Esempio n. 1
func (d *DataContext) setConnectionFromConfigFile(name string) error {
	d.ConnectionName = name
	if d.ConnectionName == "" {
		d.ConnectionName = fmt.Sprintf("Default")

	connType := strings.ToLower(config.Get("Connection_" + d.ConnectionName + "_Type").(string))
	host := config.Get("Connection_" + d.ConnectionName + "_Host").(string)
	username := config.Get("Connection_" + d.ConnectionName + "_Username").(string)
	password := config.Get("Connection_" + d.ConnectionName + "_Password").(string)
	database := config.Get("Connection_" + d.ConnectionName + "_database").(string)

	ci := new(dbox.ConnectionInfo)
	ci.Host = host
	ci.UserName = username
	ci.Password = password
	ci.Database = database

	conn, eConnect := dbox.NewConnection(connType, ci)
	if eConnect != nil {
		return err.Error(packageName, modCtx, "SetConnectionFromConfigFile", eConnect.Error())
	if eConnect = conn.Connect(); eConnect != nil {
		return err.Error(packageName, modCtx, "SetConnectionFromConfigFile", eConnect.Error())
	d.Connection = conn
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func NewConnection(ci *dbox.ConnectionInfo) (dbox.IConnection, error) {
	if ci.Settings == nil {
		ci.Settings = toolkit.M{}
	c := new(Connection)
	return c, nil
Esempio n. 3
func GrabHtmlConfig(data toolkit.M) (*sdt.GrabService, error) {
	var e error
	var gi, ti time.Duration
	xGrabService := sdt.NewGrabService()
	xGrabService.Name = data["nameid"].(string) //"irondcecom"
	xGrabService.Url = data["url"].(string)     //""

	xGrabService.SourceType = sdt.SourceType_HttpHtml

	grabintervalToInt := toolkit.ToInt(data["grabinterval"], toolkit.RoundingAuto)
	timeintervalToInt := toolkit.ToInt(data["timeoutinterval"], toolkit.RoundingAuto)
	if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "seconds" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Second
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Second
	} else if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "minutes" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Minute
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Minute
	} else if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "hours" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Hour
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Hour

	xGrabService.GrabInterval = gi    //* time.Minute
	xGrabService.TimeOutInterval = ti //* time.Minute //time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second

	xGrabService.TimeOutIntervalInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", timeintervalToInt, data["intervaltype"] /*"seconds"*/)

	grabConfig := sdt.Config{}

	if data["calltype"].(string) == "POST" {
		dataurl := toolkit.M{}
		for _, grabconf := range data["grabconf"].(map[string]interface{}) {
			grabDataConf, e := toolkit.ToM(grabconf)
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			for key, subGrabDataConf := range grabDataConf {
				if reflect.ValueOf(subGrabDataConf).Kind() == reflect.Float64 {
					i := toolkit.ToInt(subGrabDataConf, toolkit.RoundingAuto)
					toString := strconv.Itoa(i)
					dataurl[key] = toString
				} else {
					dataurl[key] = subGrabDataConf


	grabDataConf, e := toolkit.ToM(data["grabconf"])
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e

	isAuthType := grabDataConf.Has("authtype")
	if isAuthType {
		grabConfig.AuthType = grabDataConf["authtype"].(string)
		grabConfig.LoginUrl = grabDataConf["loginurl"].(string)   //"http://localhost:8000/login"
		grabConfig.LogoutUrl = grabDataConf["logouturl"].(string) //"http://localhost:8000/logout"

		grabConfig.LoginValues = toolkit.M{}.
			Set("name", grabDataConf["loginvalues"].(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string)).
			Set("password", grabDataConf["loginvalues"].(map[string]interface{})["password"].(string))


	xGrabService.ServGrabber = sdt.NewGrabber(xGrabService.Url, data["calltype"].(string), &grabConfig)

	logconfToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(data["logconf"])
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	logpath := logconfToMap["logpath"].(string)           //"E:\\data\\vale\\log"
	filename := logconfToMap["filename"].(string) + "-%s" //"LOG-GRABDCETEST"
	filepattern := logconfToMap["filepattern"].(string)   //"20060102"

	logconf, e := toolkit.NewLog(false, true, logpath, filename, filepattern)
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e

	xGrabService.Log = logconf

	xGrabService.ServGrabber.DataSettings = make(map[string]*sdt.DataSetting)
	xGrabService.DestDbox = make(map[string]*sdt.DestInfo)

	tempDataSetting := sdt.DataSetting{}
	tempDestInfo := sdt.DestInfo{}
	// isCondition := []interface{}{}
	tempFilterCond := toolkit.M{}
	// var condition string

	for _, dataSet := range data["datasettings"].([]interface{}) {
		dataToMap, _ := toolkit.ToM(dataSet)
		tempDataSetting.RowSelector = dataToMap["rowselector"].(string)

		for _, columnSet := range dataToMap["columnsettings"].([]interface{}) {
			columnToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(columnSet)
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			i := toolkit.ToInt(columnToMap["index"], toolkit.RoundingAuto)
			tempDataSetting.Column(i, &sdt.GrabColumn{Alias: columnToMap["alias"].(string), Selector: columnToMap["selector"].(string)})

		/*if data["calltype"].(string) == "POST" {
			// orCondition := []interface{}{}
			isRowdeletecond := dataToMap.Has("rowdeletecond")
			fmt.Println("isRowdeletecond>", isRowdeletecond)
			if hasRowdeletecond := dataToMap.Has("rowdeletecond"); hasRowdeletecond {
				for key, rowDeleteMap := range dataToMap["rowdeletecond"].(map[string]interface{}) {
					if key == "$or" || key == "$and" {
						for _, subDataRowDelete := range rowDeleteMap.([]interface{}) {
							for subIndex, getValueRowDelete := range subDataRowDelete.(map[string]interface{}) {
								orCondition = append(orCondition, map[string]interface{}{subIndex: getValueRowDelete})
						condition = key
			// tempDataSetting.RowDeleteCond = toolkit.M{}.Set(condition, orCondition)
			tempFilterCond := toolkit.M{}.Set(condition, orCondition)

		if hasRowdeletecond := dataToMap.Has("rowdeletecond"); hasRowdeletecond {
			rowToM, e := toolkit.ToM(dataToMap["rowdeletecond"])
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			tempFilterCond, e = toolkit.ToM(rowToM.Get("filtercond", nil))

		if hasRowincludecond := dataToMap.Has("rowincludecond"); hasRowincludecond {
			rowToM, e := toolkit.ToM(dataToMap["rowincludecond"])
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e

			tempFilterCond, e = toolkit.ToM(rowToM.Get("filtercond", nil))

		xGrabService.ServGrabber.DataSettings[dataToMap["name"].(string)] = &tempDataSetting //DATA01 use name in datasettings

		connToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(dataToMap["connectioninfo"])
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e
		var db, usr, pwd string

		if hasDb := connToMap.Has("database"); !hasDb {
			db = ""
		} else {
			db = connToMap["database"].(string)

		if hasUser := connToMap.Has("username"); !hasUser {
			usr = ""
		} else {
			usr = connToMap["username"].(string)

		if hasPwd := connToMap.Has("password"); !hasPwd {
			pwd = ""
		} else {
			pwd = connToMap["username"].(string)
		ci := dbox.ConnectionInfo{}
		ci.Host = connToMap["host"].(string) //"E:\\data\\vale\\Data_GrabIronTest.csv"
		ci.Database = db
		ci.UserName = usr
		ci.Password = pwd

		if hasSettings := connToMap.Has("settings"); !hasSettings {
			ci.Settings = nil
		} else {
			settingToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(connToMap["settings"])
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			ci.Settings = settingToMap //toolkit.M{}.Set("useheader", settingToMap["useheader"].(bool)).Set("delimiter", settingToMap["delimiter"])

		if hasCollection := connToMap.Has("collection"); !hasCollection {
			tempDestInfo.Collection = ""
		} else {
			tempDestInfo.Collection = connToMap["collection"].(string)

		tempDestInfo.Desttype = dataToMap["desttype"].(string)

		tempDestInfo.IConnection, e = dbox.NewConnection(tempDestInfo.Desttype, &ci)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e

		xGrabService.DestDbox[dataToMap["name"].(string)] = &tempDestInfo

		xGrabService.HistoryPath = HistoryPath       //"E:\\data\\vale\\history\\"
		xGrabService.HistoryRecPath = HistoryRecPath //"E:\\data\\vale\\historyrec\\"

	return xGrabService, nil
Esempio n. 4
func GrabDocConfig(data toolkit.M) (*sdt.GrabService, error) {
	var e error
	var gi, ti time.Duration

	GrabService := sdt.NewGrabService()
	GrabService.Name = data["nameid"].(string) //"iopriceindices"
	GrabService.SourceType = sdt.SourceType_DocExcel

	grabintervalToInt := toolkit.ToInt(data["grabinterval"], toolkit.RoundingAuto)
	timeintervalToInt := toolkit.ToInt(data["timeoutinterval"], toolkit.RoundingAuto)
	if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "seconds" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Second
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Second
	} else if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "minutes" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Minute
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Minute
	} else if data["intervaltype"].(string) == "hours" {
		gi = time.Duration(grabintervalToInt) * time.Hour
		ti = time.Duration(timeintervalToInt) * time.Hour
	GrabService.GrabInterval = gi
	GrabService.TimeOutInterval = ti //time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second
	GrabService.TimeOutIntervalInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", timeintervalToInt, data["intervaltype"])

	ci := dbox.ConnectionInfo{}

	grabDataConf, e := toolkit.ToM(data["grabconf"])
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	isDoctype := grabDataConf.Has("doctype")
	if isDoctype {
		connToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(grabDataConf["connectioninfo"])
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e
		ci.Host = connToMap["host"].(string) //"E:\\data\\sample\\IO Price Indices.xlsm"
		if hasSettings := connToMap.Has("settings"); !hasSettings {
			ci.Settings = nil
		} else {
			settingToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(connToMap["settings"])
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			ci.Settings = settingToMap //toolkit.M{}.Set("useheader", settingToMap["useheader"].(bool)).Set("delimiter", settingToMap["delimiter"])
		GrabService.ServGetData, e = sdt.NewGetDatabase(ci.Host, grabDataConf["doctype"].(string), &ci)

	logconfToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(data["logconf"])
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	logpath := logconfToMap["logpath"].(string)           //"E:\\data\\vale\\log"
	filename := logconfToMap["filename"].(string) + "-%s" //"LOG-LOCALXLSX-%s"
	filepattern := logconfToMap["filepattern"].(string)   //"20060102"

	logconf, e := toolkit.NewLog(false, true, logpath, filename, filepattern)
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e

	GrabService.Log = logconf

	GrabService.ServGetData.CollectionSettings = make(map[string]*sdt.CollectionSetting)
	GrabService.DestDbox = make(map[string]*sdt.DestInfo)

	tempDataSetting := sdt.CollectionSetting{}
	tempDestInfo := sdt.DestInfo{}

	for _, dataSet := range data["datasettings"].([]interface{}) {
		dataToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(dataSet)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e
		tempDataSetting.Collection = dataToMap["rowselector"].(string) //"HIST"
		for _, columnSet := range dataToMap["columnsettings"].([]interface{}) {
			columnToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(columnSet)
			if e != nil {
				return nil, e
			tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &sdt.GrabColumn{Alias: columnToMap["alias"].(string), Selector: columnToMap["selector"].(string)})
		GrabService.ServGetData.CollectionSettings[dataToMap["name"].(string)] = &tempDataSetting //DATA01 use name in datasettings

		// fmt.Println("doctype>", grabDataConf["doctype"])
		connToMap, e := toolkit.ToM(dataToMap["connectioninfo"])
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e
		var db, usr, pwd string

		if hasDb := connToMap.Has("database"); !hasDb {
			db = ""
		} else {
			db = connToMap["database"].(string)
		if hasUser := connToMap.Has("username"); !hasUser {
			usr = ""
		} else {
			usr = connToMap["username"].(string)

		if hasPwd := connToMap.Has("password"); !hasPwd {
			pwd = ""
		} else {
			pwd = connToMap["username"].(string)
		ci = dbox.ConnectionInfo{}
		ci.Host = connToMap["host"].(string) //"localhost:27017"
		ci.Database = db                     //"valegrab"
		ci.UserName = usr                    //""
		ci.Password = pwd                    //""

		//tempDestInfo.Collection = "iopriceindices"
		if hasCollection := connToMap.Has("collection"); !hasCollection {
			tempDestInfo.Collection = ""
		} else {
			tempDestInfo.Collection = connToMap["collection"].(string)
		tempDestInfo.Desttype = dataToMap["desttype"].(string) //"mongo"

		tempDestInfo.IConnection, e = dbox.NewConnection(tempDestInfo.Desttype, &ci)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, e

		GrabService.DestDbox[dataToMap["name"].(string)] = &tempDestInfo
		GrabService.HistoryPath = HistoryPath       //"E:\\data\\vale\\history\\"
		GrabService.HistoryRecPath = HistoryRecPath //"E:\\data\\vale\\historyrec\\"

	return GrabService, e
Esempio n. 5
func fetchConfig() (err error) {

	switch toolkit.ToString(config.Get("sourcetype", "")) {
	case "SourceType_DocExcel":
		SourceType = SourceType_DocExcel
	case "SourceType_DocMongo":
		SourceType = SourceType_DocMongo
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, Source type is not defined : %v", config.Get("sourcetype", "")))

	Log.AddLog("Start fetch grabconf", "INFO")
	if !config.Has("grabconf") {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, grabconf not found error"))

	tconfgrab := toolkit.M{}
	tconfgrab, err = toolkit.ToM(config["grabconf"])
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, grabconf found error : %v", err.Error()))

	if !tconfgrab.Has("doctype") {
		err = errors.New("Fetch Config, doctype not found")

	ci := dbox.ConnectionInfo{}
	mapconninfo := toolkit.M{}

	mapconninfo, err = toolkit.ToM(tconfgrab.Get("connectioninfo", nil))
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, load connectioninfo found error : %v", err.Error()))

	ci.Host = toolkit.ToString(mapconninfo.Get("host", ""))
	ci.Database = toolkit.ToString(mapconninfo.Get("database", ""))
	ci.UserName = toolkit.ToString(mapconninfo.Get("userName", ""))
	ci.Password = toolkit.ToString(mapconninfo.Get("password", ""))
	ci.Settings, err = toolkit.ToM(mapconninfo.Get("settings", nil))
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, load connectioninfo.settings found error : %v", err.Error()))

	sGrabber, err = sedotan.NewGetDatabase(ci.Host, toolkit.ToString(tconfgrab.Get("doctype", "")), &ci)
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Fetch Config, create new get database found error : %v", err.Error()))

	Log.AddLog("Start fetch datasettings", "INFO")
	if !config.Has("datasettings") || !(toolkit.TypeName(config["datasettings"]) == "[]interface {}") {
		err = errors.New("Fetch Config, datasettings is not found or have wrong format")

	sGrabber.CollectionSettings = make(map[string]*sedotan.CollectionSetting)
	destDboxs = make(map[string]*DestInfo)

	for i, xVal := range config["datasettings"].([]interface{}) {
		err = nil
		tCollectionSetting := sedotan.CollectionSetting{}
		tDestDbox := DestInfo{}

		mVal := toolkit.M{}
		mVal, err = toolkit.ToM(xVal)
		if err != nil {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d] Found : %v", i, err.Error()), "ERROR")

		tnameid := toolkit.ToString(mVal.Get("nameid", ""))
		if tnameid == "" {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d] Data Setting Id is not found", i), "ERROR")
		tCollectionSetting.Collection = toolkit.ToString(mVal.Get("collection", ""))

		// Fetch mapssettings
		if !mVal.Has("mapssettings") || !(toolkit.TypeName(mVal["mapssettings"]) == "[]interface {}") {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v] Found : mapssettings is not found or incorrect", i, tnameid), "ERROR")

		tCollectionSetting.MapsColumns = make([]*sedotan.MapColumn, 0, 0)
		for xi, Valcs := range mVal["mapssettings"].([]interface{}) {
			mValcs := toolkit.M{}
			mValcs, err = toolkit.ToM(Valcs)
			if err != nil {
				Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v.%v] Found : mapssettings is not found or incorrect", i, tnameid, xi), "ERROR")

			tgrabcolumn := sedotan.MapColumn{}

			tgrabcolumn.Source = toolkit.ToString(mValcs.Get("source", ""))
			tgrabcolumn.SType = toolkit.ToString(mValcs.Get("sourcetype", ""))
			tgrabcolumn.Destination = toolkit.ToString(mValcs.Get("destination", ""))
			tgrabcolumn.DType = toolkit.ToString(mValcs.Get("destinationtype", ""))

			// tindex := toolkit.ToInt(mValcs.Get("index", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto)
			tCollectionSetting.MapsColumns = append(tCollectionSetting.MapsColumns, &tgrabcolumn)

		//Fetch Filter Condition
		if mVal.Has("filtercond") {
			tfiltercond := toolkit.M{}
			tfiltercond, err = toolkit.ToM(mVal.Get("filtercond", toolkit.M{}))
			if err != nil {
				Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v] Found : filter cond is incorrect, %v", i, tnameid, err.Error()), "ERROR")
			} else {

		//Fetch limit data
		if mVal.Has("limitrow") {
			tLimitrow, err := toolkit.ToM(mVal["limitrow"])
			if err == nil {
				tCollectionSetting.Take = toolkit.ToInt(tLimitrow.Get("take", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto)
				tCollectionSetting.Skip = toolkit.ToInt(tLimitrow.Get("skip", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto)

		//Fetch Connection Info
		tConnInfo := toolkit.M{}
		tConnInfo, err = toolkit.ToM(mVal.Get("connectioninfo", toolkit.M{}))
		if err != nil {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v] Found : %v", i, tnameid, err.Error()), "ERROR")
		tDestDbox.desttype = toolkit.ToString(mVal.Get("desttype", ""))
		tDestDbox.collection = toolkit.ToString(tConnInfo.Get("collection", ""))

		tHost := toolkit.ToString(tConnInfo.Get("host", ""))
		tDatabase := toolkit.ToString(tConnInfo.Get("database", ""))
		tUserName := toolkit.ToString(tConnInfo.Get("username", ""))
		tPassword := toolkit.ToString(tConnInfo.Get("password", ""))
		tSettings := toolkit.M{}
		tSettings, err = toolkit.ToM(tConnInfo.Get("settings", nil))
		if err != nil {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v] Connection Setting Found : %v", i, tnameid, err.Error()), "ERROR")

		tDestDbox.IConnection, err = prepareconnection(tDestDbox.desttype, tHost, tDatabase, tUserName, tPassword, tSettings)
		if err != nil {
			Log.AddLog(fmt.Sprintf("[Fetch.Ds.%d.%v] Create connection found : %v", i, tnameid, err.Error()), "ERROR")

		destDboxs[tnameid] = &tDestDbox
		sGrabber.CollectionSettings[tnameid] = &tCollectionSetting

	err = nil

	if len(destDboxs) == 0 || len(sGrabber.CollectionSettings) == 0 {
		err = errors.New("Fetch Config, datasettings is not found or have wrong format")

	if !config.Has("histconf") {
		err = errors.New("Fetch Config, history configuration is not found or have wrong format")

	Log.AddLog("Start fetch histconf", "INFO")
	histConf, err = toolkit.ToM(config.Get("histconf", nil))
	if err != nil || len(histConf) == 0 || !histConf.Has("histpath") || !histConf.Has("recpath") || !histConf.Has("filename") || !histConf.Has("filepattern") {
		err = errors.New("Fetch Config, history configuration is not found or have wrong format")

	if !config.Has("extcommand") {

	Log.AddLog("Start fetch extcommand", "INFO")
	extCommand, _ = toolkit.ToM(config.Get("extcommand", nil))

Esempio n. 6
func TestServiceGrabDocument(t *testing.T) {
	var e error

	xGrabService := NewGrabService()
	xGrabService.Name = "iopriceindices"

	xGrabService.SourceType = SourceType_DocExcel

	xGrabService.GrabInterval = 5 * time.Minute
	xGrabService.TimeOutInterval = 10 * time.Second //time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second

	xGrabService.TimeOutIntervalInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", 1, "seconds")

	//==must have grabconf and Connection info inside grabconf         ===========================================
	// mapValConfig, e := toolkit.ToM(mapVal.Get("grabconf", nil).(map[string]interface{}))
	// mapConnVal, e := toolkit.ToM(mapValConfig.Get("connectioninfo", nil).(map[string]interface{}))

	ci := dbox.ConnectionInfo{}

	ci.Host = "E:\\data\\sample\\IO Price Indices.xlsm"
	// ci.Database = mapConnVal.Get("database", "").(string)
	// ci.UserName = mapConnVal.Get("userName", "").(string)
	// ci.Password = mapConnVal.Get("password", "").(string)

	// if have setting inside of connection info
	// ci.Settings, e = toolkit.ToM(tempSetting.(map[string]interface{}))
	ci.Settings = nil

	xGrabService.ServGetData, e = NewGetDatabase(ci.Host, "xlsx", &ci)


	//==For Data Log          ===========================================

	// 	logpath = tempLogConf.Get("logpath", "").(string)
	// 	filename = tempLogConf.Get("filename", "").(string)
	// 	filepattern = tempLogConf.Get("filepattern", "").(string)

	logpath := "E:\\data\\vale\\log"
	filename := "LOG-LOCALXLSX-%s"
	filepattern := "20060102"

	logconf, e := toolkit.NewLog(false, true, logpath, filename, filepattern)
	if e != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error Found : ", e)

	xGrabService.Log = logconf

	//==Data Setting and Destination Save =====================

	xGrabService.ServGetData.CollectionSettings = make(map[string]*CollectionSetting)
	xGrabService.DestDbox = make(map[string]*DestInfo)

	// ==For Every Data Setting ===============================
	tempDataSetting := CollectionSetting{}
	tempDestInfo := DestInfo{}

	// .Collection = mapxVal.Get("rowselector", "").(string)
	tempDataSetting.Collection = "HIST"
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "Date", Selector: "1"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "Platts 62% Fe IODEX", Selector: "2"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "Platts 65% Fe", Selector: "4"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "TSI 62% Fe", Selector: "15"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "TSI 65% Fe", Selector: "16"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "TSI 62% Fe LOW ALUMINA", Selector: "17"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "MB 62% Fe", Selector: "26"})
	tempDataSetting.SelectColumn = append(tempDataSetting.SelectColumn, &GrabColumn{Alias: "MB 65% Fe", Selector: "29"})

	// tempDataSetting.SetFilterCond(tempFilterCond)
	// -Check "filtercond" in config-
	// tempFilterCond, e = toolkit.ToM(mapxVal.Get("filtercond", nil).(map[string]interface{}))
	// tempDataSetting.SetFilterCond(tempFilterCond)

	xGrabService.ServGetData.CollectionSettings["DATA01"] = &tempDataSetting //DATA01 use name in datasettings

	ci = dbox.ConnectionInfo{}
	ci.Host = "localhost:27017"
	ci.Database = "valegrab"
	ci.UserName = ""
	ci.Password = ""
	// ci.Settings = toolkit.M{}.Set("useheader", true).Set("delimiter", ",")
	// setting will be depend on config file

	tempDestInfo.Collection = "iopriceindices"
	tempDestInfo.Desttype = "mongo"

	tempDestInfo.IConnection, e = dbox.NewConnection(tempDestInfo.Desttype, &ci)
	if e != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error Found : ", e)

	xGrabService.DestDbox["DATA01"] = &tempDestInfo
	xGrabService.HistoryPath = "E:\\data\\vale\\history\\"
	xGrabService.HistoryRecPath = "E:\\data\\vale\\historyrec\\"

	e = xGrabService.StartService()
	if e != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error Found : ", e)
	} else {

		for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
			time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)

		e = xGrabService.StopService()
		if e != nil {
			t.Errorf("Error Found : ", e)