensTable.
		algo.ApplyFilter(out.UidMatrix[0], func(uid uint64, i int) bool {
			key := x.DataKey(attr, uid)
			sv := getPostingValue(key, scalarType)
			if sv == nil {
				return false
			if isGeq {
				return !scalarType.Less(*sv, ineqValue)
			return !scalarType.Less(ineqValue, *sv)

	// If geo filter, do value check for correctness.
	var values []*task.Value
	if geoQuery != nil {
		uids := algo.MergeSorted(out.UidMatrix)
		for _, uid := range uids.Uids {
			key := x.DataKey(attr, uid)
			pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)

			vbytes, vtype, err := pl.Value()
			newValue := &task.Value{ValType: uint32(vtype)}
			if err == nil {
				newValue.Val = vbytes
			} else {
				newValue.Val = x.Nilbyte
			values = append(values, newValue)
			decr() // Decrement the reference count of the pl.

		filtered := geo.FilterUids(uids, values, geoQuery)
		for i := 0; i < len(out.UidMatrix); i++ {
			out.UidMatrix[i] = algo.IntersectSorted([]*task.List{out.UidMatrix[i], filtered})
	out.IntersectDest = intersectDest
	return &out, nil
Esempio n. 2
// ProcessGraph processes the SubGraph instance accumulating result for the query
// from different instances. Note: taskQuery is nil for root node.
func ProcessGraph(ctx context.Context, sg, parent *SubGraph, rch chan error) {
	var err error

	if len(sg.Attr) == 0 {
		// If we have a filter SubGraph which only contains an operator,
		// it won't have any attribute to work on.
		// This is to allow providing SrcUIDs to the filter children.
		sg.DestUIDs = sg.SrcUIDs

	} else if parent == nil && len(sg.SrcFunc) == 0 {
		// I am root. I don't have any function to execute, and my
		// result has been prepared for me already.
		sg.DestUIDs = algo.MergeSorted(sg.uidMatrix) // Could also be = sg.SrcUIDs

	} else {
		taskQuery := createTaskQuery(sg)
		result, err := worker.ProcessTaskOverNetwork(ctx, taskQuery)
		if err != nil {
			x.TraceError(ctx, x.Wrapf(err, "Error while processing task"))
			rch <- err

		sg.uidMatrix = result.UidMatrix
		sg.values = result.Values
		if len(sg.values) > 0 {
			v := sg.values[0]
			x.Trace(ctx, "Sample value for attr: %v Val: %v", sg.Attr, string(v.Val))
		sg.counts = result.Counts

		if sg.Params.DoCount && len(sg.Filters) == 0 {
			// If there is a filter, we need to do more work to get the actual count.
			x.Trace(ctx, "Zero uids. Only count requested")
			rch <- nil

		if result.IntersectDest {
			sg.DestUIDs = algo.IntersectSorted(result.UidMatrix)
		} else {
			sg.DestUIDs = algo.MergeSorted(result.UidMatrix)

	if len(sg.DestUIDs.Uids) == 0 {
		// Looks like we're done here. Be careful with nil srcUIDs!
		x.Trace(ctx, "Zero uids for %q. Num attr children: %v", sg.Attr, len(sg.Children))
		rch <- nil

	// Apply filters if any.
	if len(sg.Filters) > 0 {
		// Run all filters in parallel.
		filterChan := make(chan error, len(sg.Filters))
		for _, filter := range sg.Filters {
			filter.SrcUIDs = sg.DestUIDs
			go ProcessGraph(ctx, filter, sg, filterChan)

		for _ = range sg.Filters {
			select {
			case err = <-filterChan:
				if err != nil {
					x.TraceError(ctx, x.Wrapf(err, "Error while processing filter task"))
					rch <- err

			case <-ctx.Done():
				x.TraceError(ctx, x.Wrapf(ctx.Err(), "Context done before full execution"))
				rch <- ctx.Err()

		// Now apply the results from filter.
		var lists []*task.List
		for _, filter := range sg.Filters {
			lists = append(lists, filter.DestUIDs)
		if sg.FilterOp == "|" {
			sg.DestUIDs = algo.MergeSorted(lists)
		} else {
			sg.DestUIDs = algo.IntersectSorted(lists)

	if len(sg.Params.Order) == 0 {
		// There is no ordering. Just apply pagination and return.
		if err = sg.applyPagination(ctx); err != nil {
			rch <- err
	} else {
		// We need to sort first before pagination.
		if err = sg.applyOrderAndPagination(ctx); err != nil {
			rch <- err

	// Here we consider handling _count_ with filtering. We do this after
	// pagination because otherwise, we need to do the count with pagination
	// taken into account. For example, a PL might have only 50 entries but the
	// user wants to skip 100 entries and return 10 entries. In this case, you
	// should return a count of 0, not 10.
	if sg.Params.DoCount {
		x.AssertTrue(len(sg.Filters) > 0)
		sg.counts = make([]uint32, len(sg.uidMatrix))
		for i, ul := range sg.uidMatrix {
			// A possible optimization is to return the size of the intersection
			// without forming the intersection.
			algo.IntersectWith(ul, sg.DestUIDs)
			sg.counts[i] = uint32(len(ul.Uids))
		rch <- nil

	childChan := make(chan error, len(sg.Children))
	for i := 0; i < len(sg.Children); i++ {
		child := sg.Children[i]
		child.SrcUIDs = sg.DestUIDs // Make the connection.
		go ProcessGraph(ctx, child, sg, childChan)

	// Now get all the results back.
	for _ = range sg.Children {
		select {
		case err = <-childChan:
			if err != nil {
				x.TraceError(ctx, x.Wrapf(err, "Error while processing child task"))
				rch <- err
		case <-ctx.Done():
			x.TraceError(ctx, x.Wrapf(ctx.Err(), "Context done before full execution"))
			rch <- ctx.Err()
	rch <- nil