Esempio n. 1
func TestEncryptECPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
	tempBaseDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "swarm-ca-test-")
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempBaseDir)

	_, key, err := ca.GenerateNewCSR()
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	encryptedKey, err := ca.EncryptECPrivateKey(key, "passphrase")
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	keyBlock, _ := pem.Decode(encryptedKey)
	assert.NotNil(t, keyBlock)
	assert.Equal(t, keyBlock.Headers["Proc-Type"], "4,ENCRYPTED")
	assert.Contains(t, keyBlock.Headers["DEK-Info"], "AES-256-CBC")
Esempio n. 2
// rotateRootCAKEK will attempt to rotate the key-encryption-key for root CA key-material in raft.
// If there is no passphrase set in ENV, it returns.
// If there is plain-text root key-material, and a passphrase set, it encrypts it.
// If there is encrypted root key-material and it is using the current passphrase, it returns.
// If there is encrypted root key-material, and it is using the previous passphrase, it
// re-encrypts it with the current passphrase.
func (m *Manager) rotateRootCAKEK(ctx context.Context, clusterID string) error {
	// If we don't have a KEK, we won't ever be rotating anything
	strPassphrase := os.Getenv(ca.PassphraseENVVar)
	if strPassphrase == "" {
		return nil
	strPassphrasePrev := os.Getenv(ca.PassphraseENVVarPrev)
	passphrase := []byte(strPassphrase)
	passphrasePrev := []byte(strPassphrasePrev)

	s := m.RaftNode.MemoryStore()
	var (
		cluster  *api.Cluster
		err      error
		finalKey []byte
	// Retrieve the cluster identified by ClusterID
	s.View(func(readTx store.ReadTx) {
		cluster = store.GetCluster(readTx, clusterID)
	if cluster == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cluster not found: %s", clusterID)

	// Try to get the private key from the cluster
	privKeyPEM := cluster.RootCA.CAKey
	if privKeyPEM == nil || len(privKeyPEM) == 0 {
		// We have no PEM root private key in this cluster.
		log.G(ctx).Warnf("cluster %s does not have private key material", clusterID)
		return nil

	// Decode the PEM private key
	keyBlock, _ := pem.Decode(privKeyPEM)
	if keyBlock == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid PEM-encoded private key inside of cluster %s", clusterID)
	// If this key is not encrypted, then we have to encrypt it
	if !x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(keyBlock) {
		finalKey, err = ca.EncryptECPrivateKey(privKeyPEM, strPassphrase)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		// This key is already encrypted, let's try to decrypt with the current main passphrase
		_, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(keyBlock, []byte(passphrase))
		if err == nil {
			// The main key is the correct KEK, nothing to do here
			return nil
		// This key is already encrypted, but failed with current main passphrase.
		// Let's try to decrypt with the previous passphrase
		unencryptedKey, err := x509.DecryptPEMBlock(keyBlock, []byte(passphrasePrev))
		if err != nil {
			// We were not able to decrypt either with the main or backup passphrase, error
			return err
		unencryptedKeyBlock := &pem.Block{
			Type:    keyBlock.Type,
			Bytes:   unencryptedKey,
			Headers: keyBlock.Headers,

		// We were able to decrypt the key, but with the previous passphrase. Let's encrypt
		// with the new one and store it in raft
		finalKey, err = ca.EncryptECPrivateKey(pem.EncodeToMemory(unencryptedKeyBlock), strPassphrase)
		if err != nil {
			log.G(ctx).Debugf("failed to rotate the key-encrypting-key for the root key material of cluster %s", clusterID)
			return err

	log.G(ctx).Infof("Re-encrypting the root key material of cluster %s", clusterID)
	// Let's update the key in the cluster object
	return s.Update(func(tx store.Tx) error {
		cluster = store.GetCluster(tx, clusterID)
		if cluster == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cluster not found: %s", clusterID)
		cluster.RootCA.CAKey = finalKey
		return store.UpdateCluster(tx, cluster)
