Esempio n. 1
func deployContract(deploy *definitions.Deploy, do *definitions.Do, r response.ResponseItem, p string) (string, error) {
	log.WithField("=>", string(r.ABI)).Debug("ABI Specification (From Compilers)")
	contractCode := r.Bytecode

	// Save ABI
	if _, err := os.Stat(do.ABIPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := os.Mkdir(do.ABIPath, 0775); err != nil {
			return "", err

	// saving contract/library abi
	var abiLocation string
	if r.Objectname != "" {
		abiLocation = filepath.Join(do.ABIPath, r.Objectname)
		log.WithField("=>", abiLocation).Debug("Saving ABI")
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(abiLocation, []byte(r.ABI), 0664); err != nil {
			return "", err
	} else {
		log.Debug("Objectname from compilers is blank. Not saving abi.")

	// saving binary
	if deploy.SaveBinary {
		contractDir := filepath.Dir(deploy.Contract)
		contractName := filepath.Join(contractDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.bin", strings.TrimSuffix(deploy.Contract, filepath.Ext(deploy.Contract))))
		log.WithField("=>", contractName).Info("Saving Binary")
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(contractName, []byte(contractCode), 0664); err != nil {
			return "", err
	} else {
		log.Debug("Not saving binary.")

	// additional data may be sent along with the contract
	// these are naively added to the end of the contract code using standard
	// mint packing

	if deploy.Data != nil {
		_, callDataArray, err := util.PreProcessInputData(r.Objectname, deploy.Data, do, true)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		packedBytes, err := util.ReadAbiFormulateCall(r.Objectname, "", callDataArray, do)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		callData := hex.EncodeToString(packedBytes)
		contractCode = contractCode + callData

	tx, err := deployRaw(do, deploy, r.Objectname, contractCode)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// Sign, broadcast, display
	result, err := deployFinalize(do, tx, deploy.Wait)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Error finalizing contract deploy %s: %v", p, err)

	// saving contract/library abi at abi/address
	if result != "" {
		abiLocation := filepath.Join(do.ABIPath, result)
		log.WithField("=>", abiLocation).Debug("Saving ABI")
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(abiLocation, []byte(r.ABI), 0664); err != nil {
			return "", err
	} else {
		// we shouldn't reach this point because we should have an error before this.
		log.Error("The contract did not deploy. Unable to save abi to abi/contractAddress.")

	return result, err
Esempio n. 2
func CallJob(call *definitions.Call, do *definitions.Do) (string, []*definitions.Variable, error) {
	var err error
	var callData string
	var callDataArray []string
	// Preprocess variables
	call.Source, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Source, do)
	call.Destination, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Destination, do)
	//todo: find a way to call the fallback function here
	call.Function, callDataArray, err = util.PreProcessInputData(call.Function, call.Data, do, false)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err
	call.Function, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Function, do)
	call.Amount, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Amount, do)
	call.Nonce, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Nonce, do)
	call.Fee, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Fee, do)
	call.Gas, _ = util.PreProcess(call.Gas, do)
	call.ABI, _ = util.PreProcess(call.ABI, do)

	// Use default
	call.Source = useDefault(call.Source, do.Package.Account)
	call.Amount = useDefault(call.Amount, do.DefaultAmount)
	call.Fee = useDefault(call.Fee, do.DefaultFee)
	call.Gas = useDefault(call.Gas, do.DefaultGas)

	// formulate call
	var packedBytes []byte
	if call.ABI == "" {
		packedBytes, err = util.ReadAbiFormulateCall(call.Destination, call.Function, callDataArray, do)
		callData = hex.EncodeToString(packedBytes)
	} else {
		packedBytes, err = util.ReadAbiFormulateCall(call.ABI, call.Function, callDataArray, do)
		callData = hex.EncodeToString(packedBytes)
	if err != nil {
		if call.Function == "()" {
			log.Warn("Calling the fallback function")
		} else {
			var str, err = util.ABIErrorHandler(do, err, call, nil)
			return str, make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	// Don't use pubKey if account override
	var oldKey string
	if call.Source != do.Package.Account {
		oldKey = do.PublicKey
		do.PublicKey = ""

		"destination": call.Destination,
		"function":    call.Function,
		"data":        callData,

	erisNodeClient := client.NewErisNodeClient(do.Chain)
	erisKeyClient := keys.NewErisKeyClient(do.Signer)
	tx, err := core.Call(erisNodeClient, erisKeyClient, do.PublicKey, call.Source, call.Destination, call.Amount, call.Nonce, call.Gas, call.Fee, callData)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	// Don't use pubKey if account override
	if call.Source != do.Package.Account {
		do.PublicKey = oldKey

	// Sign, broadcast, display

	res, err := core.SignAndBroadcast(do.ChainID, erisNodeClient, erisKeyClient, tx, true, true, call.Wait)
	if err != nil {
		var str, err = util.MintChainErrorHandler(do, err)
		return str, make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	txResult := res.Return
	var result string

	// Formally process the return
	if txResult != nil {
		log.WithField("=>", result).Debug("Decoding Raw Result")
		if call.ABI == "" {
			call.Variables, err = util.ReadAndDecodeContractReturn(call.Destination, call.Function, txResult, do)
		} else {
			call.Variables, err = util.ReadAndDecodeContractReturn(call.ABI, call.Function, txResult, do)
		if err != nil {
			return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err
		log.WithField("=>", call.Variables).Debug("call variables:")
		result = util.GetReturnValue(call.Variables)
		if result != "" {
			log.WithField("=>", result).Warn("Return Value")
		} else {
			log.Debug("No return.")
	} else {
		log.Debug("No return from contract.")

	if call.Save == "tx" {
		log.Info("Saving tx hash instead of contract return")
		result = fmt.Sprintf("%X", res.Hash)

	return result, call.Variables, nil
Esempio n. 3
func QueryContractJob(query *definitions.QueryContract, do *definitions.Do) (string, []*definitions.Variable, error) {
	// Preprocess variables. We don't preprocess data as it is processed by ReadAbiFormulateCall
	query.Source, _ = util.PreProcess(query.Source, do)
	query.Destination, _ = util.PreProcess(query.Destination, do)
	query.ABI, _ = util.PreProcess(query.ABI, do)

	var queryDataArray []string
	var err error
	query.Function, queryDataArray, err = util.PreProcessInputData(query.Function, query.Data, do, false)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err
	// Set the from and the to
	fromAddrBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(query.Source)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err
	toAddrBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(query.Destination)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	// Get the packed data from the ABI functions
	var data string
	var packedBytes []byte
	if query.ABI == "" {
		packedBytes, err = util.ReadAbiFormulateCall(query.Destination, query.Function, queryDataArray, do)
		data = hex.EncodeToString(packedBytes)
	} else {
		packedBytes, err = util.ReadAbiFormulateCall(query.ABI, query.Function, queryDataArray, do)
		data = hex.EncodeToString(packedBytes)
	if err != nil {
		var str, err = util.ABIErrorHandler(do, err, nil, query)
		return str, make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err
	dataBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(data)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	// Call the client
	nodeClient := client.NewErisNodeClient(do.Chain)
	result, _, err := nodeClient.QueryContract(fromAddrBytes, toAddrBytes, dataBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	// Formally process the return
	log.WithField("res", result).Debug("Decoding Raw Result")
	if query.ABI == "" {
		log.WithField("abi", query.Destination).Debug()
		query.Variables, err = util.ReadAndDecodeContractReturn(query.Destination, query.Function, result, do)
	} else {
		log.WithField("abi", query.ABI).Debug()
		query.Variables, err = util.ReadAndDecodeContractReturn(query.ABI, query.Function, result, do)
	if err != nil {
		return "", make([]*definitions.Variable, 0), err

	result2 := util.GetReturnValue(query.Variables)
	// Finalize
	if result2 != "" {
		log.WithField("=>", result2).Warn("Return Value")
	} else {
		log.Debug("No return.")
	return result2, query.Variables, nil