Esempio n. 1
// addFlags adds all command line flags that will be used by parse to the FlagSet
func addFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) *containerOptions {
	copts := &containerOptions{
		aliases:           opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		attach:            opts.NewListOpts(validateAttach),
		blkioWeightDevice: opts.NewWeightdeviceOpt(opts.ValidateWeightDevice),
		capAdd:            opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		capDrop:           opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		dns:               opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateIPAddress),
		dnsOptions:        opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		dnsSearch:         opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateDNSSearch),
		deviceReadBps:     opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleBpsDevice),
		deviceReadIOps:    opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleIOpsDevice),
		deviceWriteBps:    opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleBpsDevice),
		deviceWriteIOps:   opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleIOpsDevice),
		devices:           opts.NewListOpts(validateDevice),
		env:               opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateEnv),
		envFile:           opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		expose:            opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		extraHosts:        opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateExtraHost),
		groupAdd:          opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		labels:            opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateEnv),
		labelsFile:        opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		linkLocalIPs:      opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		links:             opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateLink),
		loggingOpts:       opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		publish:           opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		securityOpt:       opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		storageOpt:        opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		sysctls:           opts.NewMapOpts(nil, opts.ValidateSysctl),
		tmpfs:             opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		ulimits:           opts.NewUlimitOpt(nil),
		volumes:           opts.NewListOpts(nil),
		volumesFrom:       opts.NewListOpts(nil),

	// General purpose flags
	flags.VarP(&copts.attach, "attach", "a", "Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR")
	flags.Var(&copts.devices, "device", "Add a host device to the container")
	flags.VarP(&copts.env, "env", "e", "Set environment variables")
	flags.Var(&copts.envFile, "env-file", "Read in a file of environment variables")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.entrypoint, "entrypoint", "", "Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image")
	flags.Var(&copts.groupAdd, "group-add", "Add additional groups to join")
	flags.StringVarP(&copts.hostname, "hostname", "h", "", "Container host name")
	flags.BoolVarP(&copts.stdin, "interactive", "i", false, "Keep STDIN open even if not attached")
	flags.VarP(&copts.labels, "label", "l", "Set meta data on a container")
	flags.Var(&copts.labelsFile, "label-file", "Read in a line delimited file of labels")
	flags.BoolVar(&copts.readonlyRootfs, "read-only", false, "Mount the container's root filesystem as read only")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.restartPolicy, "restart", "no", "Restart policy to apply when a container exits")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.stopSignal, "stop-signal", signal.DefaultStopSignal, fmt.Sprintf("Signal to stop a container, %v by default", signal.DefaultStopSignal))
	flags.IntVar(&copts.stopTimeout, "stop-timeout", 0, "Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container")
	flags.SetAnnotation("stop-timeout", "version", []string{"1.25"})
	flags.Var(copts.sysctls, "sysctl", "Sysctl options")
	flags.BoolVarP(&copts.tty, "tty", "t", false, "Allocate a pseudo-TTY")
	flags.Var(copts.ulimits, "ulimit", "Ulimit options")
	flags.StringVarP(&copts.user, "user", "u", "", "Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])")
	flags.StringVarP(&copts.workingDir, "workdir", "w", "", "Working directory inside the container")
	flags.BoolVar(&copts.autoRemove, "rm", false, "Automatically remove the container when it exits")

	// Security
	flags.Var(&copts.capAdd, "cap-add", "Add Linux capabilities")
	flags.Var(&copts.capDrop, "cap-drop", "Drop Linux capabilities")
	flags.BoolVar(&copts.privileged, "privileged", false, "Give extended privileges to this container")
	flags.Var(&copts.securityOpt, "security-opt", "Security Options")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.usernsMode, "userns", "", "User namespace to use")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.credentialSpec, "credentialspec", "", "Credential spec for managed service account (Windows only)")

	// Network and port publishing flag
	flags.Var(&copts.extraHosts, "add-host", "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)")
	flags.Var(&copts.dns, "dns", "Set custom DNS servers")
	// We allow for both "--dns-opt" and "--dns-option", although the latter is the recommended way.
	// This is to be consistent with service create/update
	flags.Var(&copts.dnsOptions, "dns-opt", "Set DNS options")
	flags.Var(&copts.dnsOptions, "dns-option", "Set DNS options")
	flags.Var(&copts.dnsSearch, "dns-search", "Set custom DNS search domains")
	flags.Var(&copts.expose, "expose", "Expose a port or a range of ports")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.ipv4Address, "ip", "", "IPv4 address (e.g.,")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.ipv6Address, "ip6", "", "IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::33)")
	flags.Var(&copts.links, "link", "Add link to another container")
	flags.Var(&copts.linkLocalIPs, "link-local-ip", "Container IPv4/IPv6 link-local addresses")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.macAddress, "mac-address", "", "Container MAC address (e.g., 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)")
	flags.VarP(&copts.publish, "publish", "p", "Publish a container's port(s) to the host")
	flags.BoolVarP(&copts.publishAll, "publish-all", "P", false, "Publish all exposed ports to random ports")
	// We allow for both "--net" and "--network", although the latter is the recommended way.
	flags.StringVar(&copts.netMode, "net", "default", "Connect a container to a network")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.netMode, "network", "default", "Connect a container to a network")
	// We allow for both "--net-alias" and "--network-alias", although the latter is the recommended way.
	flags.Var(&copts.aliases, "net-alias", "Add network-scoped alias for the container")
	flags.Var(&copts.aliases, "network-alias", "Add network-scoped alias for the container")

	// Logging and storage
	flags.StringVar(&copts.loggingDriver, "log-driver", "", "Logging driver for the container")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.volumeDriver, "volume-driver", "", "Optional volume driver for the container")
	flags.Var(&copts.loggingOpts, "log-opt", "Log driver options")
	flags.Var(&copts.storageOpt, "storage-opt", "Storage driver options for the container")
	flags.Var(&copts.tmpfs, "tmpfs", "Mount a tmpfs directory")
	flags.Var(&copts.volumesFrom, "volumes-from", "Mount volumes from the specified container(s)")
	flags.VarP(&copts.volumes, "volume", "v", "Bind mount a volume")

	// Health-checking
	flags.StringVar(&copts.healthCmd, "health-cmd", "", "Command to run to check health")
	flags.DurationVar(&copts.healthInterval, "health-interval", 0, "Time between running the check (ns|us|ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)")
	flags.IntVar(&copts.healthRetries, "health-retries", 0, "Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy")
	flags.DurationVar(&copts.healthTimeout, "health-timeout", 0, "Maximum time to allow one check to run (ns|us|ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)")
	flags.BoolVar(&copts.noHealthcheck, "no-healthcheck", false, "Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK")

	// Resource management
	flags.Uint16Var(&copts.blkioWeight, "blkio-weight", 0, "Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)")
	flags.Var(&copts.blkioWeightDevice, "blkio-weight-device", "Block IO weight (relative device weight)")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.containerIDFile, "cidfile", "", "Write the container ID to the file")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.cpusetCpus, "cpuset-cpus", "", "CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.cpusetMems, "cpuset-mems", "", "MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuCount, "cpu-count", 0, "CPU count (Windows only)")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuPercent, "cpu-percent", 0, "CPU percent (Windows only)")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuPeriod, "cpu-period", 0, "Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuQuota, "cpu-quota", 0, "Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuRealtimePeriod, "cpu-rt-period", 0, "Limit CPU real-time period in microseconds")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.cpuRealtimeRuntime, "cpu-rt-runtime", 0, "Limit CPU real-time runtime in microseconds")
	flags.Int64VarP(&copts.cpuShares, "cpu-shares", "c", 0, "CPU shares (relative weight)")
	flags.Var(&copts.cpus, "cpus", "Number of CPUs")
	flags.Var(&copts.deviceReadBps, "device-read-bps", "Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device")
	flags.Var(&copts.deviceReadIOps, "device-read-iops", "Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device")
	flags.Var(&copts.deviceWriteBps, "device-write-bps", "Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device")
	flags.Var(&copts.deviceWriteIOps, "device-write-iops", "Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.ioMaxBandwidth, "io-maxbandwidth", "", "Maximum IO bandwidth limit for the system drive (Windows only)")
	flags.Uint64Var(&copts.ioMaxIOps, "io-maxiops", 0, "Maximum IOps limit for the system drive (Windows only)")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.kernelMemory, "kernel-memory", "", "Kernel memory limit")
	flags.StringVarP(&copts.memoryString, "memory", "m", "", "Memory limit")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.memoryReservation, "memory-reservation", "", "Memory soft limit")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.memorySwap, "memory-swap", "", "Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.swappiness, "memory-swappiness", -1, "Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100)")
	flags.BoolVar(&copts.oomKillDisable, "oom-kill-disable", false, "Disable OOM Killer")
	flags.IntVar(&copts.oomScoreAdj, "oom-score-adj", 0, "Tune host's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)")
	flags.Int64Var(&copts.pidsLimit, "pids-limit", 0, "Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)")

	// Low-level execution (cgroups, namespaces, ...)
	flags.StringVar(&copts.cgroupParent, "cgroup-parent", "", "Optional parent cgroup for the container")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.ipcMode, "ipc", "", "IPC namespace to use")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.isolation, "isolation", "", "Container isolation technology")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.pidMode, "pid", "", "PID namespace to use")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.shmSize, "shm-size", "", "Size of /dev/shm, default value is 64MB")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.utsMode, "uts", "", "UTS namespace to use")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.runtime, "runtime", "", "Runtime to use for this container")

	flags.BoolVar(&copts.init, "init", false, "Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes")
	flags.StringVar(&copts.initPath, "init-path", "", "Path to the docker-init binary")
	return copts
Esempio n. 2
// Parse parses the specified args for the specified command and generates a Config,
// a HostConfig and returns them with the specified command.
// If the specified args are not valid, it will return an error.
func Parse(cmd *flag.FlagSet, args []string) (*container.Config, *container.HostConfig, *flag.FlagSet, error) {
	var (
		// FIXME: use utils.ListOpts for attach and volumes?
		flAttach            = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateAttach)
		flVolumes           = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flTmpfs             = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flBlkioWeightDevice = opts.NewWeightdeviceOpt(opts.ValidateWeightDevice)
		flDeviceReadBps     = opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleBpsDevice)
		flDeviceWriteBps    = opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleBpsDevice)
		flLinks             = opts.NewListOpts(ValidateLink)
		flDeviceReadIOps    = opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleIOpsDevice)
		flDeviceWriteIOps   = opts.NewThrottledeviceOpt(opts.ValidateThrottleIOpsDevice)
		flEnv               = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateEnv)
		flLabels            = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateEnv)
		flDevices           = opts.NewListOpts(ValidateDevice)

		flUlimits = opts.NewUlimitOpt(nil)

		flPublish           = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flExpose            = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flDNS               = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateIPAddress)
		flDNSSearch         = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateDNSSearch)
		flDNSOptions        = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flExtraHosts        = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateExtraHost)
		flVolumesFrom       = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flEnvFile           = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flCapAdd            = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flCapDrop           = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flGroupAdd          = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flSecurityOpt       = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flLabelsFile        = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flLoggingOpts       = opts.NewListOpts(nil)
		flPrivileged        = cmd.Bool([]string{"-privileged"}, false, "Give extended privileges to this container")
		flPidMode           = cmd.String([]string{"-pid"}, "", "PID namespace to use")
		flUTSMode           = cmd.String([]string{"-uts"}, "", "UTS namespace to use")
		flPublishAll        = cmd.Bool([]string{"P", "-publish-all"}, false, "Publish all exposed ports to random ports")
		flStdin             = cmd.Bool([]string{"i", "-interactive"}, false, "Keep STDIN open even if not attached")
		flTty               = cmd.Bool([]string{"t", "-tty"}, false, "Allocate a pseudo-TTY")
		flOomKillDisable    = cmd.Bool([]string{"-oom-kill-disable"}, false, "Disable OOM Killer")
		flOomScoreAdj       = cmd.Int([]string{"-oom-score-adj"}, 0, "Tune host's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)")
		flContainerIDFile   = cmd.String([]string{"-cidfile"}, "", "Write the container ID to the file")
		flEntrypoint        = cmd.String([]string{"-entrypoint"}, "", "Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image")
		flHostname          = cmd.String([]string{"h", "-hostname"}, "", "Container host name")
		flMemoryString      = cmd.String([]string{"m", "-memory"}, "", "Memory limit")
		flMemoryReservation = cmd.String([]string{"-memory-reservation"}, "", "Memory soft limit")
		flMemorySwap        = cmd.String([]string{"-memory-swap"}, "", "Total memory (memory + swap), '-1' to disable swap")
		flKernelMemory      = cmd.String([]string{"-kernel-memory"}, "", "Kernel memory limit")
		flUser              = cmd.String([]string{"u", "-user"}, "", "Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])")
		flWorkingDir        = cmd.String([]string{"w", "-workdir"}, "", "Working directory inside the container")
		flCPUShares         = cmd.Int64([]string{"#c", "-cpu-shares"}, 0, "CPU shares (relative weight)")
		flCPUPeriod         = cmd.Int64([]string{"-cpu-period"}, 0, "Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period")
		flCPUQuota          = cmd.Int64([]string{"-cpu-quota"}, 0, "Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota")
		flCpusetCpus        = cmd.String([]string{"-cpuset-cpus"}, "", "CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
		flCpusetMems        = cmd.String([]string{"-cpuset-mems"}, "", "MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
		flBlkioWeight       = cmd.Uint16([]string{"-blkio-weight"}, 0, "Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000")
		flSwappiness        = cmd.Int64([]string{"-memory-swappiness"}, -1, "Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100)")
		flNetMode           = cmd.String([]string{"-net"}, "default", "Set the Network for the container")
		flMacAddress        = cmd.String([]string{"-mac-address"}, "", "Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)")
		flIpcMode           = cmd.String([]string{"-ipc"}, "", "IPC namespace to use")
		flRestartPolicy     = cmd.String([]string{"-restart"}, "no", "Restart policy to apply when a container exits")
		flReadonlyRootfs    = cmd.Bool([]string{"-read-only"}, false, "Mount the container's root filesystem as read only")
		flLoggingDriver     = cmd.String([]string{"-log-driver"}, "", "Logging driver for container")
		flCgroupParent      = cmd.String([]string{"-cgroup-parent"}, "", "Optional parent cgroup for the container")
		flVolumeDriver      = cmd.String([]string{"-volume-driver"}, "", "Optional volume driver for the container")
		flStopSignal        = cmd.String([]string{"-stop-signal"}, signal.DefaultStopSignal, fmt.Sprintf("Signal to stop a container, %v by default", signal.DefaultStopSignal))
		flIsolation         = cmd.String([]string{"-isolation"}, "", "Container isolation level")
		flShmSize           = cmd.String([]string{"-shm-size"}, "", "Size of /dev/shm, default value is 64MB")

	cmd.Var(&flAttach, []string{"a", "-attach"}, "Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR")
	cmd.Var(&flBlkioWeightDevice, []string{"-blkio-weight-device"}, "Block IO weight (relative device weight)")
	cmd.Var(&flDeviceReadBps, []string{"-device-read-bps"}, "Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device")
	cmd.Var(&flDeviceWriteBps, []string{"-device-write-bps"}, "Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device")
	cmd.Var(&flDeviceReadIOps, []string{"-device-read-iops"}, "Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device")
	cmd.Var(&flDeviceWriteIOps, []string{"-device-write-iops"}, "Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device")
	cmd.Var(&flVolumes, []string{"v", "-volume"}, "Bind mount a volume")
	cmd.Var(&flTmpfs, []string{"-tmpfs"}, "Mount a tmpfs directory")
	cmd.Var(&flLinks, []string{"-link"}, "Add link to another container")
	cmd.Var(&flDevices, []string{"-device"}, "Add a host device to the container")
	cmd.Var(&flLabels, []string{"l", "-label"}, "Set meta data on a container")
	cmd.Var(&flLabelsFile, []string{"-label-file"}, "Read in a line delimited file of labels")
	cmd.Var(&flEnv, []string{"e", "-env"}, "Set environment variables")
	cmd.Var(&flEnvFile, []string{"-env-file"}, "Read in a file of environment variables")
	cmd.Var(&flPublish, []string{"p", "-publish"}, "Publish a container's port(s) to the host")
	cmd.Var(&flExpose, []string{"-expose"}, "Expose a port or a range of ports")
	cmd.Var(&flDNS, []string{"-dns"}, "Set custom DNS servers")
	cmd.Var(&flDNSSearch, []string{"-dns-search"}, "Set custom DNS search domains")
	cmd.Var(&flDNSOptions, []string{"-dns-opt"}, "Set DNS options")
	cmd.Var(&flExtraHosts, []string{"-add-host"}, "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)")
	cmd.Var(&flVolumesFrom, []string{"-volumes-from"}, "Mount volumes from the specified container(s)")
	cmd.Var(&flCapAdd, []string{"-cap-add"}, "Add Linux capabilities")
	cmd.Var(&flCapDrop, []string{"-cap-drop"}, "Drop Linux capabilities")
	cmd.Var(&flGroupAdd, []string{"-group-add"}, "Add additional groups to join")
	cmd.Var(&flSecurityOpt, []string{"-security-opt"}, "Security Options")
	cmd.Var(flUlimits, []string{"-ulimit"}, "Ulimit options")
	cmd.Var(&flLoggingOpts, []string{"-log-opt"}, "Log driver options")

	cmd.Require(flag.Min, 1)

	if err := cmd.ParseFlags(args, true); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	var (
		attachStdin  = flAttach.Get("stdin")
		attachStdout = flAttach.Get("stdout")
		attachStderr = flAttach.Get("stderr")

	// Validate the input mac address
	if *flMacAddress != "" {
		if _, err := opts.ValidateMACAddress(*flMacAddress); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid mac address", *flMacAddress)
	if *flStdin {
		attachStdin = true
	// If -a is not set attach to the output stdio
	if flAttach.Len() == 0 {
		attachStdout = true
		attachStderr = true

	var err error

	var flMemory int64
	if *flMemoryString != "" {
		flMemory, err = units.RAMInBytes(*flMemoryString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, err

	var MemoryReservation int64
	if *flMemoryReservation != "" {
		MemoryReservation, err = units.RAMInBytes(*flMemoryReservation)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, err

	var memorySwap int64
	if *flMemorySwap != "" {
		if *flMemorySwap == "-1" {
			memorySwap = -1
		} else {
			memorySwap, err = units.RAMInBytes(*flMemorySwap)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, cmd, err

	var KernelMemory int64
	if *flKernelMemory != "" {
		KernelMemory, err = units.RAMInBytes(*flKernelMemory)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, err

	swappiness := *flSwappiness
	if swappiness != -1 && (swappiness < 0 || swappiness > 100) {
		return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value: %d. Valid memory swappiness range is 0-100", swappiness)

	var parsedShm *int64
	if *flShmSize != "" {
		shmSize, err := units.RAMInBytes(*flShmSize)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, err
		parsedShm = &shmSize

	var binds []string
	// add any bind targets to the list of container volumes
	for bind := range flVolumes.GetMap() {
		if arr := volume.SplitN(bind, 2); len(arr) > 1 {
			// after creating the bind mount we want to delete it from the flVolumes values because
			// we do not want bind mounts being committed to image configs
			binds = append(binds, bind)

	// Can't evaluate options passed into --tmpfs until we actually mount
	tmpfs := make(map[string]string)
	for _, t := range flTmpfs.GetAll() {
		if arr := strings.SplitN(t, ":", 2); len(arr) > 1 {
			if _, _, err := mount.ParseTmpfsOptions(arr[1]); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, cmd, err
			tmpfs[arr[0]] = arr[1]
		} else {
			tmpfs[arr[0]] = ""

	var (
		parsedArgs = cmd.Args()
		runCmd     *strslice.StrSlice
		entrypoint *strslice.StrSlice
		image      = cmd.Arg(0)
	if len(parsedArgs) > 1 {
		runCmd = strslice.New(parsedArgs[1:]...)
	if *flEntrypoint != "" {
		entrypoint = strslice.New(*flEntrypoint)

	var (
		domainname string
		hostname   = *flHostname
		parts      = strings.SplitN(hostname, ".", 2)
	if len(parts) > 1 {
		hostname = parts[0]
		domainname = parts[1]

	ports, portBindings, err := nat.ParsePortSpecs(flPublish.GetAll())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	// Merge in exposed ports to the map of published ports
	for _, e := range flExpose.GetAll() {
		if strings.Contains(e, ":") {
			return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("Invalid port format for --expose: %s", e)
		//support two formats for expose, original format <portnum>/[<proto>] or <startport-endport>/[<proto>]
		proto, port := nat.SplitProtoPort(e)
		//parse the start and end port and create a sequence of ports to expose
		//if expose a port, the start and end port are the same
		start, end, err := parsers.ParsePortRange(port)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("Invalid range format for --expose: %s, error: %s", e, err)
		for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
			p, err := nat.NewPort(proto, strconv.FormatUint(i, 10))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, cmd, err
			if _, exists := ports[p]; !exists {
				ports[p] = struct{}{}

	// parse device mappings
	deviceMappings := []container.DeviceMapping{}
	for _, device := range flDevices.GetAll() {
		deviceMapping, err := ParseDevice(device)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, cmd, err
		deviceMappings = append(deviceMappings, deviceMapping)

	// collect all the environment variables for the container
	envVariables, err := readKVStrings(flEnvFile.GetAll(), flEnv.GetAll())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	// collect all the labels for the container
	labels, err := readKVStrings(flLabelsFile.GetAll(), flLabels.GetAll())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	ipcMode := container.IpcMode(*flIpcMode)
	if !ipcMode.Valid() {
		return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("--ipc: invalid IPC mode")

	pidMode := container.PidMode(*flPidMode)
	if !pidMode.Valid() {
		return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("--pid: invalid PID mode")

	utsMode := container.UTSMode(*flUTSMode)
	if !utsMode.Valid() {
		return nil, nil, cmd, fmt.Errorf("--uts: invalid UTS mode")

	restartPolicy, err := ParseRestartPolicy(*flRestartPolicy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	loggingOpts, err := parseLoggingOpts(*flLoggingDriver, flLoggingOpts.GetAll())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, cmd, err

	resources := container.Resources{
		CgroupParent:         *flCgroupParent,
		Memory:               flMemory,
		MemoryReservation:    MemoryReservation,
		MemorySwap:           memorySwap,
		MemorySwappiness:     flSwappiness,
		KernelMemory:         KernelMemory,
		OomKillDisable:       *flOomKillDisable,
		CPUShares:            *flCPUShares,
		CPUPeriod:            *flCPUPeriod,
		CpusetCpus:           *flCpusetCpus,
		CpusetMems:           *flCpusetMems,
		CPUQuota:             *flCPUQuota,
		BlkioWeight:          *flBlkioWeight,
		BlkioWeightDevice:    flBlkioWeightDevice.GetList(),
		BlkioDeviceReadBps:   flDeviceReadBps.GetList(),
		BlkioDeviceWriteBps:  flDeviceWriteBps.GetList(),
		BlkioDeviceReadIOps:  flDeviceReadIOps.GetList(),
		BlkioDeviceWriteIOps: flDeviceWriteIOps.GetList(),
		Ulimits:              flUlimits.GetList(),
		Devices:              deviceMappings,

	config := &container.Config{
		Hostname:     hostname,
		Domainname:   domainname,
		ExposedPorts: ports,
		User:         *flUser,
		Tty:          *flTty,
		// TODO: deprecated, it comes from -n, --networking
		// it's still needed internally to set the network to disabled
		// if e.g. bridge is none in daemon opts, and in inspect
		NetworkDisabled: false,
		OpenStdin:       *flStdin,
		AttachStdin:     attachStdin,
		AttachStdout:    attachStdout,
		AttachStderr:    attachStderr,
		Env:             envVariables,
		Cmd:             runCmd,
		Image:           image,
		Volumes:         flVolumes.GetMap(),
		MacAddress:      *flMacAddress,
		Entrypoint:      entrypoint,
		WorkingDir:      *flWorkingDir,
		Labels:          ConvertKVStringsToMap(labels),
		StopSignal:      *flStopSignal,

	hostConfig := &container.HostConfig{
		Binds:           binds,
		ContainerIDFile: *flContainerIDFile,
		OomScoreAdj:     *flOomScoreAdj,
		Privileged:      *flPrivileged,
		PortBindings:    portBindings,
		Links:           flLinks.GetAll(),
		PublishAllPorts: *flPublishAll,
		// Make sure the dns fields are never nil.
		// New containers don't ever have those fields nil,
		// but pre created containers can still have those nil values.
		// See
		// for a more detailed explanation on why we don't want that.
		DNS:            flDNS.GetAllOrEmpty(),
		DNSSearch:      flDNSSearch.GetAllOrEmpty(),
		DNSOptions:     flDNSOptions.GetAllOrEmpty(),
		ExtraHosts:     flExtraHosts.GetAll(),
		VolumesFrom:    flVolumesFrom.GetAll(),
		NetworkMode:    container.NetworkMode(*flNetMode),
		IpcMode:        ipcMode,
		PidMode:        pidMode,
		UTSMode:        utsMode,
		CapAdd:         strslice.New(flCapAdd.GetAll()...),
		CapDrop:        strslice.New(flCapDrop.GetAll()...),
		GroupAdd:       flGroupAdd.GetAll(),
		RestartPolicy:  restartPolicy,
		SecurityOpt:    flSecurityOpt.GetAll(),
		ReadonlyRootfs: *flReadonlyRootfs,
		LogConfig:      container.LogConfig{Type: *flLoggingDriver, Config: loggingOpts},
		VolumeDriver:   *flVolumeDriver,
		Isolation:      container.IsolationLevel(*flIsolation),
		ShmSize:        parsedShm,
		Resources:      resources,
		Tmpfs:          tmpfs,

	// When allocating stdin in attached mode, close stdin at client disconnect
	if config.OpenStdin && config.AttachStdin {
		config.StdinOnce = true
	return config, hostConfig, cmd, nil