func extractDataBulk(attrList []string, data toolkit.M, driverName string) string { var values string if data != nil { for i, attr := range attrList { val := data.Get(attr) var datatypelist = []string{"map", "invalid", "struct", "slice"} var value reflect.Value if val != nil { value = reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(val)) } if toolkit.HasMember(datatypelist, value.Kind().String()) { continue } stringValues := StringValue(val, driverName) if i == 0 { values = "(" + stringValues } else { values += ", " + stringValues } } values += ")" } return values }
func CheckValue(v toolkit.M, f *Filter) (bool, interface{}) { resbool := false filedtemp := []interface{}{} resbool = v.Has(f.Field) if resbool { return resbool, v.Get(f.Field) } else if strings.Contains(f.Field, ".") { ar := strings.Split(f.Field, ".") for i, dt := range ar { if i == 0 { resbool = v.Has(dt) if !resbool { break } else { filedtemp = append(filedtemp, v.Get(dt)) } } else { temp := toolkit.M(filedtemp[i-1].(map[string]interface{})) resbool = temp.Has(dt) if !resbool { break } else { filedtemp = append(filedtemp, temp.Get(dt)) } } if i == len(ar)-1 { return true, filedtemp[i] } } } return false, nil }
/* Write Write bytes of data into sebar storage. - Data need to be defined as []byte on in["data"] - To use memory or disk should be defined on in["storage"] as: MEM, DSK (sebar.StorageTypeMemory, sebar.StorageTypeMemory) - If no in["storage"] or the value is not eq to either disk or memory, it will be defaulted to memory */ func (s *Storage) Write(in toolkit.M) *toolkit.Result { r := toolkit.NewResult() key := in.Get("key").(string) storage := StorageTypeEnum(in.GetString("storage")) if storage != StorageTypeMemory && storage != StorageTypeDisk { storage = StorageTypeMemory } dataToWrite := in.Get("data").([]byte) dataLen := len(dataToWrite) // Validation nodeCoordinator := s.NodeByID(s.Coordinator) if nodeCoordinator == nil { return r.SetErrorTxt(s.Address + " no Coordinator has been setup") } // Since all is ok commit the change var ms *StorageMedia if storage == StorageTypeMemory { ms = s.MemoryStorage } else { ms = s.DiskStorage } ms.write(key, dataToWrite, nodeCoordinator) s.Log.Info(toolkit.Sprintf("Writing %s (%s) to node %s", key, ParseSize(float64(dataLen)), s.Address)) return r }
func (c *Coordinator) UpdateMetadata(in toolkit.M) *toolkit.Result { result := toolkit.NewResult() keys := []string{} bs := in.Get("keys", []byte{}).([]byte) toolkit.FromBytes(bs, "gob", &keys) return result }
func (d *DataBrowserController) parseQuery(conn dbox.IConnection, dbrowser colonycore.DataBrowser, datacon *colonycore.Connection) (dbox.IQuery, error) { var dataQuery dbox.IQuery if dbrowser.QueryType == "nonQueryText" { dataQuery = conn.NewQuery().From(dbrowser.TableNames) } else if dbrowser.QueryType == "SQL" { if toolkit.HasMember(rdbms, datacon.Driver) { dataQuery = conn.NewQuery().Command("freequery", toolkit.M{}. Set("syntax", dbrowser.QueryText)) } else { return nil, errors.New("Free Text Query with SQL only for RDBMS, please use Dbox") } } else if dbrowser.QueryType == "Dbox" { queryInfo := toolkit.M{} toolkit.UnjsonFromString(dbrowser.QueryText, &queryInfo) toolkit.Println("queryinfo", queryInfo) if qFrom := queryInfo.Get("from", "").(string); qFrom != "" { dataQuery = conn.NewQuery() dataQuery = dataQuery.From(qFrom) } if qSelect := queryInfo.Get("select", "").(string); qSelect != "" { if qSelect != "*" { dataQuery = dataQuery.Select(strings.Split(qSelect, ",")...) } } } return dataQuery, nil }
func ReadVariable(f *dbox.Filter, in toolkit.M) *dbox.Filter { f.Field = strings.ToLower(f.Field) if (f.Op == "$and" || f.Op == "$or") && strings.Contains(reflect.TypeOf(f.Value).String(), "dbox.Filter") { fs := f.Value.([]*dbox.Filter) for i, ff := range fs { bf := ReadVariable(ff, in) fs[i] = bf } f.Value = fs } else { if reflect.TypeOf(f.Value).Kind() == reflect.Slice { fSlice := f.Value.([]interface{}) // nilai fSlice : [@name1 @name2] for i := 0; i < len(fSlice); i++ { // nilai fSlice [i] : @name1 if len(cast.ToString(f.Value)) > 0 && string(cast.ToString(fSlice[i])[0]) == "@" { fSlice[i] = in.Get(cast.ToString(fSlice[i]), "") } } f.Value = fSlice } else if len(cast.ToString(f.Value)) > 0 && string(cast.ToString(f.Value)[0]) == "@" { f.Value = in.Get(cast.ToString(f.Value), "") } } return f }
func (d *DataContext) Find(m IModel, parms tk.M) (dbox.ICursor, error) { ////_ = "breakpoint" q := d.Connection.NewQuery().From(m.TableName()) if qe := parms.Get(ConfigSelect); qe != nil { fields := qe.(string) selectFields := strings.Split(fields, ",") q = q.Select(selectFields...) } if qe := parms.Get(ConfigWhere, nil); qe != nil { //q = q.Where(qe.(*dbox.Filter)) filters := qe.([]*dbox.Filter) if len(filters) > 0 { q = q.Where(dbox.And(filters...)) } } if qe := parms.Get(ConfigOrder, nil); qe != nil { q = q.Order(qe.([]string)...) } if qe := parms.Get(ConfigSkip, nil); qe != nil { q = q.Skip(qe.(int)) } if qe := parms.Get(ConfigLimit, nil); qe != nil { q = q.Take(qe.(int)) } //fmt.Printf("Debug Q: %s\n", tk.JsonString(q)) return q.Cursor(nil) //return c }
func (p *Page) SaveNewWidget(payload toolkit.M, widgetPath string) (*WidgetPage, error) { wp := new(WidgetPage) wp.ID = payload.Get("widgetPageId", "").(string) wp.WidgetID = payload.Get("widgetId", "").(string) widget := new(Widget) widget.ID = wp.WidgetID widget.GetById() wp.ConfigDefault = widget.Config extractDest := filepath.Join(widgetPath, widget.ID) path, err := GetWidgetPath(extractDest) if path == "" { return nil, errors.New("directory doesn't contains index.html") } if err != nil { return nil, err } getConfigFile := filepath.Join(path, "config-widget.json") result, err := GetJsonFile(getConfigFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } if result != nil { /*going to select dataSources field only from config-widget.json*/ for _, value := range result[0].Get("dataSources").([]interface{}) { wp.DataSources = append(wp.DataSources, value.(map[string]interface{})) } } return wp, nil }
func (q *Query) Exec(parm toolkit.M) (e error) { data := parm.Get("data") driverName := q.GetDriverDB() if toolkit.IsSlice(data) && driverName == "mssql" { e = q.insertBulk(parm) } else { _, e = q.ExecOut(parm) } return e }
func GetMgoValue(d tk.M, fieldName string) interface{} { index := strings.Index(fieldName, ".") if index < 0 { return d.Get(fieldName) } else { data := d.Get(fieldName[0:index]) if data != nil { return GetMgoValue(data.(tk.M), fieldName[(index+1):len(fieldName)]) } else { return nil } } }
func Finds(o orm.IModel, param toolkit.M) (dbox.ICursor, error) { var filters []*dbox.Filter params := toolkit.M{} params.Set("where", filters) if qe := param.Get("order", nil); qe != nil { params.Set("order", qe.([]string)) } if qe := param.Get("skip", nil); qe != nil { params.Set("skip", qe.(int)) } if qe := param.Get("take", nil); qe != nil { params.Set("limit", qe.(int)) } if qe := param.Get("where", nil); qe != nil { filters = append(filters, qe.(*dbox.Filter)) params.Set("where", filters) } c, e := ctx().Find(o, params) if e != nil { return nil, errors.New("Core.Find: " + e.Error()) } return c, nil }
func (c *Cursor) getCondition(condition toolkit.M) bool { var flag bool var dataCheck toolkit.M for i, v := range condition { if i == "$and" || i == "$or" { flag = true } else if v != dataCheck.Get(i, "").(string) { flag = false } } return flag }
func (this *DataBrowserController) getExcelValue(data tk.M, field string) (result interface{}) { field = strings.ToLower(field) numberOfDot := strings.Count(field, ".") if numberOfDot > 0 { d := data.Get(field[0:strings.Index(field, ".")]).(tk.M) newField := field[strings.Index(field, ".")+1 : len(field)] result = this.getExcelValue(d, newField) } else { result = data.Get(field) } if result == nil { result = "" } return }
func (q *Query) compileUpdateFrom(queryString string, ins toolkit.M) string { updateString := func() string { if !ins.Has("data") { return "" } var updates []string for k, v := range ins.Get("data", toolkit.M{}).(toolkit.M) { updates = append(updates, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", k, q.getAsString(v))) } return strings.Join(updates, ", ") }() queryString = fmt.Sprintf("%sSET %s ", queryString, updateString) return queryString }
func (a *Controller) KendoGridSettings(ins toolkit.M) toolkit.M { if ins == nil { ins = toolkit.M{} } s := toolkit.M{} q_skip := a.Ctx.Input.Query("skip") q_page := a.Ctx.Input.Query("page") q_size := a.Ctx.Input.Query("pageSize") if q_skip != "" { s.Set("skip", toolkit.ToInt(q_skip)) } if q_page != "" { s.Set("page", toolkit.ToInt(q_page)) } if q_size != "" { s.Set("limit", toolkit.ToInt(q_size)) } sortField := strings.ToLower(a.Ctx.Input.Query("sort[0][field]")) sortDir := a.Ctx.Input.Query("sort[0][dir]") if sortField != "" { if sortField == "id" { sortField = "_id" } if sortDir == "" || sortDir == "asc" { s.Set("order", []string{sortField}) } else { s.Set("order", []string{"-" + sortField}) } } if fqe := a.KendoGridFilter("filter"); fqe != nil { if ins.Has("where") { fqe = dbs.And(fqe, ins.Get("where").(*dbs.QE)) } s.Set("where", fqe) } return s }
func MatchM(v toolkit.M, filters []*Filter) bool { var match bool for _, f := range filters { if f.Field != "" { //--- if has field: $eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $contains //toolkit.Printf("Filter:%s V:%s Has:%s Match:%s", f.Field, toolkit.JsonString(v), v.Has("random"), match) if v.Has(f.Field) { match = MatchV(v.Get(f.Field), f) //toolkit.Printf("Filter:%s Value: %v Match:%s \n", toolkit.JsonString(f), v.Get(f.Field), match) if !match { return false } } else { if f.Op != FilterOpNoEqual && f.Op != FilterOpNin { return false } } } else { //-- no field: $and, $or //toolkit.Printf("Filter: %s\n", toolkit.JsonString(f)) if f.Op == FilterOpAnd || f.Op == FilterOpOr { filters2 := f.Value.([]*Filter) for k, f2 := range filters2 { if f.Op == FilterOpAnd { if k == 0 { match = MatchM(v, []*Filter{f2}) } else { match = match && MatchM(v, []*Filter{f2}) } } else { if k == 0 { match = MatchM(v, []*Filter{f2}) } else { match = match || MatchM(v, []*Filter{f2}) } } } } //toolkit.Printf("\n") } } return match }
func (q *Query) compileInsertFrom(queryString string, ins toolkit.M) string { keyString, valString := func() (string, string) { if !ins.Has("data") { return "", "" } keys := []string{} vals := []string{} for k, v := range ins.Get("data", toolkit.M{}).(toolkit.M) { keys = append(keys, k) vals = append(vals, q.getAsString(v)) } return strings.Join(keys, ", "), strings.Join(vals, ", ") }() queryString = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s) VALUES (%s) ", queryString, keyString, valString) return queryString }
func convertDataType(typedt string, dtget string, toolmap toolkit.M) interface{} { var resValueEachSF interface{} switch typedt { case "string": resValueEachSF = fmt.Sprintf("%v", toolmap.Get(dtget)) case "int": var resDefault int resDefault = toolmap.GetInt(dtget) resValueEachSF = resDefault case "double": var resDefault float32 resDefault = toolmap.GetFloat32(dtget) resValueEachSF = resDefault case "bool": var resDefault bool resDefault, _ = strconv.ParseBool(toolmap.GetString(dtget)) resValueEachSF = resDefault } return resValueEachSF }
func (d *DataContext) Get(m IModel, config tk.M) error { var e error q := d.Connection.NewQuery().SetConfig("pooling", d.Pooling()).From(m.(IModel).TableName()) if config.Has(ConfigWhere) { q = q.Where(config.Get(ConfigWhere).(*dbox.Filter)) } if config.Has(ConfigOrder) { q = q.Order(config.Get(ConfigOrder).([]string)...) } q = q.Take(1) //q := d.Connection.NewQuery().From(m.(IModel).TableName()).Where(dbox.Eq("_id", id)) c, e := q.Cursor(nil) if e != nil { return err.Error(packageName, modCtx, "Get", "Cursor fail. "+e.Error()) } defer c.Close() e = c.Fetch(m, 1, false) if e != nil { return err.Error(packageName, modCtx, "Get", e.Error()) } return nil }
func (c *Coordinator) Set(in toolkit.M) *toolkit.Result { var e error if in == nil { in = toolkit.M{} } result := toolkit.NewResult() key := in.GetString("key") // validation if key == "" { return result.SetErrorTxt("Key is empty") } data := in.Get("data", []byte{}).([]byte) if len(data) == 0 { return result.SetErrorTxt("Data is not valid") } // get available node nodeIdx, e := c.getAvailableNode(data) if e != nil { return result.SetErrorTxt("Coordinator.Set: " + e.Error()) } node := c.Node(RoleStorage, nodeIdx) // write the data delete(in, "auth_referenceid") delete(in, "auth_secret") in.Set("data", data) rw := node.Call("write", in) result.Data = rw.Data result.Status = rw.Status if result.Status != toolkit.Status_OK { result.SetErrorTxt("Coordinator.Set: " + rw.Message) } return result }
func checkisonprocess(id string, intervalconf toolkit.M, grabconf toolkit.M) (cond bool) { cond = false if _, f := mapsnapshot[id]; !f { return } mtkdata := mapsnapshot[id] mapcron, _ := toolkit.ToM(intervalconf["cronconf"]) if mtkdata.Grabstatus == "running" && len(mapcron) <= 0 { cond = true } mtkstarttime := sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Starttime) timeoutint := toolkit.ToInt(grabconf.Get("timeout", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto) timeoutsec := time.Second * time.Duration(timeoutint) if cond && (thistime.After(mtkstarttime.Add(timeoutsec)) && timeoutint > 0) { cond = false } return }
func TestLoad(t *testing.T) { t.Skip() if econnect := connect(); econnect != nil { t.Error("Unable to connect to database") return } defer close() q := ctx.Query().From("tmpOutages").Select("Start Date", "Start Time", "Total") c := q.Cursor(nil) defer c.Close() var m tk.M for b, _ := c.Fetch(&m); b; b, _ = c.Fetch(&m) { //go func(m tk.M) { dt := tk.MakeDate("1/2/06", m.Get("Start Date", "1/1/1980").(string)).UTC() tm := tk.MakeDate("03:04� ", m.Get("Start Time", "00:00").(string)).UTC() //tm := tk.MakeDate("03:04� ", m.Get("Start Time", "00:00").(string)).UTC().Sub(tk.MakeDate("03:04", "00:00").UTC()) dt = tk.AddTime(dt, tm) fmt.Printf("Data %v has: %v\n", dt.Format("2-Jan-2006 03:04"), m.GetFloat64("Total")) //}(m) } }
func (d *DataContext) Find(m IModel, parms tk.M) (dbox.ICursor, error) { ////_ = "breakpoint" q := d.Connection.NewQuery().From(m.TableName()) if qe := parms.Get("where", nil); qe != nil { q = q.Where(qe.([]*dbox.Filter)...) } if qe := parms.Get("order", nil); qe != nil { q = q.Order(qe.([]string)...) } if qe := parms.Get("skip", nil); qe != nil { q = q.Skip(qe.(int)) } if qe := parms.Get("limit", nil); qe != nil { q = q.Take(qe.(int)) } //fmt.Printf("Debug Q: %s\n", tk.JsonString(q)) return q.Cursor(nil) //return c }
func (mp *MapPage) Save(payload toolkit.M) error { mp.ID = payload.Get("_id", "").(string) mp.Title = payload.Get("title", "").(string) mp.URL = payload.Get("url", "").(string) mp.FileName = mp.ID + ".json" page := new(Page) page.ID = mp.ID page.Title = mp.Title page.URL = mp.URL // page.ParentMenu = payload.Get("parentMenu", "").(string) // page.URL = payload.Get("url", "").(string) if err := Save(mp); err != nil { return err } if err := page.Save(payload, false, ""); err != nil { return err } return nil }
func (b *Broadcaster) initRoute() { //-- add node b.Route("/nodeadd", func(kr *knot.WebContext) interface{} { url := kr.Query("node") b.Subscibers = append(b.Subscibers, url) kr.Server.Log().Info(fmt.Sprintf("Add node %s to %s", url, b.Address)) return "OK" }) //-- add channel subscribtion b.Route("/channelregister", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} { k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson result := toolkit.NewResult() cr := &ChannelRegister{} k.GetPayload(cr) b.addChannelSubcriber(cr.Channel, cr.Subscriber) return result }) //-- get the message (used for DstributeAsQue type) b.Route("/getmsg", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} { k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson result := toolkit.NewResult() tm := toolkit.M{} e := k.GetPayload(&tm) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e.Error()) result.SetErrorTxt(fmt.Sprintf("Broadcaster GetMsg Payload Error: %s", e.Error())) } else { key := tm.Get("Key", "").(string) if key == "" { result.SetErrorTxt("Broadcaste GetMsg Error: No key is provided") } else { m, exist := b.messages[key] //fmt.Println(m.Key + " : " + m.Data.(string)) if exist == false { result.SetErrorTxt("Message " + key + " is not exist") } else { result.Data = m.Data //fmt.Printf("Sent data: %v \n", m.Data) } } } return result }) //-- invoked to identify if a msg has been received (used for DistAsQue) b.Route("/msgreceived", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} { k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson result := toolkit.NewResult() tm := toolkit.M{} e := k.GetPayload(&tm) if e != nil { result.SetErrorTxt("Broadcaster MsgReceived Payload Error: " + e.Error()) } else { key := tm.Get("key", "").(string) subscriber := tm.Get("subscriber", "").(string) mm, exist := b.messages[key] if exist == false { result.SetErrorTxt("Broadcaster MsgReceived Error: " + key + " is not exist") } else { for tIndex, t := range mm.Targets { if t == subscriber { mm.Status[tIndex] = "OK" break } } } } return result }) //-- gracefully stop the server b.Route("/stop", func(k *knot.WebContext) interface{} { result := toolkit.NewResult() defer func() { if result.Status == toolkit.Status_OK { k.Server.Stop() } }() for _, s := range b.Subscibers { url := "http://" + s + "/stop" bs, e := webcall(url, "GET", nil) if e != nil { result.SetErrorTxt("Unable to stop " + s + ": " + e.Error()) } sresult := toolkit.NewResult() toolkit.Unjson(bs, sresult) if sresult.Status == toolkit.Status_NOK { result.SetErrorTxt("Unable to stop " + s + ": " + sresult.Message) } } k.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson return result }) }
//Check Time run and record to snapshot func checkistimerun(id string, intervalconf toolkit.M, grabconf toolkit.M) (cond bool) { cond = false var mtklaststarttime, mtklastupdate time.Time tempss := Snapshot{Id: id, Starttime: "", Laststartgrab: "", Lastupdate: "", Grabcount: 1, Rowgrabbed: 0, Errorfound: 0, Lastgrabstatus: "", Grabstatus: "running", Cgtotal: 0, Cgprocess: 0, Note: "", Pid: 0} // Lastgrabstatus string //[success|failed] // Grabstatus string //[running|done] strintervalconf := intervalconf.Get("starttime", "").(string) intervalstart := sedotan.StringToDate(strintervalconf) strintervaltype := intervalconf.Get("intervaltype", "").(string) grabinterval := toolkit.ToInt(intervalconf.Get("grabinterval", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto) mtkdata := Snapshot{} if _, f := mapsnapshot[id]; f { mtkdata = mapsnapshot[id] tempss.Starttime = mtkdata.Starttime //for data timeout mtklaststarttime = sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Laststartgrab) mtklastupdate = sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Lastupdate) timeoutint := toolkit.ToInt(grabconf.Get("timeout", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto) timeoutsec := time.Second * time.Duration(timeoutint) if mtkdata.Grabstatus == "running" && thistime.After(mtklaststarttime.Add(timeoutsec)) && timeoutint > 0 { mtkdata.Lastupdate = sedotan.DateToString(mtklaststarttime.Add(timeoutsec)) mtklastupdate = sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Lastupdate) mtkdata.Lastgrabstatus = "failed" mtkdata.Grabstatus = "done" } // set initial - found a long time ago snapshot if intervalstart.After(sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Starttime)) { tempss.Starttime = sedotan.DateToString(thistime) mtkdata.Grabcount = 0 mtkdata.Rowgrabbed = 0 mtkdata.Errorfound = 0 mtkdata.Lastgrabstatus = "" } } if mtkdata.Lastgrabstatus == "failed" { grabinterval = toolkit.ToInt(intervalconf.Get("timeoutinterval", 0), toolkit.RoundingAuto) } if strintervalconf != "" && intervalstart.Before(thistime) { _, fcond := mapsnapshot[id] switch { case !fcond || intervalstart.After(sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Starttime)): cond = true case intervalconf.Get("grabinterval", 0).(float64) > 0: var durationgrab time.Duration switch strintervaltype { case "seconds": durationgrab = time.Second * time.Duration(grabinterval) case "minutes": durationgrab = time.Minute * time.Duration(grabinterval) case "hours": durationgrab = time.Hour * time.Duration(grabinterval) } nextgrab := mtklastupdate.Add(durationgrab) if nextgrab.Before(thistime) && !mtklastupdate.IsZero() { cond = true tempss.Grabcount = mtkdata.Grabcount + 1 tempss.Rowgrabbed = mtkdata.Rowgrabbed tempss.Errorfound = mtkdata.Errorfound tempss.Lastgrabstatus = mtkdata.Lastgrabstatus } } } mapcronconf, _ := toolkit.ToM(intervalconf.Get("cronconf", nil)) minutetime := sedotan.DateMinutePress(thistime) //review this and the usage and parsing in cron if len(mapcronconf) > 0 { //min hour dayofmonth month dayofweek cond = true arrstr := [6]string{"min", "hour", "dayofmonth", "month", "dayofweek"} // arrstr := [6]string{"month", "dayofmonth", "dayofweek", "hour", "min", "second"} for _, str := range arrstr { sval := toolkit.ToString(mapcronconf.Get(str, "")) ival := toolkit.ToInt(sval, toolkit.RoundingAuto) var valcom int switch str { // case "second": // valcom = thistime.Second() case "min": valcom = thistime.Minute() case "hour": valcom = thistime.Hour() case "dayofmonth": valcom = thistime.Day() case "month": valcom = toolkit.ToInt(thistime.Month(), toolkit.RoundingAuto) case "dayofweek": valcom = toolkit.ToInt(thistime.Weekday(), toolkit.RoundingAuto) } if sval != "*" && valcom != ival { cond = false } else { cond = cond && true } } if mtkdata.Laststartgrab != "" { cond = cond && minutetime.After(sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Laststartgrab)) } if cond && minutetime.Before(sedotan.StringToDate(mtkdata.Starttime)) { tempss.Grabcount = mtkdata.Grabcount + 1 tempss.Rowgrabbed = mtkdata.Rowgrabbed tempss.Errorfound = mtkdata.Errorfound tempss.Lastgrabstatus = mtkdata.Lastgrabstatus } } if cond { mapsnapshot[id] = tempss } return }
func (d *DataSourceController) parseQuery(query dbox.IQuery, queryInfo toolkit.M) (dbox.IQuery, MetaSave) { metaSave := MetaSave{} if qFrom := queryInfo.Get("from", "").(string); qFrom != "" { query = query.From(qFrom) } if qSelect := queryInfo.Get("select", "").(string); qSelect != "" { if qSelect != "*" { query = query.Select(strings.Split(qSelect, ",")...) } } if qTakeRaw, qTakeOK := queryInfo["take"]; qTakeOK { if qTake, ok := qTakeRaw.(float64); ok { query = query.Take(int(qTake)) } if qTake, ok := qTakeRaw.(int); ok { query = query.Take(qTake) } } if qSkipRaw, qSkipOK := queryInfo["skip"]; qSkipOK { if qSkip, ok := qSkipRaw.(float64); ok { query = query.Take(int(qSkip)) } if qSkip, ok := qSkipRaw.(int); ok { query = query.Take(qSkip) } } if qOrder := queryInfo.Get("order", "").(string); qOrder != "" { orderAll := map[string]string{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(qOrder), &orderAll) if err == nil { orderString := []string{} for key, val := range orderAll { orderString = append(orderString, key) orderString = append(orderString, val) } query = query.Order(orderString...) } } if qInsert := queryInfo.Get("insert", "").(string); qInsert != "" { if qInsert != "" { metaSave.keyword = "insert" = qInsert query = query.Insert() } } if qUpdate := queryInfo.Get("update", "").(string); qUpdate != "" { if qUpdate != "" { metaSave.keyword = "update" = qUpdate query = query.Update() } } if _, qDeleteOK := queryInfo["delete"]; qDeleteOK { metaSave.keyword = "delete" query = query.Delete() } if qCommand := queryInfo.Get("command", "").(string); qCommand != "" { command := map[string]interface{}{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(qCommand), &command) if err == nil { for key, value := range command { query = query.Command(key, value) break } } } if qWhere := queryInfo.Get("where", "").(string); qWhere != "" { whereAll := []map[string]interface{}{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(qWhere), &whereAll) if err == nil { allFilter := []*dbox.Filter{} for _, each := range whereAll { where, _ := toolkit.ToM(each) filter := d.filterParse(where) if filter != nil { allFilter = append(allFilter, filter) } } query = query.Where(allFilter...) } } return query, metaSave }
func (d *DataSourceController) filterParse(where toolkit.M) *dbox.Filter { field := where.Get("field", "").(string) value := fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"]) if key := where.Get("key", "").(string); key == "Eq" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Eq(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Eq(field, value) } } else if key == "Ne" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Ne(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Ne(field, value) } } else if key == "Lt" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Lt(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Lt(field, value) } } else if key == "Lte" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Lte(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Lte(field, value) } } else if key == "Gt" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Gt(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Gt(field, value) } } else if key == "Gte" { valueInt, errv := strconv.Atoi(fmt.Sprintf("%v", where["value"])) if errv == nil { return dbox.Gte(field, valueInt) } else { return dbox.Gte(field, value) } } else if key == "In" { valueArray := []interface{}{} for _, e := range strings.Split(value, ",") { valueArray = append(valueArray, strings.Trim(e, "")) } return dbox.In(field, valueArray...) } else if key == "Nin" { valueArray := []interface{}{} for _, e := range strings.Split(value, ",") { valueArray = append(valueArray, strings.Trim(e, "")) } return dbox.Nin(field, valueArray...) } else if key == "Contains" { return dbox.Contains(field, value) } else if key == "Or" { subs := where.Get("value", []interface{}{}).([]interface{}) filtersToMerge := []*dbox.Filter{} for _, eachSub := range subs { eachWhere, _ := toolkit.ToM(eachSub) filtersToMerge = append(filtersToMerge, d.filterParse(eachWhere)) } return dbox.Or(filtersToMerge...) } else if key == "And" { subs := where.Get("value", []interface{}{}).([]interface{}) filtersToMerge := []*dbox.Filter{} for _, eachSub := range subs { eachWhere, _ := toolkit.ToM(eachSub) filtersToMerge = append(filtersToMerge, d.filterParse(eachWhere)) } return dbox.And(filtersToMerge...) } return nil }
func foundCondition(dataCheck toolkit.M, cond toolkit.M) bool { resBool := false for key, val := range cond { if key == "$and" || key == "$or" { for i, sVal := range val.([]interface{}) { rVal := sVal.(map[string]interface{}) mVal := toolkit.M{} for rKey, mapVal := range rVal { mVal.Set(rKey, mapVal) } xResBool := foundCondition(dataCheck, mVal) if key == "$and" { if i == 0 { resBool = xResBool } else { resBool = resBool && xResBool } } else { if i == 0 { resBool = xResBool } else { resBool = resBool || xResBool } } } } else { if reflect.ValueOf(val).Kind() == reflect.Map { mVal := val.(map[string]interface{}) tomVal, _ := toolkit.ToM(mVal) switch { case tomVal.Has("$eq"): if tomVal["$eq"].(string) == dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } case tomVal.Has("$ne"): if tomVal["$ne"].(string) != dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } case tomVal.Has("$regex"): resBool, _ = regexp.MatchString(tomVal["$regex"].(string), dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string)) case tomVal.Has("$gt"): if tomVal["$gt"].(string) > dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } case tomVal.Has("$gte"): if tomVal["$gte"].(string) >= dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } case tomVal.Has("$lt"): if tomVal["$lt"].(string) < dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } case tomVal.Has("$lte"): if tomVal["$lte"].(string) <= dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } } } else if reflect.ValueOf(val).Kind() == reflect.String && val != dataCheck.Get(key, "").(string) { resBool = true } } } return resBool }
func (q *Query) Exec(parm toolkit.M) error { var e error if parm == nil { parm = toolkit.M{} } dbname := q.Connection().Info().Database driverName := q.GetDriverDB() // driverName = "oracle" tablename := "" data := parm.Get("data", nil) // fmt.Println("Hasil ekstraksi Param : ", data) /*========================EXTRACT FIELD, DATA AND FORMAT DATE=============================*/ var attributes string var values string var setUpdate, statement string var i int dataM, e := toolkit.ToM(data) if e != nil { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery, "Exec: data extraction", "Data encoding error: "+e.Error()) } if data != nil { for field, val := range dataM { namaField := field dataValues := val stringValues := StringValue(dataValues, driverName) if i == 0 { attributes = "(" + namaField setUpdate = namaField + " = " + stringValues values = "(" + stringValues } else { attributes += ", " + namaField setUpdate += ", " + namaField + " = " + stringValues values += ", " + stringValues } i += 1 } attributes += ")" values += ")" } /*=================================END OF EXTRACTION=======================================*/ temp := "" quyerParts := q.Parts() c := crowd.From(&quyerParts) groupParts := c.Group(func(x interface{}) interface{} { qp := x.(*dbox.QueryPart) temp = toolkit.JsonString(qp) return qp.PartType }, nil).Exec() parts := map[interface{}]interface{}{} if len(groupParts.Result.Data().([]crowd.KV)) > 0 { for _, kv := range groupParts.Result.Data().([]crowd.KV) { parts[kv.Key] = kv.Value } } fromParts, hasFrom := parts[dbox.QueryPartFrom] if !hasFrom { return errorlib.Error(packageName, "Query", modQuery, "Invalid table name") } tablename = fromParts.([]*dbox.QueryPart)[0].Value.(string) var where interface{} whereParts, hasWhere := parts[dbox.QueryPartWhere] if hasWhere { fb := q.Connection().Fb() for _, p := range whereParts.([]*dbox.QueryPart) { fs := p.Value.([]*dbox.Filter) for _, f := range fs { fb.AddFilter(f) } } where, e = fb.Build() if e != nil { } else { } } commandType := "" multi := false _, hasDelete := parts[dbox.QueryPartDelete] _, hasInsert := parts[dbox.QueryPartInsert] _, hasUpdate := parts[dbox.QueryPartUpdate] _, hasSave := parts[dbox.QueryPartSave] if hasDelete { commandType = dbox.QueryPartDelete } else if hasInsert { commandType = dbox.QueryPartInsert } else if hasUpdate { commandType = dbox.QueryPartUpdate } else if hasSave { commandType = dbox.QueryPartSave } var id string var idVal interface{} if data == nil { multi = true } else { if where == nil { id, idVal = toolkit.IdInfo(data) if id != "" { where = id + " = " + StringValue(idVal, "non") } } else { multi = true } } session := q.Session() sessionHive := q.SessionHive() if dbname != "" && tablename != "" && multi == true { } if commandType == dbox.QueryPartInsert { if attributes != "" && values != "" { if driverName == "hive" { statement = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " VALUES " + values e = sessionHive.Exec(statement, nil) } else { statement = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " " + attributes + " VALUES " + values _, e = session.Exec(statement) } if e != nil { fmt.Println(e.Error()) } } else { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, "please provide the data") } } else if commandType == dbox.QueryPartUpdate { if setUpdate != "" { var statement string if where != nil { statement = "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET " + setUpdate + " WHERE " + cast.ToString(where) } else { statement = "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET " + setUpdate } if driverName == "hive" { e = sessionHive.Exec(statement, nil) } else { _, e = session.Exec(statement) } if e != nil { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, cast.ToString(e.Error())) } } else { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, "please provide the data") } } else if commandType == dbox.QueryPartDelete { var statement string if where != nil { statement = "DELETE FROM " + tablename + " where " + cast.ToString(where) } else { statement = "DELETE FROM " + tablename } if driverName == "hive" { e = sessionHive.Exec(statement, nil) } else { _, e = session.Exec(statement) } if e != nil { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, cast.ToString(e.Error())) } } else if commandType == dbox.QueryPartSave { if attributes != "" && values != "" { var querystmt string if where != nil { querystmt = "select 1 as data from " + tablename + " where " + cast.ToString(where) } var rowCount int if driverName == "hive" { rowCount = 0 // row := sessionHive.Exec(querystmt, nil) // rowCount = toolkit.ToInt(row[0], "auto") } else { if querystmt != "" { rows, _ := session.Query(querystmt) for rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&rowCount) } } } var statement string if rowCount == 0 || where == nil { if driverName == "hive" { statement = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " VALUES " + values } else { statement = "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " " + attributes + " VALUES " + values } } else { statement = "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET " + setUpdate + " WHERE " + cast.ToString(where) } if driverName == "hive" { e = sessionHive.Exec(statement, nil) } else { _, e = session.Exec(statement) } if e != nil { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, cast.ToString(e.Error())) } } else if values == "" { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, "please provide the data") } } if e != nil { return errorlib.Error(packageName, modQuery+".Exec", commandType, e.Error()) } return nil }