Esempio n. 1
func PostHook(c *gin.Context) {
	remote_ := remote.FromContext(c)

	tmprepo, build, err := remote_.Hook(c.Request)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to parse hook. %s", err)
		c.AbortWithError(400, err)
	if build == nil {
	if tmprepo == nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to ascertain repo from hook.")

	// skip the build if any case-insensitive combination of the words "skip" and "ci"
	// wrapped in square brackets appear in the commit message
	skipMatch := skipRe.FindString(build.Message)
	if len(skipMatch) > 0 {
		log.Infof("ignoring hook. %s found in %s", skipMatch, build.Commit)

	repo, err := store.GetRepoOwnerName(c, tmprepo.Owner, tmprepo.Name)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo %s/%s from hook. %s", tmprepo.Owner, tmprepo.Name, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// get the token and verify the hook is authorized
	parsed, err := token.ParseRequest(c.Request, func(t *token.Token) (string, error) {
		return repo.Hash, nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to parse token from hook for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(400, err)
	if parsed.Text != repo.FullName {
		log.Errorf("failure to verify token from hook. Expected %s, got %s", repo.FullName, parsed.Text)

	if repo.UserID == 0 {
		log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s has no owner.", repo.FullName)
	var skipped = true
	if (build.Event == model.EventPush && repo.AllowPush) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventPull && repo.AllowPull) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventDeploy && repo.AllowDeploy) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventTag && repo.AllowTag) {
		skipped = false

	if skipped {
		log.Infof("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled for %s events.", repo.FullName, build.Event)

	user, err := store.GetUser(c, repo.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	// if there is no email address associated with the pull request,
	// we lookup the email address based on the authors github login.
	// my initial hesitation with this code is that it has the ability
	// to expose your email address. At the same time, your email address
	// is already exposed in the public .git log. So while some people will
	// a small number of people will probably be upset by this, I'm not sure
	// it is actually that big of a deal.
	if len(build.Email) == 0 {
		author, err := store.GetUserLogin(c, build.Author)
		if err == nil {
			build.Email = author.Email

	// if the remote has a refresh token, the current access token
	// may be stale. Therefore, we should refresh prior to dispatching
	// the job.
	if refresher, ok := remote_.(remote.Refresher); ok {
		ok, _ := refresher.Refresh(user)
		if ok {
			store.UpdateUser(c, user)

	// fetch the .drone.yml file from the database
	raw, sec, err := remote_.Script(user, repo, build)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get .drone.yml for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	axes, err := matrix.Parse(string(raw))
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to calculate matrix for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(400, err)
	if len(axes) == 0 {
		axes = append(axes, matrix.Axis{})

	netrc, err := remote_.Netrc(user, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to generate netrc for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	key, _ := store.GetKey(c, repo)

	// verify the branches can be built vs skipped
	yconfig, _ := yaml.Parse(string(raw))
	var match = false
	for _, branch := range yconfig.Branches {
		if branch == build.Branch {
			match = true
		match, _ = filepath.Match(branch, build.Branch)
		if match {
	if !match && len(yconfig.Branches) != 0 {
		log.Infof("ignoring hook. yaml file excludes repo and branch %s %s", repo.FullName, build.Branch)

	// update some build fields
	build.Status = model.StatusPending
	build.RepoID = repo.ID

	// and use a transaction
	var jobs []*model.Job
	for num, axis := range axes {
		jobs = append(jobs, &model.Job{
			BuildID:     build.ID,
			Number:      num + 1,
			Status:      model.StatusPending,
			Environment: axis,
	err = store.CreateBuild(c, build, jobs...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to save commit for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	c.JSON(200, build)

	url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", httputil.GetURL(c.Request), repo.FullName, build.Number)
	err = remote_.Status(user, repo, build, url)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("error setting commit status for %s/%d", repo.FullName, build.Number)

	// get the previous build so taht we can send
	// on status change notifications
	last, _ := store.GetBuildLastBefore(c, repo, build.Branch, build.ID)

	engine_ := context.Engine(c)
	go engine_.Schedule(c.Copy(), &engine.Task{
		User:      user,
		Repo:      repo,
		Build:     build,
		BuildPrev: last,
		Jobs:      jobs,
		Keys:      key,
		Netrc:     netrc,
		Config:    string(raw),
		Secret:    string(sec),
		System: &model.System{
			Link:    httputil.GetURL(c.Request),
			Plugins: strings.Split(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_FILTER"), " "),
			Globals: strings.Split(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_PARAMS"), " "),

Esempio n. 2
func PostBuild(c *gin.Context) {

	remote_ := remote.FromContext(c)
	repo := session.Repo(c)
	fork := c.DefaultQuery("fork", "false")

	num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("number"))
	if err != nil {
		c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	user, err := store.GetUser(c, repo.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	build, err := store.GetBuildNumber(c, repo, num)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d. %s", num, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// if the remote has a refresh token, the current access token
	// may be stale. Therefore, we should refresh prior to dispatching
	// the job.
	if refresher, ok := remote_.(remote.Refresher); ok {
		ok, _ := refresher.Refresh(user)
		if ok {
			store.UpdateUser(c, user)

	// fetch the .drone.yml file from the database
	raw, sec, err := remote_.Script(user, repo, build)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get .drone.yml for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	key, _ := store.GetKey(c, repo)
	netrc, err := remote_.Netrc(user, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to generate netrc for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	jobs, err := store.GetJobList(c, build)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d jobs. %s", build.Number, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// must not restart a running build
	if build.Status == model.StatusPending || build.Status == model.StatusRunning {
		c.String(409, "Cannot re-start a started build")

	// forking the build creates a duplicate of the build
	// and then executes. This retains prior build history.
	if forkit, _ := strconv.ParseBool(fork); forkit {
		build.ID = 0
		build.Number = 0
		for _, job := range jobs {
			job.ID = 0
			job.NodeID = 0
		err := store.CreateBuild(c, build, jobs...)
		if err != nil {
			c.String(500, err.Error())

	// todo move this to database tier
	// and wrap inside a transaction
	build.Status = model.StatusPending
	build.Started = 0
	build.Finished = 0
	build.Enqueued = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
	for _, job := range jobs {
		job.Status = model.StatusPending
		job.Started = 0
		job.Finished = 0
		job.ExitCode = 0
		job.NodeID = 0
		job.Enqueued = build.Enqueued
		store.UpdateJob(c, job)

	err = store.UpdateBuild(c, build)
	if err != nil {

	c.JSON(202, build)

	// get the previous build so that we can send
	// on status change notifications
	last, _ := store.GetBuildLastBefore(c, repo, build.Branch, build.ID)

	engine_ := context.Engine(c)
	go engine_.Schedule(c.Copy(), &engine.Task{
		User:      user,
		Repo:      repo,
		Build:     build,
		BuildPrev: last,
		Jobs:      jobs,
		Keys:      key,
		Netrc:     netrc,
		Config:    string(raw),
		Secret:    string(sec),
		System: &model.System{
			Link:      httputil.GetURL(c.Request),
			Plugins:   strings.Split(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_FILTER"), " "),
			Globals:   strings.Split(os.Getenv("PLUGIN_PARAMS"), " "),
			Escalates: strings.Split(os.Getenv("ESCALATE_FILTER"), " "),

Esempio n. 3
File: build.go Progetto: Ablu/drone
func PostBuild(c *gin.Context) {

	remote_ := remote.FromContext(c)
	repo := session.Repo(c)
	fork := c.DefaultQuery("fork", "false")

	num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("number"))
	if err != nil {
		c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	user, err := store.GetUser(c, repo.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	build, err := store.GetBuildNumber(c, repo, num)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d. %s", num, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// if the remote has a refresh token, the current access token
	// may be stale. Therefore, we should refresh prior to dispatching
	// the job.
	if refresher, ok := remote_.(remote.Refresher); ok {
		ok, _ := refresher.Refresh(user)
		if ok {
			store.UpdateUser(c, user)

	// fetch the .drone.yml file from the database
	config := ToConfig(c)
	raw, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Yaml)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build config for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// Fetch secrets file but don't exit on error as it's optional
	sec, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Shasum)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot find build secrets for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)

	netrc, err := remote_.Netrc(user, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to generate netrc for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	jobs, err := store.GetJobList(c, build)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d jobs. %s", build.Number, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// must not restart a running build
	if build.Status == model.StatusPending || build.Status == model.StatusRunning {
		c.String(409, "Cannot re-start a started build")

	// forking the build creates a duplicate of the build
	// and then executes. This retains prior build history.
	if forkit, _ := strconv.ParseBool(fork); forkit {
		build.ID = 0
		build.Number = 0
		for _, job := range jobs {
			job.ID = 0
			job.NodeID = 0
		err := store.CreateBuild(c, build, jobs...)
		if err != nil {
			c.String(500, err.Error())

		event := c.DefaultQuery("event", build.Event)
		if event == model.EventPush ||
			event == model.EventPull ||
			event == model.EventTag ||
			event == model.EventDeploy {
			build.Event = event
		build.Deploy = c.DefaultQuery("deploy_to", build.Deploy)

	// todo move this to database tier
	// and wrap inside a transaction
	build.Status = model.StatusPending
	build.Started = 0
	build.Finished = 0
	build.Enqueued = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
	for _, job := range jobs {
		job.Status = model.StatusPending
		job.Started = 0
		job.Finished = 0
		job.ExitCode = 0
		job.NodeID = 0
		job.Enqueued = build.Enqueued
		store.UpdateJob(c, job)

	err = store.UpdateBuild(c, build)
	if err != nil {

	c.JSON(202, build)

	// get the previous build so that we can send
	// on status change notifications
	last, _ := store.GetBuildLastBefore(c, repo, build.Branch, build.ID)
	secs, err := store.GetSecretList(c, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error getting secrets for %s#%d. %s", repo.FullName, build.Number, err)

	var signed bool
	var verified bool

	signature, err := jose.ParseSigned(string(sec))
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
	} else if len(sec) == 0 {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. empty file")
	} else {
		signed = true
		output, err := signature.Verify([]byte(repo.Hash))
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
		} else if string(output) != string(raw) {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. no match. %q <> %q", string(output), string(raw))
		} else {
			verified = true

	log.Debugf(".drone.yml is signed=%v and verified=%v", signed, verified)

	bus.Publish(c, bus.NewBuildEvent(bus.Enqueued, repo, build))
	for _, job := range jobs {
		queue.Publish(c, &queue.Work{
			Signed:    signed,
			Verified:  verified,
			User:      user,
			Repo:      repo,
			Build:     build,
			BuildLast: last,
			Job:       job,
			Netrc:     netrc,
			Yaml:      string(raw),
			Secrets:   secs,
			System:    &model.System{Link: httputil.GetURL(c.Request)},
Esempio n. 4
File: hook.go Progetto: Ablu/drone
func PostHook(c *gin.Context) {
	remote_ := remote.FromContext(c)

	tmprepo, build, err := remote_.Hook(c.Request)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to parse hook. %s", err)
		c.AbortWithError(400, err)
	if build == nil {
	if tmprepo == nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to ascertain repo from hook.")

	// skip the build if any case-insensitive combination of the words "skip" and "ci"
	// wrapped in square brackets appear in the commit message
	skipMatch := skipRe.FindString(build.Message)
	if len(skipMatch) > 0 {
		log.Infof("ignoring hook. %s found in %s", skipMatch, build.Commit)

	repo, err := store.GetRepoOwnerName(c, tmprepo.Owner, tmprepo.Name)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo %s/%s from hook. %s", tmprepo.Owner, tmprepo.Name, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// get the token and verify the hook is authorized
	parsed, err := token.ParseRequest(c.Request, func(t *token.Token) (string, error) {
		return repo.Hash, nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to parse token from hook for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(400, err)
	if parsed.Text != repo.FullName {
		log.Errorf("failure to verify token from hook. Expected %s, got %s", repo.FullName, parsed.Text)

	if repo.UserID == 0 {
		log.Warnf("ignoring hook. repo %s has no owner.", repo.FullName)
	var skipped = true
	if (build.Event == model.EventPush && repo.AllowPush) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventPull && repo.AllowPull) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventDeploy && repo.AllowDeploy) ||
		(build.Event == model.EventTag && repo.AllowTag) {
		skipped = false

	if skipped {
		log.Infof("ignoring hook. repo %s is disabled for %s events.", repo.FullName, build.Event)

	user, err := store.GetUser(c, repo.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	// if there is no email address associated with the pull request,
	// we lookup the email address based on the authors github login.
	// my initial hesitation with this code is that it has the ability
	// to expose your email address. At the same time, your email address
	// is already exposed in the public .git log. So while some people will
	// a small number of people will probably be upset by this, I'm not sure
	// it is actually that big of a deal.
	if len(build.Email) == 0 {
		author, err := store.GetUserLogin(c, build.Author)
		if err == nil {
			build.Email = author.Email

	// if the remote has a refresh token, the current access token
	// may be stale. Therefore, we should refresh prior to dispatching
	// the job.
	if refresher, ok := remote_.(remote.Refresher); ok {
		ok, _ := refresher.Refresh(user)
		if ok {
			store.UpdateUser(c, user)

	// fetch the build file from the database
	config := ToConfig(c)
	raw, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Yaml)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build config for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)
	sec, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Shasum)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot find build secrets for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		// NOTE we don't exit on failure. The sec file is optional

	axes, err := yaml.ParseMatrix(raw)
	if err != nil {
		c.String(500, "Failed to parse yaml file or calculate matrix. %s", err)
	if len(axes) == 0 {
		axes = append(axes, yaml.Axis{})

	netrc, err := remote_.Netrc(user, repo)
	if err != nil {
		c.String(500, "Failed to generate netrc file. %s", err)

	// verify the branches can be built vs skipped
	branches := yaml.ParseBranch(raw)
	if !branches.Match(build.Branch) && build.Event != model.EventTag && build.Event != model.EventDeploy {
		c.String(200, "Branch does not match restrictions defined in yaml")

	signature, err := jose.ParseSigned(string(sec))
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
	} else if len(sec) == 0 {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. empty file")
	} else {
		build.Signed = true
		output, err := signature.Verify([]byte(repo.Hash))
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
		} else if string(output) != string(raw) {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. no match")
		} else {
			build.Verified = true

	// update some build fields
	build.Status = model.StatusPending
	build.RepoID = repo.ID

	// and use a transaction
	var jobs []*model.Job
	for num, axis := range axes {
		jobs = append(jobs, &model.Job{
			BuildID:     build.ID,
			Number:      num + 1,
			Status:      model.StatusPending,
			Environment: axis,
	err = store.CreateBuild(c, build, jobs...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to save commit for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	c.JSON(200, build)

	url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", httputil.GetURL(c.Request), repo.FullName, build.Number)
	err = remote_.Status(user, repo, build, url)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("error setting commit status for %s/%d", repo.FullName, build.Number)

	// get the previous build so that we can send
	// on status change notifications
	last, _ := store.GetBuildLastBefore(c, repo, build.Branch, build.ID)
	secs, err := store.GetSecretList(c, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error getting secrets for %s#%d. %s", repo.FullName, build.Number, err)

	bus.Publish(c, bus.NewBuildEvent(bus.Enqueued, repo, build))
	for _, job := range jobs {
		queue.Publish(c, &queue.Work{
			Signed:    build.Signed,
			Verified:  build.Verified,
			User:      user,
			Repo:      repo,
			Build:     build,
			BuildLast: last,
			Job:       job,
			Netrc:     netrc,
			Yaml:      string(raw),
			Secrets:   secs,
			System:    &model.System{Link: httputil.GetURL(c.Request)},

Esempio n. 5
func PostBuild(c *gin.Context) {

	remote_ := remote.FromContext(c)
	repo := session.Repo(c)
	fork := c.DefaultQuery("fork", "false")

	num, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("number"))
	if err != nil {
		c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

	user, err := store.GetUser(c, repo.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to find repo owner %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	build, err := store.GetBuildNumber(c, repo, num)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d. %s", num, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// if the remote has a refresh token, the current access token
	// may be stale. Therefore, we should refresh prior to dispatching
	// the job.
	if refresher, ok := remote_.(remote.Refresher); ok {
		ok, _ := refresher.Refresh(user)
		if ok {
			store.UpdateUser(c, user)

	// fetch the .drone.yml file from the database
	config := ToConfig(c)
	raw, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Yaml)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build config for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// Fetch secrets file but don't exit on error as it's optional
	sec, err := remote_.File(user, repo, build, config.Shasum)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot find build secrets for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)

	netrc, err := remote_.Netrc(user, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to generate netrc for %s. %s", repo.FullName, err)
		c.AbortWithError(500, err)

	jobs, err := store.GetJobList(c, build)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("failure to get build %d jobs. %s", build.Number, err)
		c.AbortWithError(404, err)

	// must not restart a running build
	if build.Status == model.StatusPending || build.Status == model.StatusRunning {
		c.String(409, "Cannot re-start a started build")

	// forking the build creates a duplicate of the build
	// and then executes. This retains prior build history.
	if forkit, _ := strconv.ParseBool(fork); forkit {
		build.ID = 0
		build.Number = 0
		build.Parent = num
		for _, job := range jobs {
			job.ID = 0
			job.NodeID = 0
		err := store.CreateBuild(c, build, jobs...)
		if err != nil {
			c.String(500, err.Error())

		event := c.DefaultQuery("event", build.Event)
		if event == model.EventPush ||
			event == model.EventPull ||
			event == model.EventTag ||
			event == model.EventDeploy {
			build.Event = event
		build.Deploy = c.DefaultQuery("deploy_to", build.Deploy)

	// Read query string parameters into buildParams, exclude reserved params
	var buildParams = map[string]string{}
	for key, val := range c.Request.URL.Query() {
		switch key {
		case "fork", "event", "deploy_to":
			// We only accept string literals, because build parameters will be
			// injected as environment variables
			buildParams[key] = val[0]

	// todo move this to database tier
	// and wrap inside a transaction
	build.Status = model.StatusPending
	build.Started = 0
	build.Finished = 0
	build.Enqueued = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
	for _, job := range jobs {
		for k, v := range buildParams {
			job.Environment[k] = v
		job.Error = ""
		job.Status = model.StatusPending
		job.Started = 0
		job.Finished = 0
		job.ExitCode = 0
		job.NodeID = 0
		job.Enqueued = build.Enqueued
		store.UpdateJob(c, job)

	err = store.UpdateBuild(c, build)
	if err != nil {

	c.JSON(202, build)

	// get the previous build so that we can send
	// on status change notifications
	last, _ := store.GetBuildLastBefore(c, repo, build.Branch, build.ID)
	secs, err := store.GetMergedSecretList(c, repo)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("Error getting secrets for %s#%d. %s", repo.FullName, build.Number, err)

	var signed bool
	var verified bool

	signature, err := jose.ParseSigned(string(sec))
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
	} else if len(sec) == 0 {
		log.Debugf("cannot parse .drone.yml.sig file. empty file")
	} else {
		signed = true
		output, err := signature.Verify([]byte(repo.Hash))
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. %s", err)
		} else if string(output) != string(raw) {
			log.Debugf("cannot verify .drone.yml.sig file. no match. %q <> %q", string(output), string(raw))
		} else {
			verified = true

	log.Debugf(".drone.yml is signed=%v and verified=%v", signed, verified)

	client := stomp.MustFromContext(c)
	client.SendJSON("/topic/events", model.Event{
		Type:  model.Enqueued,
		Repo:  *repo,
		Build: *build,
		stomp.WithHeader("repo", repo.FullName),
		stomp.WithHeader("private", strconv.FormatBool(repo.IsPrivate)),

	for _, job := range jobs {
		broker, _ := stomp.FromContext(c)
		broker.SendJSON("/queue/pending", &model.Work{
			Signed:    signed,
			Verified:  verified,
			User:      user,
			Repo:      repo,
			Build:     build,
			BuildLast: last,
			Job:       job,
			Netrc:     netrc,
			Yaml:      string(raw),
			Secrets:   secs,
			System:    &model.System{Link: httputil.GetURL(c.Request)},
				yaml.ParsePlatformDefault(raw, "linux/amd64"),