Esempio n. 1
// eccaProxy: proxy the user requests and authenticate with the credentials we know.
func eccaProxy(req *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (*http.Request, *http.Response) {
	//log.Println("\n\n\nRequest is ", req.Method, req.URL.String())
	ctx.Logf("Start-of-eccaProxy handler")
	for _, c := range req.Cookies() {
		ctx.Logf("Cookie send by the client is: %#v", c.Name)

	// set the scheme to https so we connect upstream securely
	if req.URL.Scheme == "http" {
		req.URL.Scheme = "https"

	// Copy the body because we need it untouched. But we also need to parse
	// the POST parameters and that eats the original buffer with the body
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
	req.Body.Close() // close it before replacing. Prevents leaking file descriptors.

	// give the data back immedeately.
	req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body))

	// Read the parameters
	req.ParseForm()                                    // eats req.Body
	req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body)) // copy back in again

	// Check for POST method with 'encrypt', 'sign' or 'initiate-direct-connection' parameter.
	if req.Method == "POST" {
		if req.Form.Get("initiate-direct-connection") == "required" {
			// create a direct connection listener, awaiting reply
			return initiateDirectConnection(req)
		} else if req.Form.Get("encrypt") == "required" {
			// transparantly encrypt and sign for a private message
			return encryptMessage(req)
		} else if req.Form.Get("sign") == "required" || req.Form.Get("sign") == "optional" {
			// transparently sign the message before publication
			return signMessage(req, ctx)

	// Fetch the request from upstream
	resp, err := fetchRequest(req, ctx)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Warnf("There was an error fetching the users' request: %v", err)
		return req, goproxy.NewResponse(req,
			goproxy.ContentTypeText, http.StatusInternalServerError,
			"Some server error!")

	ctx.Logf("response is %#v", resp)
	for _, c := range resp.Cookies() {
		ctx.Logf("Cookie send by the server is: %#v\n", c.Name)
	ctx.Logf("End-of-eccaProxy handler")
	//log.Printf("Sleeping for 10 seconds...\n")
	//time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	return nil, resp // let goproxy send our response
Esempio n. 2
// fetchRequest fetches the original users' request.
// adds client certificate to authenticate
func fetchRequest(req *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (*http.Response, error) {
	// clean up the recycled header we got from the user
	ctx.Logf("OldRequestURI is %s", req.RequestURI)
	req.RequestURI = ""

	client, err := makeClient(req.URL.Host)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ctx.Logf("Connecting to: %s", req.URL.String())
	resp, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// The rest of this function should go in a separate Response handler..
	// test if we need to authenticate.
	if resp.StatusCode != 401 {
		// nope, we're done. Exit here.
		return resp, nil
	ctx.Logf("status code is 401")

	// We have an 401-authorization failed
	// Test for a WWW-Authenticate: Ecca .... header.

	auth := ParseWWWAuthHeader(resp.Header.Get("Www-Authenticate"))
	if auth == nil {
		// No Ecca-authentication required. We're done. Exit here.
		log.Printf("No WWW-Authenticate: Ecca header, sending 401 response to client")
		return resp, nil
	ctx.Logf("WWW-Authenticate: Ecca header found: %#v", auth)

	// remember registerURL for the signup-phase
	registerURLmap[req.Host] = auth["register"]

	// redirect to Ecca-Proxy user agent (ourself) to log in or sign up
	resp = redirectToSelector(req)
	return resp, nil