Esempio n. 1
func getTaskHistory(t *task.Task, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var t2 *task.Task = t
	var err error
	if t.Requester == evergreen.PatchVersionRequester {
		t2, err = t.FindTaskOnBaseCommit()
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		t.RevisionOrderNumber = t2.RevisionOrderNumber

	before := []TaskJSON{}
	jsonQuery := db.Query(bson.M{
		ProjectIdKey:           t.Project,
		VariantKey:             t.BuildVariant,
		RevisionOrderNumberKey: bson.M{"$lte": t.RevisionOrderNumber},
		TaskNameKey:            t.DisplayName,
		IsPatchKey:             false,
		NameKey:                mux.Vars(r)["name"]})
	jsonQuery = jsonQuery.Sort([]string{"-order"}).Limit(100)
	err = db.FindAllQ(collection, jsonQuery, &before)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	//reverse order of "before" because we had to sort it backwards to apply the limit correctly:
	for i, j := 0, len(before)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		before[i], before[j] = before[j], before[i]

	after := []TaskJSON{}
	jsonAfterQuery := db.Query(bson.M{
		ProjectIdKey:           t.Project,
		VariantKey:             t.BuildVariant,
		RevisionOrderNumberKey: bson.M{"$gt": t.RevisionOrderNumber},
		TaskNameKey:            t.DisplayName,
		IsPatchKey:             false,
		NameKey:                mux.Vars(r)["name"]}).Sort([]string{"order"}).Limit(100)
	err = db.FindAllQ(collection, jsonAfterQuery, &after)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

	//concatenate before + after
	before = append(before, after...)

	// if our task was a patch, replace the base commit's info in the history with the patch
	if t.Requester == evergreen.PatchVersionRequester {
		before, err = fixPatchInHistory(t.Id, t2, before)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, before)
Esempio n. 2
// ByProjectId finds all non-patch versions within a project.
func ByProjectId(projectId string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(
			ProjectKey:   projectId,
			RequesterKey: evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
Esempio n. 3
// ByUserWithRunningStatus produces a query that returns all
// running hosts for the given user id.
func ByUserWithRunningStatus(user string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(
			StartedByKey: user,
			StatusKey:    bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.HostTerminated},
Esempio n. 4
func fixPatchInHistory(taskId string, base *task.Task, history []TaskJSON) ([]TaskJSON, error) {
	var jsonForTask *TaskJSON
	err := db.FindOneQ(collection, db.Query(bson.M{"task_id": taskId}), &jsonForTask)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if base != nil {
		jsonForTask.RevisionOrderNumber = base.RevisionOrderNumber
	if jsonForTask == nil {
		return history, nil

	found := false
	for i, item := range history {
		if item.Revision == base.Revision {
			history[i] = *jsonForTask
			found = true
	// if found is false, it means we don't have json on the base commit, so it was
	// not replaced and we must add it explicitly
	if !found {
		history = append(history, *jsonForTask)
	return history, nil
Esempio n. 5
// getTasksForLatestVersion sends back the TaskJSON data associated with the latest version.
func getTasksForLatestVersion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	name := mux.Vars(r)["name"]
	var jsonTask TaskJSON

	projects := []string{}
	err := util.ReadJSONInto(r.Body, &projects)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

	versionData := []VersionData{}
	for _, project := range projects {
		err := db.FindOneQ(collection, db.Query(bson.M{NameKey: name,
			ProjectIdKey: project}).Sort([]string{"-" + RevisionOrderNumberKey}).WithFields(VersionIdKey), &jsonTask)
		if err != nil {
			if err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
				http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		if jsonTask.VersionId == "" {
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		jsonTasks, err := findTasksForVersion(jsonTask.VersionId, name)
		if jsonTasks == nil {
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

		// get the version commit info
		v, err := version.FindOne(version.ById(jsonTask.VersionId))
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if v == nil {
			http.Error(w, "{}", http.StatusNotFound)

		commitInfo := CommitInfo{
			Author:     v.Author,
			Message:    v.Message,
			CreateTime: v.CreateTime,
			Revision:   v.Revision,
			VersionId:  jsonTask.VersionId,

		versionData = append(versionData, VersionData{jsonTasks, commitInfo})
	plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, versionData)
Esempio n. 6
// getTask finds a json document by using thex task that is in the plugin.
func getTaskByName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	t := plugin.GetTask(r)
	if t == nil {
		http.Error(w, "task not found", http.StatusNotFound)
	name := mux.Vars(r)["name"]
	taskName := mux.Vars(r)["task_name"]

	var jsonForTask TaskJSON
	err := db.FindOneQ(collection, db.Query(bson.M{VersionIdKey: t.Version, BuildIdKey: t.BuildId, NameKey: name,
		TaskNameKey: taskName}), &jsonForTask)
	if err != nil {
		if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
			plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusNotFound, nil)
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	if len(r.FormValue("full")) != 0 { // if specified, include the json data's container as well
		plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, jsonForTask)
	plugin.WriteJSON(w, http.StatusOK, jsonForTask.Data)
Esempio n. 7
// ByRevisionAndVariant creates a query that returns the non-patch build for
// a revision + buildvariant combionation.
func ByRevisionAndVariant(revision, variant string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		RevisionKey:     revision,
		RequesterKey:    evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
		BuildVariantKey: variant,
Esempio n. 8
func ByFirstFailureInTaskType(versionId, taskName string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		TypeKey:      FirstTaskTypeFailureId,
		VersionIdKey: versionId,
		TaskNameKey:  taskName,
Esempio n. 9
// ByUserProjectAndGitspec produces a query that returns patches by the given
// patch author, project, and gitspec.
func ByUserProjectAndGitspec(user string, project string, gitspec string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		AuthorKey:  user,
		ProjectKey: project,
		GithashKey: gitspec,
Esempio n. 10
func ByFirstFailureInVariant(versionId, variant string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		TypeKey:      FirstVariantFailureId,
		VersionIdKey: versionId,
		VariantKey:   variant,
Esempio n. 11
func ByRecentlyFinished(finishTime time.Time, project string, requester string) db.Q {
	query := bson.M{}
	andClause := []bson.M{}

	// filter by finish_time
	timeOpt := bson.M{
		FinishTimeKey: bson.M{
			"$gt": finishTime,

	// filter by requester
	requesterOpt := bson.M{
		RequesterKey: requester,

	// build query
	andClause = append(andClause, bson.M{
		"$or": FinishedOpts,

	andClause = append(andClause, timeOpt)
	andClause = append(andClause, requesterOpt)

	// filter by project
	if project != "" {
		projectOpt := bson.M{
			ProjectKey: project,
		andClause = append(andClause, projectOpt)

	query["$and"] = andClause
	return db.Query(query)
Esempio n. 12
func ByLastRevNotFound(projectId, versionId string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		TypeKey:      LastRevisionNotFound,
		ProjectIdKey: projectId,
		VersionIdKey: versionId,
Esempio n. 13
func ByIds(userIds ...string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		IdKey: bson.M{
			"$in": userIds,
Esempio n. 14
// Helper to make the appropriate query to the versions collection for what
// we will need.  "before" indicates whether to fetch versions before or
// after the passed-in task.
func makeVersionsQuery(anchorOrderNum int, projectId string, versionsToFetch int, before bool) ([]version.Version, error) {
	// decide how the versions we want relative to the task's revision order number
	ronQuery := bson.M{"$gt": anchorOrderNum}
	if before {
		ronQuery = bson.M{"$lt": anchorOrderNum}

	// switch how to sort the versions
	sortVersions := []string{version.RevisionOrderNumberKey}
	if before {
		sortVersions = []string{"-" + version.RevisionOrderNumberKey}

	// fetch the versions
	return version.Find(
			version.IdentifierKey:          projectId,
			version.RevisionOrderNumberKey: ronQuery,

Esempio n. 15
func (iter *taskHistoryIterator) findAllVersions(v *version.Version, numRevisions int, before, include bool) ([]version.Version, bool, error) {
	versionQuery := bson.M{
		version.RequesterKey:  evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
		version.IdentifierKey: iter.ProjectName,

	// If including the specified version in the result, then should
	// get an additional revision
	if include {

	// Determine the comparator to use based on whether the revisions
	// come before/after the specified version
	compare, order := "$gt", version.RevisionOrderNumberKey
	if before {
		compare, order = "$lt", fmt.Sprintf("-%v", version.RevisionOrderNumberKey)
		if include {
			compare = "$lte"
	} else if include {
		compare = "$gte"

	if v != nil {
		versionQuery[version.RevisionOrderNumberKey] = bson.M{compare: v.RevisionOrderNumber}

	// Get the next numRevisions, plus an additional one to check if have
	// reached the beginning/end of history
	versions, err := version.Find(
		).Sort([]string{order}).Limit(numRevisions + 1))

	// Check if there were fewer results returned by the query than what
	// the limit was set as
	exhausted := len(versions) <= numRevisions
	if !exhausted {
		// Exclude the last version because we actually only wanted
		// `numRevisions` number of commits
		versions = versions[:len(versions)-1]

	// The iterator can only be exhausted if an actual version was specified
	exhausted = exhausted || (v == nil && numRevisions == 0)

	if !before {
		// Reverse the order so that the most recent version is first
		for i, j := 0, len(versions)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
			versions[i], versions[j] = versions[j], versions[i]
	return versions, exhausted, err
Esempio n. 16
// ByDistroId produces a query that returns all working hosts (not terminated and
// not quarantined) of the given distro.
func ByDistroId(distroId string) db.Q {
	dId := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", DistroKey, distro.IdKey)
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		dId:          distroId,
		StartedByKey: evergreen.User,
		StatusKey:    bson.M{"$in": evergreen.UphostStatus},
Esempio n. 17
// ByProjectIdAndRevision finds non-patch versions for the given project and revision.
func ByProjectIdAndRevision(projectId, revision string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(
			ProjectKey:   projectId,
			RevisionKey:  revision,
			RequesterKey: evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
Esempio n. 18
// ByProjectId finds all versions within a project, ordered by most recently created to oldest.
// The requester controls if it should search patch or non-patch versions.
func ByMostRecentForRequester(projectId, requester string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(
			RequesterKey: requester,
			ProjectKey:   projectId,
	).Sort([]string{"-" + RevisionOrderNumberKey})
Esempio n. 19
// ByHungSince produces a query that returns all working hosts that
// started their tasks before the given time.
func ByHungSince(threshold time.Time) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		RunningTaskKey:      bson.M{"$ne": ""},
		TaskDispatchTimeKey: bson.M{"$lte": threshold},
		StatusKey:           bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.HostTerminated},
		StartedByKey:        evergreen.User,
Esempio n. 20
// ByUnprovisionedSince produces a query that returns all hosts
// Evergreen never finished setting up that were created before
// the given time.
func ByUnprovisionedSince(threshold time.Time) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		ProvisionedKey: false,
		CreateTimeKey:  bson.M{"$lte": threshold},
		StatusKey:      bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.HostTerminated},
		StartedByKey:   evergreen.User,
Esempio n. 21
// ByStatusAndActivation creates a query that returns tasks of a certain status and activation state.
func ByStatusAndActivation(status string, active bool) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		ActivatedKey: active,
		StatusKey:    status,
		//Filter out blacklisted tasks
		PriorityKey: bson.M{"$gte": 0},
Esempio n. 22
// ByPreviousFailureTransition finds the last alert record that was stored for a task/variant
// within a given project.
// This can be used to determine whether or not a newly detected failure transition should trigger
// an alert. If an alert was already sent for a failed task, which transitioned from a succsesfulwhose commit order number is
func ByLastFailureTransition(taskName, variant, projectId string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		TypeKey:      TaskFailTransitionId,
		TaskNameKey:  taskName,
		VariantKey:   variant,
		ProjectIdKey: projectId,
	}).Sort([]string{"-" + RevisionOrderNumberKey}).Limit(1)
Esempio n. 23
// ByProjectIdAndOrder finds non-patch versions for the given project with revision
// order numbers less than or equal to revisionOrderNumber.
func ByProjectIdAndOrder(projectId string, revisionOrderNumber int) db.Q {
	return db.Query(
			ProjectKey:             projectId,
			RevisionOrderNumberKey: bson.M{"$lte": revisionOrderNumber},
			RequesterKey:           evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
Esempio n. 24
// ByAfterRevision builds a query that returns all builds
// that happened at or after the given revision for the project/variant.
// Results are sorted by revision order, ascending.
func ByAfterRevision(project, buildVariant string, revision int) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		ProjectKey:             project,
		BuildVariantKey:        buildVariant,
		RequesterKey:           evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,
		RevisionOrderNumberKey: bson.M{"$gte": revision},
Esempio n. 25
// ByProjectAndVariant creates a query that finds all completed builds for a given project
// and variant, while also specifying a requester
func ByProjectAndVariant(project, variant, requester string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		ProjectKey:      project,
		StatusKey:       bson.M{"$in": evergreen.CompletedStatuses},
		BuildVariantKey: variant,
		RequesterKey:    requester,
Esempio n. 26
// ByExpiredSicne produces a query that returns any user-spawned hosts
// that will expired after the given time.
func ByExpiredSince(time time.Time) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		StartedByKey: bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.User},
		StatusKey: bson.M{
			"$nin": []string{evergreen.HostTerminated, evergreen.HostQuarantined},
		ExpirationTimeKey: bson.M{"$lte": time},
Esempio n. 27
// ByExpiringBetween produces a query that returns  any user-spawned hosts
// that will expire between the specified times.
func ByExpiringBetween(lowerBound time.Time, upperBound time.Time) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		StartedByKey: bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.User},
		StatusKey: bson.M{
			"$nin": []string{evergreen.HostTerminated, evergreen.HostQuarantined},
		ExpirationTimeKey: bson.M{"$gte": lowerBound, "$lte": upperBound},
Esempio n. 28
// ByUnproductiveSince produces a query that returns all hosts that
// are not doign work and were created before the given time.
func ByUnproductiveSince(threshold time.Time) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		"$or":         noRunningTask,
		LTCKey:        "",
		CreateTimeKey: bson.M{"$lte": threshold},
		StatusKey:     bson.M{"$ne": evergreen.HostTerminated},
		StartedByKey:  evergreen.User,
Esempio n. 29
func ByOrderNumbersForNameAndVariant(revisionOrder []int, displayName, buildVariant string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		RevisionOrderNumberKey: bson.M{
			"$in": revisionOrder,
		DisplayNameKey:  displayName,
		BuildVariantKey: buildVariant,
Esempio n. 30
// ByCommit creates a query on Evergreen as the requester on a revision, buildVariant, displayName and project.
func ByCommit(revision, buildVariant, displayName, project, requester string) db.Q {
	return db.Query(bson.M{
		RevisionKey:     revision,
		RequesterKey:    requester,
		BuildVariantKey: buildVariant,
		DisplayNameKey:  displayName,
		ProjectKey:      project,